Torchwick is pacing his cell. His mind has been clouded and, if he was to be honest, Ironwood has been driving him nuts. The man keeps yo-yoing back and forth between smug and enraged and it's starting to get on the ginger's nerves. Plus it's been a few days since that dream of his. He has this overall feeling that something bad is gonna happen and that Red is connected to it somehow. Plus he kind of misses her. Torchwick stops his pacing, facepalms, and then shakes his head to clear it. He is NOT missing some tiny girl in a red hood with an overgrown weed hacker.

Still, she has been one of the few people other than Ironwood that he's seen since his capture. And for some reason, he can't shake her promise to come see him again. "Come on Roman! It was just a dream! Come back to reality man," he mutters to himself. He looks out of his cell to see the red light of sunset on the floor. 'Another day in the slammer passed, huh?'

He hears the door open and hears voices. "So, you are here without Ozpin because…?"

"I'm supposed to be learning how criminals think. So as to become a better huntress. You don't mind do you?"

Torchwick couldn't believe his ears, or his eyes for that matter. Standing in front of him were Ironwood and…Red. He blinks at their arrival, dumbstruck at how relieved he feels with her standing in front of him. "Right. Here he is Miss Rose. Just push that button on the side of his cell if you need me." With that, Ironwood walks away and out the door, leaving a confused Torchwick behind with Ruby Rose. "Umm, hi."

He looks very pointedly at her and mimics," 'Umm, hi.' Really? What are ya here for Red?" Ruby looks at the floor and scuffs it a bit with her boot. "I just wanted to come talk to you. See how you were doing…keep you caught up." Roman cocks an eyebrow, "Caught up?"

Ruby nods, "On the world outside. You don't get much in the way of news right?" Torchwick nods and gestures for her to go on. "Well first off, Neo says 'hi'." If Torchwick had been drinking anything, he would have choked, "Neo!?" Ruby continues, "Yeah. I ran into her on my way here, and she's taking care of something for me right now anyway…" At Torchwick's raised brow she answers with, "It's a long story. Next, there are investigations going on in the city to find White Fang activity. No progress obviously, but I'm glad Ironwood is spending his time doing something more productive than harassing you for information you won't give…I wish you'd give him something. Something tiny and somewhat insignificant, just so the council sees there is still use for you…" The last part is muttered under her breath, barely audible. Torchwick hears it anyway, "Why are you so concerned?"

Ruby snaps her head up and meets his eyes with her own. 'Holy crap! Have her eyes always been this pretty?' He thinks to himself before being slightly disgusted at his own thoughts. Ruby doesn't seem to notice his internal argument and continues, "There are things going on here that are not right. There are plans for revenge and personal satisfaction being disguised as a means of doling out justice. I need you to lie and smooth talk your way out of every situation you can. Act as though your life depends on it, okay? I'll see you in a week." Ruby then turns to walk out of the room, and Torchwick calls after her, "Why did you come today Red?"

Ruby just looks at him and says, very quietly, "Because I promised I would." She then leaves, confining Torchwick to his very small cell and reeling thoughts. 'She…promised?' His thoughts suddenly go back to the dream, before he shakes his head, "Nah, it couldn't be."

Ruby breathes a sigh of relief when she finally makes it back into her dorm room. It had taken her all day to work up the courage to see him (at least she got all of her homework done) and she was only there a few minutes. She clambers up on to her bed and flings her cape onto the floor. No doubt Weiss will complain, but she can't bring herself to care. Usually she hates it when Weiss yells at her and for the longest time, she didn't know why it bugged her so much. She almost fell over when she realized it. She couldn't figure out why until she saw Weiss's evident crush on Neptune and felt a burning rage. She eventually discovered that the sensation was jealousy, which meant she had a crush on Weiss.

Let's make the note that 'had' is a key word. The feeling has died down recently and Ruby is blaming the whole situation on teenage hormones. Sure, she still thinks that Weiss is pretty, but so is Blake, and Yang…and that girl from the other school is downright gorgeous. What was her name again, Cinder? Ruby realizes now that she isn't the straightest stick in the forest but she does still like the opposite sex. She finds Jaune handsome enough, Neptune pretty attractive, if not a bit smug, and Ren is pretty…yeah, pretty is a good word for him. She shakes her head at her thoughts. They keep going back to what Weiss said yesterday when they all went out together. "You never take interest in people Ruby! What happens when you get old enough and want to settle down?"

Ruby giggles remembering how Yang got angry and protective. Ruby sighs and pushes those thoughts to the back of her mind. She has bigger problems right now and is too busy to be a teenage girl. Right now, she needs to focus on being a hero and saving Torchwick from impossible odds. One of the main reasons she was there today was to scope out how the interior of the prison looks. Schematics and blue prints are awesome in theory, but they mean almost nothing if you have no clue how they translate. She sighs, her head filled with too many thoughts, and tries to settle down for sleep.

The next day continues like any other. Team RWBY goes to breakfast and chat with team JNPR. Ruby looks at how close Ren and Nora are and envies them a bit. They are inseparable and Ruby kind of wishes to have something similar with someone. She also note Jaune's complete lack of understanding when it comes to Pyrrah's feelings. However, he seems to have given up on Weiss. She keeps all of these observations to herself and continues to act in her usual cheerful way.

She enters Ozpin's office and immediately picks up her mug and sits at the desk Ozpin had set up for her. The coffee is a bit more bitter than usual and she realizes that he missed a sugar. She shrugs and continues drinking it anyway. She then takes note that something is missing from her desk. A floor plan that she drew up on Friday. She had been thinking, that after she rescues him, where does he go? She can't just release him, he'll get caught or attacked by the ones he worked for. They would want to tie up all loose ends after all. So Ruby had been designing a safehouse of sorts and was trying to think of a location for it. She gets up and begins looking for the floorplan. She hears someone clear their throat and looks up to see Ozpin standing by the door to his personal living quarters. In his hand is her schematic.

"Hello Professor." Ozpin nods and gestures for her to follow. He opens the door and enters it. Ruby follows closely and is suddenly standing in a hallway made of mirrors that reflect the shadows of the gears from above as well as anyone walking through it. She can see the door to his apartment down this hall before he stops her halfway and looks very pointedly at one mirror in particular. Ruby walks over to it and studies it, before lightly pressing on the cool glass.

The mirror swings open and Ruby sees a room with a window to the outside. She cocks her head to the side. There is no window this high up visible from the outside of the tower other than the one in Ozpin's office. She walks in and sees that it's not just one room, but rather a spacious, three bedroom apartment. "Wow…" She turns to look at Ozpin, who hands her the floorplan back. "You won't be needing this. He may stay here, as well as any of his associates that you deem worthy of protection." Ruby nods and thanks him. 'This'll make things easier,' she thinks to herself. Ruby then whips around and says, "We're gonna need to get a lock for that door. One that's not noticeable from the outside." Ozpin smirks, "Finally! I was wondering if you were ever going to let me in on the fun."

Author's Notes: Hello! I'm going to apologize for three things...

1)Not posting when I said I would.. My internet is on the fritz right now and I'm doing the best I can with what I've got.

2)The every changing format...I'm trying to work with the website's copy'n'paste method, and it's arguing with me.

3)The extremely long time it is taking for any romance to appear. It's a slow-build thing people. They are going to become friends first, okay?

Now that apologies are out of the way, HOLY CRAP, there are a lot of you guys following now. I am so happy right now! *squee* I'm so glad you guys like it! I hoped you like this chapter. So until next time, bu-bye!