Arturia played with the small squishy toy that sat on the cashier register. She fidgeted about with it, thinking about her parents and what they were going through. She hadn't called them since the time she'd gone out to the town and although she felt guilty, she knew it wasn't a good idea calling them with any phone from the village, she'd have to go out again. She tapped her nails on the counter and stopped upon hearing the chime of the door.

"Welcome!" She greeted with a smile. The customer walked towards her and simply paid without so much as a conversation. She also wasn't keen on having a conversation either so she wasn't really offended by the lack of attention.

"Arturia!' The door creaked open once more and her head snapped towards it.

"Diarmuid," she smiled, "what's up?"

"I wanted to go out to town, but I wanted to know what time you got off, I wanted you to tag along." He leaned on the counter, smiling at her and giving her a small and friendly wink. "Only if you'd like, that is."

It had been nearly a month since Grainne had left and they'd hung out a few times, so it wasn't a surprise that he was asking. Now that Grainne was gone, Diarmuid seemed to have more time on his hands and he wasn't exactly sure what to do with it. So, now, he was starting to hang out with Arturia and Jeanne more.

"Of course I'd like to go. I was actually thinking of going." Her smile widened and she leaned on the counter, inching slightly towards him. "I get off in two hours."

"Okay." He grinned. "I'll come to pick you up, then."

"Sounds good!" She leaned back on her seat and nodded. "I'll see you soon then."

He gave a salute before exiting the shop with a simple farewell.

Arturia hadn't wanted to think about it too much, but with the leave of Grainne, she was starting to notice that Diarmuid seemed more carefree and maybe even a little flirty with her. Of course, it was probably just her imagination. Why would he want to flirt with her when she was nothing special? Plus, she was in the countryside to get away from her problems, not create any more.

Arturia found herself staring at the clock many times, pining for the end of her shift where she could call her parents and spend some time with Diarmuid —her friend.

As soon as the clock struck five, she pulled off her uniform shirt and hurried to the backroom, seeing that Jean had arrived to take over the store. She offered a curt smile and shoved her shirt into the small locker before she ran to the bathroom.

She stared at herself for a bit, weighing her options of fixing her hair. Sadly she hadn't brought any makeup to do any touch-ups but luckily she had a tinted lip balm.

"Wait," she mumbled, "what am I doing?" She sighed. "Dia is my friend. I shouldn't —he just broke up. Why am I —?"

Arturia leaned away from the mirror, analyzing her messy hair and pale face. It was just chapstick, there wasn't anything wrong with wearing it, right?

After applying the chapstick, she walked out of the restroom and hurried out of the gas station. She fixed her jacket and looked around, she spotted Diarmuid's car near the vacuum area. Arturia couldn't suppress the smile that slid onto her face as she walked towards the parked car.

Arturia knocked on the passenger-side window and after catching his attention she waved at him.

Diarmuid immediately smiled and waved at her as she settled in the car. "How was your shift?" He asked, turning his whole body towards her.

She returned the smile and nodded. "It went well. How was your day?"

"Good." He shrugged. "Thanks for joining me, by the way, I'm glad you tagged along. I wasn't about going all by myself but Scathach was begging me to get something for her."

"Well, I'm thankful you invited me. I also need to go into town and run a few errands."

"Oh, they're having a small fair today, I was thinking we should check it out if you want. It's a small thing, just like a Ferris wheel and some stands." He glanced at her as he started the car.

"Yeah!" She nodded. "I'd love it. What's the fair for?"

"Oh, it's just a random thing they do before the winter hits."

She gave a small chuckle. "I see. Well, it'd be fun. I haven't really gone to a fair since...well since I was a kid."

"Really?" His brows knitted and he tilted his head. "Well then, today we'll make the most of it!"

The ride to the town didn't feel that long. They talked most of the way and it was only near the end that things got quiet and Arturia fell asleep.

Upon their arrival, Diarmuid shook her awake and with embarrassment, she sat up straight and thanked him. She hid her yawn while she stretched her legs; the late fall air stinging her nose. The air was fresh, however, and she loved it. It might've been getting dark earlier, but Arturia loved the wintertime, the cool weather, the snow (although that would happen later), and of course, the Christmas season. She would surely miss spending the season with her family, but there were new memories to make. Now that Christmas was just two weeks away, she was excited to see Lancelot and for the dinner at the Duibhne household.

"You can get the things for your sister while I go make a call if you'd like." Arturia wrapped the scarf around her neck while Diarmuid shoved his hands in his pocket.

They began their way down the street, passing by all kinds of people; couples, families, elderly folk. The town was packed, there were people everywhere. Flowers lined the road, along with lights and coloured umbrellas that hung from what could be clotheslines across the street.

It was a colourful sight, Arturia nearly stopped to admire how beautiful the town looked.

"It's okay, I can come with you." He smiled.

"Well. It'll be a quick call. I'll come to find you after, you don't have to worry about it."

Diarmuid slowly nodded. "Okay, just call me and I'll come to find you."

"Sounds good," she said, "I'll get going now."

With a quick wave, she turned around and made her way to the public telephone stand they passed by while they walked.

Even the telephone stand was filled with colour and flowers, she was impressed by how much the town went all out.

Closing the door behind herself, Arturia's hand landed on the smooth black telephone. She dug into her pocket and took out two coins. She picked up the phone and held it to her ear. The buzzing frightened her, it made her anxious and gave her second thoughts.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and pulling the phone away from her ear.

She inserted the coin and dialled the number, with every click, the coil of anxiety grew in her gut.



Brrii—"Hello, this is the Pendragon Residence."

Arturia's voice seemed to be stuck at the back of her throat. She couldn't speak. The coil had grown and she felt her heart beat faster, her breath escaping her.


Arturia gulped and took another deep breath. "H-Hello."

"Lady Arturia?" The maid questioned, her voice was weak as if she were unsure.

"Yes, I called to see how everyone was doing."

"Oh! You have to speak to your mother. I'll call her right away, please stay on the line darling."


There was shuffling and the sound of footsteps before silence. A few minutes later, there were footsteps and shuffling again.

"Arturia, sweetheart, please, come home." It was her mother's voice, she sounded out of breath and panicked. "Please, sweetheart. Come home, we'll change, we promise."

Arturia's grip on the phone tightened. "Mother...I'm fine here. I...made some friends. They're kind, and I have a job too. I've always wanted one, you know?"

"But baby, you can get a job here, there's plenty of them. And what about your friends here, sweetie?"

She sighed. "It's peaceful here. There's so much more for me here than there was in London. I'm doing well."

"Baby, please, tell me then, where are you, just so we know you're safe. I just want to know you're well, baby."

"Mum, I won't tell you. I'll visit you, though, in the new year, okay?"

A sob came from her mother.

"I have to go now, I'll call you again next week. Give father my love."

"Please, come back, we miss you." Igraine's voice cracked. "Please, baby."

"I'll be visiting. I love you, take care. And take care of father too." Arturia blinked the tears away. "I'll go home one day, but please let me stay out here for now."


"I'll call you next week, okay?"

"Please take care, sweetheart, and remember to bundle up. It's getting cold, so please take care."

"I will. Bye mum, I love you."

"I love you too."

Arturia hung up the call. She sighed and closed her eyes shut. The anxiety subsided and she felt calm and free. She remained in the telephone booth for a few more minutes before she collected her thoughts and left the booth. Digging into her pocket, she found her phone and gave Diarmuid a call, and sure enough, he met her a few ways away from the booth.

"Are you done your errands?" He asked, offering her a smile.

"Yes, how about you?"

"I don't know why Scathach had wanted me to get her three basketballs. The gym has enough."

"Were you able to find them?"

Diarmuid frowned, "They only had two left. I already put them in the car."

"So, we can visit the fair?" Arturia smiled.

He nodded and they both made their way towards the park, where they could see the towering Ferris Wheel.