A/N: This is a Collaboration with a friend on Tumblr. So quite a bit is already written. Please review!

Erik x OC, Chrsitine x Raoul

Chapter One

Erik Destler was many things. A monster...a freak...a phantom of the opera. But one thing he never considered himself was human, let alone a savior. He had locked himself up down below the grand Opera Populaire, and had spent his time learning many things becoming a composer, an architect, an artist, and many other things. Which is what lead him out of his lair, and out of the opera house early one Saturday morning.

It was mid January, and the snow had already fallen to the ground and accumulated there. The air was dry yet very cold and he almost wrapped his cloak tighter around himself before he stopped himself from making the very human move. He stayed to the shadows, even though the streets were bare, and continued his walk hoping to get the bread and cheese he needed before the people honestly began their trekking through the snow.

As he approached the baker, he noticed something in the snow. He slowed, titling his head to the side. He could see the fabric acting as a lump and covered in the snow. Most likely frozen solid. He did not know what possessed him to step forward and check the lump, but soon he realized it wasn't a lump of fabric at all.

It was a girl...a girl not that much younger than he himself was.

He frowned, feeling for a pulse and lifted her into his arms when he found one. He turned then, and carried her back to the opera. He would bring her to Madam Giry. He could stand one more day without replenishing his food stores. It wouldn't do any harm. He wasn't sure why he was helping this girl but something deep down told him he would regret it if he let her die.

So he used his secret passages, and avoided any who were wandering the halls before slipping into the ballet mistress' room. She jumped in surprise, a hand on her heart with wide eyes.

"Erik!" she gasped, "You gave me a fright!"

Then her eyes found the girl and lingered on her. He watched as they narrowed in suspicion.

"What have you done?" she asked seriously, every bit strict and proper.

He sneered. "Nothing. I found her half frozen in the snow. I couldn't just leave her there."

Antoinette's eyes softened and she relaxed. "Lay her down. Boil some water for me and then you may go. I'll help you."

He set her down on the bed, and bowed before slipping into the small bathroom. He made quick work of the water before bringing it to her. Then he slipped out of the room, heading back to his home beneath the Opera Populaire.

Kate was freezing. She shuddered violently, curling further beneath the blankets. Wait. Blankets? She'd been on the street, by the bakery. A warm cloth touched her face, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Good to see you awake," said the woman sitting next to the bed.

"Wh-Where am I?"

"The Opera Populaire. A...friend found you in the snow and brought you to me. Tell me, child. Why were you in the snow?" Madam Giry asked, kindness in her eyes.

Behind the wall of her room, Erik stood there. He had come by to check on the girl, not quite knowing what prompted him to do so. He pressed closer to the wall, wondering what had happened to the girl. Had she known a miserable life like his? He hadn't seen any visible scars or deformities...

Kate bit her lip. "I… was running away. My mother and stepfather were… cruel. I didn't want to live like that anymore." She shivered again.

"I'm sorry child. Could you...would you mind telling me about your situation? I promise it will not leave this room," Antoinette said seriously, "I like to know who I ask the managers to allow to stay here while working. I'm assuming you need a home to live it."

Erik felt himself lean closer. Her mother and stepfather...cruel? Could she have suffered much like he did? A girl with such perfect features?

Kate looked at her with wide eyes. She was going to be able to stay? Then she looked away. "My father died a few years ago. He and my mother fought a lot, especially about me. And when he died, my mother started hitting me. Then… she remarried, and he was… even worse. I–they whipped me. Sometimes they didn't–they didn't feed me."

Antoinette frowned in worry and sympathy for the girl. "I will speak with the managers and see if we have anything for you. Do you sing or dance? Or should I ask them if they have a maid opening?"

Erik was quietly thinking of this girl. She had suffered much like he had but at least his mother hadn't actually hit him. Yes she yelled and said such hurtful things...and sold him to gypsies that beat him, but she never actually raised her hand to him. For a moment he felt some sort of weird kinship to this girl and decided he would keep an eye on her.

She may surprise him.

A/N: Review please! Or at least continue reading :D