Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Special: Holiday


Setting: Youko never fused with Kurama. Kuronue and the kids are alive. Youko knows the YYH gang. Youko and Ayama are mates.

Summary: A what if situation of Ayama and Youko taking a day off to wander around human world.

A/N: This fic is not off hiatus. I've transferred these as is from my fanfiction blog. If you're interested in my writing beyond fanfiction, then please support me by ordering my books. The level of writing, I promise, is way beyond anything I put up here—as this fic along with its specials were both started and written years ago.

Human world was truly a beautiful place. The skies changed so much. Clear blues, drab grays, bloody reds, and even a gloomy black that could sometimes be adorned with thousands of twinkling stars—looking so much like priceless gems with their shininess. It was so different from the constant red of Demon World. The Human World had large buildings, strange electronics, and featured all kinds of surprises at every corner—it was almost enough to make a demon giddy with excitement. Almost. Because the two demons currently in Kurama's bedroom were foxes, and foxes didn't do giddy.

One said that it was too unbecoming, while the other said that such an emotion simply wasn't beautiful. Either way, they restrained their glee behind smirks and insults.

Kurama shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts.

"How long has it been, Squeak?" Youko asked. He stood to the side where he had a full view of Kurama's rather meager living space—well, anything was meager when compared to the largeness of his hideout. "Don't actually tell me. I despise feeling old."

The red head in question merely smiled at the greeting. Even Youko's small talk was entertaining.

"I left my kids on their own for this?" Ayama criticized, lounging on Kurama's bed. Her legs crossed, and a wooden travel pipe dangling between dainty claws. Her kimono just loose enough to be tantalizing. "There are barely any plants here and it reeks of human. What's the point of my being in this place? I'm not one to stare or linger inside giant lumps of rock, no matter how neatly they're arranged."

"I'm sure they can handle a night or two without you," Youko said back, crossing his arms and answering her original question. Clearly he knew how to deal with her. "Besides, the bat is with them. They're fine, so keep your focus on me, vixen. It's not every day we're able to sneak into Human World."

Ayama glared at him. "Me, focus on you? That's my line you lecherous fox. Just how many times do you think I've caught you eyeing a tail that wasn't mine this month?"

Youko gave her a toothy smirk, clearly unrepentant. "I've been chained, not blinded. Though do you really think those second rate playthings can compare to you, vixen?"

"Your flattery is insulting and will get you nowhere," she said in the most offended voice she could muster.

Kurama rubbed his temples as the two before him got into some petty argument that they looked to be enjoying far too much. Why they found the need to squabble during every waking moment was a mystery to him. They were supposed to be mates, yet they acted like two teenagers playing house. Teenagers with an exceptional vocabulary and astounding wit. Kurama sighed, left to wonder who was actually the older one in this group.

"He's right," Kurama interrupted them, agreeing with Youko's previous statement. The one before all this nonsense. "It's not every day the two of you get to visit Human World. Why not enjoy yourselves? There are many places to visit and I know of a botanical garden a short distance from here."

"The Squeak agrees with me," Youko turned to her with a triumphant look in his eyes. "You can go back to whatever it is you're researching tomorrow."

Ayama raised an eyebrow at him, before simply leaning back and taking a long drag from her pipe. Done with the conversation. Kurama shot her a disapproving look for smoking in his room, but otherwise remained silent.

"Silence gives consent, they say," Youko told her. Already knowing that she would let him have his way for today. Besides, he could see the sliver of slight curiosity in her eyes. Which led him to believe that she didn't want to just go home without first trying a few things. He shook his head at her. "You're such a difficult, vixen."

"Here," Kurama suddenly said.

He handed them some clothes to help them blend in. Though they were most likely a bit snug since it was hard to find someone in Japan that was as tall as they were. Kurama gave them an array of garments, not knowing what type of clothing they'd prefer, but anything was better than what they were currently wearing. No one casually wore kimono in this day and age unless they were from some sort of old traditional family—all of which seemed to know each other, and if one were to see Ayama out and about in such garb it would be a problem if they didn't know what house she was from. Youko's tunic, on the other hand, was just… no.

Ayama eyed the outfits with curiosity. One was a dress—a strapless affair that hit mid-thigh—it came with a cardigan. The other was some sort of pants and blouse combo that she didn't quite know the name of. Youko had even less to choose from. He was given black slacks and two plain shirts. Different colors, at least.

She frowned at the attire.

"I don't think I've ever felt such cheap fabric on my skin," she said, glaring slightly at the feel of the dark blue pants. They were elastic and looked as if they'd cling to every curve of her leg. She threw them to the side and picked up the dress. "This seems far more comfortable. Though," she eyed the length of her kimono—it was the length she was used to. "Do you not have anything… longer?"

"Don't be a prude, vixen," Youko spoke up, before Kurama could respond. He had already picked up the slacks and a deep purple shirt. "Enma knows showing a little skin won't kill you."

Kurama raised his eyebrow at that. The woman's kimono looked as if it could slip right off and showed more leg and bust than what could be considered appropriate. Ayama seemed to register that as well because she had the exact same look on her face.

"Prude?" She grimaced at the word. "I'm afraid that particular term doesn't exist in a vixen's vocabulary. I'm simply not accustomed to showing so much…" she paused, eyeing the dress. "Leg. Without a means to cover it if I so wish."

"Thus, the term prude."

Ayama scoffed, putting her pipe down and disappearing behind a door to get changed. Youko smirked at yet another victory. He was on quite the winning streak today.

Kurama shook his head at him, which the silver fox responded to with another smirk.

"While I do think that you're terribly adorable," Youko said, caustically. The sarcasm in his voice so thick, he could choke on it. "I'd rather you turn around, lest you see my body and end up questioning your sexual orientation."

Kurama immediately turned, coughing to relieve his discomfort.

"Your relationship is as volatile as ever," Kurama commented off-handedly in an attempt to break the silence that had settled as Youko dressed.

"There is simply no other way to have one," Youko replied, dryly. He shimmied his way into the unfamiliar slacks and quickly put on the shirt. It was almost as simple as his own outfit—seems that even in human world, men's outfits were still overall simpler and easier to step into. "Though, contrary to what you've seen, we don't always argue."

"Obviously," Kurama shot back.

What kind of relationship was filled with arguments? But he'd admit, that with that kind of frustrating banter, the sex must've been wonderf— Kurama shook his head. Good god, he needed to stop hanging around Yusuke. He was happy that he hadn't reached a point where his mouth fired off without his consent, but he needed to get a better grip on his thoughts.

"I'm sure you two did something before sex and arguments," Kurama said, not entirely sure if that was true.

"Yes, foreplay is very fun."

"Courtship, Youko," Kurama said, exasperated. "I meant courtship."

Youko laughed bitingly. "Of course you did."

Kurama sighed, deciding to remain silent until Youko finished dressing. It was easy to tell when he was done because he immediately complained.

"How constricting," Youko muttered in distaste. Kurama turned back around to see him stretching the fabric and fiddling with the sleeves of his already loose shirt. Toned arms unsatisfied as part of them were covered and he grimaced at the fact that his tail was completely hidden by the pants. The attire made him look more willowy than he actually was, but not any less lean. "How does one move in this?"

Kurama shrugged. "You'll get used to it."

"I sincerely hope not," Youko said. "I don't plan on coming back here if I'm subjected to this kind of physical torture."

Just then, Ayama walked out with an unattractive sneer marring her lips, as she shrugged on the cardigan that completed her outfit. She must've tightly wrapped her tail up with a band because it wasn't showing under her dress.

"Although," Youko continued, eyes eating up her form. Trailing over her legs and the curve of her breasts that were just barely visible over the top of the dress. "Perhaps it isn't all bad."

Kurama tried in vain to suppress his grin, as Ayama raised an eyebrow at both of them.

"What's so amusing?" She asked.

Unbeknownst to them, they both shrugged at the same time.

Her eyebrow remained raised for another moment, before she let it go and made a gesture for Youko to sit on a nearby chair. The fox obliged and only let out one remark as Ayama tied his silver hair into a ponytail. His remark was silenced, however, by Ayama saying that his long hair attracted far too much attention and he'd be mistaken for a girl if someone couldn't see the masculinity in his frame behind his silver mane. He had no retort to that, except something about a mumbled loss in his winning streak which Ayama had promptly ignored. So, she tied it—his hair still attracted attention, but not as much.

"So," she began. "Where are we going?"

"Why not walk around for a bit?" Kurama suggested, throwing Youko a wallet filled with cash.

The fox promptly opened it, looked inside, and pocketed the contents, before throwing the wallet right back. Kurama raised an eyebrow at the action to which Youko just shrugged. Youko hadn't really registered the action himself and did it more out of natural impulse.

"Force of habit," he replied.

"Right." Ignoring the kleptomaniac like move, Kurama continued, "Walk around for a bit then go to Genkai's before midnight. They're apparently throwing a party."

"And why would that interest us?" Youko asked.

"Well, you might as well since you two will be staying there, after all," Kurama answered with killing patience. "I can't exactly house you here. Mother would ask questions."

The two foxes nodded, before heading to the house's entrance and putting on slip-on shoes that Kurama handed to them. Ayama was forced to take a seat by the shoe rack to search for something with a smaller heel. The one Kurama had given her put her on the same level as Youko which felt ridiculously uncomfortable for reasons she couldn't quite explain herself. She was able to find a pair of flats after a moment. Absolutely perfect. Her superior height already stood out far too much and she wasn't interested in being any taller than she already was.

"Why did we come here again?" Ayama asked, grabbing the hand Youko offered her and letting him pull her up with a strong tug.

"Because the Squeak is paying," Youko said, shrugging.

Ayama's eyes roamed over to said Squeak. "Why are you paying?"

Kurama merely shrugged and gave her a kind smile. Ayama's eyebrows scrunched together, but before she could question him, Youko grabbed her wrist and tugged her toward the direction of the door.

"Oh," Kurama called out to them, before they could leave. "If anyone asks about the ears, tell them it's cosplay."

They both raised confused eyebrows at him and as they left, Kurama had to wonder if they'd really be okay on their own. But he dismissed the thought with a shake of his head, and merely reminded himself that they were sensible, age old demons—with some kind of perfect eyebrow expression raising art form—that didn't need his concern.

They could take care of themselves.

The sun was already setting when Youko and Ayama left Kurama's house and it only continued its steady descent as they made their way into the city. People openly stared at them as they walked past, though that wasn't really anything new. Both their hair and height stood out—even more so in human world. They could hear passing whispers asking if they were models or some such nonsense and some even tried to snap photos of them while exclaiming, "Are those two legendary cosplayers or what?" Just what did that even mean, anyway? Some kind of title? Well, no matter. Even with all the noise they were making, no one bothered to approach them—perhaps it was because of their cold demeanor.

Youko suddenly felt a hand latch onto his elbow, distracting him from his thoughts. He looked down to see Ayama's hand keeping him in place. She was looking at something and he followed her gaze to a small corner shop with a sign that read, Kiseru. Pipes. Why she wanted to see them, he hadn't a clue, but before she could walk off, he wrapped a hand around her waist and yanked her backward. Her head did an immediate whirl, pinning him with a cold gray-eyed stare that would have sent lesser men quivering with their tails between their legs.

"No," Youko denied, eyes catching sight of the dozens of packed tobacco lining the shop's interior, as if just begging to be stolen. "Is my emerald pipe not enough for you?"

"A quick look won't hurt," she reasoned, making a move to step on his foot. A sorry attempt. One he effortlessly dodged.

"You'll ask me to swipe something," he said, knowingly. "Besides, don't you know that tobacco is bad for your health? As if you're current state isn't fragile enough, you insist on smoking for aesthetic purposes, you say. What a bad attempt at lying."

She frowned, her ears falling. Youko's eyes narrowed at the sight.

"Do not sulk, vixen."

"Had you let me finished sulking then perhaps I could have gotten my way," she said, dropping the act and brushing his hand away. To no avail.

"Which is why I never let you," came his retort. Unperturbed by her tactics—such coercion no longer worked on him. Most times, anyway.

Ayama stood up straight, fixing herself and looking around. "Then what shall we do, Youko? I'm rather bored and the constant stares of these humans are really quite tiring."

Youko shrugged. "They're clearly imagining me naked."

Ayama grinned at that, letting a few chuckles escape her. "You're more playful than usual today, Youko. I wonder why that is."

"I am the same as I always am," he said, letting his hand drop and walking ahead. He turned his head back to shoot her a look. "Do you plan on walking?"

Ayama raised an eyebrow at the sheer haughtiness of his words, before shrugging. Turning away from him and walking in the opposite direction.

"Oh," Youko called from behind her, watching her walk off. "Look at that, she's fully automatic."

"Stop treating me like one of those strange human world washing machines," she called out to him. Her back still turned. "Or I may just have to leave you here with these inferior biddies to search for more pleasant company."

Youko grinned at the insulting tone in her voice—a shame the humans around them didn't understand her words or the nature of their current conversation. She was trying to knock his attitude down a few pegs. How frustratingly charming.

He quickly caught up to the woman as she continued her purposely slow gait.

"Withholding sex?" He asked, stepping in front of her and placing his hands on her hips to get her to stop any futile attempt at escape. His hands were steady and unwavering, keeping her in place with sheer force. "Don't be such a tease. We're mates, after all. And from what I know, such a relationship requires consent from both sides. You did give me your consent, quite loudly too, I might add."

"Stop living in the past."

Youko laughed loudly at the remark, his deep laughter catching the attention of people around him. How cruel of her to drop such lines as if she were just bringing up the weather. He knew, however, that it was merely another play and she had said them for the sake of their games. Always for the sake of their games. He could easily understand why the Squeak had dubbed their relationship volatile.

"You're such a cold-hearted vixen," he said, leaning down. Lips hovering above hers and hands sliding up the curve of her hips, before wrapping around her frame. The fabric bunched up and ruffled with his actions, so unlike her kimono. "Though," he whispered against her mouth. "I don't hate that."

She let him kiss her for all of a second, before she pulled away.

"Naughty foxes should learn discipline," she told him, ignoring the terribly annoying whispers that had erupted all around them.

"Shall you be my teacher?"

"A foolish question," her finger traced the line of his jaw. "I have no need for another child."

He gave her a toothy smirk and was just about to retort when someone called out to them.

"You two," their eyes narrowed as they turned to look to the side where a young man stood in an overcoat. Tall, muscular, and waving a hand at them in an effort to get them to come closer. "Here. Over here."

Youko dropped his hold on the vixen before him, the two going over to the young man looming in front of the alley. Ayama's nose scrunched up at the scent that invaded her senses.

"What does an ogre want with us?" She asked, frowning.

"So I was right about you two," the ogre disguised as a human grinned. "Welcome to the human world, are you here to eat? Perhaps you'd like to take a look at my wares? Only the finest potions imported right from Demon World."

Youko's eyes narrowed. "What a sorry sales pitch. Do leave us be, such lesser beings should know their place."

The ogre's eyes widened, but he continued to smile at them. Fake and too wide to be innocent as he kept gesturing them to a table deep within the alley.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said, happily. "But we're both in human world, and there aren't many demons 'round these parts, so why not check my wares? It would help my business a lot! Help your fellow demon out, yea?"

"I care neither for your, nor your business," Ayama said, turning away and looking back in the direction of the pipe store that had caught her interest. Done with the conversation and clearly in no mood to deal with such trivial nonsense.

"Yes, as you can see my mate is a rather cold-hearted woman," Youko muttered, eyeing her sidelong. "It would be in your best interest to walk away. She becomes rather demanding of my powers when annoyed."

"Your strength and your ability to effectively deal with nuisances is one of your greatest features," Ayama shot back.

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. "Who's treating who like a washing machine, now?"

She smirked at the comment, but didn't bother retorting.

The ogre looked between them with slight confusion, but it cleared up in a moment and he smiled widely. "Ah, mates!" He announced. "I have quite a few nice things to help keep the spark in your relati—"

Youko turned. "I will not waste my breath on the deaf."

The ogre's suddenly dropped the act, as they walked away. He snarled and his face morphed into a grimace. "You're not getting away!" He yelled. "Get them!"

Four other demons came jumping down from buildings all around them, but as they landed on the ground, something was terribly wrong.

Their clothes were gone.

"W-What the… W-Where are my clothe—?!"


They all screamed simultaneously before looking up toward the silver fox who stared at them with one eyebrow raised. A thorny whip in his hands. "Have you tired of screaming yet?" Youko asked, wrapping a part of the whip around his hand. "Or shall I attempt amateur amputation next?"

"N-No! Please s-spare me!" Were the only words that left their mouth as the four demons disappeared bare down the alley.

"A-Ah!" The ogre that had tried to ambush them called out. "Wait, you fools! Don't ru—"


The ogre stopped, slowly turning at the sound of a whip lashing downward and breaking concrete. His eyes widened at the sight of the cracked floor and he slowly raised his head to meet cold golden eyes.

"I will give you two seconds to leave my sight," Youko said. "I don't want to go through the hassle of explaining why there is a dead demon in this alley, if I can avoid it."

The ogre wasted no time. He ran, all the while letting out an ear piercing scream that had the two foxes wincing.

Youko and Ayama continued to walk around, passing all kinds of large buildings and high rise apartments that could house hundreds of people. Expertly ignoring the whispers and stares of those they passed. They entered a supermarket where meat was being sold in plastics and vegetables and fruits sat forgotten—there was such an abundance that some had already started to rot. Honey was served in bear shaped containers, while tea leaves came in small bags. Everything was purchased via a strange beeping machine that was a poor container for money. Youko could easily pick the thing, maybe even pull it open with sheer force.

They passed by a fruit vendor on their way out and Youko was able to grab himself an apple without the man's knowledge. He chewed on it until they entered a clothing store where he was forced to throw it out. The place was large and… fruity. It obviously catered to women.

People stared at him as he walked past. Whispering about his looks, clearly they didn't mind the ears. He heard one whisper that it was cute—he could hear them all quite clearly. Though they seemed to let out a sigh of collected disappointment whenever they realized that he wasn't just mindlessly trailing around the store in search of a gift for a friend or sister, but was actually following a woman. That didn't deter them, however, as two young girls approached. He could hear their conversation before they stopped in front of him. Something about how the woman he was allowing to lead may have just been a business associate, judging by how she disregarded his presence.

Well, they weren't exactly wrong in that regard. She was his business partner.

"Excuse me," they announced, stopping in front of him and preventing him from following Ayama any further. They looked to be in their early twenties—maybe a little younger? Youko heard the clicking of tongues from some of the older women in the store, saying something about how shameless youth were. Though Youko believed that they were just jealous they hadn't approached him first, and weren't they just commenting about the very same things the two girls before him were?

Youko raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

His voice seemed to make them squeal in delight. The sound threatened to make his ears bleed.

"Are you a model?"

"We were hoping to get a picture with you!"

"Hey, what agency do you work for?" They bombarded him with talk. As if just the thought of him being a model suddenly decided that he was, and there could be no other alternative.

Youko's eyes trailed away from them for a moment, watching Ayama walk through the racks of clothing and dolled up mannequins in search of something. She was tall, so it was easy to keep an eye on her even as she trailed on without him. She took a turn into a closed off section and Youko's eyes lingered for a moment on the large sign that read lingerie: left and fitting rooms: right, before he focused back on the two before him.

"I assure you," he began and they let out squeaks of happiness at his manner of speech. "I am no model."

"You could be!" One insisted.

"Definitely," the other agreed. "Would you like to have some fun with us? We know a lot of great places around here!"

"Youko," Ayama called, suddenly emerging from Enma knows where. Her voice caught everyone's attention. The two girls looked at her with a nervous glance. She had changed and now donned a kimono dress that fell mid-thigh, it suited her far more than her previous attire which sat in a plastic that she dangled from one dainty fingertip. "Are you done?"

He raised an eyebrow, before shrugging. "If you've finished playing dress-up and wasting money, then yes."

Her eyes narrowed. "I'm rather hungry, but feel free to remain if you feel like playing."

"There you go subtly accusing me of uncouth behavior again," he told her. Abandoning the two women and walking over to her with an amused smirk. The girls pouted for a moment, before heading back to some other part of the store. "Yet you don't stop me."

"I am not your mother," she told him, walking out the automatic doors.

"I should hope not," he called, trailing after her.

They made their way toward a small café where a waitress seated them in a corner booth. Leaving with a bubbly smile after taking their order. The corner booths were nice at this time. They had a clear view of the already dark sky and people loitering around. A couple arguing loudly—a contrast to the couple a distance away cuddling in the summer heat. A man walked by talking on his phone, there was a child crying as he pointed in the direction of a no longer visible store. So lively, despite being night. No scent of blood or any sign of alertness one would normally have in Demon World at such a time.

Just a sense of comfort. Something bright and easy lingering in the entirety of the city which its inhabitants didn't seem to realize as they hurried past to wherever it was they needed to be, their minds running with trivial thoughts and ideas.

"I'm tired," Ayama commented, stifling a yawn with her hand. She usually took evening naps with the twins or more recently with Youko. When the fox wasn't off on one of his heists, stealing something that appealed to his greed. Now that she had missed that practically scheduled naptime, she felt lethargic.

"You can sleep once we get to Genkai's," Youko told her, hand mindlessly playing with her fingers that sat on the table beside him. There was apparently some sort of get together going on there. Why the Squeak felt the need to invite him, he didn't know. Something about the feeling of having everyone there. Not like Youko cared for such sentimental nonsense. "Then again, I feel rather out of place amongst so many humans. Perhaps we could just skip going there altogether and just head back to Demon World."

She closed her eyes, contemplating the idea. "That sounds better."

"We could stop by a village…" Youko trailed off, continuing the hypothetical. His gaze focused on his fingers as they continued to carelessly caress her own. "Grab a bite to eat, stay at an inn…"

She raised an eyebrow, before allowing herself to lean against his bicep. His low voice directly above her ear.

"And then?" She asked.

"We'll blow out the lights," he began, purposely dropping his voice an octave lower. "We probably won't even make it to the bed."

"How scandalous," she said, amused.

"Then…" he paused, moving his head so he could whisper in her ear. "Then I can coax information out of you."

Ayama laughed, her ear twitching at the sound of his velvety voice. "There it is," she said, smirking up at him. "Your true intentions."

He returned her smirk with his own. Far more flippant.

"One must always have a reason," he said. "But if you weren't so easily fatigued then I would attack you."

"I am not so frail as to not be able to withstand your petty advances."

"I thought informants didn't lie."

"We don't."

"There you go again," he shook his head at her. "You really should stop."

"You are more frustrating than usual," Ayama told him. "Perhaps there's something in human world's air. You won't suddenly profess your undying love for me, will you?"

Youko laughed at that. Squeezing her fingers one last time, as he caught sight of their waitress returning with their orders.

"I suppose that matter is up for debate," he finally answered. "What will you give me if I do?"