Mfalme Hafi

Disclaimer: I do not own Lion King

Regular Speak

Thoughts and Flashback

Demonic or Animalistic Speak

Demonic or Animalistic Thoughts

It was a testament to Scar's character and experience that he could sleep in any cave, no matter how damp and muddy it was-which this one very much was. With the rainfall and the need to get a safe distance from Pride Rock, there weren't many better alternatives.

The fact that he wasn't at all bothered by sleeping with a large snake curled up near him was another thing all together.

"Ma-Jo-Ka? Are you, awake?" Jizicho asked, poking the serpent with his talon.

"Jizicho, unless the King needs me, you best have a spare stomach ready," Majoka warned, his eyes gaining a renewed light to them as he returned to the waking world.

"...The king, is gone," Jizicho informed after a moment.

"What!?" Majoka exclaimed in a startled hiss, his head shooting up and looking behind him, seeing a distinctly empty space in the cave behind him.

"Calm yourself. The king, is fine. Just bathing, and hunting," Jizicho elaborated with a small smirk.

"Oh right, do joke about us losing the king I just pulled back from the afterlife," Majoka rebuked sarcastically.

"Couldn't, resist. You're not, that easy, to surprise, Ma-Jo-Ka," he responded in deep chuckle..

The mystic serpent just rolled his eyes as the sound of paw-steps made themselves known, "Do leave the shaman alone, Jizicho," Scar idly scolded with his usual drawl as he dropped the corpse of a small mole rat onto the ground, "I rather enjoy having your eyes in the skies."

"How did you find that?" Majoka asked with a cocked head as the once and future king sat on a part of the cave floor that was rock rather than dirt.

"The hyenas fleeing the Pride Lands seemed to have scared some animals into running away from the oases out in the wastes, if I had to guess," Scar informed as he put a paw on the meal, sinking his fangs into the stomach and ripping out a mouthful. "Ahh, the first meal with a new body," Scar relished with a self-satisfied and now-bloody smirk before turning back to the other two, "Jizicho, take what you need and let Majoka have the rest- I'm sure he needs a meal after that feat last night," he ordered, laying with his back to the wall.

"Yes, King," Jizicho acknowledged, waddling to the head of the rodent before digging his beak into the eyes.

The serpent slithered past the palm-nut vulture and stopped near the disposed king. They both gazed out of the cave, into the still-damp lands at the edge of the Pride Lands, "So, what do we do now, Scar?" Majoka asked idly.

"Our goals for right now are joining up with Kasamla and Chuma, than dealing with our traitorous comedians," Scar answered with a hum.

"We are going to wipe out the Southern Clan, one of the Kuu-Fisi?" Majoka asked, somewhere between curious and skeptical.

Scar scowled at that…the Kuu-Fisi, the Great Hyenas; despite being kept in check by the Pride Landers, his former-hyenas were one of the four largest clans in Africa with upwards of two-hundred clan mates. If not for the equally above-average lion population in the Pride Lands, Shenzi's clan could have ruled the entire area with little issue.

"Possibly," He answered after some thought, "Barring that, teach them a lesson to last for generations."

"I believe, I can help, with that, King," Jizicho spoke up as he finished pulling out some of the brains from a crack in an eye socket, "The rest, is yours, Majoka," He offered, motioning to the small mammal remains with a black wing. Majoka nodded in thanks as he slithered towards the meat, his jaw opening wide.

"What do you have for me, Jizicho?" Scar asked, head held high and tilted, both to show interest and attention as the bird took a perch on his shoulder.

"Wild dogs," Jizicho answered bluntly, as if it explained itself.

"The last I heard, there were no large packs anywhere near the Pride Lands?" Scar pointed out inquisitively, stroking his chin.

"There, are not, Sire. But, there are, Many, small ones," Jizicho answered wryly.

"...Plenty of small packs that are much more recently fed and better rested than the Hyenas," Scar mused with a smirk, his tone becoming that of mock concern. "It'd be quite unfortunate for a wandering hyena clan to displace or even destroy their homes."

"Most unfortunate. Shall I, give them, a warning?" Jizicho requested with a smirk.

"Just the ones in the east for now, Jizicho. Warn enough of them and word will spread to the rest," Scar instructed. The vulture bowed before taking flight, soaring out of the cave.

"Why the east, King?" Majoka inquired as the mole rat could be seen slowly sliding through his body.

"Because our friends are in the west," Scar answered as stretched and stood up, "The closer the hyenas are when we finally group up, the easier they'll be to manage in the long run," Scar explained as he allowed the serpent to wrap himself loosely around his mane and neck.

"Wouldn't that lure them east? Especially if they followed the dogs back to their homes," Majoka pointed out only for the lion to shake his head, taking care not to dislodge Majoka.

"Shenzi is just smart enough not to do that. She knows they'll reach the Great Water if they head too far east and there is little between here and there," Scar answered calmly as he left the cave, the sunlight washing over him. He paused, inhaling deeply as he soaked in the feel of the sun and the smell of the air after a rainstorm. Coming back to life gave him a new appreciation for little things, "Of course, there is the other possibility," He mused darkly.

"Oh? What does your mind see, King?" Majoka inquired in interest, wondering what the feline was plotting.

"If the Hyena clan does go east, that means Shenzi has mostly likely disposed herself along with those two idiots of hers. Which either means a new idiot is in command or the clan split between her and a new matriarch," Scar explained.

"Regardless, they'll be much easier to deal with in either situation," Majoka realized with a smirk.

"In more ways than you can imagine," Scar commented mysteriously as he began to walk, away from the Pride Lands.

"Where to first then?" Majoka inquired curiously, "The elephants? The rhinos?"

"The hirola," Scar answered simply as he walked on.

"The overgrown kongoni?" Majoka asked with a hum of a hiss.

"Overgrown kongoni that are very useful, knowledgeable and indebted to me," Scar retorted, sending Majoka a look of challenging amusement. "Unless my shaman has better advice to offer?"

Majoka shook his head as he slithered along. "Years may have given me wisdom over you, but I know when to bow to your superior talents for plotting, King," he answered, equally amused. If he had eye lids, he would have blinked as Scar suddenly came to a halt. Arching his neck to look back at the lion, Majoka found him looking down at the ground with a look of surprise and curiosity. "Is something wrong?"

"This was the shallows of the northern stream," Scar commented, looking to his left and right, seeing small pools of water collected along the deeper parts of the stream.

"And?" Majoka asked in confusion, not seeing the signifigance

Scar almost chuckled at that. "It's one of the border markers...I do believe this will be the first time I've left the Pride Lands in years," he explained whimsically as he looked over his shoulder, looking at the distant, seemingly miniscule form of Pride Rock. He smiled warmly for his home before scowling darkly for his usurper nephew. He could almost see him, imagination or not, perched on the end of the rock formation from here.

He shook his head of that imagery and walked on, almost smiling again as he crossed the border. "Somehow, I feel even younger than I already am."

"Being a king is grand, but going out to see the world always puts a bit of youth into our bones. Or so I've noticed over the years," Majoka commented sagely.

"Still, we best keep moving," Scar muttered with a hint of distaste. "The pride will undoubtedly have today to rest, heal, and celebrate on the meat of the dead hyenas, but they'll start patrolling again by tomorrow at the latest."

"It's a good thing you never taught Simba anything as a cub or we might have to worry about him being craftier or smarter than his father," Majoka mused. "Still, we should be able to handle one or two lionesses without alerting the others, if it comes down to it."

"I'd rather not. A skilled lioness or that thrice-damned baboon could tell the different between wounds made by hyenas and lions," Scar pointed out.

"...What if it's a loyalist or two? You could just have them go rogue with you, if you don't want to risk them letting slip that you're alive," Majoka suggested after a moment of silence.

Scar blinked before a wicked look came over his face, "Oh, Majoka. Never cease to surprise me."

"As you command, King Scar," Majoka answered with a hiss of a chuckle as they continued north.

End of Chapter

Sorry for the long wait. A...lot of shit has happened. On the upside, I finally have a job! Probably. I'm going to orientation, so I assume so.

Sorry for this being a bit short, but I get the feel mostof these chapters will be. This feels like a short chapter fic. Still, yes, Scar is plotting away withhis cohorts,already finding ways to cause grief for his traitorous underlings, and apparently has allies even among the herds- something I imagine Lion Kings have if they are crafty and smart enough.. And he's very determined to meet up with his other two allies.