I am so sorry you have no idea...

Life hasn't been so kindly, but I am working hard on each story I have and hope to finish them soon!

For any of you who care, if you remember me when I said I did something bad to my hip and was limping? WELL! It turns out I tore my labrum. Aka an injury that doesn't heal and needs surgery... Aka a shit storm of doctors, lots of pain, and self hatred for not doing something sooner.

I don't own Durarara

Hope you enjoy~ (This chapter has a lot that needed work but I just wanted to update. The next will be better!)


Hours Before the Party.

Sakuraya had to deal with a solid, ten minute, back cracking, foot aching, head ache bringing, rib crunching bear hug from Psyche. The runaway bride had barely even walked into the hall before the Orihara Queen had found him. Their reunion was brought on by Psyche's wishes, which for once Hibiya obliged.

Shitsuo watched with a smile. "Sakuraya has missed you too." He said to Psyche when Saku managed to get away. The flower Orihara had grown his hair again, but it was not long like it had been. Both Sakuraya and Shitsuo wore fancy dress yukata and kimono, Saku in a light pink and Shituso in a blue and black array.

"We have a ton to catch up on." Said Sakuraya smiling at his mother," living here is amazing and Shitsuo managed to get a job at a big firm. We actually bought a house to live in and oh oh!" The exprince pulled a coin purse out and took out a few pictures." Two cats, Warren and Ming. And a dog named Star." They chattered happily, leaning against each other, still hugging slightly.

Hibiya rolled his eyes at the moment, cringing, his royal blood line being so dirtied. He just hoped his plan would work out. He clicked his tongue and held out his arm, effectively ending the reunion. Psyche came to his side, now reserved and shivering. It was that moment Sakuraya saw what the Queen was in. A form fitting black shirt, with gold lining and hemming, grey pants and flat shoes that looked too uncomfortable for anyone to wear. Nothing bright colored, nothing that said this was Psyche. It was all controlled by Hibiya.

"That was your three minutes." The king stated breaking his Queen's heart again." Say goodbye."

Psyche turned to Sakuraya," see you around..." Not even allowed to make eye contact with the beautiful child he had raised.

"We will be able to talk again soon." Sakuraya said and watched his parents leave, deep seated hatred in his gut." Shitsuo... Let's go pay Izaya and Shizuo a visit." He said and turned, eyes sharp as the door shut behind Psyche and Hibiya.

They walked down the entrance hall, admiring the golden statues, and lovely decor. It was a sunny day, bright and summer, the flowers nearly burning out in their brightest colors. The wind was kind and kissed hot skin, and brought in soft city sounds through the grand windows.

They found Izaya and Shizuo practicing their speeches in a large meeting room. The moment Sakuraya entered the room everything went silent.

"Hello." He raised a hand nervous since the sudden hush of noise was abrupt.

"Sakuraya!" Yelled Izaya, jumping off the stage and strolling over as Shizuo apologized to their teacher. They hugged, but didn't smile.

"I got your message... What are we going to do?"

"Good question.." Izaya said," tonight we have the party. Tomorrow Shizuo and I will be married and that's when we have the power to do something, in the very least..."

Sakuraya smiled softly, sweet but sad." I'm sorry this is happening... It's like... A terrible repeat."

"At least this time there's no sneaking through an electrified fence."

They laughed at that, a soothing sound to their tall blond lovers who watched in content.


The Party had been going well, until It had happened.

It was a terrible moment on all sides. Mostly all sizes, Hibiya had sat back and watched it with glee. Arm around his wife, adorned in another gaudy gold and black dress that outshines any other, and brandy in his hand. The time was late, sun yawning in the sky and stars peaking out in the dusk hours. It was the day before the wedding.

The moment that changed everything, one moment to shutter at, was during a waltz.

Shizuo had shone off some bar tending tricks to impress friends, and make a few people laugh. Izaya sat at the counter watching, taking notice of Verona on the other side. She was in a similar outfit, even in pants despite being a lady. Really, he thought, she was beautiful but the pants were too far. He was in a red and black outfit with fur trim along the cuffs of his sleeves. There was a silver crown on his head, and Izaya was slightly peeved that she wore a silver hairband like a tiara. He knew she was trying too hard.

The young Raven sighs, sipping a now empty glass of water before looking to his fiancé. Shizuo was in a dashing black suit with a blue tie that clashed with his gold eyes and hair.

Shizuo glanced over at his dear fiancé, noticing the stare and winks. He took an ice block from under the counter." Now for an impressive trick. Come closer if you want to see." The prince was performing things he had learned while abroad and had a small audience.

"Izaya, may I have a word?" A voice whispered into the raven's ear suddenly. He turned to see a servant looking nervous.

"Sure, what is it?"

As they spoke Shizuo continued with the trick, smiling and looking down," and then... Fire." He lit the block on fire, and it melted into a perfect glittering heart. It was formed like a diamond heart, and clear. He picked up the little sculpture and presented it to the crowd that applauded, the citizens who were open to come and go from the dance oo'd. The prince turned," my love, for you." He opened his eyes and felt his heart sink. Verona was in front of him, smiling slick and slyly.

Before the moment really settled on the blond prince his lips were captured.

Izaya was a few feet behind her, glancing over to see the ice heart, and the princess kissing his fiancé. He gently put his glass on the counter, bit his lip, and turned swishing past guards and joyous citizens who were fluttering about Verona being a better fiance and Queen.

The evening only got worse.

"Find him!" Shizuo yelled and tore another door off the hinges, his mind raced." Block all windows! Close all fences. He can climb and jump high and fast." He ran loosening his tie and pulling open every door in the castle." Izaya! IZAYA!"

Izaya vanished.


Hibiya was told about what had happened and laughed when he returned to his room. Psyche was not a fan of the king finding it so humorous.

"This is terrible, Hibiya." Psyche had said," why are you so happy in their misery?"

"It's pathetic is what it is. Izaya should of stood and fought, but he ran. Shizuo should of shoved her away, but he didn't move. This only proves that the Heiwajima are scum." Hibiya pushed Psyche to the bed, walked to the balcony and smirked." Look... He's running around looking in all the wrong places. He doesn't know Izaya."

Psyche hated this, the poor envied Queen loathed this side of Hibiya. He sat on the bed, watching as the other took glee. Took sadistic pleasure. When the phone ran Psyche pleaded with his eyes to answer it, the Queen was soft and needed to be there for her child.

"Answer it." He ordered and got up going to his drinks.

Hibiya watched as Psyche finished the call. He sipped his simple water that had chunks of Mellon in it, and turned a page in one of Psyche's music books. He didn't ask what was wrong, yet watched with sharp dangerous eyes. His Raven Queen, his pregnant wife, the bump was just forming already, ad curved Psyche's shirt very slightly. Only someone who spent every day with the lovely omega would of noticed. He still relished in the idea he had, and was as sweet as every to the one he knew betrayed him.

Of course he knew.

The moment Psyche had left to see Tsugaru, Verona had been out spying on Shizuo and Izaya. She saw the Queen climb the vines and went to Hibiya immediately. She even spied in on a few arguments and delivered word by word them to him. The unborn to them was a blessing, a way of breaking Izaya and Shizuo apart, and on Hibiya's side a way of taking the Heiwajima down completely.

Oh, how Hibiya reveled in the idea. He could do so many things to ruin Tsugaru. He was just toiling over which one. 'Wage war? Have him thrown out for tarnishing my wife? Of course keep the child. Raise the bastard so that Tsugaru suffers knowing he will never be the father. Also, let the news out and look like a kind, strong, and loyal King who will not let the rapist get away.' He smiled, he would look like a saint, and the globe would turn on Tsugaru.

Hibiya was not mad at Psyche.

He knew the younger was naive, but he knew Psyche was too kind to sin so willingly. The act only added to his hate, a roaring fire, for the Heiwajima, a cold stash in his chest.

Psyche jumped when glass shattered.

Scared, he looked to Hibiya was was looking right back at him.

"H-Hibiya?" Gulping Psyche clutched the phone to his chest, not putting it down yet,

"Just realized...something." The King spoke, then looked at the glass on the floor.' Oh... How a heart shatters.' Thought he, before turning and going to call a maid.

Psyche put the phone down finally," Izaya is very upset."

"Of course. Shizuo didn't even shove her away." Hibiya said, uncaring.

"He was in shock. He-"

"He's a Heiwajima, the next thing in a skirt is what they go after. Izaya has got to learn that." He snapped," Psyche... I forbid you from speaking to them again."

"You are... A tyrant..."

Those words pierced the air finer then any arrow, even if they were but only a whisper. A thought that had slipped from Psyche's lips, and teary eyes.

"No, Psyche." Hibiya looked at the small omega, his omega bride." You are the tyrant." His eyes, gold, brutal, flashed in betrayal and hatred.

Nothing got past the King.

His icy hands grabbed Psyche's wrists so hard they would bruise, he relished in the whimper and half plea he got when he loomed over the small omega." Am I really so cruel, Psyche? Am I, your husband, your lover, father of your children, King, so evil? Did I truly kill the song bird?" He leaned down, lips brushing against the shivering, terrified bird." Or did Tsugaru?"

Bells rung in the distance, birds flew into their nests for the night that fell wholly, Izaya was still missing, and Psyche now laid frozen.

"You owe me your life, Psyche." Hibiya got up, untying his tie and shedding his coat and fancy medals." You..." He looked into soft, ballet slipper pink orbs, both watering, both terrified and scared. Truly scared.

'Oh how the heart shatters.'


Izaya was hidden in a hall not too far from the ball. It was the airy entrance way with the largest windows, the stars were in full view, the city darkened to allow for the night sky. Soft, floating curtains danced in wind like laughing shadows.

The pain was the biggest shock Izaya had ever felt.

The heart break, resounding, betrayal, jealousy, hatred, fear, a concoction of agony. His chest felt hollow, and stomach was sick. His eyes burned, and lungs could not hold painful breath after painful breath. He sat in a pathetic toil, hidden on a perch behind the curtains. No words could describe his emotions.

He could scream. Scream loud, long, seemingly forever.

Izaya pulled at his shirt collar, remembering how it felt to be kissed so gently, so soft that the world would vanish. It was cruel how his mind flashed his imagination of Shizuo kissing Verona in such ways.

'She is threatening him... No, she is threatening me, so that Shizuo had to kiss her.' He wiped tears away, it still hurt too much even thinking about them together.

The long omega stood, the sound of sprinting steps getting too close for comfort. Izaya could not face Shizuo right now.


His heart began to race, so he ran. This is how their world was crumbling. Izaya ran past Shizuo, sliding on his knees to avoid being caught, and sprinted to the balcony jumping past two guards and landing on a perch just below.

"IZAYA! Please! Come back!" Shizuo yelled and jumped also, following the prince hotly.

They were a sight, a mouse chase, a cat and dog chase, and Shizuo and Izaya chase. They were a flurry of blond and black, then gone in the next second. Neither tiring, neither knowing what their end goal was.

"Leave me alone!" Izaya had shouted, but wanted to be held.

"Come back!" Shizuo yelled in response, not knowing what he was going to say.

It came to an end at the black gates that kept tourist out. Izaya grabbed the first rung, and was yanked back harshly into Shizuo's arms. They fought, wrestled to the ground. Feet kicking, biting, grunts and pleas.

"Izaya, I love you. I love you and only you. Please see this." Shizuo hugged his Raven, tucking Izaya's face into his chest, trying to soothe the younger." Please don't run from me." He held the raven, comforting the cries and rubbing his back softly." She means nothing... She did it to upset you, and she is going to be kicked out for her taboo."

"Really, Shizuo? Is she really nothing? Why were you kissing he-"

"Stop being such a girl! She kissed me!"

"It shouldn't of happened!" Izaya raised his hands hitting Shizuo, trying to get away.

Grabbing Izaya's wrist Shizuo shouted back. "It shouldn't of!"

A heavy silence grew in the courtyard. Guards let out a sigh of relief seeing the princes calm. It meant everything was fine they hoped, and left the two to their peace.

"Izaya... Your father knows." Shizuo said softly," He knows what my father did. Verona played her part in getting you to hate me. In making you despise the Heiwajima as Hibiya does." His soft caramel eyes looked deep into Izaya's rubies, soft pleading being answered with steel resolve." It didn't work."

"It made me only want you more... Want you to myself, to fight Verona." Izaya said softly," make her go away..."

"I will."


"She will be escorted out tomorrow before the wedding." The blond kissed Izaya gently, touching Izaya's waist and bringing the Raven to his lap." My love... Don't run away."

Izaya went calmly with Shizuo back inside. Walking past Tsugaru who felt the weight against his chest. He was the reason behind their agony, and knew soon would come to repay fully what he had done.

"Shizu-chan..." Izaya stood by his bedroom door.


"We get married tomorrow." Everything was fuzzy still.

"We do."

"I guess... I'll see you at the alter."

Shizuo pulled Izaya into a warm hug, kissing the top of his head." Of course you will." He promised, and kissed Izaya passionately one last time, making sure every ounce of love was known to his beautiful raven. He knew after such a scare things would never be the same. The trust he had wasn't there.

Hibiya had done his damage.


Red: Yep, totally in control. Yep, totally know where this story is going. Yep, prolly gonna have Smutt in the next chapter.

Shizuo: Took you for-fucking-ever...

Red: I had stuff going on;-;

Izaya: Get to the point already people want a happy ending

Red: You'll have to give me more time!

Shizuo: Nah, you are out of time.

Red: Comment please;-; U-Until next time~