Alright everyone. Here's the story you've been waiting for. As I've said before, when things get a little more organized with school and stuff, I would work on this. Also, I've created an ask page on Tumblr for Rose and Lily. Unfortunately, I can't draw and I'm too broke to pay an artist, so no art to go with it. Hope you guys check it out. I'll post the link on my profile right under the FaceBook link in case you guys haven't checked that out yet.

Without further delay, hope you enjoy the first chapter of Forgotten Flower.

"Um...W-Who are you?" So we're getting down to it, he thought. He thought it would be best to wait until she was comfortable to ask her questions, but since she asked, he supposed it would start.

"My name's Neal. Neal Cassidy." She nodded.

"Okay, then...Who am I?"

"Rose? Rose, darling? Wake up. It's time to get up."

"What? Who's that? Who's Rose?"

"You are, flower. You have to get up. You must come home. Come home to me."

"Who are you?"

"I'm your papa and I miss you very much. Your mama does too. Please come home."

"Where is home? Where are you? Where am I?"

"Rose, wake up. Wake up!"

"Hey, wake up." A young girl opened her bright emerald eyes. In front of her was a man with brown eyes and hair. His name was Neal. She had come to like him very much. A month prior, he found her in front of his apartment door. He took her in and cared for her until he was sure she was okay. The child had lost her memory and didn't know anything about her life. She didn't even remember her own name. "Come on. Time to get up."

"Why? It's too early." He chuckled at the adorable child. He had taken a liking to her as well. She was a sweet little girl. Whoever her parents were raised her right. The police were still trying to track them down. There were no missing person's report for her and no one seemed to know who she was. Neal questioned where she had come from. It must have been at least a state away if she wasn't in the New York database. There wasn't even a birth certificate for her. He hoped to find her family soon.

"I know, but we got things to do today. Let's go." With some grunts and moans, and some chuckles from Neal at the silly girl, she pulled off her comforter and got off of the sofa bed. Since Neal's apartment was a one-bedroom, she had to take the sofa bed. Since she didn't have any parents that anyone knew of, she was put into the foster system. Having been there himself, he didn't want her to go through that. The foster system wasn't as kind as people think. He took her in until he could find out where her parents were.

She got up and went to the bathroom. As she brushed her teeth, she looked in the mirror, watching her reflection. She started thinking about her dream. She had been having them since she had been with Neal. It was always the same. A man with some sort of accent telling her to come home. She could never see his voice. She was always in the same black void. There was the man's distant voice claiming to be her father and telling her it's time to come home. She didn't know what it meant. She decided not to tell Neal about it.

"Hurry up, kid! We're already running late!"

"Coming!" She finished up and ran out of the bathroom to Neal's. She went over to the dresser and opened her drawer. With the money Neal was getting from the foster system, he bought her clothes and other necessities and five-year-old girl would need. She grabbed some clothes and quickly put them on. When she was done, she met up with Neal at the front door.



"Let's get going then." They left the apartment and went about the day. It was a weekend, so Neal didn't have work and could spend the day with her. Oddly enough, although it's been an entire month, they never figured out what to call her. Neal always referred to her as "kid". She wanted to give herself a name but she didn't know what. Thinking back to her dream, she noticed something. Of all the times she had the same dream, the voice never called out a name. That time, it did. Rose. Was that really her name or was it just some weird dream? She wasn't sure which.

"Hey, Neal?"


"Can I name myself?" Neal was puzzled by her question, but didn't say anything about it.

"Sure. It'll be easier than calling you 'kid' all the time. Any name you want is fine with me." She smiled at him.

"Well, can I be called Rose? It's a pretty name and it's a pretty flower." Neal smiled.

"Alright then. Rose it is." Rose felt something. Like she had recovered something that was lost. She wasn't even sure what that meant, but the feeling was there. A new name was the first step to starting a new life. She figured she must have wanted a new life if she left her parents, but what about the dreams? The man that claimed to be her father? He never sounded mean or angry. He was worried. He wanted her to come home, but where was home? What was waiting for her there?

It's been a month since Lily disappeared from Storybrooke. No one knew what happened to her. That was because no one knew who she was. Lily didn't exist and never existed to the people of the small town. Henry was the only one who remembered her. Without his best friend by his side, Henry was upset. She had been his friend for all long as he could remember. She was the one friend he had. Not only was she the one person he could count on, but she was the first person to believe him about the curse on Storybrooke.

Before she disappeared, she had gotten her memory back. She remembered her life in the Enchanted Forest. She told him about what she had been through and what it was like to live with the Dark One. She even confirmed his suspicions of his adoptive mother being the Evil Queen and being the one to cast the curse. She was there to confirm who anyone was. Having lived with Snow White and Charming for a while, she met a lot of new people like Ruby and the dwarfs. She was gone now. Where had she gone? Why did no one remember her? What happened to her? Henry knew the answer to none of these. He could only hope that she was okay wherever she was.

Kinda short but you guys know I have lots more coming! Let me know what you think of this and what you might want to see! Again, please check out the new Tumblr page.