Well I am back again! Thank you so so much for all the reviews!

So I know I just said the next 4 chaper would be in the Rotten Four POV but after reading some of the reviews I decided that it would be important that this chapter was posted soon and before the villain kids'. So here it is!

Please review, even though you will want to kill me after this... Sorry for any mistakes... English is not my first language...

Chapter 3

Ben's POV

I spent the night awake, making up the plan to save the kids.

The moment I returned to my room and I saw my crown standing in my desk, reality hit me: I was the King! My parents and others should have been misjudging me if they thought I would not use that power!

Right now, I did not care if my parents were involved or not! The parents I love would never make such a horrible thing… Even if I did not love Mal, I could not accept what was going on and knowing I was not the only one made me feel even more confident!

Therefore, I decided that firstly I should talk with Doug and see what he thought about this situation… I was not sure if I could trust him… Not sure if I could trust anyone but I would talk with him to see what he had to say. If I felt I could trust him then I would ask him to help me with my plan. Doug was smart he would be a huge help.

Then I would talk to my parents and, after gathering everyone, I would make the speech telling that the kids had decided to go back to the Island. By doing this I would get to see people's reactions and have an idea of who I could and couldn't trust.

Then, I would make a reunion with those I thought I could trust and tell them the truth. I know people will want me to use my position and simply lock them and save the kids. The problem is I don't know where they are nor what Fairy Godmother might have done to cover it. Yeah sure I know with who they are going to stay but that is just not enough… And I am pretty sure my parents won't just tell me… They didn't really bite the whole being relieved thing… I needed to get them to trust me so I can see Mal and try to make her understand that I am in her side! Which would also be quite difficult… Mal being Mal and having never been shown love makes her not rely on people… If she see that, my parents are behind this, she will think I am to and that this was all a strategy… She will not believe me and will think I only used her… And that could not happen.

Although I wanted to take break them free as soon as possible if I make a move without them knowing it will much easier to catch them and guarantee that they will not do anything. On the other hand, if I overruled what they did publicly they would have time to counter! And who know what could happen having fairy Godmother in her side…~

Now I was heading to the common area. I had asked Doug to meet me there.

He was sitting at one of the lunch tables looking very worried while looking at his phone.

"Is everything okay, Doug?" "No! It's not… I went to Evie's dorm, however she was not there but her purse with her magic mirror was there… She never leaves without it… So I have been calling her but she doesn't pick up… Ohh… Her phone was in her purse too… She never leaves without it too, now that she knows how to work with it…" He really looked worried so I guess I can trust him…

"That's why I wanted to talk to you! Something bad happened to Evie and the others. I need your help to sa…" I was not able to finish my sentence because I heard someone calling me. It was Audrey.

"BEN! Your parents want to tall to you." She said approaching me with a large smile in her face. "I will take you to them." I nodded and leaned closer to Doug "I will talk to you later please do not tell this to anyone, do you hear me?" He looked at me nervously and stuttered "Al-lrigh—ht".

I nodded and followed Audrey.

Writer's POV

Belle, Adam and Fairy Godmother were gathered in her office. It was early morning, right when Ben had woke up.

"How did this happen? He was not supposed to know! What are we going to do now? He pretends he is actually fine with this but I know my son! He will try to make justice and then we will all be exposed…" Belle was walking from one side to the other one of the room and Adam was trying to make her stay calm.

"It was not my fault! He was supposed to be in his dorm…" "Still you should have been more careful... It could have been anyone.." Adam roared

"Don't worry! I have the perfect solution to this. Just need… Where is it?" Fairy Godmother started to look for something in her drawers. "Oh… Here it is!"

Fairy God mother was holding her magic wand in her right hand. Belle and Adam looked at her puzzled.

"How do you have that?" "After the Coronation, I decided it should stay with me… Now would you please get Ben here? We will stick to the plan I just told you, alright?"

Belle opened the door of the office and saw Audrey in her locker. When she turned, she saw Belle and waved, almost running in her direction.

"Hi, Queen Belle." "Hi, dear Audrey. Could you please ask Ben to come here?" "Oh.

Of course I will go grab him! I saw him outside. Just a minute!" She smiled and walked to the common area. Three minutes later, she returned with Ben. "Here he is!"

"Well, thank you, Audrey! But would you excuse a minute alone with my son? E have to talk about, you know… Royal stuff." Audrey understood the tip and nodded. "Alright, see you around, Benny-Boo."

Ben entered the room and closed the door behind him. Belle approached and kissed his cheeks. "Hi, honey. Are you okay?". "Hi mom, dad, Fairy Godmother. What is happening?"

"Please, Ben take a sit." Ben did as he was told and saw the magic wand standing in the Fairy's hand. "What is…?"

Fairy Godmother smiled and turned the wand to Ben. "What you have seen, what you were told, within the previous 24 hours, you will forget. BIBIDI BOBIDI BOO."

All a sudden, a bright light surrounded Ben and he was put off to sleep. "What did you do?" Asked Belle concerned about her son. "He is fine. He will wake up soon. I just fixed the problem!"

Ben opened his eyes and looked to his mother smiling. "Hi, mom. What happened? I feel strange..." "You hit you head, honey. How do you feel? What do you remember?"

"Well, I feel dizzy and confused… I remember waking up this morning and taking breakfast to Mal's bedroom. After that… I don't remember anything…" " Oh, honey… That was yesterday…"

"It was? Guess I must have hit hard with my head…" Ben answered laughing shyly. "But I will be fine. Can I go now? If tomorrow is already today then I had arranged to meet Mal fro breakfast."

"Ben, there is something we need to tell you…"

"What is it?"

"Mal and her friends decided to back to the Isle of the Lost yesterday evening…" Said Belle looking into Ben's eyes.

Ben looked confused to his mother.

"What that makes no sense..." "I know I seems strange but Mal said she was not happy here and that her and others could not fit in Auradon. I tried to convince her but they were very decided… She left you this…"

Belle gave Ben a letter, which had Ben's name written on it. Ben's eyes started to fill in with tear… "She left me? Did she say goodbye? I can't remember…" Ben asked trying to keep the tears from falling. "I am so sorry…" Said Bell and Fairy nodded.

Ben looked at the letter in his hands. "I need to go… I will talk to you later…"

Ben left the office, heading to Mal's dorm. He wanted to see for himself that she was gone that she had left him…

'Why did she leave me? Didn't she love me? No… Of course she did… Then what happened… Maybe it was my fault… All this royal stuff were taking so much time and she felt I no longer cared about her… Why Mal? Why did you leave me?'

When Ben was about to open the girl's dorm, Doug appeared and touched his arm. "What happened? What did you wanted to tell me"

"You wanted to tell me something… You said a bad thing at happened to the villain kids… What was it?"

"My parents just told me they are gone… They went back to the Isle of the Lost."

"What?" Doug asked confused. "Why they do that? That makes no sense."

"They felt they would never fit in…" Ben looked to the letter in his hands. "She left me… She is gone… She didn't say goodbye…"

A single tear fell over the check of Ben and hit the paper in his hands.

Please don't kill me! I know you must be angry... Anyway, please do review! Nad if you have any suggestion feel free to tell me whether by reviews or PM! Bye, see you soon :)