translation of the Italian story "Shine bright like a diamond in the sky" by Ship

SUMMARY: Merlin is a medical officer in the Britain Royal Navy and has asked to be transferred to Camelot Base after a difficult period of his life, to move on.

He would have never imaged that going to Dragon Cape would change his life so much.

His new beginning has a name: Arthur Pendragon, captain and fighter pilot, Top Gun, one of the top ten in the world and, of course, beautiful and an ass, enough to change Merlin's entire existence.


TAGS: modern, doctor Merlin, Pilot Arthur, angst, jealousy


The service station is bursting with people and the adjacent bar is unusually empty in comparison with the movements around the premises, and it is good, reflects Merlin, while crossing the threshold and approaching the bar in a hurry.

His car is parked at a rest stop nearby: off.

The engine had broken down once again and that morning he really didn't need this. He has to be ready for service within a quarter of an hour, but seeing where is he now ... he is certain he will be late.

His car always decides to throw tantrums in the most unthinkable moments and that morning Merlin is seriously nervous.

"A double black coffee, please. I also need to ask you an information: what time's the next bus to Dragon Cape? My car has broken down and I will have to look for a mechanic as soon as possible ... but now I'm late for work and I really have to get there..."

The old bartender responds politely, probably urged by Merlin's anxiety:

"The one to Dragon Cape has already passed. Are you going to Camelot Base of the Royal Navy? Of course, since there is only it there. So you are in the Navy I guess... I'm sorry. Unfortunately, the next bus is in an hour, maybe later ... but ten minutes from here, there is the stop of the bus that stops near Dragon Cape. You can take that and then go the rest of the way on foot."

Merlin quickly swallows his coffee, burning his throat. He looks in his jacket pocket for his cell phone that is ringing insistently. He is about to answer when he hears the tinkling sound of the front door bell and the door opening behind him. Someone is right behind him. He slowly turns and sees a young man approaching the bar and asking for a black coffee.

Merlin pulls himself together, looking away, while answering his cell phone. He checks the blond boy at his side out. He has short blond hair and he is paying for his coffee and waiting for the change.

He is holding a motorbike helmet and wearing a leather jacket. Ray Ban sunglasses, resting on an upturned nose above full red lips, cover his eyes.

He is attractive and occupies all the space around him in a natural way, but without invading.

Merlin wants to watch him better and much longer, curious and attracted by his remarkable physicality and natural and elegant ways of doing things. Merlin would also like to pause and reflect on the best way to start a conversation with this young man ... but his friend Gwaine is screaming in his ears through the phone, making him unable to think clearly. Besides, he is very late.

"I know. Gwaine, I know! I do what I can, ok? I'm taking the bus. I'm about to go to the stop right now. No ... my car is completely broken. I will arrive as soon as possible, ok? Gwaine… don't…"

In his ears just a click. His phone is shut down too now, dead battery. Merlin curses and looks away from the blond, whom he has been staring at unseen until now, and who has consumed his coffee and is now reading the local newspaper distractedly. Therefore, he turns back to the bartender.

"What time's the next bus to the seaside?"

"Now. If you don't hurry, you'll miss it"

Merlin snorts, now exasperated by the unlucky events of his very first day of work. Forgetting about the blond boy at his side, he is about to turn around, go out and start running, when the unknown blond man turns and starts to kindly talk to him.

"If you want a ride to the bus stop, I have my motorbike parked outside. Your bus has just passed, you'll definitely miss it"

Merlin looks at him and suddenly feels a knot closing his throat at listening to that deep and sensual voice.

That makes him think of what unlucky day that was: meeting a guy like that and not even having time to articulate something decent and not stupid to say. It was too much to ask to have more time to know him better? But he is so late and he really needs to get to work soon...

"Thanks, I gladly take the ride, so I won't miss the bus"

The boy doesn't respond. Merlin follows him outside, while observing his elegant, attractive, masculine and strong body, wrapped in jeans and black leather jacket, resting on two towering and muscular shoulders... was it possible to have such a chance in the worst day of his life, just after arriving in a new place?

The blond stops in front of a big sport bike. He retrieves a helmet from the glove box and hands it to him without speaking. He mounts on the bike and starts up the engine that roars loudly. Then he waits for Merlin to hop on behind him.

"Hold on tight"

Merlin grabs the tank behind his back, even if he has a strong desire to hold on to the impressive chest of the young man driving. When the bike starts with a deafening roar, he manages to focus on the road, rather than on the boy's heat. He ends up feeling like a fool for thinking such a thing in that desperate situation. He is likely to receive a good scolding on his first day, or worst.

The bike runs fast and the boy's driving is safe. It takes them several kilometers to reach and pass the bus that Merlin should take. Then they arrive at the bus stop a few minutes in advance.

Merlin is sorry that he has to get off the bike. He feels the young man's eyes fixed on him and, although he cannot see his eyes, somehow he is aware that he is staring at him. Merlin would like to say something to maintain the just established contact, but his bus is arriving and the young man has already restarted the engine.

"Thanks for the ride ..."

His words hangs in the air, uncertain... nevertheless, the young man nods without saying anything and then accelerates again, fast, leaving him there, while feeling like a real idiot who has just missed an opportunity.

He has not even had time to ask him his name, he thinks with a hint of annoyance, as he gets on the bus, full of kids dressed for the beach, wondering where the blond was going.

He takes a seat, exhaling a sigh of relief, knowing in his heart he has remedied at least to a part of the delay. He mentally prepares himself for what's awaiting for him at the Base. He will be certainly late, more than it was appropriate for the first day of service in a new Base, and only hopes that Gwaine would have been so brilliant to make up a good story to their superiors.

At the end, the delay amounts to half an hour ... it's not that bad. It could have been much worse.

He had to change quickly and he is not even sure that his white coat is properly fixed up. He fixes the collar with hands, putting his stethoscope around his neck, praying under his breath, as he rushes along the corridors of the military hospital toward the clinics, that his delay could somehow go unnoticed.

It's his first day as a medical officer in that new destination. In fact, he has just been assigned to Camelot Base and that day he has to see some soldiers on leave.

He sticks his hands in his pocket, making sure he has the charger in order to charge his cell phone in the clinic. He raises his eyes and realizes he is almost there.

A beautiful girl with long black hair and green eyes in her off duty uniform greets him, giving him a brief distracted look. Then, she turns to the door of the clinic, where he is heading and where a vaguely known blond head appeared, immediately followed by the rest of the body. Merlin freezes on site, immediately recognizing the boy he has only left an hour before.

The young blond man is not wearing his leather jacket, which is underneath his right arm. He is wearing a gray short-sleeved shirt, tight, that brings out every single muscle under the light cotton.

Merlin remains firmly in place due to the surprise to find him there in front of him and to the questions in his mind - What is he doing here?- and of course, because like before, he feels a strong attraction to the boy. He stares at him breathlessly, not realizing that he is staring a bit too much… The blond was even more beautiful without his jacket, almost breathtakingly.

He is still wearing his sunglasses, so Merlin is still unable to see his eyes. But this time, he is even more intrigued by him, if only to find him in front of him in the military base.

Then, while slowly advancing hoping to greet him and to be recognized by him, the blond approaches the girl, hugs her and she puts her hands around his neck and deposited a kiss on his lips, slightly but confidentially. In response, he hugs her hips and together they walk down the hall without him looking straight ahead. He is so concentrated talking with her that he almost crashes into Merlin.

He stops within ten feet from Merlin, who has failed again to take a single step since he saw the blond. He is still hugging the girl and seems surprised to see the brunet.

Merlin watches him closely, focusing on the details: the square and masculine jaw, the clenched mouth, the broad and powerful neck that disappears beneath the gray shirt ... A pair of dog tags on a ball chain and the registration number showing his military rank.

'He is a fighter pilot' reflects Merlin. His heart begins to pound in his chest, still watching the blond, unable to look away ... Definitely a soldier on leave, one of those to carefully observe before allowing his return to duty. One of those he should have seen that day in his clinic - of course, if he had been there. Merlin reflects that someone must have seen him in his place, if he is exiting the hospital.


Merlin greets him friendly, confident that the other has recognized him. And in fact the blond replies with a nod; he is impassive, but it is clear that he is surprised to see Merlin there and in those clothes.

Always in the green-eyed girl's embrace, he surpasses him and walks toward the exit without looking back.

Merlin regains consciousness of the world around him, closing his eyes a few times, sighing to himself: "Well Merlin... the most unlikely day of your life has not come to an end yet. And you have also met twice what must certainly be at this point the most beautiful boy of the Base. Will you be able to get through the day focused and interested in something other than a blond head and an athletic body who obviously and manly sits on one of those powerful and majestic fighter planes like in your wildest dreams?"

He casts an eye outside for the last time, beyond the windows of the hospital, and sees the girl sitting in the back seat of the powerful bike and embracing the young man, clinging to him as the bike disappears, fast.

"FUCK... just what I needed. I have been at the new Base for one day and I already have no idea how the hell am I going to focus on my work with that guy around here every day…so fuckable and irresistible even when dressed. Moreover, he is even with one of his colleagues. BRAVO MERLIN. This is too much even for someone like you, used to the messiest situations..."

He opens the door of the clinic in a bad mood, his face a bit darker, wondering who has visited the young man that had just left, when Leon - the doctor who he was supposed to trade shift with – welcomes him warmly.

His friend Gwaine, who starts the first day of service as a nurse with him, is at the doctor's side.

"So Merlin! Gwaine here says that you had a problem with your car..."

"Thanks for covering me, Leon ... it has been a surreal situation. I had no idea at what time I would have arrived"

Gwaine pats him on the shoulder:

"You will soon learn, Leon, that Merlin is a magnet for mishaps. He always comes across the strangest circumstances..."

"Thanks Gwaine, you sure are my friend"

Merlin's tone is sarcastic and his friend laughs ... they have been knowing each other for way too long to even think of taking offense at a few jokes between them. They've been friends for years and Gwaine is really the only friend Merlin has, as he is the only one able to bear the peculiar character of the other.

"You're welcome, Merl... Leon here has been actually busy ... so by arriving late you did him a favor."

Merlin looks at the other doctor, met the day before his arrival at the Base, silently questioning him about that, and heads for the tidy desk, where Leon's reports and his work, performed up to that moment, are well piled up.

The colleague immediately responds, telling him what he wants to know:

"You gave me a chance to talk with a friend. He was the first boy of today examinations you should have seen..."

Merlin holds his breath, realizing that Leon is referring to the young man who he has just seen exiting from the clinic. The blond who has messed up his day, seriously confusing his mind and who has even saved his ass on his first day on duty.

"Oh, really? And tell me, why did you want to personally see him so much? Any reason in particular?"

"Yes. I had to tell him about the extension of his leave... He has a long way ahead... I have given him two months. The least I could give him, when in fact I wanted to dismiss him for at least six months... unfortunately I had no way to tell you about it yesterday when we met, with all the things we had to talk about! And I was afraid he would have managed to convince you to sign up for his return to active duty ... you will discover that he can be... to say the least... very persuasive"

Two months on leave. Two months out of the Base. Two months without touching a plane. They are a lot, according to Merlin, who is starting to realize that something serious must have happened to force Leon to do that to his friend.

"And why do you think his health won't allow him to resume his duties sooner?"

Merlin tries not to show how interested he is, since Leon is apparently a close friend of the blond, when he is actually dying to know more about the young man. In the meantime, he even tries to ignore his disappointment over the fact that for two long months he would not see the blond around the Base, as he had hoped...

"If it was up to me, I would have given him even more time off, but I could give him only a week at first, promising that we were going to talk about it again. If it was up to him, he would have resumed flying the day after the funeral."


Merlin looks at Leon and then Gwaine, who nods with his eyes.

"Yes. Arthur lost his closest friend and co-pilot, Lancelot, a week ago. They have been hit, in the air, by a surface-to-air missile, fired from a pirate ship that had entered into a non-navigable zone. There had been an emergency, a call ... RAF Camelot had to intervene and Arthur and Lancelot were on duty. Their plane, Excalibur, was shot down and Arthur had been able to exit it. On the other hand, Lancelot..."

Merlin remembers the episode thanks to the news: the two brave pilots that had been shot down on duty while they were fighting an armed pirate ship that had not hesitated to fire when their plane had come near... The pilot of the fighter plane had bravely attempted a water landing and had brought the plane as close as possible to the coast, but he could not do more than that. Eventually he had been forced to exit the plane to save his life, while his co-pilot had died, shot to death.

Merlin feels his breath choking in his throat at the thought of what had happened ... at the thought of what the young man, whose name is Arthur evidently, must feel and have felt in his heart even during their first meeting a few hours before, while Merlin, awkward as always, had only thought about how attractive he was.

"It is really a sad story. It will take a very long time before he can fully recover..."

Leon nods, serious:

"You'll find out that it is even more painful than you think. Arthur is the best pilot of the base, our best Top Gun. He is among the top three in the UK and one of the top ten in the world. For him ... flying is... more natural than breathing. He is more comfortable with planes than with people. He hasn't many friends, just a few, and Lancelot was his best friend. That's why we're all worried: Arthur may look like an efficient machine, but at the moment he needs to mourn his Second. He wanted to put his ass on a plane right away, but thanks to our friendship and my rank, I managed to impose him a first week of leave... Now, however, it has been difficult to force on him a longer leave. But he really needs it... even though he'll never admit it to himself and to others, he is deeply shocked by the incident and is suffering enormously... he is not ready to fly again or even to think clearly! He is likely to put himself in serious danger..."

Merlin puts his hands in his pockets. His heart is tighter due to the story he has just heard, feeling compassion and admiration for the young man he has just met.

"How did you convince him not to fly for so long if you yourself have just said he did not want to?"

"I found a smoke-screen..."

Merlin looks at him inquisitively.

"I told him it was your fault. Well, actually, I have not framed you alone alone ... I told him that we had discussed his case with the medical board and that the doctor in charge of his case from now on would be you - which is true- a new one and less involved than the others, able to assess things more clearly. Actually, we only needed an excuse to give him, because we knew it would have been difficult to make him accept our decision... Therefore, here is why he thinks it's you that have signed his leave. We have told him that you, once analyzed his case, wanted to discharge him for six months, but that I've convinced you to give him only two. It was easier to steal four months in his head and let him accept at least these two off duty. I told him he was your responsibility and that he still has to come here to be seen by you and that he needs you consent to fly again... In a few words, Merlin, blaming it on the new guy had seemed ideal. I suggested all this yesterday, once I've met you. I firmly believed in the fact that in the light of a more detailed explanation you too would have agreed that Arthur cannot fly so soon and that this was the only way to keep him away. Besides, this way I have maintained his friendship and you've paid for your lateness... We are even!"

Leon smiles slyly but good-naturedly, making it clear that the situation would have gone that way even if they had spoken about it the day before, and Merlin smiles too, perhaps a bit forced...Because, although he perfectly understands why his fellow doctor has done what he did, he is absolutely certain now that Arthur will blame him for his two months leave. Besides, he knows that Arthur's return will be particularly difficult... since Merlin will be the one doing his medical check-ups.

"Welcome to Camelot, Merlin."

Leon officially shakes his hand, before going out, while Merlin turns to look at Gwaine with disappointment:

"And you? Didn't you have anything to say about it?"

Gwaine shrugs and smiles:

"I wanted to... but Leon insisted. And then, that blondie came in... and you know... he's one gorgeous hunk of a man... when I saw those damned blue eyes, they melted my heart and..."

Merlin aims his amicably furious eyes in those of his friend a few centimeters from his face. "You bastard. You can't help but think about fucking every good-looking guy you see, don't you? Not even under such tragic circumstances?"

"What can I say? You know me... If only you had seen him too, Merl… He is really superb and..."

"Let's get to work. Call in the next soldier please. I have already had enough today to even listen to your nonsense too..."

Gwaine winks and then shrugs, smiling:

"You are in a bad mood, huh? Come on ... look at the bright side, at least we are taking the first shift together"

"I fail to see the joy"

After the end of his shift, Merlin spends the night reading about the tragic circumstances that led to the death of the pilot Lancelot, Arthur's best friend.

Leon had been way too polite in describing them, because now that Merlin had them under his eyes, clear and sharp, he could only feel sick after reading what had actually happened.

Camelot Base had been contacted for an illegal trespassing in international waters. Two fighter planes had left the base, one flown by Arthur with his co-pilot Lancelot, the other by a Captain Percival. Since Percival was flying on a Harrier, he was alone.

Both planes had been hit, because they hadn't expected a missiles-armed ship. They had been taken by surprise, because they had thought they would have just made a scout and a formal control… the rest was history.

A fighter plane, hit hard, had not returned, a pilot was dead, and the severely damaged Harrier had returned to the Base only after collecting the pilot of the other plane that had managed to survive.

Captain Lancelot's body had been recovered only many hours later, once they found the plane, lying at the bottom of the sea, luckily not too deep in that area.

Captain Percival had asked and received leave immediately, while Arthur had fought, even by getting a lawyer, in order to remain on duty. He believed he did not need to stay away from work. In the end, Leon had been finally able to convince him to take a break for a week, which now had become two months.

His friend was dead and everyone but him was convinced that the boy needed to recover ... that he was still in shock and not fully aware of what had happened.


Merlin narrows his eyes and runs his hands over his face, leaning his back against the sofa in his new apartment. Then, he sorts out the documents he has borrowed from Leon and starts to reflect on Arthur and the whole situation.

The more he finds out about what has happened, the more he feels involved, realizing how much the young man must suffer: Lancelot was only thirty-two years old and has left behind a wife and two young children.

Spring has now given way to summer.

The heat outside is unbearable and Merlin turns on the air conditioning when he returns to the clinic. One more day of examinations, then maybe he can move to a different clinic. He picks up the folders that Leon has left on his desk and that he hasn't checked yet, to see what he has to do with the soldiers in front of him.

Never mind - he thinks - he will read them one by one as each soldier comes in, getting a clear picture of who will be able to return to work and who won't.

"Gwaine... You can call in the first patient"

No answer.


When his friend still does not respond, Merlin gets up from his desk, one hand in the pocket of his coat, while the other moves the metal drapes that allows some privacy to the medical bed just beyond it. Merlin is convinced to find his friend intent to arrange the medicines, but instead he comes face to face with the young blond man.

Captain Arthur is ready for his medical examination, already undressed but for his underwear. A blushing Merlin observes that he is wearing white and tight boxers that leave little to the imagination. The brunet tries not to look down there, even though he is drawn to him like a magnet, since circumstances impose on him a professional attitude...


His tone is not exactly friendly and Merlin feels that his breath stuck in his throat, unable to utter a word.

He feels like his heart is being ripped from his chest. He needs to plant his hands in his pockets to hide the sudden tremors, born in his veins due to the tension.

Merlin is breathless.

It's the first time he sees the boy without sunglasses and God! his eyes are so beautiful! They are blue ... and intense... and call for him so strongly that Merlin struggles to stay conscious of his surroundings and with what he has to do. Moreover, the boy's eyes are completely focused on Merlin's and they seem to reach right into him and beyond, searching and magnetic...

"So, you are the one that has kept me out of here for two months? You are the medical officer who signed my long leave? If I had known it that day, I would have left you at the service station..."

Merlin's brain starts to work again, even if he feels like suffocating under the eye contact of the pilot in front of him.

Arthur's voice is warm and intense, a lot more than he remembers, and Merlin is afraid that by opening his mouth, his voice would shake. Therefore, he stands there, observing the other man, unable to look away from those eyes for even a second.

It is impossible to ignore his physicality while he is naked - or almost – before him.

How can you find your coherence and voice again in front of that gorgeous body, that broad and muscular chest, those strong legs and arms of steel?

Merlin evaluates different options but finds no solution. Thanks heaven he has not looked at the young man's private parts yet.

He's about to hyperventilate when Gwaine enters in the room, saving him.

"Here I am! Dr Emrys, I had gone out for a moment to get some bandages for the next patient. He has a wound that we have to medicate... and not to slow you down, I called in the first patient of the list before leaving"

"Dr Emrys. Is this the name of the signature on my medical discharge certificate?"

Merlin finally recovers and stops shaking. The situation is very delicate and requires his full attention. Therefore, he clings desperately to his professionalism.

"They told me I really had had a thankless task, Captain..."

"Arthur. Yes, I think so. And ... who told you that?"

Gwaine is barely holding back a laugh, as he watches the duel, fought in style, before his eyes: neither boys want to yield.

"Arthur. I would have signed that leave order anyway, even if I had known that that day I had signed for the person who had saved me from being ridiculously late..."

"And why is that?"

"Because it's my job. Because I do it seriously and conscientiously... and because you should always hope, when in need of a doctor, to find a dutiful and highly professional one, honest and incorruptible too, even if he is a friend."

Arthur gets up from the bed and stands in front of Merlin with his gorgeous body, shining blond hair - a bit shorter than he remembered - and with his blue eyes, so deep they hurt. They are like a stormy sea.

"I knew Leon was involved. But let's not talk about it anymore ... now if you could get a move on this examination… so you can sign my back on duty certificate"

"Not so fast"

Merlin glares at him and, despite being short of breath and senses clouded, he manages to maintain his professionalism, recuperating a tone that he had feared to have lost under the pounding and fascinating eyes of the other man.

"Gwaine, the file of Captain..."

"Pendragon." the blond finishes for him.

Merlin summarily reads the notes of the doctors that have previously seen Captain Pendragon and when he lifts his eyes, the other is still standing there, convinced of being able to leave immediately.

"Sit back down on the bed. You have had a heavy shock. When it occurs, reflexes struggles to return to normal. We need to control them..."

Merlin saw disappointment on the face of the blond, but the boy lies down on the bed nevertheless. His eyes challenging. Merlin is certain that his reflexes are perfect. He is tough and has spirit. Surely, he is a good soldier, but Merlin, as the good doctor he is, understands that Arthur's biggest problem is not his physical or mental strength... it's his emotional part that worries him. According to the psychologist, that has evaluated him one hour before, the boy is still emotionally distant and has still not mourned for his friend.

Merlin forces himself to be professional, while the other penetrates him with his gaze without taking his eyes off him for a second every time Merlin touches him. For every touch of the brunet, the blond stares almost without blinking and without bothering to hide it. His steel muscles are tense in open defiance.

Merlin struggles to breathe as he runs his hands on the strategic points of the reflexes. It's difficult to ignore the strength of his body, the perfect texture of his skin, his marble muscles, the chemicals released by his bubble bath perfume... And those bloody eyes of his are always focused on Merlin's face, causing chills to run down Merlin's back.

Merlin has a vague feeling that Arthur has understood how much in trouble Merlin is in front of his physicality, in front of him, but deep down he is hoping it's just a paranoia.

Having Gwaine near him is helping him to maintain a professional demeanor. He passes him the stethoscope for the last part of the examination: the listening of the heart.

Eventually Merlin can only say that everything is fine.

"The reflexes are good and physically you're all right..."

The blond gets up with a smug smile, as to say: "it has been stupid not allowing me to fly. I'm more than ready to return!"

But Merlin runs a hand through his hair and then puts it on the stethoscope, and continues: "How long have you had hand tremor?"

Arthur clenches his fists strongly, realizing that the young doctor is considering that little detail as important ... nevertheless, he cannot lie.

"Didn't you read it in the psychologist's report? You know why"

"The fact that you still have it means that you're not emotionally stable. It is an involuntary movement, a trauma reflex. You think you can fly, but what will you do if you cannot keep your hands still on the control column? Tension..."

"I'm perfectly able to return, to fly! You saw for yourself that the medical examination and my tests are perfect..."

"That's not how it works. We need to take account of the general context and for now, you are not able to return to work the way you wish to"

"I do not accept it. I am physically fit. I will ask another medical evaluation to an external board! I will not tolerate a further discharge!"

"Listen to me. I tell you what we can do. I give you permission to return to duty... you start by seeing how you're doing. Maybe occasionally and sporadically, you can start flying a plane, as someone else's co-pilot. That's all I can do for now and believe me when I say that as things are now, you will never obtain more than this. Because with these reports, any external medical board will forbid you to fly for a long time. You better accept my temporary certificate and the conditions that I will underwrite and that I have just imposed for your return. I see you again after a month... If things turn out as we both hope, you will resume your duties immediately. I honestly cannot do more for you. And believe me... I am also doing this as a favor to Leon. He would have risked his career today by signing your readmission. You are not able to resume flying Captain, not as things are looking at the moment"

"Fuck you. That day I should have let you crawl to reach the Base..."

Merlin smiles sarcastically while the other grabs his clothes and redresses.

The confrontation has been difficult and has not been the right way to see each other again and re-establish a contact - Merlin reflects - but at least he has been able to reason with the captain and this is a great achievement. Something no one would have bet on only two months before.

Conscious of what he has just achieved, Merlin mentally congratulated himself, scoring a point in his favor in the battle against the blond. Now they are even, since the blond had saved him on his first day of work.

"Gwaine, draw my report on Captain Pendragon with the conditions we have agreed to, please. So I can sign it. Captain, you can return to duty tomorrow"

Merlin turns around, but the now fully dressed Pendragon has still not taken his eyes off him, always in his insistent and intrusive way. And even now that Merlin's back is turned, he can feel his penetrating eyes on him.

Merlin sits at his desk and signs the certificate with his beautiful handwriting and Arthur seems to yield for a moment, becoming more understanding and kinder ... but it's just a brief moment.

"Dr Emrys. I don't like telling someone to fuck off so formally... what's your name?"


His answer sounds harder than he really wanted it to be, but now they have erupted in an open conflict. The eyes of the blond seem flames as they look into Merlin's, who feels his legs become jelly at the thought of those eyes on fire for other far more pleasurable situations...

"Merlin. Prepare the next certificate ... in my next check-up, I will not tolerate a further delay"

"It's been a pleasure, Capitan Pendragon."