Arcee sat in her and Prime's office, they both had been reading over the new case for New York City for a week now trying to figure out exactly how to go out with this, it was so hard. Business men and women were coming up dead after visiting a set of hotels owned by James Smith. The man was distressed by the fact, it was bad for business. "So when are we heading there?" Arcee asked Optimus who shrugged. "Whenever agent Fowler gets the tickets" he said and Arcee nodded.

They looked up as the door opened and Blade stood in the doorway. "Fowler wants to talk" he said and they got up, walking out to the main room of the station. Arcee sat on one of the desk and rested her feet on Prime's lap once he sat down in the chair. "I've got the tickets" Fowler said and everyone nodded. "But the flight is in two hours" He said and they all stood up. "YOU CRAZY?!" Chromia asked and he nodded. "Go pack!" He said and they all quickly drove back to base.

Arcee sat on the bed as Optimus packed their stuff. "What if one of us gets hurt?" she asked and he looked at her. She was looking down at her legs and had been acting like this all week. "Is that why you've been so quiet?" he asked and she nodded. "I almost died last time" she sniffled and tears fell onto her legs. He walked over and hugged her tightly, pulling her into his lap. "I won't let anything happen to you" he whispered and kissed her hair softly. If these were her fears when they were just dating, what about when they were married? Or when they had children? He soon set her down after she was done crying and packed quickly for them, getting everything Arcee normally brought with them.

He carried all the bags out and piled them into Hide's truck with everyone else's stuff. "Okay are we ready to go?" he asked and they nodded. Optimus guided Arcee to one of the cars and set her into the passenger side. He kissed her head softly and closed the door before heading to Hide's truck. He soon got into the driver's side and sat down, watching as the three human teens got in the back. He drove off behind Ironhide's truck and glanced over at Arcee who was quietly looking out the window.

~Ironhide's truck~

Hide had the windows down and was blaring country music. "I'm gonna kill you one day for this" Chromia said as she looked at Hide.

"Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low Put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man" Ironhide mouthed along with the sound and Chromia laughed. "Ironhide please stop" Wheeljack said from the back. "I'll start singing" Ironhide said. "GO AHEAD AND LIP SING DUDE" Bulk said and Chromia busted out laughing. "They don't like your singing hun" she said and the two men nodded.

Ironhide pulled into the parking garage of the airport and parked his truck, noticing everyone else's pulled next to his. He opened his tailgate and started handing everyone their bags with the help of Blade and Sentinel. The group walked to security and set their things down. "What's in the bag ma'am?" one of the guards asked Arcee and she pulled out her badge. "Weapons" she said as they let her through. Everyone showed the guards their badges and Fowler even let them read the case file. They all walked to baggage checking.