Hey guys. Thanks for favoriting and following me. I appreciate the support. This is my second fanfiction so hope you enjoy. Also, just to let you know, I still continuing "Kirito's New Life" so don't worry. Also just to let you know, I'm not really good with fight scenes, but I'm trying my best. :"(

Disclaimer: I do not own the anime/manga(Sword Art Online & Arpeggio Of Blue Steel) used in my fanfiction. The credit belongs to the original owners.


In the cold winter snow, our hero struggled against a person who become a mad man, literally. His right eye was red with veins surrounding his eyelid. This was the result of extremely undeniable pain caused by their battle in the virtual world. In his hand was a pocket knife. In that man's mind, he still wanted the girl. Revenge was also in mind, for our hero had damaged his most precious thing, his face. Acting like a mad man and fighting like a mad man, Nobuyuki Sugou thrust his blade forward without the slightest knowledge of combat. Our hero, Kirigaya Kazuto(aka Kirito), was fully prepared for combat. The strikes and swings were easily dodged. Unlike his opponent, Kirito had no intentions of killing him because there's no need to do so. But for the safety of Asuna and his own life, he must at least render him unconscious.

At first, Nobuyuki Sugou's appearance in front of hospital entrance shocked him. From the shock and freaky appearance of the enemy, Kirito was cut and bruised. Removing his fears of killing others, the tide of battle was turned. Slamming the face of his opponent in a was that particular sign. The force creaked Sugou's glasses and giving him a nose bleed. Before recovering, Kirito stabbed the blade that had fallen in the snow onto the car door, just centimeters from Sugou's eyes. The knife did its job. The mad being trembled in fear nearly peeing himself. However, there was no need to be a murderer for something so foolish and selfish. With a well placed punch, the cries of terror stopped and a body fell unconscious on the ground.

Feeling that the deed was done, our hero headed straight towards the hospital door. Justice would be served to him in court with a guarantee reward of prison time. All seem perfect, for just a few seconds. Before Kirito could even open the door, gunshots were heard. Similarity, his back flared up in pain. He reached his left hand to his back feeling something warm. Bringing his hand to eyes view, he could see blood, his blood. Turning around, Sugou was standing there holding a pistol, the size of a light bulb. For some reason, Nobuyuki Sugou was able to stay conscious from the blow and shot him. Kirito opened his mouth to say one word-how.


The gun rang as the fragrance of the gun powder filled the air. A bullet had struck Kirito's abdomen. The pain was unbearable, forcing him to fall on his face. Fresh red blood, flooded his surroundings, soaking into the snow. His body couldn't move nor was he able to scream for help. Sounds of someone's foot steps came nearer to his motionless body. Pain once again struck his chest from a kick. Now facing the sky, Kirito could see the face of Sugou. This left cheek had swollen from the punch, but there were no signs of pain. His anger had over taken his sense of self. He gave Kirito a smile befitting for a mad man. "She's all mine. Mine I say. MMMMMMMMMINE!" The man screamed his declaration and laughed. He laughed when he shot another bullet, laughed when the screaming nurse saw the scene and laughed when Kirito blacked out. Kirito regretted on not being able to meat his love before dying, but was somewhat satisfied that Sugou would not have his ways.


A world not known by the living. A world between the ones who lived and the ones who did live. Millions of trillions of souls drifted aimlessly in total darkness. In this world, there was nothing, no destination and no hope. The souls that entered had no memory of themselves and their life nor did they have the intelligence they once obtained from the world of the living. All of them were mindless with no free will, like puppets without a puppeteer. But in this vest group, there was one that differs from the rest. It was luminous with with mixer of white and black. Where the others were just black.

'Where am I?'

Somehow this soul had regained its intelligence, the ability to think. It stopped its movements and observed its surroundings. But there was nothing to see where nothing could be seen. He tried to call out for others, but no voice came out. In a closer inspection, it realized that it had no mouth. There wasn't even a body, just a orb of white and dark light. Not long afterwards, negative emotions that it once knew reached its mind.

'Lonely...Sad...Cold...Pain...Sorrow' These thoughts gave rise to the desire of having someone to be by his side. A friend.

'Friends... Did I have them? Asuna...Yes. Yes, I do. I have her. A friend, a partner and virtual wife. Virtual? Wife? What are these things? Why did it appear in my mind?' A piece of its memory had slipped into its might, but instead of a solution, there were more questions. Questions including its existence and who this Asuna being is. No matter how hard it concentrated, there was no progress.

The soul thought on and on. There's no clock in this world so to estimate, it had been nearly a 30 or so years. In those years it waited for a change and still waited even at this moment. Any sort of change was better than nothing. One day it came. Single sparkle of light like a star in the night sky appeared before it. Out of curiosity, it moved towards it. The light lit up area, allowing it to see other souls. The orbs moved about like nothing had changed, none moved towards the light. As it got closer, its body became warmer, the light grew brighter and the sparkle of light grew in size.

'Warm...So warm.'

For the first time, it felt happy and safe. Like all its desires have be achieved and the pain was demolished. The light enveloped the soul as fire on oil.

'So comfy.' The urge of sleep tumbled over it, becoming stronger every second. For its whole life in this world, it didn't need the thing called sleep. Why now? Nothing made sense. But it did not question it any further. The orb soon fell asleep. If it had a face, there would a smile of joy.


'This is unexpected. It seems like another battleship created her own mental model.' If she had a mouth, she would sigh at the situation. 'But why did it had to be her.'

SE-class battle ship and the flagship of the Second Oriental Fleet, Hyuga. She different from other flagships because she didn't have a mental model. To her it was useless in battle. The ship that just created her own mental model was one that's under her wing. Plus, she's also her right post ship(right hand man). In record, she had the most streaks in the entire fleet, exceeding even Hyuga's score.

'Guess I'll take a look at her mental model.' At that, Hyuga backed up towards the ship behind her. That ship was a Tokao-class battleship. Unlike her sisters, her deck and outer appearance where all black in color. No wait, the color is new so maybe the addition of the mental model had changed the core itself? Was Hyuga's guess. At a closer look, one could see a girl at the age of about 8 or younger sitting on one of the automatic machine guns. Height at about 3.6 feet with black, shiny, flawless hair stopping at the waist. Her lower body had a pair of war boots and tights reaching her knee. On her upper body was a shirt that had the chest area covered with a steel chest plate. Covering a part of the plate and shirt was a hood less long coat. For reasons Hyuga didn't know every pieces of clothing was black in color, besides the chest plate which was normal. Her eyes were what you may saw freaking adorable as the attraction between magnet(eyes) to iron(male) and steel(female). The extraordinary color of a tint of purple made it even stronger. Well, for humans that is. Her face was spotless and soft even by looking at it. To sum it all up, she's a flat chest or A.5 sized. A perfect image of a loli of any human's dream. Humans would hug her and pat her on sight.

Using the network, Hyuga tried to compliment Tokao #3, the nickname she was given, a sweet compliment. "Tokao #3 your mental model looks adorable don't you think." The reply was surly different when she didn't have a mental model. Instead of being cheery, pretending to be human, her reply was emotionless. "Thank you." Was her reply.

With just that, Hyuga knew that what's before her was not the Tokao #3 she once knew. As for the solution, she decided to transfer her to Kongo. Because she's more experienced with this mental model thing, it might be better for Tokao #3.

Without a second thought, Hyuga announced her orders to Tokao #3. In response, Tokao #3 just nodded and sailed off with the coordinates given by Hyuga to Kongo's location.