Hello everyone,

As you all know I've had a lot of things going on which has caused most of my stories to come to a stand still. But, not only am I writing chapters for all of the stories I have previously published, I have had this idea in my head for a while now and I'm finally getting around to writing it. There are a few things to bear in mind that are different from how The Originals and The Vampire Diaries are at the present moment in time.

Hayley is in this story, albeit not very much (which I'm sure most of you are happy about), but this story takes place when Hope was killed by the witches (in this story she was actually killed) and Hayley is in the angry, killing everyone stage. Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus and Kol will be in this story. Caroline has had sex with Klaus and this is set after that, but also before Tyler becomes a human again. Bonnie is alive and her and Caroline are sticking together in this story.

This first chapter is just a starting chapter to set the scene, it doesn't explain a lot at the moment but you will find out what the hell is happening in the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story.

As the sun set behind the horizon an eerie light was shone across the forest, the pathway in front of them getting harder to stick to at every turn. The wind began picking up causing the leaves to be ripped from the branches, flying to the ground to the deep mud filled holes below their feet.

"This is getting ridiculous; she has literally been walking through this forest for four hours. My boots are officially ruined." Caroline groaned, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to be rid of all the twigs and leaves that had taken refuge there.

"Yes but there is obviously a reason for that, she hasn't travelled half way across the country in order to have an evening stroll." Bonnie muttered, rolling her eyes as she looked back at the blonde. "She came to this particular forest for a reason."

Caroline sighed, pulling her hair away from her ears and closing her eyes in order to listen to any movements to signal their next move.

"She's going downhill. I can hear a river and wind hitting wood, like a house or a hut maybe? She's gone that way." Caroline walked passed Bonnie and stopped, looking down to where the ground started sloping leading down to the river below them. "Can you hear the water? We must be close now, finally." She sighed in relief.

Caroline led the way, following the noise of the young girl, in order to follow her and keep out of sight. The ground was getting harder to walk on, the hill becoming steeper, the river now in sight.

"Look, there is a wooden hut like you said. She must have gone in there." Bonnie muttered stepping forward to follow her. She stopped as they spotted the girl continuing to walk to the next set of trees along the river bed and passed the wooden hut. Huffing in annoyance Caroline listened for any sign of noise in the wooden hut – there were none. Bonnie ignored her, stepping forward to continue.

"We're going to end up walking right out into the open in a minute. We need to stick to the tree line, we have no idea what this girl is and who she's going to remember." Caroline whispered, grabbing a hold of Bonnie's arm in order to stop her from going any further.

"I did not walk four hours through this forest to lose her at the last minute Caroline. We can't afford to stick to the tree line. She's gone past those trees at the bottom now down by the river. That will cover any signs of presence; she doesn't know we're here anyway. Come on."

Bonnie shook out of Caroline's grip and continued walking, her hands out to the side in order to steady herself as she slipped down the hill, the leaves that were stuck to the bottom of her shoes making it incredibly difficult to get a grip on anything.

Caroline stopped, her hearing focusing on a movement that was different from the girls, this sounded heavier, louder, more dangerous. The crunching of sticks and the smell flying through the air on the wind caused Caroline's eyes to turn red as she flashed forward, grabbing Bonnie and flashing them forward until they were crouching down behind the wooden hut at the bottom of the hill, out of sight completely.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bonnie whispered, adjusting her legs as she stayed crouched down, her back leaning against the warm wood behind her. "What was that for?"

"We're not alone now Bonnie. Whoever this girl is, she's walked us right into a trap. I can smell wolves." Caroline growled, her finger hovering over her lips signalling to her best friend to stay silent. She twisted herself around, poking her head around the side of the hut in order to get a better view.

"That's impossible; it's not a full moon." Bonnie muttered, reaching behind Caroline to look for herself.

Caroline turned around, her eye brows furrowed as she listened around her, all of the movement had stopped now, she couldn't hear a single thing. "I can't hear anything. Something feels very wrong about this Bonnie. Let's get out of here now; we'll come back tomorrow morning." Bonnie nodded, grabbing hold of Caroline's hand as they flashed from behind the hut in the direction of the river that would lead them into the centre of New Orleans. There wasn't much of the forest left; they would be able to find her again in the morning.

As she was running Caroline saw a flicker in the forest to the left of her, as she turned to look she saw a large black shadow and within seconds she felt the pressure of a body pushing her from her course. She cried out as they flew down the hill, hitting the wet ground with a thud. Jumping to her feet, she looked up at the trees, now hearing all kinds of movement around her. The smell of the wolf suddenly became very obvious to her and she crouched down slightly, her fangs protruding as she readied herself for an attack.

Bonnie pushed herself up, watching the trees in front of them for their attacker to show themselves. They didn't. Bonnie had never been bitten by a wolf before and even if she had, it wouldn't have as bad as an effect on her as it would Caroline. Caroline had been bitten more times than any vampire Bonnie had known and she knew just the thought of feeling the venom coursing through her veins again was enough to make Caroline shudder.

Caroline suddenly noticed a flicker of movement to her right and her eyes focused in on the person watching them from the side lines.

"Bonnie look, she's over there." Caroline whispered, tapping her friend on the shoulder and nodding her head in the direction of the trees. As they looked at her they watched as she slipped behind another tree, out of sight. Bonnie looked at Caroline, a frown on her face. Had she known they were there all along? Is she a wolf?

Bonnie turned, running in the direction of the young girl, jumping over the fallen logs that were in her way, her heart beat quickening at her desperation to follow the young girl. Caroline cursed at her, flashing after Bonnie, knowing that they wouldn't have a chance against any wolves if they weren't together. But before she'd caught up with her she saw the flash of green as a dark haired girl grabbed a hold of her jacket, spinning her around until Caroline flew through the air, her back colliding with a small pile of rocks next to the water. She turned around hearing the crunch of her back as her hand gripped the mud below her, the water washing up and catching the bottom of her hair.

Flipping herself over she growled as the girl straddled her, her hands pressing down on her throat, her nails digging deeply into Caroline's neck, slitting the skin open and causing blood to drip down her and onto her shirt. Caroline was choking for air as she looked up at the girl, her grip loosening slightly as her eyes turned from green to yellow and finally to red. It was in this moment that Caroline noticed the fangs protruding from her gums. What the hell was she?

Reacting quickly, Caroline reached up, her hand tightening around the girl's wrist, twisting it sharply. Hearing the crack and using this as her opportunity to push the girl off she flashed up, running in the direction that Bonnie had gone in. She could hear her running and knew exactly where she was. The moment she caught up with her Bonnie slowed to a halt, looking around her frantically.

"She's gone. I didn't see where she went." Bonnie cried, annoyed that they'd completely managed to lose her.

"I don't care Bonnie; we need to get out of here now." Caroline hissed, grabbing Bonnie and flashing off in the direction of the lights. She looked behind her just before they reached the road at the edge of the forest. She could still smell the girl, but she couldn't see her anywhere.

As they reached the road Caroline stopped, letting go of Bonnie's hand as she focused in on every inch of the forest around her. It was silent; the only noise was the distant wash of the river.

"So she's a wolf then. The girl is a wolf. We would have noticed that back at Whitmore though as soon as we met her, she must have killed someone between then and now to of activated the curse." Bonnie wondered out loud, looking into the forest next to Caroline.

"I don't think she's a wolf. If she was I would have smelt her this whole time and she would have sensed us. The only time I smelt them was when we got down to the river. The girl that attacked us, I think she's a hybrid." Caroline exclaimed, turning away from the forest to look at Bonnie. "When she attacked me, her eyes were green. Her grip was strong, stronger that just a normal werewolf. When she cut into my neck her eyes turned yellow and she had fangs."

"That can't be true. The only hybrids we know of now are Klaus and Tyler. There can't be anymore Hybrids unless Klaus turned them using Elena's blood and he doesn't have any of her blood. It must be some sort of curse or trick." Bonnie muttered, turning away from the forest as she began walking along the road into New Orleans.

Caroline followed her, nodding silently. They knew that the Mikaelson family were in New Orleans and had planned to stay way out of their way. Caroline didn't want Klaus to think she'd followed him or had come looking for him, despite how much she wanted to see him. Something else was happening here and that was her priority. Well, for now anyway.

So that is the first chapter for you. It's very short and simple and it's just setting the scene of where Caroline and Bonnie are and what exactly they doing, why are they following the mystery character?

If you'd like to review and tell me what you thought, I am always looking for feedback.

If this story hasn't caught your eye then that's okay, but if you want to click the follow button just to see what happens in the future, then go for it. I promise, there will be lots of exciting things to come.

Goodbye for now!