really long AN/apology- okay, so i am really sorry that i haven't worked on my other stories- or really done anything for that matter- but i have a legit reason! at first, it was laziness and the face that i guess i'm just not motivated to continue my other stories. i'm terrible at plotting (i'm getting better though, i actually brainstorm now) and my other stuff on here had no plot unless it was a one-shot or something. also, i just went for back surgery to straighten out my spine (i now have titanium rods and these pretty badass screws in my spine and a huge cut going from my shoulder blades to my tail bone with staples in it now) and so i've kinda been out of order lately. anyways, i thought up this thing yesterday and brainstormed it last night so i kind of know where i'm going with it. suggestions are always welcome (actually, i encourage suggestions as to where this should go, what should happen). i'm also doing homeschooling for half the school year because of my back so i actually do have time to work on stuff. i will try to write at least half a chapter a day and post hopefully every day or every second day, depending on when i have wifi 'cause i don't always have it. anyways, enough of me rambling, here is chapter one of my Matchmaker AU!


Jack looked at the paper in his hand. It was a much shorter bio than the others and from the looks of things, this kid didn't think much of himself. One word for each field pretty much. He sighed and set the paper down.

"This is useless," he said to the wall opposite him. "How do they not realize that the best way to know someone, is to actually get to know them!?" he put his head in his hands and shook it. His stupid boss wouldn't let Jack try out a new way of matchmaking. Jack thought that if he spent time with the clients, he would know them better and therefore it would be easier to make a good match.

"That will take much too long Jack." North, his bosses right-hand-man and the over all decision maker of the company argued.

"Oh come on North. Sure it may take a while but our success rates would go up!" Jack tried to convince him. But in the end, it was no use. Apparently North didn't see it Jack's way and there was nothing Jack could do to get him to.

Jack looked at the clock. In roughly 20 minutes he would be meeting with yet another client. This would be what? The 37th person he'd met since he'd started his job at Cupid's Arrow at the start of the year. The 37th person he would be sitting down and talking to, trying to figure out which one of the other Cupid's Arrow clients would be right for them. And yet, Jack himself had never, not once been in any relationship. Not with a girl, not with a boy, not with anyone else in the world. It was almost ironic.

The blinds rattled on the door as it opened. Jack looked up to see a tall, muscular man covered in tattoos, whom everyone called Bunny standing there, a scowl on his face. Bunny was essentially Jack's enemy in the office. Okay, maybe enemy was a bit strong of a word, but they didn't get along all that great. Bunny was a stubborn Aussie who believed that Jack was too young to know what love was and much too irresponsible to be messing with other people's love lives. Jack was just as stubborn of an American who believed that Bunny was just an old grump, even though the older male was only 29, 10 years older than Jack.

"Here. Manny said to give these to you," Bunny said, holding out a stack of papers. Probably new clients he would have to meet with either later that day, or the next.

Jack sighed. "Just put them on the desk."

"Um, no, you can come get them. I ain't your slave mate," Bunny said, sounding especially grumpy.

Jack groaned dramatically as he stood up and stomped over to the door. He snatched the papers from Bunny and stomped back to his desk. Bunny said nothing as he shut the door, the blinds rattling again, and walked off, back to his own office.

After Bunny left, Jack started thumbing through the papers. Some girl named Astrid coming in tomorrow, some guy by the name of Aladdin, a girl who went by Cindy, a Jasmine, an Eric, and a Hiccup. Jack nearly set the piles down, but then the last one's name registered in his mind. Hiccup? Who in their right mind would name their kid Hiccup?

Curious, Jack flipped back to the last bio, setting the others down.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock.

Age- 18.

Gender- male.

Sexuality- unsure.

Jack raised an eyebrow. Unsure? What exactly was that supposed to mean? he kept reading.

Hometown- Berk, Scotland.

Interests- inventing, engineering, sketching, reading, hiking.

Jack nodded. The guy was outdoorsy and smart, that was good. If he was honest, the kid sounded almost cute. No Jack, no being interested in customers… not even a little! he chided himself.

It was the one rule he had, no becoming interested in the customers. He was just there to pair them up with other people so they could get married and live a happy life and shut their annoying parents up about 'getting married already'. He was not, in any way, supposed to take special interest in any customer. The only rule he had.

He looked back to the paper to see the date that the Hiccup boy was scheduled to come in. October 3rd… two days from then. Jack frowned. He was curious, extremely curious. How would a boy from Scotland with the name Hiccup even act?

AN- okay so there we go. this chapter is a little short, i think the others will be longer but this is just kind of an intro. anyways, suggestions! suggestions, suggestions, suggestions! i kind of need them! i mean, yeah i can come up with stuff on my own but i wanna know what YOU people want to happen later on! right now the plot is extremely loose and flexible and i could fit nearly anything in so please, please, please leave any ideas or things-you-wanna-see-happen-in-this-story in the comments or PM (Private Message) me with yo ideas! thank you! :D

-HeAtHeR out!