AN:Hey everybody. This is Surface Creep, here to post my 'new' story.

Yes, this is Madness's story Arc of the Covenant. Well, good news, I AM MADNESS.


I just had to unfortunately move operations to a different account due to some life problems occuring. So, same story, different account. Nothing much to say.

Got The Life 1

Uggghhh... I hate mornings.

"No, Ms. Kitty, that's my chicken pot pie." I mumble out, still thinking im in the dream I was having. Something about an apocalypse...With little green Smurfs? You know what, no more lemonade before bed, that shit always makes me get weird.

I turn to the clock on my nightstand and see it display 5:30 am. A little bit earlier than usual, but whatever, its not like ill be able to fall back asleep anyways. As I sit up in my bed, I stretch my arms over my head and hear a couple of cracks come from my back before I throw my legs over the side of my bed and onto the carpet. I then stand up and rub my eyes as I make my way over to the bathroom and go inside to do my morning business.

I dont even bother to turn on the lights, since i'm guessing I was born part owl or something, since I can see in the dark pretty well, nor do I look in the mirror as I wash my hands and towel them off before leaving the bathroom and walking over to my dresser before opening it. I look in and see... a bunch of hoodies?

'Did Kary put these in here when I didn't notice?' I thought to myself as I pulled one out and examined it. Wouldn't be the first time my stepmom does something and I take forever to notice it. Hell, it took me a month to notice she took the acoustic outta my room. I shrug, thinking the hoodie doesn't look awful by any means, but search for something else to wear instead. All I see are Jeans and white T-Shirts instead, so just grab those and put those on while i'm wondering what the hell Kary did with my other clothes. Finally wearing something besides an undershirt and boxers, I turn to hit the lightsw-

"Pancakes... Mmmm..."

I freeze.

Someone was in my room.


I practically flew back over to my bed and reach under my pillow to find my copy of the world's greatest book ever still safe and sound. I give a breath of relief before I remember that there is an intruder in the room, one thought coursing through my brain.

'You fucked with the wroooong nerd, Jackass.'

I silently walk over to where I heard the voice come from to see…

That this wasn't my room.

I look around more after my eyes have adjusted and see that I thought correctly, this place was waaay bigger than my room. And it had three other beds, all of which were currently occupied. I take in a couple other things as well, but I have one big concern at the moment too. Something that I spend hours upon hours of watching over and cleaning, using, and many other things. Something that is almost as important as cool gardens. Almost.

"Where's Fleisch Esser?"

I look around frantically for the autographed guitar as panic seeps into my mind. If Cool Gardens was under my pillow, then Esser has to be under my bed! That guitar has autographs from all the members of System of a Down! I swear to Serj, if any of these fuckers hurt my baby…

Blood will be spilt.

Lots and lots of blood


Nevermind, I found it.

Sure enough, I find my guitar tucked away safely in its case under the bed. Strangely enough, there's nothing else there. All the normal boxes full of clothes and other random teenage bullshit is gone.

What in the actual flying fuck is going on around here?

I sit down on the bed I was sleeping on and faced the direction of the three other people as I tried to think what was going on. So far, i'm in a different room, that much I could tell. The only things I have of mine are Cool Gardens and Fleisch Esser. Was I drugged or something? Am I being held in some sort of prison for sex slaves? No, im pretty sure they don't let slaves play the guitar... Or get a book... Okay, so no on the slaves thing.

But I was definitely kidnapped. I highly doubt I came here willingly, nor did I get drunk of my own accord. I hadn't even touched alcohol in the last three years. No, the last thing Ber was laying down in my bed and falling asleep, and now...This. Jesus Christ, this is aggravating. I reach up to my head and run a hand through my shaggy hair as I try and-

Wait a minute.

I don't have shaggy hair.


Shaggy hair…

Bunch of jackets…

Big dorm room...



No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I get up and walk back over to the bathroom and close the door behind me before I turn on the lights and look in the mirror. And I don't see short brown hair, I don't see moles on my neck, and I don't see that scar on my elbow from the time I hit that fat kid with a rubber chicken.

Instead, I see Jaune Arc.

No more lemonade before bed. EVER. AGAIN.

I lean forward over the sink and take in my appearance as im literally inches away from the mirror. True to how Monty depicted him, he had a clear face with shaggy blond hair that went to right above his green eyes-

Wait, those are MY eyes. Jaunes are blue, why is it they are green now? I focus on my own eyes until suddenly, they turn back to blue. Huh. Well, that may have been random, but at least now I look like Jaune.

Letting out a sigh, I lean against the bathroom wall and run my hand over my face as I think about what to do. Im guessing that those three other people are Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren, Jaunes teammates from team JNPR...Which I guess i'm now a part of...Shouldn't I be like, oh I don't know, LOSING MY SHIT RIGHT NOW? How am I taking this so calmly?! I mean, yeah I put up with some weird shit in my life, but that's just everyday weird shit, not getting-transferred-into-your-favorite-TV-show-as-a-character weird!

Ugggh,y'know what? Fuck it, im going on a walk, see if that helps me think better or not. I turn of the lights before opening the door and exiting the bathroom and grabbing Cool Gardens off my-Jaune's bed, then opening the door quietly and closing it just as silently before turning around.

My eyes fell upon the door across from me, and I instantly remembered that in that room was the entirety of team RWBY. Probably still sleeping. So many rwby nerds would kil to be in my place right now, probably to bust in there and ask for autographs...Only to get chased out by four teenage girls with scary ass weapons while I politely laugh my ass off. The thought causes me to chuckle as I begin to walk down the hallway and try to find my way out.

After only a couple of minutes of wandering, I finally find the exit and step out into the cool morning air. Combined with the fact that I had never seen Beacon Academy in real life, and the sun just starting to rise, my breath was instantly taken away as the sight before me captured my entire attention. The show really did do this place no justice in it's portation, all of the spires and buildings looking absolutely awe-inspiring. It truly was beautiful.

While simultaneously taking in the sights, I begin to walk in any random direction while trying my best to remember where I was going so I could retrace my steps latter on. Speaking of latter on...

Just how should I go about this? I may have no idea WHY i'm here, but that doesn't mean I should just hide away or something. No, I think right now the best course of action would be to try and be...Well, Jaune. After all, I don't think people here have others coming into and taking over their friend's bodies happen very often. So... Lovable, goofball it is then.

But will it be enough to convince his friends? Hell, I've watched the show enough times to get a basic idea on how to act like him, but I don't know everything about the guy. Does he have certain quirks, certain ways of doing things that have never been shown before?

I guess...I'll just have to go with the flow and see how things go. I can't think of anything else to do, and I dont want to seem off alre-


I look down for the source of the noise to see something is in my pocket. I reach in it tentatively before pulling out what I realised was Jaune's scroll. After inspecting it a bit, I found the button that expands the little bastard and pressed it as the phone-of-Remnant folded into its full form. The screen then brightened up as It read 1 new notification.

{1 New Msg}


{Subject: Hello, Dalton. We have a lot to talk about.}