So, here is our first ever crossover fic!

This is a side story to 'Of Tales Now and Long Ago', but we've tried to write it so that it can stand alone.

It's set during the timeskip between NARUTO and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN, and in the book Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the 6th book of the Harry Potter series.

Chapter ONE

It had been a boringly normal day. Haruno Sakura was sitting on a tree branch at one of the Uchiha training grounds, polishing a kunai. Uchiha Itachi was sitting on another branch a little above, reading a scroll on some theory or another.

Sakura was making a mental list with her Inner on the importance of chakra control. Being a part of the Haruno clan, a clan that had hailed from Kirigakure before a massacre, Sakura was gifted with excellent chakra control and an Inner Spirit, a second being within her mind that protected her from harm.

What no one knew was that the Haruno clan had been created for the sole purpose of find the Otsutsuki heir. Once Sakura had been born, Otsutsuki Toneri had massacred the clan in order to keep any secrets from leaking out.

In other words, once Sakura had been born, the Otsutsuki saw no further use of the Haruno clan.

After the massacre, Toneri had taken her to train her in the Otsutsuki ways and techniques, before leaving her for Konoha to find. It was all a part of the grand plan of the Otsutsuki revival. She currently resided in the Uchiha compound.

The Uchiha clan had also been killed off by Toneri, leaving only Itachi and Sasuke.

Sakura tried to dwell on her mixed feelings about that.

'Chakra control is the base of nearly all techniques.' Her Inner said.

'And it's a necessity for Medical chakra.' Sakura added. She's know all about it, as she had been trained by Tsunade, who currently ran the hospital.

'It also helps with mundane tasks such as tree climbing, water walking, and even for just a burst of speed.'

They went on like that for a while, until a Chunin boy flickered into the clearing with a message from the Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

"Hokage-sama requests for you in his office."

Sakura paused her hand before frowning. She glanced at Itachi, who had looked up from his reading. "Who?" She asked. She pointed at herself, then at the Uchiha, just to make it clear.

The Chunin sent to call them looked unnerved to be in the same area as the stoic Uchiha prodigy and the rumored-to-be crazy Haruno Sakura.

"Both of you." The Chunin managed to get out.

Itachi nodded to dismiss him while Sakura put down the kunai she had been sharpening. She stood up.

'What do you think he wants?' Her Inner asked.

Sakura mentally shrugged.

"Shall we?" Itachi asked.

Sakura grinned and nodded as they took their time to walk out onto the streets. There, Itachi jumped onto the roof closest to them and Sakura followed.

They made it to the Hokage tower, where they saw Nara Shikamaru leaning against the wall by the entrance. He looked up when they approached."You've been called too. How troublesome."

"This confirms that we are going to go on a mission." They turned around to see Hyuuga Neji standing there.

Their team, Team Riki had been put together shortly after Sasuke's departure for Orochimaru. The only ones that knew that it was actually a secret mission assigned by the Hokage was Itachi, Sakura, Naruto and Shikamaru.

They were more of a fill-in team than anything, called upon for mission and other jobs that required tremendous power and skill.

Itachi nodded briskly. "Though I think you are correct, I think we should get going"

They made their way into the building, automatically falling into line with Itachi in the lead. The lady at the desk greeted them and confirmed their appointment. She sent them through, and Itachi knocked on the door to the Hokage's office, entering when a 'come in' was heard.

Minato smiled and greeted them. They all bowed back politely.

"Now, as I'm sure you've already worked out, I have a mission for you." He handed Itachi the scroll but didn't dismiss them."I know the scroll mentions everything you need to know, but I would actually like to talk through this with you."

"A different dimension..."

Now, this was why Minato liked this team. Though they were all slightly not normal, they were prodigies, and they were the best at what they did. They were calm and collected when needed.

He could imagine what Naruto would have been like, and it scared him.

It was a good thing his son was out on a training trip with Jiraiya. If he had been here, he would have demanded to go, and wouldn't have listened to anything.

Then again, if you were told that there were several other dimensions apart from their own and that you were going to be sent to one of these dimensions for for an indefinite amount of time, normal people would freak. They would stare, then laugh and ask if he was drunk However, this team in front of him just stared at him for a second before Itachi nodded on behalf of the team. "Understood, Hokage-sama. When are we to leave?"

Minato quickly composed himself. He was the Hokage. He would freak out later. "You are to leave tomorrow. The details, as well as your means of travel will be noted down on the scroll. Your client will be meeting you in the other...dimension." It still felt weird to say it.

Itachi nodded, and they all dipped their heads before they left.

Minato sighed after they were gone. Maybe all four of them were from some parallel universe. Yes, that had to be it. That was why they were all so strong and composed. Minato nodded to himself.

As usual, they gathered at the Uchiha compound. It was something they had done during the planning of their very first mission, and it had stuck. Sakura got Mirai, one of the Otsutsuki clan's puppets that ran on Puppet Cursing Spheres, to serve them all tea. Mirai was more of a caretaker than a tool of battle. She could see Toneri within the way the puppet moved gracefully, for this certain puppet was channeled by Toneri.

They settled down, and just stared at the mission scroll for a while.

"A different dimension." Shikamaru finally said. "This is so troublesome."

'It's a bit like the moon.'

Sakura blinked at her Inner's voice.

'The dimension bridge between the Earth and the Moon. That's a different dimension. So is the moon, in a way.' There was a pause. 'Toneri and the Gatekeeper have the dimension bridge set so that it takes everyone who goes through to the Moon. Unsafe, maybe, but that's what the Gatekeeper is for.'

'So, if we shift the destination of the dimension bridge...'

'If only a little shift, it might take us to Snow country. If a big shift, who know's where we'll fly?'


Sakura blinked at Itachi's voice. All three of her teammates were looking at her, well concealed worry in their eyes.

"You okay?" Shikamaru asked.

Sakura nodded. "Yeah. Just thinking."

"You don't seem too surprised about this different dimension thing." Shikamaru said.

Sakura frowned. "You don't either."

Neji smirked. "Just on the outside." He admitted. "If Hokage-sama weren't so serious about it, I may have suspected a prank." He paused. "Well, he is Naruto's father."

Shikamaru huffed.

Itachi nodded, then turned back to the mission scroll and began to read it out.

The next day, at dawn, Team Riki met up at the village gates. Sakura and Itachi were the first to arrive. Neji came not a minute later, and Shikamaru wandered towards them not too long after.

They nodded at the guards at the village gates then traveled out. They went on for a while, before Itachi stopped at the edge of the trees. He pulled out the mission scroll and they gathered around.

"So, we just...say this word?" Sakura asked.

Neji nodded. "It seems so, yes."

"What kind of name is that?" Shikamaru asked, reading it over against and again. "Can someone say it?"

"Vor...vorudeemoruto..." Sakura trailed off. "This is so lame."

"Vorudemorut." Shikamaru tried.


"Voldeemort." Neji muttered.

Itachi bit down on his tongue, refusing to say anything.

"Voldemort?" Shikamaru said, suddenly a group of dudes wearing black hoods appeared around them.

As stated on the mission scroll, Itachi shoved the scroll in the face of closest man, showing him the picture of some mark.

The man who appeared to be the leader looked at it, and spoke to the guy beside him, before nodding. He pulled out something wrapped in newspapers, then turned to Team Riki and mimicked grabbing it.

Itachi stared unblinkingly at him and the guy tried again. He pretended to rip the paper away, then grabbed the wrapped object.

"Uh..." Sakura glanced between the men.

"Grab the shoe as soon as the paper is off." Itachi ordered. The team nodded.

The leader dude tore the paper away, and before they could blink, the shinobi were in front of him, and hand on the shoe.

A second later, a tugging feeling started at their stomachs. It felt like they were being sucked into something, before they found themselves...sort of flying.

Sakura wondered if she should run chakra through her hand to attach herself to the shoe, but decided against it. What if this was like a miniature version of the dimension bridge?

Dinner was being served at the Malfoy manor.

Voldemort was sipping on a cup of tea when there was a knock at the main door.

Narcissa Malfoy looked up, sighed, then went towards the door, coming back a few seconds later with a group of snatchers and four teenagers dressed strangely.

Voldemort stood up as they approached.

"Who are these people, my lord?" Bellatrix Lestrage asked, glaring at the four teenagers with distrust. All four of them had blank faces, their expression and their eyes betraying nothing. They calmly looked around at all the Death Eaters currently casually gathering around them.

Voldemort smiled. "Just a little...outside help."

"Aren't they a little...young?" Narcissa asked.

Voldemort shrugged.

The only female, a girl with pink hair and green eyes, turned to the boy slightly older than the others and said something.

The boy nodded, and pulled out the scroll. He handed it to Voldemort, who took it and checked the mark. He then stuck his hand into his pocket, and all four tensed. He drew out four pendants and placed it on the table.

The oldest boy said something, and the boy with white eyes stepped forwards. The veins popped out beside his eyes, and he stared at the pendants for a while before saying something.

The oldest stepped forward and picked one up. He then clasped it around his neck.

He blinked a few times, before turning to his teammates and nodding. The others followed.

"Now, why don't we get down to the details?" Voldemort asked.

The oldest boy shifted just slightly, the only sign of his surprise, before nodding briskly. "I take that you are...Voldemort."

Narcissa's eyes widened while Bellatrix looked ready to snap at the no show of respect, but Voldemort just chuckled and nodded.

"And you are?"

The boy dipped his head. "Uchiha Itachi."

The girl went next. "Haruno Sakura."

Then white-eyes. "Hyuuga Neji."

And finally, the pineapple-hair. "Nara Shikamaru."

Voldemort indicated towards the pendants. "Those allow you understand our language." He said. "And it also shows my mark to all Death Eaters."

Voldemort indicated towards the seats at the dinner table. Itachi and Neji sat on one side, while Shikamaru and Sakura sat on the other.

He then introduced Bellatrix and Narcissa.

Itachi nodded in greeting, before turning back to Voldemort. "The information on the mission scroll was very vague."

Voldemort nodded. "It is simple, really." He gestured with his hand, summoning a newspaper image of Harry Potter. "The Chosen One." He hissed.

He quickly composed himself, though. "All you need to do is infiltrate Hogwarts, the wrenched Wizarding School the boy attends. You are to relay any and all information you pick up." He drew himself up, releasing the aura of a ruler, something which reminded Sakura of Minato.

"I already have a spy within the walls of Hogwarts." He said. "However, it may be useful to create fake connections with the boy."

"You will be given access to the Library here at the manor. Nearly all the information you will need can be found there. Should you have any other questions, Narcissa will answer them."

The woman bowed.

"You seem older than the rest. How old are you exactly?" Voldemort asked, looking at Itachi.

Itachi frowned. "Eighteen." He said. "These two-" He gestured towards Shikamaru and Sakura "-are thirteen, while he is fourteen." He gestured to Neji.

"Your age might be a problem."

Itachi briskly nodded. "I shall do something about it later." He'd cast a henge on himself before going out.

Voldemort nodded. "Very well."

Itachi dipped his head.

"Very well." Voldemort spared each member of Team Riki a glance. "However, note that I will kill Harry Potter myself."

"Are you sure they can be trusted, my lord?" Bellatrix asked.

The shinobi had been dismissed. Narcissa had gotten an elf to show them to the guest rooms, where they would be staying.

"Are you doubting me, Bella?" Voldemort asked.

"Of course not, my lord." Bellatrix was quick to reply. "I was just-"

Voldemort blinked. "Those four can be considered mercenaries." He said. "They will obey me, not out of loyalty, but of their own interests." He smiled. "Which doesn't matter too much, as long as they obey me."

"I have sent an owl to Dumbledore telling him about these four." Narcissa reported. "The story is that they are transfer students from the Wizarding School over in Japan." She said. "Their relationship is that they are the children of purebloods over the sea, and I happen to have a friend who wanted to send them over. I took in his son and his friends." She gestured to the shinobi who were sitting there patiently.

"Pure blood?" Shikamaru asked.

Narcissa blinked, as if she had just noticed at the shinobi were there.

"A person with a pure lineage. A person with no Muggle ancestors." Sakura said. "A muggle is a person who possesses no skills of magic. A muggle-born is a wizard who's parents are both strictly non-magical." She paused. "A pure blood is a clan member, and a muggle is a civilian born. A muggle-born is someone in our career who comes from a civilian family."

"And how would you know that?" Voldemort asked, looking slightly interested.

"I spent last night in the library." Sakura said. "These pendants are really useful, by the way." If they hadn't helped her translate the words as it came into her brain, she wouldn't have been able to read anything.

"I see." Voldemort nodded at Narcissa, wordlessly ordering her to continue.

"Though he had given permission for them to attend, he would like to meet them first." Narcissa continued. "However, he is skilled in Legilimency, if nothing else."

"Legilimency?" Neji asked.

"It's a spell that allows one to read minds." Narcissa said.

"What happened if we don't go?" Sakura asked.

Narcissa glanced at her dismissively. "He will suspect something."

"Do we all have to go?" Shikamaru asked.

"I quote 'I would like to meet these children.'"

"Well, nothing about all of us going." Shikamaru turned to Itachi.

"Why don't you and Sakura go? We don't know how this 'Legilimency' works, but Sakura's Inner and your Sharingan abilities may be able to block it."

Itachi nodded at Shikamaru, then turned back to Voldemort. "Are there any other things we must take care of?"

"Book shopping." Voldemort said. "Narcissa, if would please..."

"Of course, my lord." The woman nodded, then turned briskly the shinobi. "Draco must get his things as well. We'll go tomorrow. Everything you need can be gathered at Diagon Alley."

Before they headed to Diagon Alley, Itachi and Sakura went with Narcissa for the arranged meeting with this Dumbledore. Voldemort, who just happened to be there when they were leaving, looked with interest at the pair they had decided on, but didn't comment.

Sakura eyed Voldemort, reminded of Orochimaru's snake form.

Both the Uchiha and the Haruno had met people like Voldemort before. They were never just there.

Sakura and Itachi inspected the man known as Dumbledore, who was also like a 'principle' of sorts.

"Hello." The man smiled at them, his eyes more sparkly than what was normal.

Narcissa had left to wait outside.

Sakura and Itachi dipped their head politely. Sakura curiously shot the man's right hand a split second look. His hand was black and looked...dead. She quickly turned to face Dumbledore.

"Hello, professor Dumbledore." Itachi began. "We are very grateful that you have accepted us into your academy."

Dumbledore smiled kindly. "You are transfer students from Japan, yes?"

Itachi nodded, hearing the unspoken request to elaborate. "Our guardian thought that it would be good for us to experience a different magic society. Our friend's father happened to be friends with the Malfoys, and they were kind enough to take us in for a while."

Dumbledore nodded and leaned closer.

"I have been told that there are 4 of you?"

Sakura stepped forward. "There are." She said, then added. "But we didn't know you wanted to see all four of us. If you want, we could come back with them or-"

Dumbledore smiled and raised his hand, Sakura going quiet instantly. "Do not fret."

Sakura blinked, before a look of confusion marred her face.

Itachi took over before Sakura could say anything. "We really are grateful, professor."

"School starts in three days. Have you been able to gather everything you need?"

Itachi nodded. "Mrs. Malfoy will be taking us to Diagon Alley later today."

"Well, then I really shouldn't be keeping you here." Dumbledore nodded.

He handed them 4 envelopes and sent them on their way.

"Mother-Who're they?"

Sakura looked up from the book she had borrowed from the library and saw a boy around their age glowering at them. She noticed that his eyes lingered on their lockets, and noted that this boy must be a Death Eater.

Itachi and Neji, who had both been perched on the edge of the couch, stood up warningly.

Shikamaru opened one eye lazily, and glanced at the boy.

Sakura peeked over her book, narrowing her eyes.

"Draco dear." Narcissa smiled at the boy. "There four are the lord's guest." She said. "They are attending Hogwarts this year, and they will be accompanying us to Diagon alley."

Draco tensed at the words 'Lord's guests'. "But who are they?"

Team Riki shared a quick look before Itachi nodded. "Itachi. "




The introduced themselves one by one.

"Draco." The boy said.

"Nice to meet you, Dragon." Sakura smiled, and the boy quickly looked away.

"When are we leaving?" He mumbled.

Narcissa had a oddly warm look on her face. "Let's head out now, shall we?" She ushered them towards the fireplace, then handed everyone a handful of floo powder.

"Floo powder." Sakura turned to Neji and Shikamaru. "Invented in the 13th century by Ignatia Wildsmith. A glittery, silver powder used by witches and wizards to travel through the Floo Network. The Network connects most wizarding households and buildings."

"You sound like that annoying Granger girl." Draco blurted out. He then quickly glanced at his mother.

"Granger girl?"

"An annoying Mudblood." He said.

"Mudblood?" Neji repeated.

"A rude term for Muggle-born." Sakura told him.

"She's a know it all." Draco said with contempt. "And she's an attention hogger."

"Sound's like Naruto." Neji said. "Attention hogger."

"But he isn't a know it all." Shikamaru argued.

"He doesn't know anything half the time." Neji agreed.

"But he's strong." Sakura chimed in. "Strong enough that I probably wouldn't be able to flatten him in one blow."

"Yes, because everything is comparable to your strength." Shikamaru muttered.

"Course it is."

Itachi sighed, and turned to the Malfoys. "I apologize for their rudeness."

At his words, the arguing three turned back to Narcissa. "My apologies." Neji murmured.

Sakura and Shikamaru both dipped their heads.

Narcissa offered them a split second smile and waved her hand. "Let's just head out now, yes?" She explained how to use the floo powder, and one by one, they flooed out of the Manor.

"Whoa." Sakura glanced around, wanting to look at everything. "This is..."

"Impressive." Neji offered. "There seem to be a lot of people." He moved to the right to avoid walking into a boy.

"Itachi. You should have cast a henge, or something. I don't want to die. Death by fan girl seems kind of stupid." Sakura huffed.

Indeed, Itachi's looks were attracting attention from everywhere.

"What's a 'henge'?" Draco asked.

"A henge is like...a transformation spell." Sakura said.

"A glamour?" Draco asked.

Sakura frowned. "I think."

"And you should wear a blindfold." Sakura told Neji. "You're eyes are cool, I think, but it's probably very unusual here." She then turned to Shikamaru. "And you're the pineapple of our group."

"Then you're the strawberry." He muttered. "You're pink hair and green eyes are attracting as much attention as any of us." He paused. "Besides, wearing a blindfold then walking around like you aren't wearing one might attract more attention."

"I think it's your clothing." Draco said. "It's weird."

Sakura looked at him in a 'It's not our fault you're dressed weird' kind of way.

Draco watched their interaction, clearly not sure what to think. Narcissa hid it better, but it was obvious that she was thinking along the same likes.

They entered a store called 'Madam Malkin's Robes for all occasions', which was quickly revealed to be, as mentioned, a robe store.

Sakura glanced around the store in unconcealed horror. "We have to wear these?"

Draco shot her a weird look. "Duh."

"It constricts movement, and looks way too uncomfortable." Sakura inspected one of the robes hanging around. Itachi grunted in agreement.

Draco went first. He stood up on the platform while Madam Malkins fitted him with his robes. Sakura hovered around the shop, pointing things out to her Inner. Her Inner made a few snarky comments and they giggled together.

The four Shinobi noticed the group of people approaching the store way before anyone else. Sakura skipped over to the door just as it opened, revealing the very boy who was their target.

Harry Potter jumped back when he came face to face with Sakura the second he stepped into the store.

The redhead stopped behind Harry and looked curiously at Sakura. She swiftly glanced over the boy's shoulder and noted several other people, all watching her. She opened her mouth, but someone beat her to it.

"If you're wondering what the smell is, a Mudblood just walked in." Draco announced from behind them. He dramatically turned to Sakura. And the walking carrot is a Blood-traitor." He added, so that he could be heard.

"I don't think there's any need for language like that!" Madam Malkin interrupted. "And I don't want wands drawn in my shop either!" She added. Sakura turned around to see both Harry and the redhead with their wands drawn.

A girl, who was standing slightly behind the two, tried to stop them. "No, don't. It's not worth it. "

"Yeah, like you'd dare do magic out of school." Draco sneered. "Who blacked your eye, Granger? I want to send them flowers."

"That's quite enough!" Madam Malkin said, her tone sharp. She turned to Narcissa. "Madam, please-"

Narcissa Malfoy stalked out from behind the clothes rack.

"Put those away." Her tone was cold as she glared down at Harry and the redhead. "If you attack my son again, I shall ensure that it is the last thing you ever do."

"Really?" Harry shot back. "Going to get a few Death Eater pals to do us in, are you?"

Madam Malkin gasped at the name. Sakura narrowed her eyes just a little. Itachi casually moved up to her, a questioning look in his eyes.

"It's basically the followers of...our client." Sakura said. "It might not be smart to voice his name out loud." She added.

Everyone paused and turned to look at them hints of curiosity in their eyes, but the shinobi ignored them. Neji and Shikamaru gathered around them in a formation they had gotten used to over the missions which they had teamed together.

Madam Malkins seemed like the first to remember the situation around them. "Really, you shouldn't accuse... dangerous thing to say... wands away, please!"

Harry did not lower his wand.

Narcissa smiled a cruel smile. "I see that being Dumbledore's favorite has given you a false sense of security, Harry Potter. However, even Dumbledore won't be able to protect you forever."

Harry mockingly looked around. "Wow... look at that... he's not here now! So why not have a go? I'm sure they can find you a double cell with your husband in Azkaban."

"Azkaban is like a prison of this dimension." Sakura supplied quietly.

"Don't you dare talk to my mother like that, Potter!" Draco snarled.

"It's all right, Draco." Narcissa said casually. "I expect Potter will be reunited with dear Sirius before I am reunited with Lucius."

Harry raised his wand higher.

"A fight?" Sakura asked, her eyes gleaming.

Itachi put a restraining hand on her shoulder. Sakura pouted. Harry Potter and his two friends were shooting suspicious glances at them.

"And who are you?" The redhead was the first to asked.

"It's common courtesy to give your own name before you ask someone else's." Sakura and Neji said at the same time. They glanced at each other. Sakura giggled while Neji let a smirk slip through his mask.

Redhead narrowed his eyes. "I've never seen you before. You seem too old to be first years, though. What are you doing, hanging around with the Malfoys?"

Draco bristled.

"I don't think I want these anymore." Draco said suddenly. He slipped out of his robes and threw them at Madam Malkins' feet.

"You're right." Narcissa shot the Harry Potter crew a contemptuous glance. "Now I know the kind of scum served here... We'll do better elsewhere."

"Come on, you four." Draco called over his shoulder. He followed his mother out the store.

The moment he was gone, Sakura whirled around to face Harry Potter and his friends. "So you're the Mudblood?" She asked the girl.

Harry instantly opened his mouth, but Sakura pushed on. "Or do you prefer the term Muggle Born? This Hermione Granger often mentioned?"

Hermione looked at her suspiciously. "What do you want?"

Sakura frowned. "You have bad history with the Dragon?"

Hermione huffed, seeming to understand Sakura's use of language. "He's a rude little brat, that one."

Sakura looked thoughtful.

"Who are you anyways?" Ron repeated. "And don't give me the courtesy crap."

Neji narrowed his eyes, but Itachi beat him to speaking. "Sakura."

The girl instantly stopped the leaking out of her Killer Intent, which she had begun to release bit by bit the moment the Harry Potter gang had entered the store.

"We mustn't keep Mrs. Malfoy waiting." The Uchiha said.


"I'm Hermione Granger, but you already seem to know that." Hermione interrupted her friend. She pointed at her friends in turn. "This is Ron Weasley, and this is Harry Potter."

They looked like they were waiting for something, but no one reacted. Sakura glanced at Itachi, who gave her a subtle nod.

"I'm Sakura Haruno. This is Uchiha Tachi, Nara Shika and Hyuuga Neji." She grinned.

Shikamaru quickly fixed their names.

"Those are...unusual names." Harry muttered.

"We come from Japan. Transfer students. My parents knew the Malfoys, and they agreed to take us in for a while. We'll be starting this year." Shikamaru said.

"And what is your relationship with the Malfoys?" Ron butted in. "They don't just anyone. Are you purebloods?"

Sakura glanced at her teammates. "Uh..."

"Where we come from, the society is divided in slightly different ways." Neji said.

"Really?" Hermione asked, instantly curious.

Shikamaru was the first to reach a conclusion. "We're all purebloods." He confirmed.

Hermione stepped back just a little. "O-oh."

Sakura ignored the girl's shift in favor of looking towards the entrance of the store. "Here comes the Dragon."

On cue, Draco roughly shoved the door open. He glared over at the four and sneered at the Harry Potter crew. "Come on. Stop wasting your time talking to them."

He then slammed the door shut again.

"He's like Sasuke after Naruto dumped ramen on him." Sakura murmured.

Shikamaru coughed, trying to hide his laugh.

"It was nice meeting you, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger." Itachi nodded at the three. "However, we must get going. Perhaps another time."

Harry and Hermione offered them small smiles while Ron looked at them distrustfully.

Itachi held the door open for his teammates, and they left the store.

"What took you so long?" Draco asked. "You shouldn't hang out with people like them."

Sakura shrugged. "We were jut creating connections. Know thy enemy."

"These robes are so heavy." Shikamaru complained.

"It restricts a lot of movement." Itachi agreed.

"You don't wear robes back at where you come from?" Draco asked, face scrunched up.

Sakura shook her head. "Our techniques require more movement compared to your wand waving."

Worded like that, it sounded kind of silly.

"You can pick a familiar here." Draco said. "You can choose between a cat, a frog or an owl." He spoke as if he were above all of them, and it made Sakura want to punt him in the face.

"Sadly, I don't have a Toad summoning contract." Sakura muttered, thinking of Naruto. Neji grunted.

"I have a bird." Sakura told Draco. "Does it matter too much? From what you said, you can bring a cat or a frog or a owl."

"That's all the books you'll need." Draco said smugly, for some unknown reason.

"We need a wand and a broom stick?" Sakura frowned.

'What would you do with a broom stick?'

Sakura shrugged

"You need to get a wand here." Draco continued on in his superior tone. "Ollivanders is said to be the best around."

They entered the store, and was greeted by a white haired man. He gave Narcissa and Draco an once over, before turning to the Shinobi. "You look too old to be first years, but I've definitely not seen you before."

"They're transfers." Narcissa told him briskly.

"And I guess they need wands?" Ollivander asked. "Well, come on, then." He indicated for Itachi to come closer. "Which is your wand arm, boy?"

Itachi blinked. "I'm ambidextrous." He said.

Ollivander blinked back. "Well, which one-"

Itachi raised his right arm. A measuring tape flew up to him and took measurements. Ollivander vanished into the back of the store, coming back with a box.

"Blackthorn and Unicorn hair. Twelve inches. Slightly bendy." Itachi took it and stared at it.

"Go on, wave it."

Itachi waved it, stiffening when a flower exploded. He placed the wand back onto the table.

"Maybe not." Ollivander held out another one. "Vine and Dragon Heartstring. Thirteen inches and a half. Brittle."

Itachi gave it a wave, and a chair in the corner folded in on itself.

Ollivander gave him another one. "Cypress and Phoenix feather. Exactly fifteen inches. For the self sacrificing." Sakura snickered. Itachi sighed in her direction and took it. He gave it a wave. Fire red bubbles burst from the tip, floating around the Uchiha. They vanished in a burst of red glitter.

"That's your wand, boy." Ollivander smiled, then turned to Shikamaru. "You next. Which is your wand arm?"

"I'm ambidextrous too. We all are." Still, Shikamaru raised his right arm and waited as the measuring tape took measurements.

"Willow and Unicorn hair. Twelve inches." Shikamaru waved it, muttering "troublesome", just before a flying book exploded its page in his face.

"Alder and Phoenix feather. Nine inches and a quarter."

Shikamaru placed the wand back onto the table with forced calmness, trying to get rid of the water that had been dumped on him, courtesy of the shattered flower pot.

"Oak and Dragon Heartstring. Eleven inches. Rigid." This time, Shikamaru actually bothered to duck as a quill came to life, coming for his head.

Ollivander shot him a sympathetic look and gave him another one. "Try this one. Walnut and Dragon Heartstring. Ten inches and a third. For the Intelligent." Shikamaru waved it, and was met by black glitter to his face. A light breeze picked up.

"I thought so." Ollivander turned to Neji next.

"Ash and Unicorn hair. Nine inches. Quite brittle." Neji waved it, whipping around when all the windows shattered. Ollivander shook his head, passing Neji another wand.

"Hornbeam and Unicorn hair. Thirteen inches exactly. For those with a single, pure passion. Very loyal."

Neji waved it, and was instantly surrounded by white glitter shaped like butterflies. Neji watched with concealed fascination.

"And that's that." Ollivander turned to Sakura. "And last but not least."

Sakura raised her right arm. The measuring tapes did their work, and Ollivander came back with a box. "Very interesting hair color." He walked off before Sakura could say anything. He came back with a box. "Cherry and Dragon Heartstring. Thirteen inches and a half. For those with self-control and strength of mind. Very lethal."

Sakura waved it, and was surrounded by red cherry blossoms. They floated gently around her, vanishing as they hit the ground.

"Why did she get her's in one go?" Shikamaru muttered.

"And that concludes it." Ollivander smiled at them.

Narcissa wordlessly passed Ollivander a few gold coins to pay for the wands, and she ushered them out.

The shinobi managed to bow in gratitude before they allowed themselves to be guided out of the store.

We tried to match the wands with the characters.

-Itachi: Cypress and Phoenix feather

Cypress-Usually matched with someone who would die a heroic death. This reminded us of Itachi in Canon, who cared for his village and his brother more than anything. He'd probably lay down his life for anyone in this timeline too.

-Shikamaru: Walnut and Dragon Heartstring

Walnut-for the highly intelligent. That was simple enough. (Also, 10 inches and a third signifies Team Ten, and how Shikamaru is a part of it. This was just something lame we had to add in.)

-Neji: Hornbeam, and Unicorn hair

Hornbeam-selects a owner for life, who has a single, passions, an obsession. It also refuses to do anything that does not tally with its owner's principles. Unicorn hair also bonds strongly to the first user, and it reminded us of Neji and his obsession with fate, and then with his loyalty. (Also, Neji's hair reminded us of Unicorn hair.)

-Sakura: Cherry and Dragon Heartstring

Cherry-This was also kind of simple. Also, apparently in Japan, those with Cherry wands have high prestige. The combination of Cherry and Dragon Heartstring can only be controlled by people with self-control and mental strength, which we associated to Inner.

In case you didn't know, we haven't read Harry Potter or watched the movies or anything. We looked up all the wands and wood and stuff on the wikia. Also, apparently, Ollivander was kidnapped before the sixth book started, but we wondered where all the first years got their wands, and we altered that a bit. Again, we dunno if it's important, so if it is, please tell us?

If you haven't, please check out our other Naruto fanfics!

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