So this idea has been plaguing me for a while now that Kensi and Deeks are together the idea of ninja assassins must have crossed Deeks' mind.

Ninja Assassins

He had always made jokes about 'little ninja assassins'. She'd always marvelled at the way his eyes lit up at the prospect of children. Kensi didn't see herself as a parent, ever. As far as she was concerned she had spent too many years of her life without one, to be a good one. Deeks knew better than to push her on any issue that was rooted in her past. So when it happened Deeks was careful not to be too excited at the prospect of a half him ninja assassin. The morning she found out had started just like any other.


"Morning boys." Kensi greeted as she entered the bullpen shrugging off her bag. She watched as Sam threw a third balled up piece of paper into the trash can on Callen's desk, "I hope that wasn't important." She joked as Sam celebrated his hat-trick just as Eric's piercing whistle cut through the air.

"Caught a case." He informed them before taking the stairs two at time back up to ops. The team was then informed of a Marine's body being found in a car that crashed into a tree, "Video evidence of the car before the crash shows that he was driving erratically."

"Was he being chased?" G asked watching the footage.

"It was 3am, there was no one else on the road." Nell informed the group.

The group were all instructed to head to the crime scene to assist LAPD with their investigation. As she was driving she was aware that Deeks was babbling away about something but she found it difficult to focus on anything other than the road and the churning of her own stomach. The moment she pulled up she jumped out of the car and emptied her stomach contents onto the sidewalk.

"Kens?" Deeks was out and round her side of the car in a second, "Princess? Are you okay?" she heaved again in response and Deeks helped her to remove her hair from her face.

Sam and Callen approached the pair looking concerned, "She going to be all right?" G asked handing Deeks a bottle of water for Kensi. The woman in question was now standing straighter and readily accepted the water.

"I'm fine. You guys go on ahead." Sam and Callen did as they were asked and walked towards the crime scene.

Deeks waited until they were out of earshot, "You should go home if you're unwell."

Kensi pulled a face and shook her head, "I'm not ill Deeks."

"You threw up!" he countered, "Healthy people don't just throw up."

She'd had a sneaking suspicion that she was pregnant already when she had realised she was two weeks late, this really wasn't the time or place to reveal this to him, but detective Deeks was insistent that she should go home. She sighs and ducks her head down to look at her hands, "Deeks, I am not sick. I'm…at least I think…I think I'm pregnant." She glanced up as she said the last word and she did not miss the way his eyes lit up at that revelation.

"Wow, I mean…you're sure?" he was doing his very best to tone down the excitement he was feeling. He wasn't doing a great job.

Kensi shrugged, "I haven't taken a test, but I'm pretty sure."

Sam interrupted them as he called over to them, "Guys we have a crime scene to deal with…when you're ready."

They both headed towards the crashed car, "On our way home we'll go to the drug store and pick one up. Okay?" he made a point of making eye contact with her, he wanted her to know that whatever she decided he was with her 100% of the way. Kensi nodded slowly. Sam and Callen knew better than to quiz the junior agent and her partner so instead they shared the information they had been given by the LAPD.

"There is no evidence of tampering with his car, and like Nell said before no one was following him." Sam informed the pair.

"Drugs? Alcohol? Could he have been under the influence of something?" Deeks asked.

"We'll know more when the tox screen comes back from the body. You two should go and talk to his commander." Callen said nodding to Kensi and Deeks. Kensi wasn't sure she wanted to be alone in the car with Deeks right now. The detective could feel that she was uncomfortable as they turned to walk back to the car, she walked over to the passenger side without a word and climbed in.

"Okay." Deeks muttered as he headed to the driver's side, "Hey," he whispered as he slid into the driver's seat. He could tell that she just wanted him to drive, she didn't want to talk, "Kens," she locked her eyes with him, "I know you're scared. I know you've never really thought about kids-"

"Deeks…" she interrupted him.

"No, let me finish. I love you. And I love kids. Kids with you would be so amazing, but I know you. I know you're going to over think this and you will have all the time in the world to do just that but hear me out." He paused for a moment and when she stayed silent, he continued, "I will be there for you, whatever you decide to do. I am not about to run off. I know you have your doubts about being a mother, but I think you and I were meant to make ninja assassins together."

There was a moment of silence as Kensi studied his face, "Okay. I mean we don't even know that we need to be worried about anything yet." She watched as he raised an eyebrow at her, "But it is more than likely." She sighs and closes her eyes, "Thank you." She reached out for his hand and gave it a squeeze. Deeks knew that he probably wouldn't get anything else from her until they knew for sure. She pulled her hand back and he started the car.

The rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur for the pair, Hetty had commented to them that they seemed preoccupied and that she hoped they would be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning ready to close the case. They couldn't get out of the door quick enough. She held his hand as they picked up two pregnancy tests at the drug store. The cashier had grinned at the pair and was about to make an encouraging comment when Deeks cut her off with wide eyes and a shake of his head.

As they entered his house she pulled away from him and headed straight to the bathroom, "Call me when you're finished…" she nodded as she headed up the stairs. Their day had been so quiet, none of the witty banter and obvious flirting that made up their days since becoming a couple. He knows in his heart that this will have changed them no matter how much he wishes it wouldn't.

"Deeks?" her uncertain voice from the top of the stairs was all he needed.

"How long does it take?" He asked as reached her.

She turned over the box and read, "2-3mins." They waited the time in silence, Deeks didn't know how much Kensi appreciated that he wasn't making silly jokes. His understanding of her feelings still amazed her. His phone buzzed as the timer was up and she looked at the small white stick.


From that moment their whole world changed, several months down the line Kensi really isn't sure how he convinced her that ninja assassins would be a good idea. She felt fat and her ankles hurt and she was stuck on desk duty while Nell joined her partner in the field.

"…and I'll take you surfing and you can come with me to walk Monty." Kensi swatted at the face that was currently pressed against her large stomach.

"Deeeeeks." She groaned, "Do you need to be doing that? I was sleeping." She muttered as she huffed out a breath now very aware of the building pressure in her bladder. She swung her legs out of bed and pushed herself up and plodded towards the bathroom.

Deeks watched her go enjoying the view but also feeling slightly guilty for waking her, Kensi was now almost half way through her 8th month of pregnancy and Hetty had said that she could come to work an hour or more later than the others if she wished. Kensi of course had said that she didn't need the time off but Deeks knew that a few extra hours of sleep would be appreciated.

She reappeared and glared at him as she moved around the room trying to find some clothes to wear, "Kens, Princess…Fern? Just go back to bed. You can sleep for a few more hours."

She huffed, "What's the point? I'm awake now. Baby is awake too by the way. Doing summersaults." She watched his eyes light up as he sat up and scooted closer so that he could place his hands on her stomach to feel the baby move. "Hurry up and get dressed. Mama needs some breakfast." Deeks nodded and pulled his hands away before leaning in towards her and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you." He whispered.

"Yeah yeah, sure you do. I'm hungry." She replied pushing herself up from the bed after pulling on her second sock, she was at the door when she turned back to face him, "Love you too." She replied before disappearing from the room and heading down the stairs in search of something to eat.

He did all of the driving now, of course he drove his own car, even when pregnant Kensi would let him touch hers. She squirmed in the passenger seat, "What's wrong?" he asked glancing at her for a second before planting his eyes back on the road.

She huffed out an annoyed breath, "I have to pee."

Deeks laughed, "Again?"

Kensi glared at him, "Your baby is sitting on my bladder. So yes, again." She shifted in her seat again trying desperately to get comfortable.

Her partner smiled sympathetically at her, "We're almost there baby. I'll drop you off at the front door and go park so you can go pee." She considered glaring at him for the sickly sweet tone he was using but found that she could only manage gratitude.

"Thanks." She said as he pulled up and she jumped out as gracefully as her rather large stomach would allow, as she was heading in Sam fell into step beside her, "Don't say anything." She muttered as she tried to pick up her pace and headed towards the toilets.

"I wouldn't dare." He replied as he headed for his desk. When she reappeared she found Deeks perched on his desk talking to Sam and Callen. The day started in a similar fashion to the day she'd realised she was pregnant. Eric came to tell them they had a case which oddly involved a crashed car and a marine.

"Spooky." Deeks said before pecking Kensi on the lips and following Nell, Sam and Callen from ops. Kensi watched them go and found that she couldn't keep the pout from her face.

She carefully lowered herself into a chair and turned to Eric, "That has to be a coincidence doesn't it?" Eric gave her a quizzical look, "This case is almost identical to the one we didn't solve 7 months ago."

Eric's brow furrowed, "I think Hetty would tell you there's no such thing as coincidences. Let's compare the cases." They both pulled up the files related to the case and scanned over them.

"Have there been any other mysterious deaths like this…not involving marines?" Kensi asked.

Eric nodded as he brought up 4 more cases that matched, the age of the victims, the toxicology report of the first one and the fact that their deaths had been ruled 'dangerous driving', "Looks like we're on to something here Ms. Blye." Eric said with a smile. He knew how much she missed being out in the field with her partner, he missed his own partner as well. They had been working on their theory for about an hour when the proximity alarm went off. Kensi looked up at Eric who had jumped to his feet.

"What is that?" she asked clearly concerned.

"The proximity alarm, it means we have an intruder."

Kensi got carefully to her feet cradling her large stomach as she did so, "What do we do?" she asked again sounding more worried than he's ever heard her before.

"We don't do anything. You stay here. I'll go see if I can find Granger or Hetty." He then pulled a small handgun from the cabinet next to his desk.

"Please tell me you know how to use that." Kensi said with her eyes fixed on the weapon in his hand.

Eric tried his best to look confident, "Sam's been showing me." He told her with a small smile before he ducked out of the room. Kensi somehow didn't feel all that reassured by this revelation. She eyed the doors to ops carefully, the room itself had no obvious places to hide and Kensi doubted that if she needed to she would be able to crouch low enough to hide anyway. She ran her hand over her stomach once more before trying to work out what she could do. What she wouldn't give for a gun right at that moment. She only had her father's knife which Deeks had tried to tell her she didn't need to wear while she was in ops. She'd have to shout at him about that when she saw him later. The alarm then cut out suddenly, its sudden end only served to make Kensi more anxious.

That's when she heard gunfire.

The first chapter :) hope you all enjoyed that. Chapter two will be on the way soon hopefully. Reviews are amazing.