McGee looked down at his outfit one last time before ringing the doorbell. A purple button down shirt and jeans, simple and not overly dressy, just like the invitation suggested. It wasn't that he was nervous, but it was his first night out since officially moving back to D.C.

As he was about to knock on the door it suddenly swung open to reveal the hostesses herself. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Abby. Her outfit consisted of her hair in two balls that were on top of her head, her dress was black, of course, that ended right above her knees but instantly met with chunky black boots that had way too many accessories in his opinion but she still looked beautiful.

"Timmy!" She shouted, instantly throwing her hands around his neck and giving him a deadly hug.

"I am so glad you made it; come on, everyone is in the back," taking his free hand and dragging him throughout the house.

Even though he was new to the area, Tim was glad that he knew at least one person even if they did only speak every once in a while. Him and Abby met when she was up in Boston for a computer forensic conference a few years ago. His interest (and boredom) that weekend led him to attend the conference and he enjoyed himself way more than he thought. Abby randomly came up to him during one of the lunch breaks and started talking to him about the lecture they both just got out of. Once the weekend was over they decided to stay in touch, it was easy for Tim to see that their friendship would last. Once he decided to move back to D.C, a few months ago, he was more than glad that he stayed in touch with his DC friend, seeing that she told him the best things about the city.

"So are you all moved in?" Abby asked while they were navigating through the living room.

"Yeah, I just forgot how much of a pain unpacking is," he complained.

"Haha yeah, I know the feeling."

"Hey, everyone!" She shouted to the crowd of people gathered in the backyard.

"This is Tim, Tim this everyone." She introduced as he politely smiled and waved.

"Now go and make friends, I will take this and place it on the gift table," the hostesses practically demanded while taking the gift from his hand and bringing back into the house.

Tim decided to go to the bar area, hoping that a drink will help relieve his nerves. Sitting on one of the stools, the bartender waved at him indicating that he will be with him in a couple of minutes. Tim looked around the yard, observing the people, noting to at least spark up a few interesting conversations and promising himself he wouldn't leave to early. It wasn't that he was shy but when the computer specialist got around new people, it seems to be harder to break out of his shell.

"Let me guess red wine, no, wait white wine. Or are we feeling a little adventurous and you want a rum and coke," Tim heard the bartender guess.

He was met with green eyes, rugged brown hair that seemed to just been cut and a playful smile.

"Umm… white wine," he decided, wondering how the bartender knew what drinks he typically frequent.

But while the guy was pouring his drink, Tim figured that he did this for a living and knowing people's drinks was just a regular thing.

"One white wine, for the gentlemen in the purple," the guy stated while placing the drink in front of Tim, flashing him a winning smile.

"Is Tony being nice?" Abby questioned playfully coming up behind Tim and plotting herself down on the stool next to him.

"I'm always nice!" Tony protested.

"Keep telling yourself that and maybe just maybe it will be true one day," Abby teased.

"Tim this is Tony DiNozzo and Tony this is Tim McGee," she introduced.

"Ah, so you're the famous McGee," Tony mused while actually looking over the friend Abby couldn't stop talking about.

"So are you an actual bartender or…." Tim asked after taking a sip of his drink.

"See, I told you that I make a good one and you doubted me," DiNozzo bragged to Abby, while she just rolled her eyes.

"I mean as long as you don't turn into Lloyd."

"Who?" McGee interrupted.

"Lloyd, from The Shining; Joe Turkel. Only like one of the greatest bartender roles ever!"

"Oh, I should have warned you Timmy. Tony is a way bigger movie buff than me. I mean it's kind of scary actually," the raven – haired staged whispered the last part, which made Tony pout but McGee smile.

"I will be right back," he excused himself while turning away from the pair to take someone's else's order.

"Interesting guy," the computer specialist mused.

"Yeah, Tony's a big sweetheart once you get to know him. Like a Rom- com movie Just don't tell him I said that."

"Said what?" Tony asked, coming back over to the pair.

"Nothing, anyway. Tim is an independent computer programmer. Didn't you say you needed someone with mad computer skills to work on a few stuff without paying an arm and a leg?"

"Yeah, I could always use a McGeek help," Tony teased flashing a smile towards Tim.

"Original." McGee snarked while sipping on the last of his drink.

It wasn't the first time he heard the nickname and even though he is now in his 30's he knew it definitely won't be the last.

"Of course." Tony reached into his pocket and handed him his business card. "There is a few things I want you to look at because somebody keeps telling me I need to upgrade," giving a pointed look towards Abby.

"You're a private investigator?!" Tim cried out of pure shock, because even though he just met Tony. He didn't seem to fit the quota of being involved with any kind of investigation service.

"Running a successful independent firm for the last 9 months," beaming at his accomplishment, even though it wasn't that long but he was still proud of it no matter what anyone said.

"What time should I come over?"

"Ummm… I have to meet with a potential client at 10, so around noon?"

"Yeah, noon works." Tim agreed while pocketing the card.

"Okay, I think it's time for cake." Abby announced while swinging her legs over the stool and getting up. "Make sure you two are on the patio in 10, I want to get it done before the sun goes down."

McGee looked at the business card and then back up at the brick building. It was just a regular looking office building on the corner of a block full of local shops.

Walking into the office he was greeted with white walls filled with movie posters.

'Forest Gump'

'The Phantom of the Opera'

The Original Batman Poster

'Usual Suspects'

"A little disturbing isn't it?" A young lady said walking out of one of the side doors.

She had medium – length brunette hair, a young face and brown eyes.

"Hi, I'm Kate." She introduced herself after walking over to him. "Tony's assistant, even though he likes to interrupt that to slave sometimes."

"Tim. Tim McGee." He greeted shaking her open hand.

"Ah. The tech guy, yeah Tony said something about that this morning. He's still out but should be back any minute. You can wait in his office. Do you want anything, tea, coffee, bottled water?" She asked while making her way towards her desk.

"I'm good, thanks."

"Okay, well just let me know if you change your mind. It's the door at the end." Kate added before going over to her desk to answer the phone.

As soon as McGee stepped in the office it makes him feel that he just stepped in the welcoming center for Ohio State. From posters to banners to newspaper clippings of the athletic department, all scattered across the walls.

He noticed Tony's degree and his numerous certificates hanging within the sea of Ohio stuff but the room mainly screamed 'Go Buckeye's!'

Tim walked over to the small coffee table with numerous framed pictures on it. Realizing what the pictures was, gave him an even more insight to the PI. One was a class photo from his time at the police academy and another one was when he was an officer at Philly and another at Baltimore. Trying to place which one was Tony in the pictures, the man of his thoughts entered the room.

"Yeah, no the wife is meeting me tomorrow morning at the office and my afternoon is pretty much free after that. So I will probably swing by, say before lunch?"

Tony looked over at McGee who was gesturing towards to the door, asking should he get out.

The PI quickly shook his head while wrapping up the conversation and pocketing his cellphone.

"So I am going to take a wild guess and say you went to Ohio State." Tim confirmed once Tony sat down at his desk.

"What gave it away?" He teased, flashing his pearly white smile.

"Lucky guess."

"So, what school or schools, because you seem like a guy who has a masters, did you go to?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tim asked, not knowing if he should be insulted or not.

"It's a compliment McGee, you just seem like a really smart guy." Tony reassured him while shrugging his shoulders.

"You can call me Tim, you know."

"I like McGee. Better ring to it." He teased, with a wink and a smile.

"I umm… I went to John Hopkins and MIT." Tim confessed, not knowing why he was suddenly feeling like he was on display.

"I was right," Tony said, sounding proud of himself.

"So, I was looking over your website last night and I think if you really want my help. I could start there, because it needs some work." The computer specialist explained while taking out his laptop from his bag.

"He comes barring ideas. Okay lay it all on me." Tony joked while moving over his chair to make room for McGee.

"Okay, first the layout is all wrong and comic san is a no go. I mean I know it's not your main " Tim went on to explain.

He paused to look over at Tony who was looking at him with such interest.

"You're the expert, keep speaking words," the PI pushed on.

"And everything is way to cluttered, you have to give the people some breathing room."

There was a knock on the door and then it opened with Kate standing in the doorway, once granted permission.

"You have a call on line 1, a Mrs. Bishop."

"Okay, I'm going to take it on my cell. Thanks, Kate."

"Yeah, Bishop. I am going to call you on my cell phone. So I will talk to you in a minute." Tony explained while hanging up his landline.

"And you continue to make my website the best website of all of the land. I'll be back." Tony said while leaving McGee alone in the room.

He shook his head while continuing to write out changes for the website. Thinking that working for/with Tony, will be no less than interesting.

So this is the introduction chapter to my new fic. Feedback would be great! Love it, hate it? Want more? Thanks again everyone.