Author's note: I am back... sorry but my muse needed a break after working so hard those last couple weeks... here is the next installment in the Light Series... enjoy and review... Special thanks to my beta warehouseluver13 for all she has done

I also have a polyvore up for this story as well... check bio for link

This is the third installment of the Light Series. I recommend reading the other stories first.

Disclosure: I own nothing of Arrow

A soft whimper slipped out as Felicity stirred from her sleep. She wasn't quite ready to get up and start the day. A gentle knock at her door had awakened her. "Yes?"

"Mr. Connor is ready to head to school, Mrs. Felicity. Do you want to say goodbye before he leaves?" Raisa called from the other side of the door.

Felicity sat up and found the bed empty. Again. She had woken up everyday for the past two weeks this way. Since Sara and Thea called with the news of Damien's return, Oliver had taken it upon himself to track down the newest evil in their life.

As she sat up and scanned the room, she felt a flutter in her belly. She had begun feeling the babies just a few days ago and was so excited. Her excitement soon disappeared when Oliver was nowhere nearby to share in the moment. She ran her hands over her belly. "It's okay Sweeties. Daddy is okay." She spoke, unsure who she was trying to convince.

"Mrs. Felicity?"

"Yes Raisa send him in." Felicity called out and a moment later the door opened a bit as the young blonde scurried into the room.

"Mommy! How are you feeling today?"

"Good Sweetie. The babies are moving again."

"Can I feel?" Connor pleaded. Felicity nodded and his face lit up as he placed both his hands on her belly, trying to feel the small movement of his siblings through her shirt. Well it was actually one of Oliver's shirts. She had yet to make it shopping for maternity clothes. Connor studied the belly, moving his hands around trying to feel the movement but not feeling anything. "I still can't feel it."

"That's okay Sweetie. Remember what Natalie said. You may not feel it quite yet. But soon, soon you will feel them. You all ready for school?"

"Yep. Diggle and Darren are taking me again. I wish Dad was. I miss him being here in the mornings." Connor's voice broke slightly towards the end.

Felicity patted the bed next to her and watched as Connor climbed up next to her. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and pulled him tightly into her side. "I know Sweetie. I miss that too but he is busy at work."

"But I thought he didn't go back for another couple weeks." Connor was confused by what she meant since he knew that his parents would not be due back at QI until the beginning of October.

Felicity hated lying to Connor but knew he didn't need to know about Oliver's nightly job. Once they had found out about the twins, Oliver wanted to keep Felicity away from vigilante work, to keep her stress level down. The call about Damien only added fuel to that fire. She knew exactly where Oliver was at that moment. The Bunker; scouring over every bit of information and leads he had on the man. They were a week past the deadline and there had been no news or attacks. They were all a bit on edge about it. Oliver had doubled up security on everyone involved as soon as Sara told him about the photo Damien was holding. He didn't like that the man had figured out it was him under that hood and was watching his family and friends so closely. Now there was always several guards near them as they left the house and really only allowed out of the house when it was required. After a week of bed rest, the only time Oliver had let Felicity out of the house was to venture to several offices in town and get her license, social security card, and bank information updated with her new name.

"Well he went back a couple weeks early to make sure everything was ready for when I get there. Because of the babies, I have to keep my stress down so he is meeting with Walter to hire some help for me." Felicity smiled. She wasn't lying because he had been looking over applications for assistants all week and had a meeting with Walter this afternoon to discuss and interview a couple. She just hoped he remembered about the meeting.

"Okay. I just wish he was here more. I miss seeing him. I miss our breakfasts together." Connor's face fell as his solemn sorrow reached from his heart to his face.

"I know Sweetie. I will talk to him and see if maybe he can stop for the weekend. And just think about everyone who will be here. We have my birthday dinner tonight and your birthday party tomorrow then the reveal party on Sunday. All the guys from Central City are coming in and will be here when you get out of school so you will have plenty of people to have fun with."

"Yeah. I can't wait to give you my present. You will love it. Well it is mine and Dad's."

"I can't wait either Sweetie. So be good at school and when you get home everyone will be dying to seeing you again." She looked up to see Diggle standing in the doorway.

"Okay Mommy. Love you." Felicity smiled as Connor wrapped around her tightly for a second.

"Love you too Sweetie. And I promise, your dad will be here when you get home too."

"Yeah!" Connor jumped off the bed. "Okay. Bye Mommy. Bye in there." Connor waved at her belly as he leaned in a placed a couple kisses on her belly. He had almost let it slip about the twins a couple times in the last two weeks so now he just referred to the and 'in there' whenever someone else was around them. Connor then ran to the door and smiled up at Diggle as they left the room.

Felicity shifted in her bed, adjusting the duvet to cover herself a bit more. Her belly had nearly doubled in size since her wedding and she was having a terrible time with clothes currently. It also made it difficult to get seated comfortably. Once she was in a better position, she grabbed her glasses and phone, ready to put an end to Oliver's recent behavior.





Oliver jumped when he heard the metal door slam shut above him. He had fallen asleep at the computer bay, yet again. Trying to find any new leads on Damien. The silence from him was starting to worry him.

A set of footfalls down the stairs had Oliver wiping the sleep from his eyes quickly. The footfalls seemed heavier than normal but Oliver could tell it was Sara. "Oliver Queen, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I was looking for new leads. I need to find him."

"I get that but at what cost?"

"Not this again." Oliver groaned. They had had this fight several times this week. Sara felt that he was spending too much time searching for Damien and not enough at home. She thought he was becoming obsessed.

"Yes this again. And again. And again. Until you get it through that thick skull of yours. You are a married man. You have a kid plus two more on the way. You need to spend time with your family. Before you lose them because of your own actions. Felicity called me. Pissed. She is mad because she had to explain to your son why you aren't around anymore."

"Oh shit." Oliver knew he had fucked up now. Felicity would always deal with his disappearances silently but the fact that it was now affecting Connor meant he needed to change. "How bad?"

"Bad. She told him you were meeting with Walter to hire new assistants for when she returns to work to keep her stress down but that you would be home when he got home from school."

"I can spend a couple hours with him today then come back tonight and work a bit more on the Damien search."

"No you can't. You won't."

"I won't? Why?"

Sara had finished stripping out of her white suit and was hanging it up now. "Well for one thing, your wife's birthday dinner is tonight. Tomorrow is your son's 8th birthday party and the day after is the reveal party to find out what your next heirs will be. Not to mention you are hosting the entire Flash team at your home all weekend. You need to be with your family. I have already talked to Barry and the others. We are banning you from the Bunker all weekend. Starting now. So get the hell out of here. Go home. Shower, get some real sleep and be with your family. They deserve it. And you have a lot of groveling to do."

"I was only away from them for their safety. I have to find Damien and make sure that he can't harm them."

"Then you need to trust your team to help you. Oliver, we all love you family as much as you do. We want them all safe as well. So we are willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe. We can run down leads and searches on our own. Go home. Worry about your family's happiness or you will lose them."

"Why do you say I'll lose them?" Oliver worried of his new actions could mean the loss of his new family.

"Felicity was really pissed. She made it seem that if you didn't pull your head out of your ass, you would have one of those short celebrity marriages because she would be leaving and so would Connor. Since you two have started the adoption process, she could have Laurel speed it up and take him as well as your babies away from you. And if you think you can live without them, you are sadly mistaken."

"Babies? Wait you know?"

"Yeah Thea told me because she needed help with the party and someone to talk to about it. But I am serious about Felicity. She is really mad this time. Like loud voice and Mommy mode combined mad. You owe her man. She loves you and would stand by you for anything but you won't open up to her. Trust her."

Oliver jumped up out of the chair at that and snapped at her. "Yes I have! She knows about my past!"

"All of it?!" Sara growled as she stood toe to toe to him. "You've told her about your nightmares? All of them? The lives you have had taken? How it made you feel? Now because you still don't trust that her love for you could see through that darkness. Ollie I know you. You are still holding back. She married you. She is having your children, raising them, making a family and a life with you. She is fully invested in this relationship but you have only met her part of the way. Let her see the monster. Let her meet him. You might be surprised by her reaction to him. And what she could do to him. How she could change him. There has been enough darkness in your life. Stop living in the shadows. It's time to step into the light."

Oliver stared at his friend and saw the honesty and care in her eyes he had always seen there. Sara had seen the monster in several different moments in their past. She knew what created him and how he stayed hidden deep down in Oliver, waiting to come out when life became too much and too scary. Oliver's monster was what he ran to when he felt trapped with no way out. "Are you sure?" Oliver's voice broke with emotion, his vulnerable side showing through as it rarely did.

"I'm sure. Now go home. Talk with your wife. Let her in. Give her all you can. It will help." Sara held her hand on his chest over his heart. "She needs this and so do you. She is your partner, Ollie. Believe in her."

"Thanks Sara." Oliver smiled sadly as he started to gather his items.

"And don't bring your ass back here until we say so. I will bring your suit tomorrow for ya. Now go!" Sara watched as he ran up the stairs and out the door.