The Rise of the Rokudaime Hokage

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Author's Notice: Hey everyone sorry for the long delay on this update, I know it's been a longtime coming but I'm just glad to be back in action. If you haven't noticed yet I went back to some of my old chapters in this story as well to fix up some old mistakes. I took out the original Chapters 20, 21 and 22. Instead I added them all together into one big chapter and made sure to edit some stuff out so that the story could flow a bit smoother than it was. I apologize for this phase of my writing since I'll be the first to admit I got a bit lazy and started to put out chapters just for the sake of putting out chapters. I revisited again and I wasn't pleased with the quality, so I made some subtle edits to make things better, in my opinion at least. But I'll be trying to remedy my mistakes now. So, if you guys want, feel free to head back down to the previous chapter, it will hold all three chapters into one.

Also, if you guys haven't checked it out yet, head over to my profile and please read my new story Seven Swords. It follows the AU story of Naruto as he is placed in the middle of the Kiri Rebellion. I wrote it a few weeks ago and in a way it's kind of revitalized my love for writing so I hope you guys support it the same way you supported this. The Seven Swords story is a NaruHarem story with Sakura, Mei, Shion, Karin and Hotaru so far and possibly one more.

Continue to stay tuned, now I'm also working on two new stories for the sake of it, and they're a rewrite of my old story God of Shinobi, where Naruto is trained by Hiruzen from an early age, and the other is a Mokuton Naruto story. I chose the latter because personally for me I think Wood Release is the coolest power in all of Naruto, and it's something I've wanted to write about for a while now. But other than that I'm also revisiting some of the other stories I've already started and worry not I'm in the process of finally adding a few updates to them.

Other than that, I hope you all enjoyed this fixer upper, but don't worry I didn't want to leave you guys hanging so I added a new chapter along with this small update. Thanks a lot for the support and I apologize again for the long delay and the dip in quality, hopefully it won't happen again. Please support by putting this down as a favorite and follow, and please leave some reviews. Thank you!

Chapter 22: Fire Shadows

A young blonde man stood over the cliffs of the turtle island Genbu, his eyes glued to the setting sun and the beautiful ocean surrounding him. For the first time in a long time the man had a true and content smile plastered on his face. These were tough times with the world being engulfed in a large war, but despite all that he finally accomplished his goal and the time was approaching for him to return home. It wouldn't be long now till he and the rest of his soldiers could return. Vivid dreams of Ichiraku's famous ramen swirled across his brain, he was so close he could almost taste it.

In the past year and a half, the now twenty-year-old Naruto grew in more ways than one. At this point Naruto was making great strides in his Jinchuuriki mode, ever since he and Kurama began to grow closer as friends and partners their chemistry in battle improved significantly. The time the young man had spent training was fruitful to say the least, his powers had grown tremendously. He felt confident in his abilities before, but now Naruto could truly say without a single doubt that he had a Kage's level of power and skill.

These past few years had been nothing but frustrating for the whiskered man, being holed up in this isolated island had its benefits. But Naruto always had a nagging voice in the back of his head wondering how many lives he could have saved, or how the different the tides of war would have been, had he been in the battlefields from the very start. Deep down he knew he was being unfair on himself; he knew this training was something he had to do, but it didn't stop it from being frustrating.

The sunlight began to fade as the night grew closer, with a content sigh Naruto decided it was probably time to return to the island's living quarters. His girlfriend Sakura was probably finished cooking him some dinner.

Akatsuki Base

The masked leader of the Akatsuki sat in his desk calmly, in front of him stood a lean and pale hooded man. But Obito had no worries, it's been a long time coming since the man in question returned, and from the sounds of things he didn't come empty handed.

"Welcome back Sasuke it's been a while; I take it your trip was successful?" asked Obito.

"Hn we completed our mission without any problems, and the DNA samples are all already with Kabuto" he replied stoically.

Obito grinned sadistically underneath his orange mask, "That's what I like to hear. It's been a year and a half since you, Jugo and Suigetsu left. I'm happy to hear you three are all in one piece" he said.

Sasuke merely scowled in disdain, "Save me the pleasantries, I just returned the other day and I was immediately summoned to meet with you here. Now tell me, what do you want?" he asked in his usual standoffish tone.

"Tsk no need to be rude Sasuke, after all it was I who cared for your little son while you were away. I thought you'd be a little more grateful than that for all I did for you" he replied but seeing the lack of a reply or reaction from Sasuke the older Uchiha merely sighed in frustration.

"Always the quiet type I see" he said before standing up from his desk, "Come with me Sasuke I want to show you something".

Obito exited his office with his fellow Uchiha in tow, the traversed through the mazelike structure of the Akatsuki base to make their way to one special room, Kabuto's personal laboratory. Upon arrival they were not shocked to find the half-man half-snake working and experimenting tirelessly on the lifeless corpses stationed in his quarters. Kabuto was brought out of his musings upon hearing the arrival of the two Uchiha.

"Ah Obito-sama, Sasuke-kun it's good to see you two. What brings you two to my neck of the woods?" asked the crazed scientist.

"I just wanted a small update on how things are progressing, any news so far regarding the DNA samples Sasuke here brought for you?".

"Kukuku I'm glad you asked Obito-sama, things are all going according to our plan. I feel like a week from now we could potentially begin to begin our testing process" Kabuto replied with a sadistic smile plastered on his face.

A dark laugh echoed across the laboratory, Obito was extremely pleased at the way his plans were going and everything was now falling into place.

"Excellent news indeed Kabuto, good work so far from the two of you. With these new developments we can finally begin the next stage of our plans" he announces in a gleeful tone.

Sasuke seemed to be the only one from the three left out of the loop, he raised and eyebrow at the excited looks being shared by his two companions.

"What exactly is the next stage?" he curiously asked.

Obito slowly ceased his laughter before turning to face his protégé, "Ah yes forgive Sasuke I forgot to bring you into the fold. Well thanks to the DNA samples you've delivered to Kabuto we can now begin the testing phase for our Edo Tensei. While you were away Kabuto and I made the decision on where we should test our organization's new powerful skill" he explained.

"Hn, so where do you plan on striking with this Edo Tensei of yours?"

Obito's eyes hardened through his mask as he released a strong KI into the air, "Konoha of course" he said.

Sasuke was briefly rendered speechless, taken aback by the bold and daring move of Obito, "Konoha already? That's a bold move immediately attacking one of the main villages so early" he replied.

"Worry not Sasuke, the ninjas we plan on resurrecting for this testing phase will guarantee our victory. As assurance I was hoping to send you along with Kabuto, I know of your desire to see our old village burn to the ground and so because of that I decided to reward you with such a task. Your other goal role in this attack will be to protect Kabuto at all costs since he'll be busy controlling the dead".

"Hn very well, I look forward to it. But who exactly does Kabuto plan on resurrecting for the attack?".

Before Obito could answer Kabuto interjected, "Allow me Obito-sama, now if you follow me Sasuke I'll show you the four ninjas we'll need" he answered before leading the two Uchiha towards the other end of the dark and laboratory.

In the very end stood four sealed coffins standing up, and with a single hand seal from Kabuto the four coffins opened only for Sasuke to see four familiar faces. The young Uchiha's eyes widened in utter disbelief, the four men in front of him were the four faces he used to see every single day when he lived in Konoha.

"These four will the ones responsible for the destruction of Konoha. Ironic isn't it Sasuke-kun? The four men tasked with leading and protecting the village will be the ones leading them to their ruin" Kabuto yelled madly.

"The first four Hokages" the young Uchiha muttered softly, still baffled at the turn of events.

"Let me introduce you Sasuke to the four Hokages. Hashirama Senju the Shodai Hokage. Tobirama Senju the Nidaime Hokage. Hiruzen Sarutobi the Sandaime Hokage. Minato Namikaze the Yondaime Hokage".

Sasuke shook his head break himself from his reverie, he quickly turned back to Obito. "When do we leave?" he asked.

Obito turned to Sasuke and smiled underneath his mask, "I'll give you some time to make your preparations. I expect you to leave a week from now. Take this extra week to rest, prepare and to spend some time with your son" he ordered.

Sasuke nodded in understanding, "Hai I will" he replied before walking off to leave the laboratory to return to his living quarters. But upon opening the door to leave the lab he unknowingly bumped into yet another familiar face.

"Kukuku you need to watch where you're going Sasuke-kun, no need to be in a hurry".

Sasuke turned to look at the source of the voice and it was none other than the voice of his old sensei, "Hn Orochimaru it's been a while" he said.

"I agree Sasuke-kun, I take it you've seen the work Kabuto and I have completed?" he asked as Sasuke nodded slowly.

"Hm well I'm pleased with the progress, but in a way it's like déjà vu all over again for me. It'll be like the Chunin Exams all over again…but without anyone to stop us this time".

With Sasuke

The young Uchiha sat quietly in his living quarters, a rare smile graced the young man's face as he watched his young son Itachi begin to stumble across the room. It pained him that he couldn't be there for his son's. He wasn't there to hear his first word, and he wasn't present to see him crawl or walk for the first time. It was rare times like these that Sasuke would softly open his heart, only his young son had the power to do that for him.

So far he stayed a reasonable distance away from young Itachi, it hurt him how upon his return his young son began to cry when faced with him. It showed that his son didn't even recognize him, but then again what did Sasuke expect. He was away for most of the young baby's life, there was no possible way for him to be recognized by the tiny baby. From the sounds of things this might be a recurring event between the father and son, Sasuke was tasked with many missions for Akatsuki and as such he would be absent for many other days in the future.

Sasuke couldn't help but run his calloused hands across his long raven-colored hair as a deep sigh escaped his lips. He breathed deeply before walking over to his little son, while the young Itachi was hobbling across the room. But Itachi noticed the approaching figure and began to cry loudly, Sasuke paid it into mind and instead kneeled in front of his terrified son.

"I know you probably can't understand me just yet, but I'm sorry for not having been here for you. If it was up to me your mother would at least still be alive to look after you, but it turns out Kami had different plans. I might be away for a little while longer sometime soon, but I promise to return eventually, and when I do I'll make it up to you Itachi".

This was the first time in a long time Sasuke Uchiha felt true emotions, for as long as he could remember he always remained emotionally distant but for some reason his young son was bringing out the side of him he thought he buried long ago, along with the remains of his old clan.

Then Sasuke felt yet another foreign feeling, his left hand rose to his cheeks only to feel how damp it was. He realized then and there; he was crying. It had been years since Sasuke Uchiha cried and this sensation felt unfamiliar to the Uchiha. He would never show this side of him to anyone else, and he would never admit it, but he felt relieved.

He wiped away his tears immediately before turning his attention to his sobbing son, a small chuckle escaped him before he lightly poked Itachi's forehead. Just like that the much to Sasuke's surprise the baby ceased his crying and instead his puffy red eyes turned to stare at his father.

The small smile returned to Sasuke's usual stoic expression as he leaned over to place a gentle kiss on his son's forehead.

"I promise once all this is over I'll be a better father to you my son".

Outskirts of Konoha

Both Sasuke and Kabuto travelled silently across the lands to make their way to the Uchiha's former home, Konoha. He knew the time was coming for the war to turned in their favor, their trump card was about to released and Konoha was in the verge of their biggest attack since the arrival of Pein many years ago.

"Are you excited as I am for this Sasuke-kun?" asked Kabuto.


"Always the mood killer I see" he hissed in return before examining the Konoha gates getting closer and closer, "Kukuku it's almost showtime Sasuke-kun".

The pair walked closer and closer to the entrance of Konoha, but as they approached the large gates the two began to lower their chakra to the best they could. Both were also wearing large cloaks and of course they kept the hoods up to hide their faces.

Upon arriving by the front gates Sasuke heard two familiar voices approaching them, it was none other than the two guards of the gates. If he recalled correctly their names were Kotetsu and Izumo.

"Hey, you two wait a minute, before you come in you need to sign in us with us" called one of the two. Sasuke immediately turned to the pair and the two looked at the young man in shock.

"Wait aren't you…"

Before Kotetsu could finish his statement the power of Sasuke's eyes effected the two putting them in a sleep style of genjutsu. Sasuke walked over to the amused Kabuto before the two made their way to their true destination.

Sasuke hid well deep underneath the hood of his cloak as did Kabuto, and as the two stealthily walked through the new streets of Konoha, it amazed Sasuke just how much this place had changed. Despite the major change since his genin days he could tell the village continued to hold its old character. New buildings, new streets, new landmarks but same old Konoha.

The young Uchiha scoffed in disgust as he watched the everyday lives of the Konoha people. They acted like nothing was wrong, all these people stood here unaware of the true face of Konoha. Behind this fake façade of a thriving village held a true murder capital. Konoha's true history is tainted with the blood of his clansmen, and it angered him how unjust the village had been to his family and especially his brother.

After passing through the first market area of Konoha the pair of missing ninjas came across Konoha's most famous landmark, the Hokage Monument. Sasuke examined the large rock and he quickly noticed the last face of the mountain. It was a face that annoyed him to no end, it was none other than his dobe teammate Naruto Uzumaki.

The raven-haired man shook his head and continued walking through, from all the people in Konoha Sasuke disliked the Hokages the most. They were the biggest reason towards the injustices to his family. It didn't matter who was Hokage, be it Naruto or the Second. He hated all of them, but most of all he hated the position itself the most.

The destination seemed close at hand, there in the middle of the entire village was the town square. That was the area that held the most amount of people, so what better place to start their plan than right there. Sasuke wasn't one for theatrics, but Kabuto sure was.

Upon arriving in the middle of the square the two stopped, of course with the sheer amount of people in the general area the two for the most time went unnoticed. Sasuke formed a few seals and in a matter of seconds a large protective barrier began to surround the pair of Akatsuki members. Immediately after that stunt the attention around the square was directed to the two. Immediately ANBU squads arrive to investigate the situation.

Sasuke looked around and noticed a group of six ANBU arriving in the scene, he closed his eyes to focus on his sensory abilities and he could even more ANBU and some Jonin making their way to this very moment.

"I ask you to take down that barrier, we are Konoha's ANBU we wish to speak with you" said one of the ANBU members. Sasuke remained silent as Kabuto held a single hand seal. Suddenly four graves rose up from the ground right in front of Kabuto and Sasuke.

A panic broke out among the civilians, many had no clue on what exactly was going on but they weren't foolish enough to sit back and find out. All this happened in a matter of seconds and now there seemed to be an attack on Konoha. While the civilians all began to leave the area in a rushed panic, more and more of Konoha's shinobi arrived in spurts.

The lone Uchiha even briefly noticed the arrival of some old comrades, Kakashi rushed in with a few old members of the famed Konoha 11. There by the masked nin's side were two of Konoha's young and famous Jonin, Shikamaru Nara and Neji Hyuga. Just behind them were other Jonin and much to Sasuke's surprise they were two people he hardly expected to reach Jonin status. One was the young disciple of Gai, Rock Lee with the other being one of Sasuke's most annoying fan girls in the past, Ino Yamanaka.

There was a tense silence among the ninjas, the moment the coffins rose from the ground ANBU along with the other ninjas knew that talking wasn't going to be an option. The ninjas all gathered and prepared themselves to attack.

Kabuto watched the fear and panic they caused, he laughed maniacally at the scene they had just set. It was everything he imagined it to be, it was all going accordingly to his grand scheme.

"Attention Konoha, I'm glad to see you all gathered here. We are representatives of AkatsukI" he declared to the large public. The panic amongst the general populace further increased, everyone knew who the Akatsuki were. The ninjas began sending jutsu after jutsu towards the barrier to break it down, but much to their annoyance it was no use. But before Kabuto could continue once more a powerful attack struck the barrier placing a large dent on the jutsu, thankfully for him however Sasuke's barrier was powerful enough to not only withstand the strike but to immediately regenerate from its damage.

"Heavenly Foot of Pain"

Kabuto's eyes widened upon realizing who the attacker was, it was none other than the Godaime Hokage Tsunade Senju. 'Tch this lady always seems to find a way to rain in my parade' he thought to himself.

"Reveal yourselves you cowards, you Akatsuki scum better be ready to face your punishment" Tsunade yelled in anger as more and more ninjas arrived at the scene.

"Tch foolish Tsunade, you have no power over us. Today is the day you all die, I want you to watch as we burn this village down to the ground" Kabuto yelled back before unleashing hand seals.

"Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation"

The coffins opened to reveal four of Konoha's most powerful ninjas. Now the fear was not only held by the common civilians, even the seasoned shinobi of Konoha began to tremble at the sight of the four revived Hokages.

Tsunade grew pale at the sight before her, she clenched her fists in anger upon seeing the twisted tactics used by the Akatsuki. They were defiling the dead, in front of her were four important figures in Konoha's history, and four special people in Tsunade's life.

The first grave held her dear grandfather Hashirama Senju, the Shodai. To his side was her beloved Granduncle Tobirama Senju, the Nidame Hokage. Next was her mentor and sensei, the Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, and finally there was the Yondaime, she was never close with the young man, but he was the prized student of her deceased teammate, and the father of her surrogate grandson, Naruto. This was pure disrespect from her eyes, the two Akatsuki ninjas were in for a beating from the Legendary Sannin herself.

Kakashi was also deeply affected by the sight before him, the sight of his old sensei brought back old memories for him.

The eyes of the four Hokages popped open, they all looked around trying to get their bearings and in just a few moments they realized the situation they were in. This was a jutsu recognized by both the Sandaime and the Yondaime, and this was their second time being resurrected for the Shodai and the Nidaime Hokage.

The Shodai was the first to react amongst the four, he sighed heavily at the sight around him, "It looks like we've been summoned to fight against our home once again" he remarked in sadness.

"Right you are Shodai-sama" replied Kabuto.

"I can't believe these bastards continue to use my own jutsus against my home, if I ever get a hold of you, you will pay and trust me you will suffer for this" angrily yelled Tobirama.

"Kukuku good luck even trying to reach me, I control you".

The Sandaime began to examine his surroundings and soon after his eyes landed on the blonde standing right in front of him just outside the barrier they were in.

"Tsunade? Is that you?" asked the Sandaime. Both the Shodai and the Nidaime were broken from their stupor and they looked over towards Tsunade as well.

Hashirama was elated to see his granddaughter and he was even more surprised to see how old she had gotten, "Tsunade-chan? You're looking as beautiful as ever, it's good to see you again my beloved granddaughter" exclaimed the Shodai.

"Hm you're looking well and strong Tsunade, I'm glad" added her granduncle the Nidaime.

The blonde kunoichi nodded and bowed towards her mentor and her old relatives, "It is good to see you all again, I just wish it were under better circumstances. It pains me to have to fight you all but as the Hokage it will be my duty to protect the village no matter what the costs" she answered in supreme confidence.

The jaws of the Shodai and the Sandaime hit the ground, "You're the Hokage" the two yelled in utter shock and disbelief. The Nidaime too was stunned but he didn't let it show too much, "At least another Senju was made Hokage. I just didn't think it would be you…no offence Tsunade" he said.

The Yondaime watched in amusement at the interaction between his fellow Hokages. He was never particularly close to Tsunade to make a comment, but he found it funny how the others appeared to be a state of dismay.

A dark cloud loomed over Hashirama's head as he continued on with his rant, "Oh Kami please don't tell me the village is in a debt. I know her she's my own flesh and blood, she's probably as addicted to gambling as I am" he said.

A few tick marks appeared on the Sannin's forehead as she clenched her fists in a rage, "Hey what the hell is wrong with me being Hokage? I know I'm not perfect, but I'll have you know I've done a pretty good job looking after this place, besides I'm not the old Tsunade you all knew, I've grown up a lot since then thank you very much" she replied in a matter of fact tone.

Hashirama shrugged in defeat, "I mean I guess from the look of the village it looks like you haven't done too bad, but I'm impressed to see you become the Hokage. To think Konoha has reached long enough to reach five Hokages, this is better than I could have ever imagined" said wood-user.

"Um well actually I'm just standing in as the Hokage for the meantime, Konoha currently has a Rokudaime Hokage. He's just away for some very important business, so while he's away in charge seeing how I was his predecessor".

"Nani?" the Shodai asked, pleasantly surprised at how the Will of Fire continued to be passed down generation to generation. "Another Hokage you say? Well what's his name Tsunade-chan?" he continued.

Tsunade chucked in response, it's funny because both the Sandaime and the Yondaime actually know him pretty well" she answered as the attention of the two latest Hokages were immediately glued on her.

"The Rokudaime Hokage is Naruto Uzumaki".

Minato smiled brightly upon hearing his name, after all it was his son's name. To think his son was the new Hokage, it made him proud to learn how his son battled through all the adversaries and hardships to rise and fulfill his dream. Minato knew all too well how it felt to be Hokage, and despite it being an incredibly difficult job he was confident in his son's abilities.

Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was shocked enough to find out that Tsunade had become his successor, he always thought it would have been Jiraiya in the end. But not only that but he was pleasantly surprised to hear how Naruto, the young man who he treated like a grandson had grown up to be Hokage. He smiled at the thought, he could always remember the young twelve year old spouting out how he would one day become Hokage of the village, and now he returned to his home to find out how that little kid he once knew grew up to become the village's new leader.

"How many years has it been since my death Tsunade? To hear that Naruto-kun has become the Hokage, it fills this old man's heart with joy" said the Sandaime.

"If Naruto's the Hokage he must be in his thirties by now, please tell Tsunade am I grandfather already?" Minato asked excitedly.

"Oho so this Naruto Uzumaki was your son Yondaime-sama, it brings me great joy to learn how an Uzumaki had become Hokage as well. My wife would have been proud to see such a thing" said the Shodai.

Minato nodded, "Hai Shodai-sama, he is my son and he has more than one similarity with your wife. Much like Mito-sama my son is the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, after all his mother was Mito-sama's successor as a Jinchuuriki" he replied.

"Is that so? Very impressive, not many people I know take too kindly to Jinchuuriki. I'm amazed to learn how one such as he could climb such a mountain to become Hokage".

"So how old is Naruto now?"

"Well you'll be surprised to know the brat is only twenty, he became Hokage at sixteen" she answered.

"Sixteen? When I died I remember Naruto still being a little brat, and that wasn't long ago" the Sandaime yelled out.

"Hm to be Hokage at sixteen, he must have showed tremendous power and potential to be voted on so early" said the Nidaime.

"My son's only twenty? Wow he was even younger than I was when I became Hokage".

"Ha what an interesting young boy, I'd like to meet him someday" said Hashirama.

Tsunade nodded, "Actually grandfather I think you would have liked him, in a way he reminds me of you a lot" she replied.

Hashirama was about to reply but before he could utter another word he unwillingly entered a fighting stance.

"Be thankful I gave you all one last family reunion, but I'm growing bored, so I believe it's time we begin" Kabuto said before removing the hood, Sasuke followed suit and the surrounding ninjas released a heavy amount of KI towards the pair's direction.

Tobirama sneered angrily, "Why does it not surprise me an Uchiha is behind all this" he spat out.

Sasuke clenched his fist and glared angrily at the Nidaime, "I'll make you regret those words; I'm going to have fun watching you destroy the very village you swore to protect" he seethed in reply.

"Tch if you believe Konoha will fall, then you are a fool. I believe in the people of Konoha, they will defeat you".

"Silence" Kabuto yelled as the Nidaime immediately grew quiet, "From here on forth only the barrier is stopping us from killing you all. But the second I order Sasuke to bring it down you will all die".

Sasuke looked around and was unaffected by all the hateful glares being sent his way, he could even see it from his old friends and comrades. Hell, even his old sensei Kakashi looked at him in disgust and disappointment.

"You traitor, I can't believe you show your face over here once more, and in such a manner. I swear once that barrier is down I will make sure to kill you myself" Neji yelled loudly.

By his side Ino clenching her fists in rage, "You scumbag Sasuke, I can't believe I felt something for you. Naruto is twice the man you are, you're nothing but a traitor and a snake" she screamed.

"This is most unyouthful of you Sasuke, it pains me to see you like this" proclaimed the green-clad taijutsu master, Lee.

"You disappoint me Sasuke, you had so much potential and yet you fell so low. As your former sensei it shall be my duty to dispose of you before you go and harm more people" said Kakashi.

Sasuke chose to ignore them, their time was coming. He breathed a deep breath as his thoughts went back to his young son back home.

'Wait for me Itachi, I'll be home soon' he thought to himself just before snapping two of his fingers. Immediately after that the barrier disintegrated and Sasuke reached for his swords prepared for the upcoming battle.

Kabuto laughed madly as the barrier continued to fall, once it was all out of the way he uttered the one command he'd been wanting to say all day.


With Naruto

The current Rokudaime Hokage was locked in a small and harmless spar with his girlfriend, the two began to take their training a bit easier since they were starting to get ready for their return. The two couldn't believe it, the past few years flew by and now in about a week the group was set to go home.

The light spar between the two was suddenly interrupted when they noticed a puff of smoke erupt from the side, they turned to find a small slug summon. Sakura walked over knowing it was a messenger slug.

"Hello, what brings you here little one?" the pinkette asked the slug. Both the kunoichi and the Hokage were immediately worried upon seeing the slug's haggard and panicked state.

"It's an emergency, Akatsuki has attacked Konoha. Tsunade-sama sent me to here to let you guys know we need you back in the village".

Naruto's eyes widened in fear, "Konoha's being attacked? How many are attacking and who's leading the troops" he asked hurriedly.

"There's only two real soldiers, the one known as Kabuto and your former teammate Sasuke Uchiha" she replied as the both the blonde and pinkette both began to emit a dangerous aura, "The two summoned and revived the four past Hokages and all six of them are wreaking havoc in Konoha as we speak. Tsunade-sama is doing her best to hold them down but they're struggling against the power of those six shinobi".

Naruto nodded slowly "Thank you can return now. Don't worry I'll start gathering everyone and we'll head back home as soon as can" he replied in a monotone voice, the slug nodded before disappearing. The blonde immediately walked over to one of the nearby trees and yelled into the sky while ramming a chakra enhanced fist on the tree.

"Sasuke that bastard" seethed the Hokage, Sakura saw the state of her lover and walked over to calm him down. She gently rubbed his back to try and get him to relax, he wouldn't be of much use if he was in such a flustered state.

"Naruto don't worry about that for now, trust me I want to sock that bastard even more now, but we need to stay calm. We need to get ready immediately for our return" she advised to the blonde.

The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki nodded before summoning a handful of shadow clones, "I want all of you to go ahead and look for the others. Tell them to meet us back at the base and tell them about the current situation. I want everyone to get ready to return asap" he ordered as the clones all dispersed to different locations.

The blonde weaved through more hand seals before biting the tip of his thumb to draw a small trace of blood, "Summoning Technique" he yelled as smoke engulfed the area in front of Naruto. Once the smoke cleared up there in front of the whiskered man was his old sage sensei, Fukasaku.

"Hey Fukasaku-jiji I really need to ask you a favor. I know it's usually taboo for me to use you and the toads as a transport service but there's an emergency in Konoha right now".

Fukasaku shook his head, "Don't worry Naruto-kun, the slugs have already told us of what happened. Don't worry we'll allow it, just gather everyone as soon as you can so that we can reverse summon ourselves to Mount Myoboku, then to Konoha" he ordered.

Naruto nodded accordingly, "Don't worry sensei I'm already on it, also I need you to do one more thing for me. According to the Slug messenger the opponents were meant to face will be difficult, so I need you to bring along some of my clones so that they can already start gathering nature chakra" he said.

"Very well, summon your clones now and I'll have reverse summon them to Mount Myboku this instant". Naruto summoned eight more shadow clones, over these past few years of training Naruto's mastery of Senjutsu allowed him an even higher amount of shadow clones capable of maintaining true Senjutsu.

A few minutes later Naruto and the other ninjas gathered by their usual meeting room, all of them had been debriefed earlier today and all were ready to depart for battle.

"Damn those Akatsuki fools are hardcore, but don't worry my little fox brother I'll help you kick them out the door" said Bee.

"This is most unyouthful, I am prepared to face the dangers we have back home" added Gai.

Naruto's breathing was somewhat haggard, the upcoming ordeal had him nervous.. I mean if Sasuke and Kabuto weren't bad enough he also had to deal with the first four Hokages.

Sakura took notice of the Hokage's anxiety, she walked over to Naruto and gently held his hand. The blonde was broken from his stupor as he turned to his girlfriend.

"A bit nervous?" she asked.

Naruto nodded slowly, "Yeah this might be the toughest fight I've had so far and trust me that's saying something" he replied.

Sakura lovingly squeezed her hold on the man's hand, "Don't worry I'm nervous as well, but I know everything's going to be fine" she muttered softly.

Naruto turned to her in interest, "What makes you so sure of that?" he asked.

"It's because of what you promised me. Your promise of a lifetime, I know you'll come back to me. After all you never break your promises" she replied in confidence.

Naruto was taken by surprise, a few seconds later he broke into a small laughter. "Ha that's right, don't worry I intend to keep my promise Sakura-chan" he said.

Fukasaku leaped over to the group, everything was prepared and now it was time to return.

"Alright get ready everybody we're off"


"Damn you Akatsuki" hissed Tsunade, the acting Hokage fought alongside her fellow Konoha ninjas. The large force was doing their best trying to keep their foes at bay, but of course this was proving difficult when the opponent controlled the power of four Hokages.

Tsunade among all fared worst, she was leading the lines while also fighting at the very front, and of being Akatsuki's biggest threat in this operation they focused their attacks on her. This left the Slug Princess bloodied and exhausted, it looked like she was standing on her last leg as the fatigue and chakra loss began to took over.

'Damn at this rate I may just have to unleash my seal…damn where are you brat? We really need you right now' she thought to herself.

"What's wrong Tsunade-sama, you are looking a lot worse for wear" taunted the snake sage.

Tsunade sneered at Orochimaru's two missing ninjas, "Go to hell you snake bastards" she yelled in rage.

"You've proven to be a powerful opponent, so much so that I've actually had fun watching you all fight. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end" he said followed by a mirthless chuckle, "End this Hashirama".

The Shodai Hokage stood trying his best to resist the command, he knew it was impossible, but he tried through sheer willpower alone.

"You sick bastards, I will not kill my granddaughter" he yelled in fit of rage.

"Kukuku we can't have now can we. Hashirama Kill her now" Kabuto yelled.

The force on Hashirama nearly tripled, and unfortunately for him his willpower eventually conceded to the command. His body moved on it's own, he jumped at Tsunade ready to strike a killing blow.

'I'm so sorry Tsunade-chan' he thought in despair.

Tsunade's eyes widened in fear, she tried to move out of the way but her grandfather was too fast.

'Oh Kami, this is it I need to unleash the seal'.

"Yin Seal: Release"

Hashirama appeared in front of Tsunade and his sword had pierced straight through her gut,thw man dared not look up to the dying face of her grandfather. The crowd went silent save for a few stunned gasps.

"Creation Rebirth"

Tsunade had coughed out a bit of blood but she was thankful nonetheless to be able to unleash her ultimate technique. With the Creation Rebirth Tsunade's healing rate was increased to a godlike level, basically for the duration of this jutsu's activation she was immortal.

The Godaime Hokage smiled before cocking her fist to her unsuspecting grandfather, who's katana had stabbed through her stomach. She delivered a mighty punch enough to send the first Hokage flying the opposite direction.

Hashirama's eyes widened in astonishment at the sight of his granddaughter, he was sure he had killed her, but he was glad to see that she survived. Not only that but now her powers had temporarily increased, she was ready for a fight.

Tobirama was just at amazed and relieved as his older brother, but more so he was left stunned by the degree of medical ninjutsu mastered by Tsunade.

Hiruzen noticed the stunned expressions of his two mentors, "Amazing isn't she? She's grown to be an incredible ninja since you two last saw her" he said with a confident grin.

Tobirama dumbly nodded, "Indeed she has" he replied.

"Damn with Tsunade like this she's dangerous" Kabuto mumbled softly, "She needs to be taken care off this instant".

"Hokages I order you to kill Tsunade right now" he yelled.

The four Hokages had no control as much they tried to resist, now Tsunade had to deliver an incredible fight to be able to stave these four off. Tsunade wasn't like her odds however, even with her ultimate trump card on, these weren't run of the mill ninjas she was up against. But just as things started to look bleak she heard a familiar yell from afar.

"Looks like you need a helping hand over there granny"

Tsunade turned back with a sense of relief, just behind her tuning their way was Naruto and the rest of his team.

"Naruto" she yelled in jubilation.

Naruto ran up and unleashed his strongest form.

"Kurama Mode"

An orange and powerful form of chakra engulfed Naruto taking the form of a haori. The Rokudaime Hokage stood proudly as the raw pawer radiated off his figure. Everyone in the general area could feel the sudden spike in both chakra and power.

Tsunade's eyes widened in shock, "Naruto is that really you?" she muttered is disbelief, it was hard to believe that the same boy she met a few years ago had grown to possess this much power.

Kakashi watched in amazement at the arrival of his student, him and many others were amazed at the sight before them. When he left he already exuded a powerful aura but now it was on a whole other level. It was safe to say all his training had paid off.

Sasuke scowled in annoyance at the arrival of his longtime rival, "Dobe" he muttered softly under his breath.

Kabuto chuckled madly, "So nice of you to join us Naruto-kun" he said.

The four Hokages on the other watched in astonishment, here standing before the for the first time was the famous Rokudaime Hokage they had been hearing about.

Minato watched on with a loving smile, 'It's good to see you again son' he thought to himself.

Hiruzen was proud to see the young Hokage, 'Ah Naruto my boy you've truly grown up since I last saw you' he mumbled softly.

"Ah so you're the Rokudaime I've been hearing about, show me what you got" said the Nidaime.

Hashirama stared straight at the young Jinchuuriki, "At last we meet Rokudaime, show me why you're Hokage young one" he exclaimed loudly with an excited smile.

Naruto had a confident grin plastered on his whiskered face as he stared straight into the Akatsuki ninjas and the summoned Hokages. He was happy to see Tsunade and the others hold out for as long as they did, now it was hist turn to handle things.

"You guys just take it easy, you're Hokage will handle things from here".