"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Winter asked, looking worried. She was seated on the couch opposite Weiss, her hands tying and retying her bun. "We can cancel ton-"

"Sister." Weiss folded her arms and glared at the older Schnee. "I'm a one year away from becoming a fully-fledged Huntress, as well as becoming the official head of the Schnee Dust Corporation. I helped defeat the White Fang, persuaded both the SDC and Atlas not to kill Cassian for his part in our father's demise and fostered relations between the Faunus and humans." Weiss paused to take a breath, before continuing. "With all that experience, do you really think I'm incapable of watching my niece and nephew for one night?"

"No, but-"

"No buts!" Weiss shushed Winter. "Now hurry up and go! I'm sure Cassian's been waiting ages for you."

At the mention of Cassian, Winter immediately blushed. Seeing her reaction, Weiss couldn't help but let out a tiny sigh.

Even after three years of marriage, the two still acted like love-struck teenagers. Weiss was surprised they'd only had two children.

"Well then, I'm off." Winter made as if to leave, before stopping half-way through the door. "Remember Claire's anti-allergy medicine! Oh and don't forget that Wave can't eat sugar past 9 PM, he gets hyperact-"

"I know, I know." Weiss cut her sister off, rolling her eyes. "Now off with you!"

"OK…" Winter said, still looking torn. "Are you sure-"


"I think we should take your sister seriously." Cassian said, stepping through the doorway with a smile on his face. "She has more influence here then the two of us put together."

"Cass!" Winter wrapped her arms around her beloved, a move that Cassian returned happily. "I'm worried-"

"Stop worrying." Cassian planted a kiss on Winter's nose. "Weiss is more than capable of taking care of Claire and Wave for a night."

"Thank you." Weiss looked at her sister pointedly. "See Winter? Your husband agrees that I'm capable."

Under the combined pressure of Cassian and Weiss, Winter finally caved in.

"OK...see you at eleven Weiss." Winter said, hugging Cassian.

"Bye Weiss!" Cassian waved at Weiss, before walking Winter out the door and towards the car. "Help yourself to anything in the fridge!"

Weiss waited until she heard the front door close, before letting out a sigh a relief.

To say Winter was a protective mother was an understatement. Perhaps due to her own loveless upbringing, Winter absolutely loathed leaving Claire and Wave alone. She was always around to shower them in love and praise, so much that Cassian eventually stepped in to draw the line, saying she was "suffocating them".

Not that Cassian was any less affectionate. During his children's first year, he was seldom home, having to deal with the backlash of his previous actions. The exact events of that year were still hazy, with Weiss only knowing fragments of what Cassian had did.

All she knew was that there had been some epic showdown on the top of one of Atlas' tallest skyscrapers, culminating in Cassian's victory over the Strongest-

Well, regardless, upon Cassian's return, he immediately started playing with his children. While he accused Winter of being too loving, Weiss would argue that Cassian was even worse in his own way.

"Seriously." Weiss sighed, running her hand through her white hair. While her hairstyle remained the same, Weiss had cut her hair shorter, so that it stopped right below her shoulders. Her outfit had also changed slightly, her outfit being more militaristic in nature, with a simple white dress that covered her body up to her nape of her neck, and down to her thighs. Her jacket was also longer, reaching past her dress and to her knees. "Those two are such a handful…"

"Aun-tie!" A voice called from the other room. Weiss felt a smile grow on her face as she stood up and walked to the other room.

Seated in the crib, her arms waving in the air, was Claire Gray. Next to her, curled up in a tiny ball and snoring away, was her twin brother Wave. The two of them were dressed in matching white baby outfits, with Claire's having a cartoon hippo and Wave's having a cartoon panda.

"Hello Claire." Weiss cooed, reaching down and picking up her niece. "How are you today?"

"Good!" Claire replied brightly. At age three, Claire had the Schnee's trademark white hair, but her father's brown eyes. "Dada gave us cookies!"

"Did he now?" Obviously Cassian had been ignoring Winter's not too much sugar! order. "Well, Auntie Weiss will give you more cookies after dinner ok?"

"Yay!" Claire's brown eyes lit up. "Thank you Aun-tie Weiss!"

Claire's shouts had woken up her brother, who rubbed his blue eyes and stared sleepily at Weiss. Wave had Cassian's gray hair and Winter's blue eyes. Upon seeing his sister in Weiss' arms, Wave begun to cry.

"There, there." Weiss cooed, not flustered at all. She knew Wave just wanted attention. Reaching down, she lifted the boy up, whilst readjusting her grip on Claire so she could carry them both simultaneously. "Hello Wave!"

"Auntie!" Wave said happily, giving Weiss a toothy grin. "Auntie!"

"It's Auntie Weiss!" Claire said to her brother. "We-iss. Say it!"

"W-Weiss!" Wave, after a short stutter, pronounced Weiss' name perfectly. "Weiss! Weiss! Weiss!"

"Yes, that's my name." Weiss couldn't help but smile at her nephew. Wave had that effect on people, the one that made one forget their troubles. Sort of like Zwei actually. "Now then, what do you two want to do?"

"TV! TV!" The two shouted happily.

"TV it is then." Weiss carried them into the sitting room, before plopping them onto the sofa and reaching for the remote. "So what will it be then? Exploring Time? The Grimm and the Boy? Faunus Adve-"

"Ninjas of Love!" Claire and Wave shouted simultaneously. Weiss blinked, her mind trying to process what her cute three year old niece and nephew had just said.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

"Ninjas of Love!" The two children repeated, their eyes twinkling as they stared at Weiss.

"Um…" Weiss wasn't one hundred percent sure how to respond to this. She was sure there was a reasonable explanation for why her sister's very young children were asking to watch a very adult show. "Have you...seen Ninjas of Love before?"

"Nope!" Claire replied, a sunny smile on her face. "Mama and Dada do though! Mama always gets really happy when Dada tells her he wants to watch it. She always puts us to sleep really fast and locks the door behind her!"

"Oh…" Weiss wanted to say TMI, but she knew it would be wasted on the kids. "Well, maybe when you're older."

"OK!" The two children immediately agreed without fail. They were the most adorable things that Weiss had ever lain eyes on.

"Well then, how about you watch Faunus Adventures?" Weiss flipped to the proper channel. "Mama and Auntie's company made this you know?"

The two children didn't react to that little tidbit of information, already entranced by the images on the screen. Weiss, seeing this, let out a sigh of content, before stepping out of the room and walking towards the kitchen.

She had cookies to bake.

Cassian watched with a bemused expression as Winter checked her scroll for the eighth time in five minutes. They had just arrived at the restaurant, a small but classy eatery on the outskirts of Hestia, and were currently deliberating on their dinner.

"Still no call?" Cassian asked, closing his menu and placing it on the table. He'd have the fish. "I'm sure she's fine."

"I know, it's just…" Winter chewed on her lip. In the three years since becoming a mother, Winter had barely changed. Her figure remained as impressive as ever, with no physical indications that she'd given birth to twins. Her hair was no longer kept in its tight bun however, instead falling down past her shoulders and onto her back. She had kept the fringe.

"You're worried." Cassian reached over and held Winter's hands. noting how she visibly relaxed at his touch. It made him happy. He still looked the same as before, although he wore his glasses 24/7 now. He had also allowed some stubble to grow on his face, something that Winter despised. "And that's understandable. But Weiss is more than capable of handling the kids for a night."

"Mmm…" Winter still looked worried, but less so. "Well...ok."

"Plus, it's the first time we've had a date in an age." Cassian waved the waiter over. "So let's enjoy ourselves alright?"

"Yes." Winter gave Cassian a smile. "Yes, let's do that."

"Add two spoons of sugar." Weiss mumbled to herself, reading the recipe off the scroll while holding a measuring spoon in her left hand. "Then stir until smooth."

Satisfied with the batter, Weiss plopped bits of it onto baking paper, before dumping it in the oven and setting the timer.

"Now then." Weiss stretched her arms. "Time to clean-"


Weiss glanced at her scroll, the screen indicating that she had received a message. Unlocking the machine, Weiss glanced at the sender.

A tiny jolt went through her heart as she saw the name. Weiss quickly pressed on the notification, the screen changing from a photo of the two of them to that person's message.

A smile appeared on her face as she opened the message, only to grow larger as she read it.

By the time she finished it, the grin had grown so large that Weiss could feel her cheeks straining. She didn't mind it however.

That person always made her feel good.

They had met about one year ago in a coffee shop in Vale. They had hit it off immediately, gone on a number of dates, until four months ago that person had asked Weiss to become more than just a friend.

Weiss had happily accepted, and they had been dating ever since.

"Mmm~" Weiss hummed a joyful tune to herself as she tapped a reply. After a moment, she decided to take what Yang called...a selfie?

Making sure that no one was watching her, Weiss raised the scroll above her head and gave what she hoped was an attractive smile.

The scroll flashed, and Weiss checked the photo. Upon seeing herself, she winced.

"I can't send this!" Weiss muttered, frantically deleting the photo from her scroll. "I look like I demon!"

This process continued for some time, Weiss trying different poses and angles and smiles in a vain attempt to get the 'perfect selfie'.

Each time, she deleted the photo for some arbitrary reasons, such as 'too suggestive', 'bad lighting', 'not enough skin'.

It was only when the oven dinged that Weiss realised just how long she'd been taking selfies. Telling herself she'd try again later, Weiss reached for the baking mitt to pull the piping hot treats from the oven-


Weiss glanced at the scroll, feeling her heart flutter when she realised that that person was calling her.

"Mmmm but…" Weiss looked at the cookies, torn between her priorities as an aunt and that person. She knew that if she answered the phone, she'd be talking for a long time.

Though, she would be on cloud nine for the rest of the night…

"Ah, fine!" Weiss reached over and pressed the accept button. "What do you want?"

"Hi princess." The voice at the other end said, completely unaffected by Weiss' rough greeting. "I just wanted to hear your beautiful voice."

Weiss felt a smile grow on her face in spite of the cheesy compliment. From that person, anything sounded good.

Rose tinted lenses didn't even begin to describe how highly Weiss saw that person.

It was kind of abnormal really.

"So how's work?" Winter asked, taking a sip of her wine. The alcohol had calmed her down significantly, enough that she was no longer checking her scroll every two minutes. "Vacuo must have been nice."

"Vacuo was far." Cassian groaned, cutting another piece of fish. "The students were good though. Couple of pretty ingenious weapons and combat styles."

"It's a big continent." Winter dipped a piece of bread into an oil and vinegar mix, before taking a bite. "Remember when we had a job there?"

"Oh yes." Cassian chuckled, recalling the time they had gone to inspect a Vacuo dust factory. "You absolutely loathed it."

"We were in the truck for six hours. Six hours!" Winter shook her head at the memory. "We had one toilet break, and had to eat in the truck!"

"I don't remember you complaining when I let you sleep on my lap." Winter rolled her eyes, eliciting a laugh from Cassian. "Or when I fed you pieces of fried chicken. Which, if I remember correctly, was from my lunchbox."

"The Vacuoian fried chicken was amazing." Winter countered. "That spicy rub was crazy good."

"It was yes." Cassian popped the fish into his mouth. "But Menageries' lemon fillet is still superior."

"It's always about fish for you isn't it?" Winter bit into her steak, resisting the urge to moan at the succulent flavor. "I still don't see how you could choose that over meat."

"Personal preference." Cassian replied, washing the fish down with a sip of wine. "I suppose it has something to do with all the fishing I used to do."

"Most likely." Winter popped the last piece of steak into her mouth just as Cassian finished his final sliver of fish. "Shall we get dessert?"

"Ladies first." Cassian replied, wiping his mouth with his napkin while waving the waiter over.

"The cookies are ready~!" Weiss sang, stepping into the kitchen. She had spoken on the phone for...oh an hour or so, so the cookies had cooled significantly by the time she had hung up. "Who wants some-"

Weiss trailed off, noticing that her niece and nephew had fallen asleep in front of the TV. Apparently even their love for sweets couldn't halt their need for sleep. Weiss quietly placed the cookies on the table, before gently lifting the two children up.

"Mmmm…?" Wave mumbled, moving around a bit but not waking up. "Fa-unus."

"Ahahaha." Weiss laughed softly, happy to see that her nephew had learnt a new word. "Yes, the Faunus are our friends."

Weiss carried the two snoozing children to their room, gently placing them in their respective beds.

As she closed the door behind her, Weiss heard the front door open.

"We're back!" Winter's voice echoed through the house.

"Hello sister, hello Cassian." Weiss said, stepping into the main hall. "How was your night?"

"It was good thank you." Cassian replied, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Were the kids alright?"

"They're sleeping." Weiss indicated the closed door. "They didn't even get to eat my cookies."

"Oh cookies?" Cassian's face lit up. "Can I have one?"

"Living room table." Cassian immediately walked over to the corresponding door, leaving the two sisters alone. "So how was it Winter?"

"Fun." Winter replied, giving Weiss a smile. She noted that Weiss had grown significantly in the past three years, having reached five feet six inches. "How about you?"

"Uneventful." Weiss felt her scroll vibrate in her jacket pocket, but didn't move to answer it. Winter however, noticed it.

"Don't you need to get that?"

"No, I can get it later." Weiss said dismissively.

Winter however, was staring at Weiss funnily.

Suddenly, Winter lunged forward, aiming for Weiss' jacket pocket. Weiss, not expecting the move, could only watch as Winter skillfully retrieved Weiss' scroll and read the notification on the screen.

"...Oh. My. Oum." Winter's eyes widened as she read the sender's name.

"Give it back!" Weiss moved to retrieve the phone, but Winter held it above her head, far out of Weiss' reach. "Not fair sister!"

"What's not fair is you not telling me you have a-"

"Shhh!" Weiss looked around frantically, hoping that Cassian hadn't heard them. "Not so loud!"

"Why? Is it really that much of a secret?"

"No, but…"

"I mean, it's not like your situation is like mine was. You don't have to worry about your relationship reflecting badly on yourself or the Schnee"

"But…" Weiss mumbled something incoherent.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."


"Still don't know what you said."

"It's embarrassing!" Weiss yelled, causing Winter to take a step back. "I mean, I don't know if-"

"Weiss, Weiss calm down." Winter patted her younger sister's shoulder. "It's normal to be a little bit embarrassed about your first relationship. Oum knows how awkward I was when I started dating Cassian." Winter shuddered a bit at the memory, before continuing. "But the most important question is, do you like that person?"

"Yes." Weiss replied immediately. "I do. I feel...happier."

"Then that's a good start." Winter hugged her younger sister. "Don't rush, feel the situation out. Maybe this will work out or maybe it won't. The most important thing is that you're comfortable."

"OK...thanks sis-"

"Also, I think Cassian and I need to make a visit to Vale soon." Weiss could feel a scary aura coming off Winter as she hugged her. "After all, we do need to meet this person for some...polite conversation."

"..." Weiss sincerely hoped that Cassian could talk her sister out of this.

She didn't want her first relationship to suddenly end because her older sister had gotten...over protective.

First chapter of Lost Snow! We see that Cassian and Winter are living quite happily after their eventful...lives. Weiss has grown up as well, and has been dating...someone for a few months (without Winter knowing, which she takes offence to).

Review what you think so far! I'm genuinely curious.
