Morning light filtered through the windows of the mountain cottage. A chorus of birds chirped sweet tunes from high in the trees. It was a pleasent scene to wake up to, but Mal still pulled her blanket over her head to drown it out. Sleep was not something she let go of easy. They were on break from school; she didn't have to get up early if she didn't want to.

The purple haired girl did crack an eye lid to see if anyone else in the room had stirred though. Inspecting the room, it seemed no one had even entertained the concept of consciousness, except for Dude. The dog's ears perked as Mal adjusted her blanket to be under her chin instead of over her head. Curious brown eyes met tired green eyes briefly before shifting to something below Mal.

She rolled over to glance at the ground under her perch on the sectional. Her eyes widen and a hybrid of a gasp and a laugh fell from her dropped jaw. This was definitely an interesting sight to see in the morning.

Sleeping soundly and looking content as can be were Jay and Daisy. The blanket they must have been sharing was thrown off their chests to reveal them cuddling. Jay was on his back, right arm resting on his stomach, head turned to the left into Daisy's hair, and left arm holding the dwarf to his side. Daisy was on her left side, back to the boy, head on his shoulder, and arms hugging Jay's left arm.

A curious grin spread across Mal's face at finding her brother and friend in such a cozy position. Jay was a very light sleeper. He always had been, and living in Auradon had not changed that much. He almost never slept when someone was beside him, let alone nestled into his side. Seeing the protective older boy sound asleep instead of staying awake to keep watch over everyone else was surprising to say the least. This was the most relaxed Mal had seen Jay in a long time, if not ever. He even had a soft smile on his lips that Mal could barely see through Daisy's hair.

It was sweet.

It was adorable.

It was interesting.

It was useful.

Mal had to get a picture.

Whether for proof of development or for future blackmail, Mal needed evidence that this scene happened, but that required having some kind of camera. With the stealth of a ninja - or more accurately a thief from the Isle - Mal silently climbed over the back of the sectional and crept up the stairs to Daisy's room and her cell phone. She quickly snatched the device from where she left it on the floor connected to the charger and moved back to the stairs.

After checking that everyone was still fast asleep, Mal crept down the stairs into the living room without as much as a creek from the wooden floor boards. After double checking that all sound effects her phone could make were silenced, she zoomed in on the cuddle duo and snapped a picture. After triple checking that the photo saved, she returned to her makeshift bed with a proud smirk.

As Mal laid back down on the sectional, she heard the creak of wooden floor boards from upstairs. Dude's tail started wagging as the sound of footsteps moved overhead, toward the stairs. The dog gave a chipper yap as Dopey walked into view at the top of the stairs.

Jay sat straight up in response to the bark, suddenly awake, on guard, and accidentally dumping Daisy off of his shoulder by doing so. Her head hit the hardwood floor with a little thud. Jay's attention snapped to her, and he suddenly realized what he did.

"Oh shit. Sorry, Daz."

Mal bit back a cackle, twisting to face the back of the sectional to hide her laughter. Daisy rubbed her head and groaned at the rude awakening.

"You're good," the dwarf murmured.

The rest of the teens stirred from their slumber. Carlos yawned loudly as he sat up from the makeshift bed just to fall back into it, mumbling something that sounded like "five more minutes." Evie stretched her arms to the sky with a hum, earning a loving smile from Doug as he reached for his glasses on the coffee table.

"Good morning!" Dopey cheerfully called, descending the stairs into the living room.

A groggy chorus echoed his greeting. The dwarf went straight to the kitchen to get breakfast started. Daisy followed her father to give him a cooking assistant. Doug began picking up the blankets that covered the floor. Jay shook Carlos awake so they could help Doug get the living room back in order. Evie went up stairs to get ready. Mal sighed. Guess it was time to start the day.

A/N *blowing off the cobwebs of this account* yo. Honestly I never thought I'd pick this back up again, but I still get emails from FanFiction saying people are following and favoriting this story. When I remember how much time and effort I put into this, it doesn't feel right to just leave it unfinished. Plus, I know how much it sucks to get into a story for it to never get updated. I'm not gonna promise consistent updates, but I want to at least finish this story. Maybe I'll get back into writing and write some other stories for other fandoms I'm in. I don't know. We'll see. Please note that I don't have a single clue what my original plan was for this story, so we're gonna wing it from here. Sorry if it doesn't match up perfectly with what I was originally saying I was gonna do.