A/N: Thanks to all who have been reading. This has been a fun one to write. Glad you came along for the ride. God bless...

Bernadette Throws Sheldon a Party

Bernadette drove up to her company's parking lot and then up to the main entrance. She parked the car and got out. Sheldon stayed in the car wondering why they had stopped there. She did not go over to the passenger side to get him, but preceded to go into the building and talk to the security guard at the front desk. She asked if she had received any phone calls. He told her yes and the message was that they were on the way. Bernadette thanks him and turned back towards the front door.

Sheldon was still sitting in the car looking absently out the front window. He wasn't so enthusiastic about being there. He couldn't imagine Bernadette having the foggiest idea of what would constitute a good date for him. Waiting out in the car while she was in her office building did not give him any hope that things were going to get any better. On top of that, he and Amy were not really speaking. Not like they used to and that was making him more crabby than he usually was when things were not going his way.

Bernadette looked out at Sheldon sitting stone faced. She knew he wasn't happy. She hadn't spent a whole lot of time with Sheldon and he was a bit of an enigma, but she could tell he was getting impatient. She could say that she was trying to aggravate him just because she could, but she did have a better, nicer reason for making him wait there. Once things started getting going, she knew that he would perk up.

Sheldon finally got out of the car and stood against the hood facing the building. They had security glass so he couldn't see that Bernadette was watching him. He thought he should probably go find Bernadette and asked her when their 'date' was suppose to start; but he was afraid to. It was no secret that Sheldon didn't like surprises. He liked control. He liked order. He liked knowing. He could only imagine that Bernadette's big date for him was making him stand outside and get sunburned for the rest of the day. It's not that he thought she was mean – well mostly. It was that he was used to getting picked on. Came with the territory when you were gifted like he was. At least that was what his mother told him.

Bernadette was about to walk out and talk to Sheldon when she saw the first trucks coming down the road and about to turn into their parking lot. There were quite a few trucks and she wondered why Sheldon hadn't heard them coming. She wanted him to see it – that was part of the plan. She was about to go out to him when he turned around and saw the trucks. He stepped back from the car and was slowly moving towards the building when he saw them coming towards the car. Bernadette came out of the building and stood beside him.

"What is all this?" he asked.

"It's all part of our date," Bernadette replied happily. Sheldon looked at her confused. The man in the head truck got out and walked up to her. He had her signed the invoice on his clipboard and double checked where she wanted him to start setting up. She nodded and he turned and waved his hand for them to get started.

"I don't understand," Sheldon said going back and forth between looking at Bernadette and the trucks.

"Watch," Bernadette said motioning for Sheldon to follow her to where he could see better. He followed her. She watched his face as he saw what was in each truck.

"They are setting up a carnival," Sheldon said amazed. Bernadette nodded. "But why did you go through this much trouble?" He wasn't trying to be mean. He was truly curious.

"Because you didn't have a fun childhood and you probably never really enjoyed a carnival. I wanted to give that to you," Bernadette said touching his hand. Sheldon smiled at her.

"I didn't think you would come up with anything I would like. But you did Bernadette. You did," Sheldon said and then gave her one of his rare hugs.

"I wanted you to see it being put up. I thought the scientist in you would enjoy that." Sheldon gave her one last smile before he went closer to see them setting up the Swing Chair amusement ride. Bernadette stood back and folded her arms. She felt proud of herself that she could give this to Sheldon. It cost a fortune, but seeing his smile and getting that hug was worth it. She went and got a chair to sit down. Sheldon came running up to her a little while later.

"They are setting up a trackless train. Oh this is too much. I really wish the others could enjoy this as much as I am going to," he said.

"Would you like to invite them?"

"Would that be against Penny's rules?" he asked concerned.

"Screw the rules. You go back and enjoy. I will make the calls."

Sheldon had grabbed Amy's hand and pulled her towards the trackless train. He wanted to sit with her and maybe they could finally talk about what was going on and/or wrong with their relationship. Howard and Bernadette joined them to get away from the impending blow up with Leonard and Penny. They were nice enough though to sit in another car so Sheldon and Amy could have their privacy.

"Isn't this the greatest?" Sheldon asked. "Bernadette did this for me but we both thought that everyone would enjoy it."

"You look happier than I've seen you in a long while Sheldon," Amy replied.

"It's because I've missed you," he said not looking at her.

"I've missed you too."

"So why can't we be boyfriend and girlfriend again?" he asked apprehensively. Amy sighed, not really knowing the words she could say to get him to understand. "Or do you not want to," he asked shyly.

"I do Sheldon. I never really wanted to break up," she replied strongly.

"But you said 'we are broken up'. I remember perfectly where, when and how you said that."

"Do you also remember me asking you for some time to sort things out for myself?" she asked. Sheldon nodded.

"Of course. I have an eidetic memory."

"Then if you remembered that I asked for some time, why didn't you just give me that time?" Amy asked.

"What if the more time you took, the more you realized that I wasn't the one for you?" he asked almost in a whisper.

"That wasn't it at all Sheldon," she replied putting her hand on his arm. He looked down at it. "I didn't need time to know that I love you. That I will always love you."

"So then why did you need time?"

"I need time to realize that you are who you are and that acceptance is part of love. To stop trying to change you too fast so that you lose who you really are?' Amy said with a tear rolling down her cheek. Sheldon turned to her.

"So I wasn't the only one who needed to change then?" Sheldon asked. Amy shook her head. "See I'm not the only one who needs to change," he yelled to Howard and Bernadette.

"We know Sheldon. We've been there," Bernadette replied.

"So you could say that a relationship is like a formula that will always having values that change as we change?" Sheldon stated more than asked.

"Yes, exactly Sheldon."

"So what if I changed the value right now and asked you to marry me?" Amy looked at him shocked. She wasn't sure if she heard him correctly since he wasn't looking at her but down at his pocket.

"Did you say -" but she stopped when she saw him take a box out of his jacket pocket. He opened the box and gave it to her. She gasped when she saw the ring.

"I think the custom is for me to get down on one knee but I might fall out of the train," Sheldon said finally looking up at her.

"This is perfect. And yes Sheldon I will marry you," Amy replied taking the ring out and holding it up. Sheldon motioned for her to put it on. It fit surprisingly well on her ring finger. She looked up at him and smiled.

"I know you women will all want to get together and plan the wedding. I just have two conditions," Sheldon said.

"And they are?" Amy asked not really caring what they could possibly be.

"I don't want to get married in Vegas. And I want this train at the reception," he replied. "Or maybe I could ride in on it."

"So you won't want the vows in Klingon then?" Amy asked hopefully. Sheldon pondered that for a moment.

"I may have to add another condition."

"What do you think Penny?" Leonard asked as his struck a pose in his motorcycle gear.

"I'm a bit shocked that you went for all this," she replied.

"Why? I thought you always want me to dress cooler and act cooler. Emily helped me to do that."

"That's my job Leonard, not hers. MY job," Penny said walking away. Leonard looked confused.

"I don't understand," he said.

"She didn't like the fact that you tried something new with someone else," Raj stated.

"Well now she knows how I feel," Emily replied. Both Raj and Leonard looked at her.

"What do you mean by that Emily?" Raj asked.

"You and Penny did things. Things that I should have to be reminded of every time I see her," Emily practically shouted. She was so loud that Penny had heard her and turned around.

"That was a long time ago," Leonard said.

"Yes well I haven't had years to process it," Emily retorted.

"So all this was some way to exact revenge?" Raj asked.

"I just wanted Penny to feel like I felt. To understand what it's like to look at your boyfriend, or husband, and see him with someone else. Someone whom he's still close with."

"I kinda do know," Penny said walking back. "He's not close with the girl he kissed while we were dating but it weirded me out for awhile."

"I don't know if I can get over this," Emily said.

"Well then I guess we can't go out anymore," Raj said shocking the threesome.

"What? Why Raj?" Emily asked nervously.

"Granted I may have played up what went on with Penny and I that time because it boosted my ego. But she was not with Leonard. And I certainly didn't think to hurt him or her that night," Raj said strongly.

"But I-" Emily tried to protest and Raj cut her off.

"You on the other hand tried to take this swapping thing to the next level where the rest of the group had never intended it to go."

"I guess I will go then," Emily replied sadly and turned. She started walking back to her car.

"Raj go after her," Penny said. Raj looked at her surprised.

"But she tried to steal Leonard from you."

"No, she just wanted to hurt us like she felt she was hurt," Penny replied.

"But still," Raj said.

"You know what I think Raj. I think she just saw a side to you she didn't know existed," Penny said.

"Yes. Women like a take charge kind of guy," Leonard said as Penny came over and put her arm on his shoulder. Raj looked at both of them and then at Emily who had reached her car.

"Don't let her get away because of this," Penny said. Raj thought for a moment and decided to go and get her to come back. Leonard and Penny watched him sprint to her car. Penny grabbed the collar of Leonard's leather jacket and pulled him close for a kiss.

"Nice kiss but we need to talk," Leonard said backing away a bit. Penny looked at him.

"Macho threads getting to you?"

"Well they do make me feel a bit taller and braver but no," he replied. "We need to talk about why you wanted to go through all of this. You said you were bored. Do we have a problem?"

"Is that why you let Emily dress you in this? Because you thought that would make me less bored?" Penny asked. Leonard shrugged.

"That and she got the clothes for free." Penny smiled.

"Honey I'm not bored with you. I was bored that night with the girls. I was just trying to do something you know like Raj did with the scavenger hunt. Shake things up."

"If you're sure," Leonard said grabbing her. "Tell me though do you like me like this?"

"Yes very sexy," she replied kissing him hard.

"How many guessed that leather jacket would lead to coitus?" Sheldon said walking up and raising his hands. Penny and Leonard broke their kiss and stared at the two couples.

"Really doesn't take much to lead us there," Penny replied. She smiled at Leonard and then put her head on his shoulder. She looked over to Amy and Sheldon and noticed something shiny on her finger. She motioned to Leonard to look.

"Buddy did you?"

"Yes he did and I said yes," Amy replied thrusting out her finger to show Leonard and Penny. Penny gave both a hug followed doing the same.

"This is fantastic. I can't believe he finally asked," Penny said.

"I can't believe she said yes," Leonard teased.

"Did her mother have her tested?" Howard asked.

"Ha, ha. You're all too funny," Sheldon replied.

"Who's too funny?" Raj said coming up with his arm around Emily.

"We're picking on Sheldon because he finally asked Amy to marry him," Leonard stated.

"That is awesome," Raj replied and gave Amy a quick hug.

"So everything fine with you two?" Penny asked looking at Raj and Emily.

"Yes, we worked it out. Thanks Penny," Raj said and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey everyone come on and let's have some fun. Raj look – an elephant," Sheldon said pointing towards the left side of the parking lot. Everyone started to follow. Leonard slowly moved away from Penny as he listened to Howard talk about the Magic Castle and Penny waited for Emily.

"So you and Raj are okay then?" Penny said.

"Yes. Are you and Leonard?" Emily replied.

"Always will be. Nothing or no one will tear us apart. I hope you can remember that," Penny said and then walked walked away.

"Challenge accepted," Emily said in true How I Met Your Mother fashion.