Author's Note: It's a short chapter... but it is... OVER! Thank you to all who have reviewed, added this story or me to their favorites list or their alert list. I seriously LOVE all my readers. You guys are really amazing and your reviews & kind words mean so much to me.

Up next is Lester & Steph and I'm hoping I can get chapter one up tomorrow... BUT I make NO promises. The ideas have been brewing and the characters are talking. :-)


Chapter Thirty

"Hey Ranger?" Steph spoke after a few minutes of contented silence.

He cocked an eyebrow. "Babe?"

She smiled at that. "How did you find us?"

Ranger softly chuckled, shaking his head. "Hal gave me clues to your location. He refused to tell us out right because he wanted his son rescued first and he knew we would probably come to your aid first even though Hal was there with you."

"I'm proud of Hal. You guys needed to rescue Cayson first. I was fine." Steph pointed out firmly.

Ranger's shoulders moved slightly as he responded. "We were worried about you, Babe."

"And Cayson is a little boy who just lost his mother, Ranger." She said. "But anyway, what clues?"

Ranger's lips twitched with a grin. "He called me Batman several times. He called you Wonder Woman. Then he made a remark about some expensive wine getting shot all to hell if I didn't move my ass."

Steph's brows furrowed in confusion. "Okay, I'm totally confused. Where were we?"

Ranger laughed. "You finally made it to the Bat Cave, Babe." He replied.

Her eyes narrowed in annoyance. "You mean I was at the Bat Cave and I didn't get to go exploring. Ranger, that's messed up."

That only made him laugh more. "You can go back and explore all you want."

Steph grinned. Happy with that. She then looked up at Ranger, confusion on her face once again. "I get the batman and wonder woman references but the wine? I mean we were in a wine cellar, but I don't get it."

"My wine cellar is mostly filled with one kind of wine. My favorite wine. It's rare and expensive. As soon as Hal mentioned the name brand, I knew immediately where you were."

She cocked her head, looking at him with thoughtfulness and more confusion. "If you knew immediately where we were then what made you rescue Cayson first?"

Ranger reached out and touched a finger to her nose. "Because rescuing Cayson first would have been what you wanted."

Steph melted just a little, giving him a huge grin. Before she could comment, a knock sounded on her room door and she looked over. Her grin got wider, goofier, and her eyes filled with love.

"Hector." She sighed his name.

Hector grinned as he walked towards her with his own goofy grin and his eyes filled with love. "Florecita."

He kissed her softly, his hand coming to rest on the back of her neck. "How are you feeling?"

Steph kissed him back. "Good. Happy. Ready to go home."

Hector chuckled. "You're definitely good since you're already harping to go home."

Hector squeezed her neck. "I love you Florecita."

Steph smiled. "I love you, Hector."

Tart Story – Tart Story – Tart Story – Tart Story

One Year Later

"Florecita, come here."

Hector immediately called out as he entered their apartment. They had been living together for about eight months exclusively and before that, well they were still living together but it wasn't official. Now it is. And about four months ago, poor Rex finally bit the dust and passed away. Steph had almost completely fallen apart but eventually picked herself back up and acted like everything was just fine.

But Hector knew it wasn't. He watched her as she entered the kitchen every morning and glanced towards the empty spot where Rex's cage used to be. He watched her as she bought hamster pellets or carrot sticks without a thought and then got home and broke down in tears when she remember that Rex was no longer with them. He watched her as she waited for the sound of a hamster wheel and when it didn't come, her face would fall and tears would well up in her sad blue eyes.

Well he was done watching.

"Come on, Steph." He called out again as he pulled the little rodent out of her box.

"What?" Steph asked as she entered the kitchen.

Hector looked at her, hamster in his hands and a grin on his face. "I got something for you."

Her eyes widened into saucers and tears spilled down her cheeks, but she was grinning. "Oh Hector, he's so cute." Steph exclaimed.

"Rexina is a girl." Hector stated.

Steph met his eyes. "Rexina?"

Hector shrugged. "Sounded good at the time."

Steph beamed at him. "I love it! And I love her and I love you!" She threw her arms around him and the little rodent, planting a hot kiss on his delicious mouth.

Hector laughed. "I love you too, Steph."

Steph pulled back to meet his eyes. "So you'll marry me?" She asked seriously.

Hector blinked, surprised as hell. That came out of no where. He grinned. "About time you asked me. Taking advantage of me and my delicate self." He teased. His free hand came up and he cupped her cheek. "I would be honored to marry you, Florecita."

She grinned. "I mean its time, right? We just had a child after all." Her eyes darted to Rexina and back to Hector.

Hector laughed. "Yes we did." He pulled her close, nuzzling her neck.

Life was good. Hell, life was fucking great. Steph captured most of her skips without any problems nowadays. She told everyone who listened that it was because of him. But it was because of her. She believed in herself and she now took care of herself. He was proud of her. Her relationship with Ranger was tight. He was now seeing someone who was the exact opposite of Steph which was weird as hell, but all of RangeMan loved her. Cayson was their little mascot and he was adored and spoiled rotten. Hal too was seeing a woman who loved Cayson as her own. And Maya, well she killed herself after a month in prison.

Life was good. And he was happy. He had it all.

He had all this.

All because…

He was…



The End!