A/N Soo...It has been awhile! I am not sure at the rate I will keep posting. But for now, here is a new chapter! Thank you to my old and new fans! You may have noticed I changed my username and that was done to keep myself a little bit more anonymous.

I also realized how annoying author's notes are, so here is my last one!

It should be noted that I am not a medical expert, so anything in this chapter or any of my other writings needs to be taken with a grain of salt!

Without further ado, here is the next chapter!


Gibbs went to bed a few hours after Tim and Tony had. Ducky was not worried at all about Tim having a concussion, but the father had wanted to make sure the boy was settled before he himself slept. As it turned out, he would have been better off just staying awake. The older man had not been asleep for more than an hour when he was woken up by a sniffling Tim.

"What's wrong Tim?" Gibbs asked.

"My tummy feels funny" The boy whined pitifully.

Gibbs had sat up and turned on his bedside lamp at this point.

"Did you throw up? Does your head hurt?" He asked while pulling the boy between his legs. Tim gave a shake of his head. Gibbs was glad to see that Tim did not wince while doing so. The father looked into Tim's eyes and saw the pupil size was even. Even still, he knew he needed to call Ducky. The ME could tell him if this was something he needed to bring Tim into the doctor for.

"You didn't eat any dinner. That might be part of the problem. Let's go make you some toast" Gibbs suggested as he picked the sleepy boy up.

"I am not hungry," Tim whined. "I feel like I am going to throw up," He said tearfully.

"I know it might not make sense" Gibbs soothed while walking downstairs. "But you are already sensitive to medicine, and taking pain meds on an empty stomach is never a good idea. If we can get some toast in you, I am sure you will feel better" Gibbs said softly. Tim's only response was a small shake of his head and whimper as he was placed on the couch.

"I'll be right back," Gibbs said quickly and made his way to the kitchen.

As the bread cooked, Gibbs called the medical examiner. He felt slightly bad about calling at this hour, but he also knew he would get an earful from Ducky if he was not the first one called.

"Is everything alright with Timothy?" Ducky answered after a few rings.

"Yeah Duck, but he just woke up with an upset stomach."

"Did you check his pupils? His breathing? Does his head hurt?" Ducky asked.

"Pupils were normal. His breathing was fine, no signs of itching or a rash" The experienced father added. This was not the first time Tim had had a reaction to medication. "And his head does not hurt. He didn't have any dinner, so I think that might be the problem"

"It sounds to me like you have this covered. If any of those symptoms develop, take him immediately to the emergency room. I will be by tomorrow morning just to double check. "

"I might as well bring the boys to the office with me tomorrow. Maybe I can have Abby watch them for a bit."

"Are you sure you want to do that? Tim might not be in the best mood if he is awake now."

"I really just have to sign some reports. It might do some good to get him out of the house since he can't be running around. Amanda was supposed to watch them, but I can't ask her to do that when Tim is likely to be moody."

"Maybe she can watch Anthony for you?" Ducky suggested.

"Nah. She works hard enough. I am sure she will enjoy a long weekend."

After their goodbyes, Gibbs hung up and brought the toast out to Tim. The boy looked both miserable and wide awake. The father hoped Tim would be able to fall asleep after this. If not, tomorrow was going to be a very long day.

"I need you to eat this whole piece" Gibbs said, handing the plate to Tim who looked at it warily.

"I can't," Tim cried.

"Yes you can." Gibbs said somewhat sternly. "It will make you feel better," He said a little more gently.

Tim hesitantly took a few nibbles before devouring the whole piece.

"Feel better?"

"Uh-huh!" Tim smiled.

"Would you like another piece?" Gibbs asked.

"Can I have some brownie?" Tim tried to wheedle.

"Tell you what. If you have another slice of toast and then go back to bed without a fuss, you can have a brownie for breakfast tomorrow."

Tim frowned. "But I'm not tired! And I bet Tony got a brownie. Even though he was the one who hurt me" The boy said using his puppy eyes.

"What happened was an accident. I spoke to him about his pranks, but you are not going to make him feel bad about what happened today. Is that understood?" Gibbs asked sternly.

"Fine." Tim muttered. "But I want a brownie now!" He exclaimed.

"Not happening. But you can earn one for breakfast tomorrow." The father reminded.

Tim paused before responding. He did not want to wait until tomorrow. And despite what his father said, it did not seem fair that Tony had dessert while he had to go to bed early for something the older boy had caused.

On the other hand, Tim knew no matter how much he argued, his dad was not going to let him have the chocolatey dessert right now. His best bet was to do as he was told and enjoy the reward in the morning.

"Will Tony get to have dessert in the morning?" Tim asked slyly.

Now it was Gibbs' turn to pause. Tony had eaten his dessert tonight. But it did not seem fair that TIm could have some in the morning and Tony could not. He truly was not going to punish Tony for the evening's activities.

On the other hand, it was late and Gibbs did not want to spend any more time arguing with Tim tonight.

"Nope. Just you."

Tim did not need to hear more and he made his way into the kitchen.

"Just one more piece of toast then" Tim said as he sat himself on the island. Gibbs raised an eyebrow at the boy's retort. He placed another piece of bread in the toaster without further response. He would deal with manners at a more reasonable hour.

"Let me check your eyes one more time" Gibbs told the 8 year old while they waited for the toast.

"Daaadd!" Tim complained while trying to move his head to the side.

"Or we can go to the doctor's and have them look," Gibbs said with one raised eyebrow.

Tim humpfed before allowing his dad to lift one eyelid and then the other. He also checked Tim's back and legs for a rash. The father asked a few follow up questions while his son ate. TIm thought his dad must have been satisfied with the check up, because they went upstairs and got ready for bed again.

"I am really not tired," Tim told his father. They had been awake for 45 minutes, and Tim had slept for 3 hours before that.

Gibbs sighed heavily. He certainly was tired. And he knew Tim was as well. He just needed to get the boy's body to settle down. He could not go the traditional route of a bath though, because he did not want to risk soaking the stitches.

"Why don't you sleep in my bed tonight. And I will read to you before bed." Gibbs suggested.

"I can sleep in my own bed!" The boy said hastily. He had plans to stay up late reading. But Gibbs must have known that, because Gibbs led them to his room instead.

"I want to make sure you actually sleep. And if you get sick again, I want to know right away." The father said softly.

Tim huffed again. He could wait until his father fell asleep to start reading, Tim thought. He nixed the idea as soon as he had it. His father would immediately wake up if he turned the light on. And he had never been successful in fooling his father while he pretended to sleep.

"It looks like we have Harry Potter or Holes."

Tim huffed again. He could wait until his father fell asleep to start reading, Tim thought. He nixed the idea as soon as he had it. His father would immediately wake up if he turned the light on. And he had never been successful in fooling his father while he pretended to sleep.

"It looks like we have Harry Potter or Holes" Gibbs said while looking through the few kids books he had on his night stand.

"Which Harry Potter?"

"Prisoner of Azkaban"

"Can I grab my book from my room real quick? I will be really quiet." Tim begged.

"We are not going to risk waking Tony up."

"He won't wake up. Sometimes I have to go pee in the middle of the night and he doesn't wake up" Tim clarified.

"Tim. You get one chapter. You can choose the book or I can" Gibbs replied.

Tim huffed once more.

"Harry Potter."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow once more.

"Please." Tim added.

"Sounds good. Hop in." Gibbs said while holding the blankets up. Tim quickly climbed in and took a few minutes to get comfortable. Gibbs then climbed into his side of the bed and began to read. Tim was still awake after he finished the first chapter.

"One more?"

"It is one in the morning. It is time to go to sleep."

"But I'm not tired." Tim complained.

"That's fine. But it is light's out."

"I won't be able to sleep."

"That's fine. But you need to lay there and try." Gibbs demanded.

"I can't," Tim whined while wiggling to get more comfortable.

"You can and you will.," Gibbs said sternly. Then sighed heavily. "Roll onto your stomach."

"Why?" The boy asked suspiciously.

"So I can rub your back," He explained softly.

"Isn't gonna work" Tim whined, but did as he was told. Gibbs kept his groan internal. It was late and despite Tim's protest, he knew the boy was tired.

"What are we going to do tomorrow? Amanda was going to bring us swimming" Tim whispered.

"You guys are going to come to the office with me in the morning. And then we are going to take it easy. Maybe do a movie day." Gibbs replied just as quietly.

"This sucks." Tim retorted.

"Agreed. Not a great way to end your spring break, huh?" The father asked. The man continued to rub Tim's back as they conversed quietly. Tim's questions became more and more spaced out until he eventually fell asleep. Gibbs was soon to follow.