Warning: This story touches on a form of depression, yet it is not an accurate description of the disease. I do not take depression or any form of mental disease lightly. However, for this story it is sugar coated and easily fixed.

Summary: After the war Harry breaks in pieces. The friends he counted on to stand beside him leaves him in his broken state. After years of therapy and love from family and friends Harry is finally mended enough to live life by his rules. That is until Blasie "Baz" Antinous Zabini captures his attention. Causing Harry to break his own rules and start thinking of the possibilities of love and family. Blaise "Baz" to his friends lived a different life from Harry, yet the war touched him in different ways. All his life he has searched for the man or woman to give him the family he desires. Will he be able to show Harry that love and family do not stop him from living life by his own rules.

Category: M/M

Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling

Relationships: Harry Potter/Blaise Zabin iNeville Longbottom/George Weasley Daphne Greengrass/Draco Malfoy Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks

Characters: Harry Potter Neville Longbottom George Weasley Daphne Greengrass Blaise Zabini

Additional Tags: Mention of Ron Weasley - Mention of Ginny Weasley - Mention of Hermione Granger Original Characters - FreeformAngst and Fluff and Smut Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Harry is a bit depressive in the beginning. Out of Character

Chapter One - A Brief Encounter

In his office, Harry sits at his desk in front of his computer typing the last line of the email, sending off his last edits to his editor and friend, Christopher James. Titanium steel walls surround the office, which separates it from the rest of his new apartment. Because magic would disrupt muggle technology within his office, it is not performed in this room or the built-in movie theater next to his office. Harry accidentally figured out that magic has no affect on titanium, one day in anger. Dumbledore sent a message to his aunt and uncle urging them to let Harry stay with them for the rest of the summer. Harry could not understand the reason behind it, after all he was seventeen and is considered an adult. Yet, Dumbledore and the rest of the Order with the except for Remus and Tonks, fought against Harry returning to Number Twelve. Tonks and Remus thought it was safer for Harry to be with them, where they could keep an eye on him. Remus and Tonks were out-voted and Harry remained with the Dursleys for his seventeenth birthday.

When he was younger and realized he could do wandless magic, Harry would sometimes sneak off to an abandoned field that was hidden from the road and seeing eyes to relieve his anger. On his seventeenth birthday, Harry walked a lot farther than he expected and found himself at one of the small airports miles away from the Dursleys home. He should have felt better walking so far, but Harry was still angry. Seeing an abandoned airplane Harry aimed his anger and magic at the broken down plane in front of him. When nothing happened to the plane, Harry thought there was something wrong with his magic. He thought he was too angry and was not focusing on the spell he used to damage the plane.

A thought hit him now that he can use his wand without repercussions. Harry pulled out his wand and called for the strongest spell he knows, the cutting curse, powerful enough to slice easily through the plane and cause much damage. When nothing happened to the plane, it occurred to Harry that may be magic has a weakness. He wondered if wizards and witches knew that they are vulnerable to this metal and if they have something to combat it. Harry figures Hermione, his best friend at the time, should have known and would have told him if wizards knew. Harry decides that from then on, he will keep that information to himself do more research and use it to his advantage.

With his knowledge about titanium to his advantage with muggle technology, such as cellphones, computers, and his movie theater. Harry used them in selected areas like his office. When Harry decided to move into the Wingdom Penthouse and Apartments, he specifically asked that his office be built with titanium walls. The landlord and owner gave him an uncomfortable and weird look, but did not ask any questions. He just took his money and did what Harry asked.

Harry would have requested for the titanium to be outfitted in the whole Penthouse, but he figured that would raise too many questions. The remodeling took six months without disrupting the lives of his new neighbors. The owner of the building went as far as hiring a muggle construction crew to come in and remodel the room to his specifications. Three weeks ago, he left Number Twelve and made it official by living on his own. He'd been living with Remus, Tonks, and little Teddy but Harry and Aaron, his doctor, felt it was time for him to move out and be on his own at twenty-five years old. Harry could not believe how far he had improved mentally and physically since the war. Harry turned and looked out of the window, a sad expression passed over his face. After the war, Harry felt a need to cling to everyone he loved, and had survived. For weeks, months, even years, he refused to leave his room. Traumatized by the events of the war and his youth, Harry felt he was not ready to be on his own.

For the first three years after the war, Harry lived scared behind the walls and safety of Number Twelve. Haunted by nightmares of seeing his friends die in front and for him, Harry refused to take a step outside into the real world. His friends Ron, Hermione, and Ginny visited a lot in the first few months, in the beginning their words of comfort eased his apprehension. Soon they became frustrated with his lack of will to leave the safety of his home. And they visited less or asked after his health. Hermione and Ron married. Ron to the easy way out and took the Head Auror position offered to him. Hermione became the first muggleborn as the Senior Undersecretary to the new Minister Lord Ashford Sandelott, Kingsley decided he would rather be Head Auror than a Minister.

Hermione used her position as Senior Undersecretary and tried to push her agenda for SPEW, freeing house elves from their supposed slavery. Hermione got the shock of her life when the house elves banded together and protest against her bill. The Wizengmout voted unanimously against Hermione's bill. But, amended that if any house elf is abused, or mistreated within their home, the family will be sent to Azkaban and have to pay a fine. After her SPEW bill was denied, Hermione did not give up; she proposed many bills to try to make the changes she wanted to see in the Wizarding world. She used her fame and added Harry's name without his knowledge to further her many agendas. When they told her that Harry needed to be there as a voting member and state his claim as Lord Black, Potter, and Peverell, Hermione relented and tried other methods. Only two out of her proposed bills was voted into law.

Six months later, Hermione began working for the Minister Sandelott, she got pregnant with her and Ron's first child. Ron and Hermione began to live the life they wanted. Harry would not have guessed that Hermione would use her name as a part of the golden trio to boost her ego. Harry expected Ron to use his name as apart of the golden trio not Hermione who used her intelligence to overshadow others. However, Ron did not disappoint him, he used his own name and fame from the war to weasel out of working cases that did not further notoriety to his name. Harry sunk deeper into depression, and continued to cower in fear. Harry hated the way his life turned out. At times, he would flinch when someone would touch him or hold him too long. He only trusted a few people: Remus, Tonks, Neville, and George were the only ones that Harry would let into his little bubble.

Ginny got a job on the Quidditch team she dreamed of as a child, the Madison Ravens, a coed team of men and women. Ginny got the job as the Raven's seeker. He knew that Ginny was an excellent seeker. Harry later found out that Ginny intercepted a letter addressed to him from the manager and owner of the Ravens offering the job as their seeker and to be part owner of the team. Ginny lied and told the Ravens that Harry did not wish to play Quidditch and wanted to travel. Harry did not have the chance to say yes or no. He hated that someone he loved and counted as a sister would do something so underhanded. All Ginny needed to do was ask him if she could have taken his place instead. It hurt Harry that Ginny took the decision out of his hands. Besides, using Harry's name to their advantage. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny gladly told anyone who inquired why no one saw Harry in public, that he decided that now the war was over and the light side won. Harry decided to travel, explore and see the world. Sadly, at the time, the only world Harry saw were the walls of his home at Number Twelve; looking at the world outside his window, wishing he could take part.

During her first year, Ginny and the Beater of her team, Perry Simmons, began dating. On their one-year anniversary of dating, they tied the knot. On their second year anniversary, Ginny announced that she was having twins, it is not unique in the Weasley family household to have that multiple births can happen. When their children were born and a bit older, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, with her husband, started visiting Harry again but their visits did not last long. They found being around him depressing and unhealthy. They found it hard to comprehend Harry's position. Harry was once known for his strong will. After all, he defeated the greatest dark wizard of their time, was now nothing more than a weak child afraid of his own shadow. It showed their lack of understanding when they did not invite him to their weddings or the announcements of their children's births. Mr. & Mrs. Weasley no longer wanted to be associated with Harry and refused to have his name mentioned in their home.

Ms. Weasley felt they did what Dumbledore wanted during the war, protecting Harry and helping win the war. Molly felt her family did not have any further loyalty to Harry, those were her words according to George. When Fred died in the war, Molly understood it was not Harry's fault, she could not help but put the blame at his feet. It was Mrs. Weasley's idea to not invite Harry to his ex-best friend's' weddings. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny did not fight or argue with Molly. Harry should have realized then; they had given up on their friendship.

After hearing the words from his former friends about Harry's condition. Remus and Tonks restricted anyone who was not encouraging or understanding about his condition from visiting. The only friends that understand Harry was George and his husband, Neville. Harry smiles when he thinks of his new best friends, who are more like than family and how deeply in love they are. It gives him something to hope for in the far distant future. After Fred's death, Neville took care of George. At the same time, also he and Luna realized that they were better off friends than lovers, Neville took over running the Weasley Wizards Wheezes. George saw the strength that Neville displayed on the battlefield. George was drawn to Neville like a moth to a flame. George fell completely in love with the-once shy young man, who became a confident man before his eyes. Both of them survived survivors of a war that took away people they loved and cared for. Neville's parents died on the same night as the Final Battle of Hogwarts. Neville's grandmother was injured by fallen debris and died a couple of months later from her injuries.

Neville and George understood Harry's weakening, mental instability at the time they decided to marry. They realized that although Harry mental stability left him crippled and could not leave the safety of Number Twelve, they wanted him to share in their joy of getting married. George and Neville had their wedding at Number Twelve. Harry will forever be grateful to his two friends for their understanding nature. Harry remembers seeing Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, at George and Neville's wedding. Now that he thinks back, he realizes, they did not speak to him. Mr. & Mrs. Weasley kept their distance, while Charlie, Bill, Fleur and Percy all asked Harry how he was coping. And told him that they hoped he pulled through whatever was holding back from living the life he should have.

George and Neville continued their visits with Harry at least twice a week and kept him abreast of everything his ex-friends were up to. They never pressured Harry to get better knowing that in his own time he would do what was necessary to move on with his life. It was at George and Neville's wedding that forced Harry to realize his ex-friends were coping better after the war than he was. They moved on with their lives and used his name to do it. Emotions of anger, hate, and desertion filled Harry. Harry understands now he had a delayed reaction to their misdeeds towards him. But it was not enough to pull Harry from his depressive state.

It was during the beginning of the fourth year of a self-imposed reclusive life that Harry started to make small changes. He felt lost in a dark sea of depression and was drowning in fear. Harry knew deep down, he needed to find a way out, but did not know how. Harry secretly believes that Remus and Tonks in their own way started to give him hints that he needed to start thinking about getting help. One night while the house was asleep, Harry found a card to a psychiatrist named Ethan Guber. Ethan Guber is a squib, which influenced Harry into communicating with the man. He was still afraid to leave his home, so Harry began by writing the doctor. Luckily Dr. Guber catered to the magical community. Harry felt that Dr. Guber would be someone who could understand about the war and what he was going through.

Harry felt Dr. Guber could be another person to trust and judge him on his out of control feelings. For the first three months, Harry wrote to Dr. Guber under the pseudonym Matthew Cook. During his letters, he told the doctor of the tragedies he experienced throughout his childhood, Harry did not tell Dr. Guber about Voldemort directly. Harry alluded to the fact there was a madman trying to kill him for most of his life, which was why he now felt safety living behind a well-guarded home rather than walking outside.

Harry was grateful for another person in his life that did not try to force him from what he considered his safe place. The first thing Harry loved about Dr. Guber from the beginning was that he did not prescribe or suggest that Harry take anti-depressant potions to try and cure him. As another form of therapy, Dr. Guber suggested that Harry write down everything that he was feeling daily. He also told Harry to write down something new he learned or improved about himself in journals. Harry sent the journals to Dr. Guber weekly. In the beginning, Harry did not have much to write about. Each time he would get a response from Dr. Guber, the man would let him know that he did not have to fill a whole page. He only needed Harry try to express his feelings and thoughts. Harry accepted that and as time went by Harry realized he enjoyed writing out his feelings. He enjoyed writing. As a side enjoyment, Harry would secretly keep an extra journal of imaginative stories of a brave, intelligent, and handsome male character who would venture out into the world and solve crimes.

Through his therapy sessions, Harry learned he had Agoraphobia, which is a fear of open spaces. In their "therapy sessions" Dr. Guber told Harry, that his illness is not uncommon, and that it stemmed from most of his childhood where he was forced to live in close, tight spaces. Then was suddenly thrust into a dangerous war coupled with enormous responsibility. He also suggested that Harry's accidental magic could have been a manifestation of an anxiety attack. For three months, Harry and the doctor corresponded through letters and his journals. Three months after that Harry made his first move and invited Dr. Guber into his home. It surprised Harry that Dr. Guber figured out who he was just from his letters. He was also equally surprised that Dr. Guber did not reveal anything that Harry shared with him over the months they wrote. Slowly, as he began to heal with his friends and family's encouragement, Harry began taking short walks around the gardens of Number Twelve. The more Harry healed, the further he could go into the woody areas.

On one of his trips, Harry accidentally walked into the town close to his home without realizing it. Harry spent the day walking around looking through windows of stores and watching people as they passed by him, but he did not talk to or greet anyone. After that, Harry felt he was ready to make his first trip to Dr. Gruber's office. Yet, he did not realize how far or how hard it would be for him. Only this time, Harry experienced a different form of anxiety and slid back to the way he was before. Walking around the surrounding walls and streets close to home gave Harry comfort. To make a longer trip even by floo scared Harry enough that he reverted to his depression and closed everyone off mentally and physically for weeks. Harry's friends and family feared he would never recover from this drawback. It was a fear Harry had also. There were many times Harry would be dressed and tried to force himself to leave. Only making it as far as his bedroom door and the fear of not being able to get back to his family would stop him from leaving. Harry knew he was missing out on the joys of life that he was just beginning, but he could not force himself to change his life.

In the blink of an eye, life changed dramatically for Harry one afternoon. Remus and Tonks went away for the weekend and left Teddy home with Harry. Teddy fell sick and Harry could not get in touch with Remus and Tonks. Andromeda, who usually took care of Teddy when his parents needed time away, was visiting a friend in France, and could not get back in time to care for the child. Teddy had a terrible fever and would not stop throwing up. Harry called everyone he could think of to come and help him care for Teddy but they were all busy or not answering his calls. Harry remembers shaking with fear at the possibility that Teddy might die because of his mental and physical state. It was after Teddy's lips turned blue and he fell unconscious that Harry decided he had no other choice but to get over his fear and floo to St. Mungo's. Harry made it in time for the doctors to save the baby, but it also made him realize that he needed to get better.

His first visit was to see Dr. Guber and it took a toll on him. But with the incident with Teddy, Harry realized he was a lot stronger than he gave himself credit. Even terrified that night, he pulled on the courage he needed to take Teddy to St. Mungo's. Harry forced himself to visit with Dr. Guber every day for the next three months. Harry began to notice the little changes in himself as time went by. He had more courage and with the new changes came a new attitude on life. Harry smiled more, and his family commented on the new person he was becoming. After a while, Harry and Dr. Guber's professional relationship changed from patient and doctor to a comfortable and solid friendship. Dr. Guber told Harry to call him Ethan. With slight anxiety, Harry told Ethan in one of their after- hours therapy sessions that he was gay. Harry revealed he could not stop having dreams about having sex with other men. He admitted he blushes whenever he saw George and Neville kiss. Ethan encouraged Harry to start dating and to take his time exploring his newfound sexuality. He also told Harry not to be afraid to ask questions, as a gay man himself in a committed partnership, he knows how scary dating can be.

It took Harry a while to think about accepting dinner invitations, or even the prospect of asking a guy out on a date. Over the years, his short wild, untamed hair grew longer and wilder. Then Harry had little regard to his looks and appearance. He still wore Dudley's old and oversized clothing that hung even more on him because of his dramatic weight loss. Thinking back, Harry realized he was an idiot for not recognizing that he was worth more as a person, and even wealthier than the Malfoy's and Longbottom put it together. On his first trip to Gringotts in four years, Harry finally accepted the Peverell, Potter, and Black's lordships. He also accepted the vaults willed to him from other families who died during and after the war. At the time, Harry was too overwhelmed and did not know what he would do with the galleons and contents in them, but later found use for them. Harry opened a few orphanages, museums dedicated to the war, those who died, and its history, scholarships, and clinics in England and other Wizarding countries. Harry realized he was not the only wizard to suffer from some form of major depression as an after effect from the war.

A sad chuckle escapes his mouth. Harry thinks back to how naive and selfish he was to not consider that he was the only one affected by the war. After all, Harry saw proof that everyone went on to live their lives as if nothing happened. For instance, Ron and Hermione moved right into their perfect life. Ginny, even Mr. & Mrs. Weasley continued as if nothing changed. Harry runs his hands through his now short and well-groomed hair with his manicured nails.

Once Harry found out that one of his ancestors, Fleamont Potter, created the Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. With just two drops of the potion, Harry tamed his long hair and decided to cut it short on the sides and long on the top to hide his scar. As a bonus, he wrote the company that made the potion and made sure he was never out of stock. Harry got his eyes fixed by magical means. But because he was not ready to get rid of his glasses, it was part of his safety net, he got stylish frames that complimented his new look. Harry looks down at the frames in his hands, out of habit when he writes, he wears them, even though he does not need them. In retrospect Harry realizes that even though he can walk outside with little fear he still holds onto some of his old life that continues to give him comfort and safety.

As a suggestion from Ethan, Harry started going to a muggle gym and hired a trainer to add to his new rigorous flying lessons. At the gym, Harry met Hiro, a sexy Japanese American actor who was living in Britain while filming a T.V. series. Harry became attracted to him from the moment they met, Hiro had Harry tongue-tied when they spoke. Harry covers his face in embarrassment thinking about what a disaster the date was. He spilled wine all over Hiro, stepped on his toes while they danced, Harry will not even mention the horrible bloody nose, he gave Hiro when the man tried to kiss him after the date.

Harry hid in his room for two weeks after that and refused to come out. His family feared he was going to shut down once more. Being on the date embarrassed him and Harry did not know what he would do or say if he ran into Hiro at the gym. When Remus asked him what happened Harry could see that his godfather was trying his best not to laugh at him. Remus, who, according to Tonks had a similar experience on their first date. His family made him realize that it was ok to make mistakes and that they will happen. As a precaution, Harry changed gyms to ensure he would never bump into Hiro. And for the first couple of months until he was comfortable being on his own with other new dates, Harry would double date with Ethan and his lover Chris, George and Neville, or Tonks and Remus.

The only part Harry enjoyed about dating after his first disastrous date was the first time he had sex. A pleasant smile graced his lips when he thought about when he gave his virginity away. It was a bit unorthodox. But Harry lost his virginity to Chris and Ethan. Chris admitted to Harry once when he was at their home for dinner that he found Harry delightfully attractive. Harry ignored it, not sure what to think. The next time he went over for dinner, Chris gave him a hug that was longer normal and his hand casually grazed his arse. Another time when Harry visited, Chris hugged him tightly and after they pulled away, Chris gripped his cheeks and pulled him in close and brushed their lips together. Harry gasped and Chris took the moment to slip his tongue into his mouth and moan. Surprised, Harry pulled back and looked around, his cheeks flushed, embarrassed and unsure of what to do. Ethan was his friend, his psychiatrist, and even after his first time he met Chris, Harry thought the man hated him on sight. Chris's feelings must have changed over the course of those double dates. Chris and Ethan are kind to me. Why would Chris do this? It feels like a betrayal to Ethan and their friendship. Chris turned his head and Harry stared into his cornflower blue eyes. Disbelief must have shown in Harry's eyes.


"Oh, you are so sweet." Chris coos at him. "Always concerned for everyone but yourself. It is ok, Love, Ethan won't mind. He wants you just as bad as I do." Chris says to him.

Harry cannot believe that this is happening to him. He opens his mouth to speaks, but stops when he hears Ethan's deep voice, "I can't believe you started without me and as soon as he walks in." Harry moves his head to see Ethan standing behind Chris with a hopeful and apologetic look on his face.

"What, can you blame me? Look at him." Chris says not taking his eyes off Harry.

Harry looks back and forth between the two gorgeous men standing before him. Chris with his natural blond hair and blue eyes, and Ethan with his salt and pepper hair and brown eyes.

Both men are sexy in their own rights, but the current circumstances confuse Harry.

"What is this?!" He yells at them.

Ethan walks further into the room and Chris backs away slightly from Harry but still holds on to his hand. Ethan stands in front of Harry, "Harry, listen to me. I can understand if everything seems confusing to you."

Anger builds in Harry, "Confused! Your partner just kissed me and you are not angry about it!" Harry gets ready to pull his hands away from Chris's tight grip. "Was this your plan once you found out who I was, to heal me then seduce me into your bed?"

"No! Harry, no this was never my plan. There was never any plan." He says and rests his hands on Harry's shoulders. "You and I both have to admit Harry, I stopped seeing you as a patient and more as a friend." Ethan closes his eyes, "Which is why I have asked my business partner Aaron Stutter to take over your case. I realized that my feelings for you have changed, and it has begun to conflict with how to treat and help you-."

Harry gasps and begins to backs away. Ethan's hands fall from his shoulders. Anger turns to fear, confusion, and hurt. "I knew it would only be a matter of time before you would leave me too. You've begun to see me as a burden."

"Leave you!" Ethan yells in disbelief. "Gods, Harry I don't want to leave you; I want to fuck you." He says, turning to Chris. "Chris and I want to make love to that enticing body of yours, and for me to do that I had to stop being your doctor."

Fuck me! They want to fuck me! Oh gods and deity above! This is not what he expected to find out when he came over for dinner. "Listen," Chris says breaking into his thoughts. "I, meaning Ethan and me, find you attractive and we will not pressure you into anything that you don't want to do. Even if we don't do anything today or any other day, you are still our friend, Harry. You'll always be welcome here. Going to bed with us is not a stipulation of our friendship."

"I won't be your doctor, Harry." Ethan adds. "You mean more to me as friend than some name on a file."

Harry stands there staring at Ethan, his eyes wide in shock. He is a virgin, and this is all new to him. He has fantasized about sleeping with men, it is a part of his every waking thought. But he has always thought the first person he slept with would be someone he cares about. Harry does not want to sleep with a stranger; Ethan and Chris are not strangers to him. They have become a part of his extended family. Harry is comfortable with Chris and Ethan; he has spent nights in their guest room when he has drunk too much at one of their dinner parties. They are always perfect gentlemen.

"C-can I-" Harry begins. "Can I think about it?" He asks them.

"Love, take as long as you want. Chris and I will not push you into anything that you do not want to do. We understand that this will not be a commitment to us." Ethan tells him.

Chris leans in and kiss Harry sweetly on his lips. When he pulls back Chris licks his lips and Harry cannot help but follow the action of his tongue. "We will make it good for you, Harry Love. We will be gentle and take our time. And that is a promise."

Ethan crowds his space, we know that we will be your first and we want to show you what love is all about." Harry's breath quivers when Ethan nuzzles his cheeks and then his neck. Harry loves the way his day old stubble feels on his skin; goose pimples covers his arms. Harry can feel his body drifting close to Ethan's, seeking comfort from the man. He's thought of this many times. Wondered how safe he would feel to nestle in Ethan's arms. But Harry always felt ashamed and guilty for his thoughts.

More times than he could count, Harry touched himself and fantasized about having both men watching him. And now, he has the opportunity to be in their arms and Harry has no idea what to do. Harry moans when a hand touches his hardening cock. Harry's eyes snap open, he did not realize he closed them and pulls away from both men. He runs his hands through his hair and over his face, he looks up to see Ethan and Chris kissing. Ethan has a firm grip on Chris's hair, while Chris hand is caressing Ethan's erection outside of his pants. They are beautiful together, Harry knows he should feel like an interloper, as if he is intruding on their private time, but he does not. Chris slowly pulls away from their kiss and turns to look at Harry.

"We love each other, Harry. Never feel as if you are intruding, there are times Ethan and I add a third partner to spice things up for a short time, we never take one separately. We know your apprehension about sex and dating. Ethan and I talked about this Harry, we care for you and as I said earlier you are beautiful." Chris tells him.

"We want to be the ones to show you how wonderful, and beautiful sex can be with the right person." Ethan continues.

"Take all the time you need, nothing between us will change no matter your decision." Chris finishes with a smile. "How about we have dinner and continue with our evening, I'm sure you must be starving." He says and walks out of the room, leaving Harry and Ethan alone.

"He's right, you know, nothing will change." Ethan reassures him.

"Except you won't be my doctor anymore?"

"Except that, Harry I cannot risk being your doctor and your possible lover." Ethan says with a smile, then his face turns serious. "I did not stop being your doctor so that I can have sex with you Harry. You mean the world to me and Chris. It would also be unethical to continue to treat you and want you in my bed. If the medical board were to find out I could lose my license. And I know the guilt you would feel if you thought it was your fault."

Ethan is protecting not only his career, but Harry as well. "I will think about it." Harry tells him. Throughout dinner, Harry watches Chris and Ethan. He watches every touch and kiss and the way they speak to each other. Sitting at dinner, watching them, Harry realizes that they love each other deeply and comfortably. They are not asking him to have sex with them because something is missing in their love life. Chris and Ethan are doing this because they care about him. It is also time that he stopped living in fear, and in the past. But is he ready to have sex with them or anyone else? Harry asks himself.

After a delightful dinner Harry goes home to think about what he should do. Harry sits in the dark in the newly renovated Number Twelve in his favorite chair. The opportunity to lose his virginity is at his fingertips and with two men he knows and trusts. Harry sighs in the dark, then covers his face. What the hell am I going to do?

"Whatever you did, Tonks and I will stand by you." Harry jumps and moves his hands from his face when he hears Remus's voice.

Confusion mars his face in the dark, but with Remus being a werewolf, Harry is sure he can see the expression on his face. "What?"

Remus chuckles and steps into the room, flicking on the lights, "you have been sitting here for the past couple hours sighing and thinking about whatever it is that is bothering you. Want to talk about it?"

Should I tell him, would he look at me any different? Would he be able to help? Only one-way to find out. "Chris and Ethan wants to have sex with me." Harry blurts out.

The room is silent, "do you want to have sex with them?" Remus asks breaking the silence. Harry cheeks turn red from embarrassment. He could not stop thinking about the

possibilities. Here he is almost twenty-one years old, and the only sexual experience he's had is with his right or left hand.

"I've thought about it, Remmy." Harry whispers. "I thought about the life I wasted hiding from the world."

"Stop right there? You have an illness, Harry, you needed time to heal. It was not time wasted, pup. We had our ways of dealing with the aftermath of the war." Remus is right Harry knows for sure that Remus still have nightmares, something he did not pay attention to during his haze of depression. Tonks would begin to cry for no explained reason, also she cannot carry any more children. Andromeda walks with a noticeable limp when she was hit with a curse courtesy of Bellatrix. "I'm proud of you Harry."

Harry snaps up his head and looks at Remus, "why?" He asks honestly. "What have I done for you to be proud of me? I spent four years hiding away from the world Remmy."

"I'm proud of you pup, because you are not hiding anymore. Before you started seeing Ethan, this would send you back to your room. But, now here are you sitting, thinking about what to do."

"That's the question, isn't it, what am I going to do?"

Remus gets up from his chair, walks over to Harry and kissing him on his forehead. "That is a decision you will have to make on your own. But know this, whatever you decide Tonks and I will not look at you any different. You are an adult now." With that, he walks out of the room leaving Harry to his thoughts.

Three weeks later finds Harry standing nervously outside Ethan and Chris's flat. He's raised his hand a million times to knock, walked away and returned a thousand times. Harry made up his mind but did not know how to say what he wanted. During those three weeks Harry did not see Ethan or Chris. He also began seeing Dr. Stutter, who has the same way of dealing with Harry in the same manner as Ethan. Which made Harry comfortable and able to talk with him. Dr. Stutter did not ask why Harry now sees him rather than Ethan, and Harry did not offer up the information. Would Ethan and Chris still want him after not seeing or speaking to them for three weeks. The decision is taken out of his hand when the flat door burst open. "Get in here before the neighbors call the bobbies." Chris tells him with no anger in his voice.

Harry steps in the door nervous and unsure of what to say. "Do you want something to drink?"

Harry swallows and realize how dry his mouth was, "yes, please." his voice sounds squeaky like a mouse to his ears, but Chris did not comment. Chris nods his head, then walks further into the room over to the bar fixing Harry a drink.

"So how have you been Love?" Chris asks him.

Harry is about to answer, but Chris walks over and hands Harry his drink. Not wasting time Harry gulps down the liquid, then begins to cough at the burn in his throat when he realized it was not pop. Chris pats him on his back, takes this glass from his hand, then pulls him into his arms. "It's ok Harry."

Harry holds onto Chris, and buries his face into the other man's shoulder. Chris is taller than him, and more defined in muscles. "Promise me whatever happens between us that nothing will change between us." Harry whispers into Chris's shoulder.

"No matter what, kid, you're stuck with us forever." Chris assures him.

"You can't promise that." Harry begins to say

"I can and I will, you are a part of us, Harry." Chris stops his worried thoughts.

Harry pulls back and stares up into Chris's eyes. His beautiful blue eyes show concern for
Harry. Feeling brave, Harry leans closer and brushes his lips against Chris softly. Chris's tongue peeks out and the tip touches Harry's lips. Harry's eyes stay open and Chris slowly closes his eyes. Harry watches the play of emotions pass over Chris's face when he presses their lips together. Chris moans and tightens his hold on Harry's shoulder. Chris's tongue sweeps in and tastes Harry's mouth, guiding his tongue into his mouth and begins to suck on it.

Harry moans and finally close his eyes. This is his first real kiss. None of his dates have never kissed him like this. Chris brings one of his hands up and cups the back of Harry's head, changing the angle and deepening their kiss. The other hand slides down to his hip and grabs hold of it.

Harry moves his hands from his sides and wraps them around Chris's neck. They are so deep in their kiss they do not hear the door open. He becomes aware of Ethan's presence when he feels Ethan's larger body pressing against his back. "This is a beautiful sight to come home to." He whispers into Harry's ear. Ethan reaches around and palms Harry's erection while he searches out a spot to mark Harry's neck. Chris pulls back from their kiss and Ethan lifts his head from Harry's neck. Harry turns to look at the handsome older man. Harry opens his mouth to speak, but Ethan stops him. "We know Harry, we know." Ethan says in understanding.

Harry's not ready for a commitment, nor is he ready for love. He is certain this will be the only time. Or so he thinks. This one night turns into many more nights.

End Flashback

Harry touches his lips as he comes back to reality as if the taste of Chris and Ethan's kisses still lingers on them even after all this time. He remembers their every touch as if it was yesterday. On his first night with Ethan and Chris, Harry experienced his first in everything. His first-hand job, the experience of cumming from someone else's hand other than his own was intoxicating. He also received his first oral sex that night from Chris. Harry closes his eyes, remembering his wayward thoughts about not believing someone could suck the senses out of him through his cock. Harry recalls the expression on Chris's face when he returned the favor with guidance from Ethan on how to give a blow job. Harry did not think he could orgasm anymore that night, but with two experienced lovers, he was proven wrong.

With his eyes closed and a sweet smile cross over Harry's lips, he remembers the exact moment Chris first entered him. Harry was lounging on the bed in Chris and Ethan's room. A variety of emotions went through Harry while he laid on their bed. Safety, love, and want. He remembers Chris and Ethan kissing each other on their knees. Harry watched Ethan, hand moving down and gripping Chris's hard length and slowly sliding his fingers up and down his shaft. Harry watched as Ethan began to make sweet love to his husband with his hands and mouth. Harry remembers how slowly his own hands began to drift to his renewed hard length and grip it tightly. Harry licks his lips as he pulls himself back into the memory of the first time he had sex.


Harry lays on the bed stroking his cock as he watches Chris and Ethan put on a show for him. He tries to be silent and not interrupt them, but he must have made a sound, breaking the spell.

"Look at him Ethan," Chris says. "Look at how beautiful and sexy he looks." Harry's whole body heats up and he blushes red. "Oh, and look at that sweet blush." Chris's voice comes out breathy. "Can I have him? Please." The neediness in Chris's voice pulls at Harry. He closes his eyes to hide his embarrassment. Never has he felt this exposed to anyone.

"Open your eyes, Harry," Ethan says in that deep baritone voice. Harry opens his eyes to see Ethan kneeling behind Chris. Both men looking down at him with lustful eyes. Ethan's hand is still wrapped around Chris's cock.

"What about it, Harry? Can Chris have you? I want to watch him take you. Watch as his cock slides in and out of you. Watch as your expressive eyes brighten and cloud with arousal." Harry moans and feels his arousal heightens with each word. "I want to watch you ride his cock and come undone."

Harry says in a breathless, "Please."

Ethan lets go of Chris, who leans down and captures his lips in a slow, sensual kiss. Chris gasps and moans; breaking their kiss, he rests his head on Harry's forehead. Harry reaches up and lifts Chris's head to look into his eyes. The depth of passion Harry sees in those beautiful blue eyes shocks him and pulls at his arousal. Lust, pleasure and want, Chris's mouth is open and his tongue sneaks out and licks his lips. Chris groans and Harry realize Ethan is doing something to make Chris react this way. I want that, thinks Harry. I want that expression of pleasure on my face. He must have voiced his thoughts aloud because Chris opens his eyes and looks down at him.

"I'm going to make it good for you, Harry, so good." He whispers. Harry gasps and arches his back when he feels a wet finger playing with his puckered hole. He bites on his bottom lip, closing his eyes when that same finger enters him. Oh, Merlin, that feels so good. Another finger enters Harry and is about to lose his mind when Chris touches something inside him.

"Oh!" He moans, opening his eyes wide to see both men smiling down at him. "What did you just do?" He moans, "Please, do it again."

"That, my dear boy, is every gay man's pleasure spot," Ethan tells him. As proof, he does the same thing to Chris because the other man moans loudly into his ear. "It's your prostate." Chris runs his finger over Harry's prostate once more, this time he closes his eyes and opens his legs wider.

Harry's hips jerk when two more fingers entered him and begin to scissor his hole while the other rubs on his pleasure spot distracting him. When Chris pulls his fingers from Harry, "I need you to get on your knees, Love." He whispers to Harry.

Harry gets on his elbows and runs his hand up and down Chris's chest. Harry looks over Chris's shoulder to see Ethan looking back at him, his brown eyes dilated with arousal. Ethan reaches over Chris and pulls Harry into a kiss. Their kiss is primal and intoxicating, it steals his every breath. When Harry and Ethan pull back from their kiss, Harry isn't the only one gasping for breath. Chris's breathing changes and the look on his face bares his ecstasy. Harry looks up at Ethan to see his head thrown back, his eyes closed, and his fingers gripping Chris's hips. Chris moans and drops his head to his chest. Chris's pleasurable moans and passion filled, expressive face mesmerizes Harry.

Both men moan when Harry runs his hands through Chris's hair and over Ethan's body, the heat they create between the two of them could set the place ablaze. "Please, so close," Chris rasps out. "Need inside." His words become choppy and broken. "Need to come inside you."

Harry slowly runs his hands up and down their bodies, he pinches Ethan's nipples and grips the back of Chris's head and pulls him back, smashing their lips together. Their kiss is sloppy and uncoordinated. Harry can tell that Chris is ready to cum. Chris pulls away from their kiss, begging, "Please, Ethan stop." I need to come and I want to do it inside him." Ethan lets go of Chris's hips and reaches over for something behind him. He hands it to Chris, and Harry realizes it is another condom. "Please Love, turn around." Chris says, tapping his hips.

Harry does not waste any time, he turns around and Chris rests his hands on his hips. Then he places him in the position he wants Harry in. Hands caresses the length of his body, sending shivers up and down his spine. Harry hears the foil wrapper open and anticipation builds within him. When he feels a blunt object gently try to push its way in, Harry pushes out on instinct. The head of Chris's penis pushes through the first ring of his hole and then stops. Harry's breath comes out in harsh pants. He breathes through the pain when Chris enters him. Harry expected there to be a little discomfort when a large object is pushed into a small hole. Taking deep breaths, he begins to relax his butt muscles. "That's it Love, breath deep. I promise I will make it good for you," Chris says close to his ear. He peppers kisses on Harry's back and shoulders. Slowly, Harry feels Chris push big, hard hot length further into him. Stopping often to let Harry get used to his length and girth. When Chris bottoms out, Harry is ready to explode. Chris's cock feels so good inside him.

"Talk to me Chris," Harry hears Ethan's raspy voice say behind him.

Chris has his face buried in Harry's back breathing heavily. "So hot, tight, so fucking sweet," Chris whispers, wiping his sweaty forehead on Harry's back.

"Mmm..." Ethan moans. "I love a sweet arse that is perfect fucking. I can't wait to fuck him."

Harry moans into the pillow. The thought of Chris then Ethan fucking makes him feel like a wanton slut.

Chris moans at Ethan's dirty talk and begins to move slowly in and out of Harry in long, deep strokes. Harry's skin prickles with more sweat, he drops his head to his chest, widens his knees, pushing his hips out more to meet Chris's slow thrusts. Harry cannot stop thinking of how delicious it feels to have Chris inside him. His cock is hard and the lower he gets to the bed, the more the tip rubs on the sheets, sending sweet sensations all over his body. Harry cannot speak, his tongue feels swollen in his mouth. Pleasurable sensation chokes him, leaving him gasping for breath.

"Ethan, please, Love, more give me more." Chris breathes out. "I need more."

Ethan starts fucking Chris harder, which sends him deeper into Harry. "Oh, my-" Harry cannot finish his words because Chris's cock brushes over his prostate. Harry is so close to coming and does not know how to express it with words, so he uses his body. Harry pushes back on every stroke Chris gives him. Harry grips the sheets and rotates his hips on the next thrust. Ethan thrust hard-hitting Harry's prostate and grinding his cock into Harry's arse.

"Oh gods, do that again." Harry groans.

"It's Chris, Love, not Merlin. Remember that." Chris says and starts to thrust faster and harder. Larger and rougher hands grab onto Harry's hips and Harry guesses they belong to Ethan. Groans fill the room and Harry knows that he is close, so close that his orgasm sneaks up on him. Harry comes with Chris still thrusting hard into him as he rides out his orgasm, and Ethan thrusting into Chris. A loud shout echoes in the room, followed by a groan.

"Oh god, baby, so good. Your arse feels so damn good." Ethan yells coming in Chris's arse. Chris shivers behind him and gives a long, low groan. His hips lose their rhythm and begin to slow down. Unable to keep himself on his knees and arms, Harry falls to the bed, lying in the freshly made wet spot. Chris and Ethan follow him, sandwiching Harry on the bed.

Chris buries his face in Harry's sweaty hair. "Thank you, Harry," Chris whispers in his hair. "You are beautiful inside and out." Chris says. "Thank you for giving us this gift."

Harry lies there trying to capture his breath and figure out the reason Chris is thanking him. When it should be him that is thanking them for showing him how pleasurable and freeing sex can be. Still on top of him, Chris grunts. The weight on his back suddenly lightens. Then Harry feels Chris's soft cock slip out of him. Cool air hits Harry's back when Chris gets off him. Harry watches as Ethan hands Chris a flannel and he removes the condom from his cock then hands the washrag back. Ethan places another warm, clean washrag in Chris's hand who turns to Harry.

"Roll onto your back, Love, let me clean you up." Instructs Chris.

Harry rolls over and Chris begins to wipe him down. Ethan comes back into the room and lays on the bed beside Harry. Ethan leans down and begins to kiss Harry, teeth, tongue, and lips. Harry's cock jerks, but refuses to come back to life after all they did tonight. His stomach rumbles, reminding Harry that he did not eat anything today, too nervous about what would happen between him and the other two men.

"I think we worked up an appetite, Loves," Chris says which causes Ethan and Harry to pull away from their kiss and begin laughing. "How about we go to the kitchen and see what we can scrounge up."

Harry nods his head and begins to get up, "Ok, but before we go I have one question to ask." He says. Both men stop what they are doing and look at him.

"What?" They say together.

"When can we do that again?" Chris and Ethan chuckle at his question.

"As soon as your ass heals," Ethan says. "As soon as you can fuck me," Chris says the same time Ethan speaks.

Harry smiles at both men as his newfound courage and confidence comes over him. It pushes him to go through with his next words and actions. "Then, in that case, let's get something to eat," he says, walking over to Chris, grabbing his arse. "Because I want to feel this arse around my cock and hear you beg me prettily to fuck you." Harry turns to Ethan and eyes him up and down, biting his bottom lip when his eyes stop on Ethan's cock. "And I want to know what Ethan feels like."

Ethan cups Harry's cheeks, "Ethan, I think we created a sex monster."

Laughter fills the room as all three men leaves the room naked, and head to the kitchen.

End Flashback

To Harry's delight, many more nights followed that first night. That one night with Chris, and Ethan changed his life. Over the months that followed, Harry met with Ethan and Chris to explore the new sexual side of himself. There are still times Harry will join Ethan and Chris in their bed for some "fun." Harry and Chris sometimes joke about those periods and call it his "sexplorations". Harry also realizes he prefers to bottom rather than top his partners in bed. Now at the age of twenty-five, Harry lives his life the way he wants to. When he came into his sexual awareness, Harry split time between Number Twelve and Chris and Ethan's bed. Harry gained enough confidence to ask out men he found attractive and interesting on dates.

With the help of his doctor, family, and friends he began to heal. One day out of the blue, Chris suggested that Harry publish his writings. It seemed that one day while visiting Harry at Number Twelve, Chris found one of the journals Harry kept about his detective that solved crimes and began to read it. As an editor of a publishing house, Chris helped him fine-tune his writing. That was when Harry came up with the pseudonym William Maxfield to keep his identity a secret from the muggle and wizarding worlds. During and directly after the war, Harry was not ready to let the press or anyone for that matter, into his personal affairs. Now he couldn't care less, the more the press knows about him the less they will follow him around, trying to figure out what the hell he is up to.

To the muggle world, he is William Maxfield, the reclusive, famous gay crime novelist. And to the Wizarding world, he is Lord Harry Potter-Black, a single bachelor nobody can seem to pin down. After a few months of being around and in Ethan and Chris's bed, Harry decided it was time to change his appearance. Harry got a full makeover. He dyed the tips of his hair silver and got a few tattoos representing his struggles. His favorite tattoo is the courage in beautiful Japanese calligraphy. It was not until he overcome his depression that he understood what that word meant. It was not fighting and winning a war, or taking another's life; it was about surviving. Harry looks out of his office window and realizes that thinking back on his life, courage is what carried him into the night. It takes courage to stand up and fight for what you believe or thrust into. Harry's new lease on life has pushed him further away from Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

Harry was finally enjoying the new parts of his life by dating, and living by his own rules, his ex-best friends decide it is time to become a part of his life again. Harry is willing to try to forgive and forget that Ron, Hermione, and Ginny deserted him when he needed them the most. In the beginning, their friendship starts out slow. He and Ron meet for drinks or Harry goes to their home for dinners. Harry and his old friends begin to settle into a comfortable friendship. Until they start with the side comments of marriage and children. Once again, Harry cut ties with them after they decide to set him up on dates with "eligible bachelors" who they think are marriage material. No matter how many times he insists that he is not ready to settle down like they have, they continue to push. Harry insists that he is happy with the way his life is and when the time is right and he meets the right man he will settle for love, marriage, and children.

Harry reminds them that while he was going through his illness, they lived their lives and now it is time for him to live his. It is then Hermione, Ron and Ginny tell Harry their feelings on his illness. They feel it was another cry for attention on Harry's part and an excuse to get the public to feel sorry for the poor abused little boy. They go on to say they only want to be his friends again to keep their names and their new status in society relevant to the public. That is the last straw, they've hurt Harry once more and he isn't going to give them another opportunity. This time, Harry cuts them from his life for good. The only Weasley's Harry associates with are Bill, Charlie, George, and Neville. He smiles when he thinks of the triplets Frankie, Alley, and Jamie, Neville and George's one-year-old triplets. Harry can see it now, all the professors at Hogwarts banding together and threatening to quit the day those three start attending. They are already a chip off the old block, that is Fred and George. Or so George tells him proudly.

Harry looks at his computer clock and sees that he has three hours before his date. Harry pushes back from his desk, looks around the room, and nods his head. He begins to sing the tune by Nina Simone as he walks out of his office, "It's a new dawn, a new day, it's a new life or me, and I'm feeling good."

Harry smiles, he is most definitely feeling good.

Blaize Antinous Zabani, "Baz" for short,make the last notation on the file he is working on then places it in the box marked for his assistant. Baz arrived home today after being on a business trip for past three weeks; he'd been trying to secure one of the biggest accounts for his law firm. Antinous Drake & Partners is his and Draco's law firm, which is named after them. Antinous Drake & Partners deals business with both muggle and magical clientele. Although he and Draco deal with big money corporations, they have junior partners working with clients from all walks of life. Criminal, divorces, the kinds of cases that keep their firm on the business map. Baz gets up from his desk and pulls on his double-breasted jacket. Baz is six foot two and is two hundred and thirty pounds of hard muscles with not an ounce of fat on him. Baz has a milk chocolate complexion that sets off his green-hazel eyes and in certain lighting they can pass for gray. He wears his hair in neatly styled dreads. The sides of his hair trimmed leading to his well-groomed beard and goatee. Many have said that he is sex on fucking legs. Baz shrugs his shoulders at that thought. If I am so damn sexy, why the hell am I still single? Baz chuckles, if anyone were to ask my family, they would say it's because I'm too damn picky.

Baz laughs at how far he and Draco have come since their earlier days attending Hogwarts. Both sorted in Slytherin, a war and a dark cloud hanging over their heads called Voldemort or the Dark Lord to those who still revered him. But to Baz and his family, he is known as the dead arsehole who killed their loved ones. Baz's father, Antinous Zabini, was a strong man who was never afraid of anyone except for the one man that would lead him to his death. Many believed it was his mother who killed his father, but it was the Dark Lord. Antinous wanted nothing more to do with the dark side. Sarafina had just given birth to Blaise, and Antinous decided that he was not ready or willing to die for something that he no longer believed to be the most important thing in his life.

The story goes that his father along with Lucius Malfoy, his godfather, went to speak with Dumbledore and pledged loyalty in return for protection for Baz and his Sarafina as well as Draco and Narcissa. However, Baz's father died that night when he was summoned to the throne of the Dark Lord himself and branded a traitor. No one knew at the time that Peter Pettigrew, disguised as animagus, made it his priority to watch Dumbledore's comings and goings. Pettigrew saw when Antinous and Lucius entered the old man's office. It seems even though Lucius and Antinous wore cloaks covering their faces, Pettigrew recognized Antinous's voice and went straight away to tell Voldemort what he heard.

Voldemort tortured Antinous in the presence of other Death Eaters in an attempt to force him to reveal his accomplice but Antinous never broke and died that night. The Dark Lord then turned around and placed a curse on Sarafina. The curse was that if any man should fall for her beauty and then marry her, they will die within five years. The curse branded her a black widow, would only be removed after her death. A few months later, the Dark Lord disappeared when he tried to kill the Potter child. And the Wizarding world believed they were free and clear until he returned at the end of Baz, and Draco's fourth year. It was also the last year he and Draco attended Hogwarts. As his father's dearest friend and because he knew what Antinous did for him, Lucius Malfoy cared for and protected Baz as if he was his own child. When the Dark Lord returned that summer before they were supposed to start their fifth year, Lucius with the help of Baz's mother Sarafina, hid Blaise, Draco, and Narcissa under the cover of night before the Dark Lord took up residence in Malfoy Manor. The best place for Baz, Draco, and Narcissa to live was in the United States, far out of the Dark Lord's reach. Sarafina stayed behind with Lucius, taking the place of Antinous spying against the Dark Lord.

Blaise and Draco attended muggle private schools for the rich and privileged. And was tutored in magical arts at home by Narcissa and a trusted friend of his mother, while they continuously worried about their family back home dealing with the war. They were not in communication with his mother nor with his Uncle Lucius the whole time they were apart. Because of the stress and worry, his aunt Narcissa miscarried a carry she had not known she was carrying. Baz and Draco crowded around Narcissa and comforted her the best they could.

While in America, all three met and made influential muggle and magical friends, yet their hearts belonged to Wizarding Britain. Draco worried that he would never see the love of his life, Daphne Greengrass, again. Draco and Daphne started dating in their first year of Hogwarts and were never apart until Draco was forced to leave in the dead of night. Envy and happiness war in him when Baz thinks of his adopted brother and sister-in-law.

Their love sustained them through the war and their separation. As soon as the war was over, Blaise, Draco, and Narcissa could return home. They returned just as Lucius was cleared of all charges involved in the war. It was proven that he was a spy as was Severus Snape, who lost his life at the hands of the Dark Lord. Baz's core concern was his family and nothing else. His mother suffered injuries and had to have her left arm magical reattached. Lucius lost his right eye and wears an eye patch that Narcissa insists makes him look dashingly sexy.

Draco married Daphne and they began their life together. Draco is now settled happily in his life with a booming business as Baz's business partner, a father of twins Calista (Calley) and Scorpius (Scorp). Who may look alike but are very different in personality. Baz is sure Scorp will be a Slytherin and Cally will no doubt be a Gryffindor to Draco's utter dismay. Baz suspects Daphne is with child again, however Draco has not told him or the rest of the family yet. Which is something Baz can understand. Daphne had a rough pregnancy with the twins, almost losing them. It brought back the memories of the depressive state Narcissa went through after losing her child. It was something Blaise feared would have happened to Daphne.

Baz walks around his office flicking his wand, easily dowsing the candles as he passes by them. While Baz and Draco lived in the United States, they figured out what they wanted to do with their lives no matter the result of the war. Baz has always loved laws and precedents, he also loves making money for big businesses so he combined both of his loves and became a business lawyer. After the war, Baz attended a muggle University and accelerated his courses, graduating sooner than he should have and at the top of his class. He spent his every waking moment studying rather than dating and partying. His tenacious attitude encouraged Draco to do the same. Draco enrolled in magical laws. Baz and Draco exchanged and taught each other and both were able to take the required exams for their law degree in both worlds.

Hence, Antinous Drake, & Partners, was started. Draco and Blaise's office is located in a busy muggle community under protective spells, yet they cater to both muggle and magical clients. Baz and Draco felt the need to buy the whole building. To protect their privacy, muggle clients are seen on the first three floors and magical clients on the last two top floors. Their magical clients floo into the waiting area after they have made an appointment and the firm has done a complete background check. Not only are their client's muggles, wizards, and witches, so are their employees, which are comprised of a mixture of half-bloods, pure-bloods, muggle-borns, and squibs. The firm bylaws for their company are ensure that discrimination will not be tolerated while they are employed at Antinous Drake. Baz and Draco felt the war is over and there is no sense in discriminating against others because of their blood status. Besides, money comes in two colors green and gold, no matter their status in society.

Baz walks out his office building, deciding which direction to go. It almost seems as if he is asking the same question about his life. Blaise will not deny that his work ethics carry over into his personal life. His family is beside themselves with worry that he will remain a bachelor forever and will never have a family to carry on the Zabini, Baldinotti, and Azikiwe bloodlines. Zabini from his grandfather, Baldinotti from his Italian grandmother on his father's side of the family, and the Azikiwe, his African descendant from his mother side of the family. Being an only child fucking sucks sometimes. There are too many fucking responsibilities and obligations placed on his shoulders to provide for each bloodline. Baz shakes his head and decides to go in the direction that will lead him home at the luxury Wingdom Penthouse & Apartments. He is not in the mood to have his mother try to set him up with another beautiful and self-absorbed female. Or money hungry male who is after the Zabini fortune.

Baz knows loves his mother and realizes that she is only trying to help. In a foolish gesture, his father placed a stipulation in his will that his heir will lose the Zabini Lordship if he is not married with a child by the age of thirty-five. At only twenty-six, Baz figures he has more than enough time to find the one for him. He is not worried about losing the Zabini Lordship, he has accumulated his own mass of wealth. Being the lawyer for many influential muggle and magical fortune 500 CEO's, Baz has invested wisely. His vault is filled with more gold than one man needs in this lifetime and the next.

Baz figured out long ago that he enjoys the pleasure of both men and women in his bed, sometimes more than one at the same time. As with his professional life where he is always in charge, Baz is an absolute top and prefers to do the fucking. Yet, the older he gets and the more successful he becomes, Baz realizes something is missing in his life. Love and companionship. Baz wants his forever love, just like Draco, his aunt Narcissa and uncle Lucius and especially his mother have. When Dark Lord cursed her, he cursed her from loving a man. But his mother found love, comfort, and acceptance in the arms of Angelica Campana.

Sarafina was vacationing in Italy, the Amalfi Coast to be exact, last year as was Angelica. Both women met and fell in love instantly. Angelica is from a very influential pure-blood family who decided to remain natural in the war by moving to Germany. Once Sarafina and Angelica fell in love, his mother made it her mission, along with the rest of the members of his family, to find Baz the love of his life. Draco usually sits back and watches with amusement at their failed effort. Although they have only been together for one year and have four more years to see if the curse will take effect, Sarafina and Angelica are not worried. His mother believes that her love for Sarafina has broken the curse. Baz shakes his head, remembering some of the men and women his family have paraded in front of him. Admittedly, they were handsome, sexy, and beautiful. Baz found they bore him, he had nothing in common with them.

Blaise walks to the apparition spot not far from his office building, and pops away, landing in front of his Penthouse building. The doorman, a squib by the name of Douglas Levi, holds the door open for him.

"Good evening, Lord Zabini." Douglas greets him with his usual smile.

"Good evening Douglas, how are you?"

"Doing well, your Lordship."

"I've told you many times Douglas, it's Blaise. And how are your wife and daughter?" Baz asks out of genuine curiosity.

"They are doing great. Marcy starts preschool in a week and Janet is just beside herself with worry." Douglas says with a smile.

"That is good to hear," Baz tells him. "I am sure Marcy will do well, and Janet will find something to occupy her time," Baz assures just as a thought occurs to him. "If Janet is looking for something to keep her busy while Marcy is in school, tell her to stop by my office and see me. I am looking for a new receptionist to work the front office a few times a week for a few hours," he tells Douglas, pulling out a business card and hands it to the man.

A surprised look passes over Douglas's face, "Thank you, Lord Zabini, I mean Blaise. I will let her know." Douglas says pocketing the business card. "Also Sir, while you were away our newest tenant moved in."

"Do you know anything about him or her?" Baz asks.

"I do, Sir, but I cannot reveal any information to you. You are aware that employees have to sign a confidentiality agreement concerning all the resident's identities."

Baz nods his head and makes his way over to the Penthouse's lift. The confidentiality clause was Baz's idea when the owner of the building came to him as a client. Baz saw the opportunity to live in peace and not be hounded by the press. The building also wards off members of the press who have animagus abilities. The features that drew Baz to Wingdom most were the spacious Penthouses and their beautiful view of the city. The building is in the perfect spot, right in the middle of a bustling and busy nightlife that caters to all ages in the new and improved magical community. When the war was over, business makers saw a way to profit and began building and remodeling areas to look more modern, drawing a younger crowd. It also helped with jobs for those who have to work for a living to provide for themselves and their families. Also, the apartments and the Penthouses, although in the same building, are separated. There are two Penthouses to a floor, and Baz can live in peace, never knowing who his neighbor is. The floo network is set up for calls and travel, but Blaise prefers to take the lift and speak with the members that work in the building.

Baz gets off the lift and walks down the short hall, making his way to his Penthouse. The door to his left opens suddenly and the most beautiful creature Baz has ever seen steps out. Dressed in tight leather pants, black heavy metal boots loosely laced, and a cobalt blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Black thick, wide leather wristbands encircle his wrists. Raven hair dyed with silver tips, and skin that looks as if it is kissed sweetly by the sun. Baz's mouth feels parched as he stands there staring at his new neighbor who simply waves his hand at the door, wandlessly and wordlessly securing his Penthouse door. When his neighbor turns and notices Baz standing there, the greenest eyes he has ever seen stare back him. Accompanied the green eyes is the sexiest and most mischievous smile Baz has ever laid his eyes on. The smile can only spell trouble for anyone foolish enough to ignore the mischievous tilt. Baz cannot make his mouth or his feet move.

His neighbor walks up to him and stretches his hand out to introduce himself, "Hello, I'm Harry. You must be my neighbor." Not only is the man sexy but his voice is delicious, soft and musical. Thinks Baz.

Baz looks down at the delicate fingers stretched out in front of him. Harry, Harry, Baz chants to himself. Where have I heard that name before? Realization dawns on him, green eyes, shocking Avada Kevadra green eyes Harry. Holy shit! This is Harry Fucking Potter, savior of the wizarding world! Pulling himself and manners together, Baz takes the soft, smaller hand into his larger hand and begins to shake it, introducing himself. "Blaise Zabini but my friends call me Baz." Blaise prays his voice does not squeak or crack. He hopes it sounds just as it always does, deep and commanding. Who would have believed that this sexy man standing in front of him was once someone Blaise made it a point to ignore when he attended Hogwarts?

"Zabini? I think I know you." Potter says trying to recall where he heard the Zabini name before. "You hung with that git Malfoy when we attended Hogwarts."

Blaise quickly drops Potter's hand as if it is on fire and goes into a defensive mode. No one talks about his family. "Yes, what of it?" He challenges.

Potter raises his hands in surrender, "Nothing. It's been awhile since Malfoy and I went toe to toe. Besides we've all outgrown such silliness." Potter says with a smile that does something to Baz's inside. Baz does not miss the way Potter is checking him out as they are speaking. "How is the blond git doing by the way, still keep in touch?"

"The blond git as you call him, is married with kids and a very successful solicitor as am I." Baz has no idea why he felt the need to include himself, usually his good looks, and his Zabini lordship get him anyone or anything he wants.

"Well, good for him. Glad to know he is doing well, and you also." Potter says, surprising Baz.

"Hell, I need go," Potter says looking at one of the leather wristbands on his arm. "Well, it was nice seeing and catching up with you," Potter tells him walking away. "Hey stop by and see me anytime, we can have dinner or a drink or something," He adds.

Baz nods his head, but Potter does not see as he is already getting on to the lift. Baz cannot help but watch the sway of Potter's arse as he gets on the lift. As if he knows he has Blaise's attention, Potter looks back at him over his shoulder, smiles and then winks at him before turning around as the lift doors close.

Baz run his hands through his hair. Fuck, what the hell just happened?! Did Potter just ask me out on a date? Baz shakes his head; no. Potter was just being polite. Besides the last thing Baz remembered hearing about the other man was that he is a player and has no plans of settling down. Baz makes a point to stay out of the affairs of others, rumors or not. He hates the press, and the lies they print. Which is why there is a legal sanction stating that nothing will be published about himself or any member of his family without first getting their permission. Getting entangled with Potter would lead to nothing but disaster. Baz makes a decision that this will be the only time he will interact with Potter if he can help it.

Baz let himself into his Penthouse and makes his way to his bedroom, undressing as he goes. He stops in front of the mirror and examines himself. Baz runs his hands over the tribal tiger tattoo on his chest. The one time he let himself have fun with his friends during his college years, Baz drunkenly got a tattoo. He had no idea what possessed him to do it. But he was happy it was not something hideous like a flower or a woman's name. Over the years that one tattoo turned into two more. One on his arm, a yin and yang koi fish, and the other on his back, a snake coiled around a feather shaped knife that looks as if it is ready to strike. Baz sighs and stares at himself. Suddenly Baz feels tense, he moves his neck from side to side hoping to relieve the built up tension. When no relief comes, Baz makes up his mind to workout in his home gym. He changes into his workout clothes and hits the barbells with vigor.

Two hours later, he is sweaty and breathing hard from his workout. Baz feels better but still feels tense, he takes a hot shower and makes dinner. Usually, cooking helps him to relax after a hard day. His mother has an elf that keeps Baz's cupboard stock with enough food for him to experiment with, but this time cooking his favorite meal does not help. After eating and cleaning up the kitchen, Baz goes to his room and stands in front of his closet. Maybe I should have gone to me mother's after all. Baz shakes that thought from his head and begins to pull out his best clubbing clothes. He takes out and puts on black jeans that are tight and comfortable enough while still showing off his muscled legs, with a black sleeveless muscle shirt. He leaves his hair out, grabs his wand, placing it in its holster that keeps it hidden from muggle eyes and leaves his apartment. Maybe fucking someone through the mattress will help him relieve the sudden tension he has felt when he got off the elevator and meet Potter.

Baz apparates to his favorite muggle night club The Velvet Rope. He has not been here in a few months. Blaise greets the doorman, bypassing all the waiting patrons. Money and prestige has its advantages at times and this is one of them. When Baz walks in the dark and dimly lit club, a slow erotic song is playing on the speakers. Baz walks over to the bar and orders a drink. He turns around and takes in the scene before him. Baz takes a sip of his drink and listens to the slow sensuality of the song playing on the speakers.

Early in the mornings when I think about you

Yeah - I hit you like "what you sayin'?"

The morning's when I wanna fuck you

Yeah - I hit you like "what you sayin'?"

I could fuck you all the time

I could fuck you all the time

With the song playing Baz, notices how empty the bar is, and then becomes aware of the large crowded circle of people gathered at the edge of the dance floor. It is also the first time Baz notices the strong scent of arousal in the room. Curious, Blaise walks closer to the crowd and observes men rubbing their crotches and women rubbing on their breasts, licking and biting their lips. Could there be a succubus here using its magic? Baz wonders to himself. Baz moves closer through the gathered crowd to see what could cause such reactions from the club members that are usually dancing rather than standing around. The song and lyrics playing in the background begin to fade as Baz gets closer to the dance floor.

Early in the mornings when I think about you

Yeah - I hit you like "what you sayin'?"

In the mornings when I wanna fuck you

Yeah - I hit you like "what you sayin'?" I-I-I-I could fuck you all the ti-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime I-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime

I-I-I-I could fuck you all the ti-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime I-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime

Once Baz makes his way to the front of the crowd, his mouth goes dry and his cock begins to harden at the erotic scene in front of him. Now he understands the crowd's reaction, and why the club is so dark. The spotlight is focused on the two men practically having sex on the dance floor. Both are good-looking in Baz's opinion. One taller and just slightly older looking from what he can see in the limited light. The other is shorter and the one that truly captures Baz's attention.

M-O-Ë-T, that's the fuck we sippin' (sippin')

That's the fuck we drippin' (drippin'), trap house still tippin'

Facetime when I'm gone, she give me dome from a distance

And she love to climb on top, she love to walk off limpin'

Pimps up, hoes down, legs up or toes down Why she jock me?

'Cause she knocked knees and we got trees, so Mary go around

Gotta know I ate it, she so sweet, now and later

I want that all the time, all the time, I'mma give you all of mine when it's…

The taller of the two stands behind the shorter and has a tight grip on his leather encased hips. They are both grinding their hips to the slow sensual rhythm of the song. The shorter one has his shirt off, and Baz can see his well-toned abs roll with every move of his hips. His movements pull in the crowd by going to the beat of the slowly drummed music. Sweat beads glisten on the beautiful skin and Baz licks his lips, imagining licking the sweat from his body. Baz watches as the taller man slowly moves his fingers and cups the smaller man's leather crotch, who begins to grind harder and bucks his hips to the rhythm of the beat.

Damn, damn lil' mama, you're sticky, icky, icky, got a man out here feelin' picky, icky, icky

Every time you put it on, man, it leave me real trippy, every time we on it we keep it 50-50, uh

Don't let the time ticky, icky, icky while I'm snappin' off your bra, and bitin' on your Vickie's

(HEAD, SHOTS) feelin' real tipsy, gettin' real freaky and it's gettin' real frisky

She never say, "no" – damn, she's so, cold

Up and down, that pole – she go, go… (go, go and)

Fuck me like you hate me (yeah), kiss me like you miss me (yeah)

Anything I want to (yeah), that's what she always lets me

Baz eyes slowly move from sensual display back to the man's abs and reluctantly travels up to the man's nipples. Baz realizes at this point he is achingly hard; he widens his legs to give his cock some relief. His eyes travel up more, watching the cords in the dancer's neck move. From the man's neck, Baz's eyes travel to his lips then stops there and watches as they curve into a seductive smirk. Then those lips open and his tongue peeks out, licking the bottom lip and wetting it. Baz follows the movement with his tongue as if he can taste those sweet lips.

Early in the mornings when I think about you

Yeah - I hit you like "what you sayin'?"

In the mornings when I wanna fuck you

Yeah - I hit you like "what you sayin'?" I-I-I-I could fuck you all the ti-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime I-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime

I-I-I-I could fuck you all the ti-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime I-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ime

Blaise's eyes slowly move from those enticing lips up to aroused green eyes that are staring back at him. Eyes that look so familiar to him, eyes that he saw earlier tonight. The eyes of Harry Potter, the one man Blaise promised himself to stay away from.

Song: All the time by Jeremih featuring Lil Wayne and Natasha Mosley.