As promised, proper smut for y'all. Thanks for reading. For everyone who's only recently found this trash, thanks for sitting and reading it. Also to those who read it from the beginning, again, much love for you troopers!

Here you go, you dirty ones.

Unbetaed, so pardon the mistakes.

Chapter Sixteen


"So I'm going home, back to the place where I belong, and where your love has always been enough for me."


The word seems more meaningful now that he is here, back with her. Back in her arms where he belongs, where his home is. And she's just right at home in his arms, in his eyes where she's drowning now as they dance in the middle of the dance floor, uncaring about everything around them.

It is rather odd that the band had played a slow song, at first, but then she'd soon realized that it had been Robin who had arranged for it, who had wanted this night to be more special for her than it already is (she'd initially thought that isn't possible, but here he is, being his wonderful self and going through lengths to make her happy), and her heart had grown twice its size in her chest at the thought. God, she loves this man. More than anything.

She could feel his lips press against her cheek before ghosting down the column of her neck. He moves back up to place a kiss against her ear, then her temple then goes back down again, making her laugh softly. She can feel that he really had missed her, as she had him, and this moment right here felt too wonderful for words. It isn't just their physical body that are reuniting, it's also their hearts and their soul. If both could sing, they'd have broken out in song at how happy she is right then.

"I've missed you, so much," he whispers against her temple, saying it once more no doubt just because it's the overwhelming truth.

She feels the same.

"I've missed you too, my love," she says against the fabric of his shirt before she pulls back slightly to look at him. "These past few months...I've not been sure what would happen, to us and to our relationship. I wasn't sure about much of anything, to be honest. But I was sure that every second I spent away from you, my heart and my soul wept from missing you."

It's uncharacteristic for her to be speaking so openly of her feelings, usually she's a woman of not so many words, but with Robin, she's always been an open book, always willing to spill her heart out and let him know her thoughts. She trusts him completely, and knows that whatever she might tell him, she tells him in confidence that he won't tell anyone. It stays between just the two of them.

"I felt the same," he admits as he looks into her eyes and lets his forehead fall against hers. He steals a kiss against her lips, and she sighs contentedly giving it just as freely. After all, he can't steal something she's freely giving to him. "Everyday I've wanted to come you. I knew that there wasn't any other place for me but your side, and I'd wanted to come home bad, but I also knew I had to better myself and to let you do the same. We had needed that time apart to set our priorities straight realize that we really couldn't live without one another."

There aren't truer words spoken. It's really proven to her how much their lives are one, that they cannot possibly live without one another. They are after all, two halves of one whole. It's become very hard to function without each other.

"I love you," she says.

"And I love you," he says back.


Once the song is over, they make their way back to their seats where their friends are. Robin watches Regina as she blushes prettily when their friends tease them over their overt display of affection. But it's all been in good fun since everyone in the table knows exactly how much he and Regina had gone through and how much they'd missed each other.

But they are right.

He and Regina should get a room.

He looks at her and tightens his hold on her, making her look up at him too. He gives her a look and she bites down on her lip, looking down shyly. It is rather amusing that after everything they have been through, he still manages to catch her off guard.

"Hi Love," he says, as he leans down to kiss her lips softly.

She chuckles at his childishness but meets his lips halfway, "Hello," she greets back.

"Perhaps I could take you to a walk under the moonlight?" he asks her, smiling his crooked grin he knows always manages to get him his way with her.

She smiles at him shyly and shakes her head rather fondly. "Perhaps," she says, though they both know that that is a resounding yes.

He grins at her and squeezes her hips where his hand had been resting before cocking his head to the side to signal that they should say goodbye to their friends. She nods and stands up, letting his hand fall away as she tries to stretch her legs.

"We should be going," he tells their friends who are now looking up at them with knowing smiles. He rolls his eyes. "It's been a long day and I'm tired, so myself and my love are heading out."

"Sure, Robin, you're both leaving to rest," Will teases, grinning at him. Beside him Killian and John sniggers.

"Shut up," Robin retorts, taking Regina's hand in his. Regina herself is blushing and he finds it adorable. He wants to kiss her so badly—but that has to wait.

After a few more ribbing and teasing, he and Regina finally make it out of the bar. The fresh air (as fresh as it gets in New York) hits his face and he smiles, hand squeezing that of his love's.

"It's good to be home," he says, looking at her. She is his home, always has been.

"I'm glad you're home, Robin," she tells him, looking up at him with glassy eyes but with a beaming smile. "It makes me feel I've come home, too."

He knows exactly what she means and his heart flutters in his chest at her words, and before either of them could blink his mouth is on hers, his hands framing her delicate face, fingers intertwining with her black tresses. She tastes so good, tastes like mint and apples and something so Regina, tastes like coming home. He cannot help but slip his tongue through her lips and trace every crevice and contour of her mouth.

God, she makes him feel so alive.

The kiss seems to go on and on and on, and they only pull away solely due to shortness of breath, but Robin could have gladly stayed kissing her. She feels his lips place a butterfly kiss against the tip of his nose, and he lets his forehead fall against hers, his eyes still closed. He clutches her to him and sighs.

"I do hope you don't mean this when you said a walk under the moonlight," she teases, arms wrapping around his middle as she holds him closer.

"Actually, milady, this is exactly what I mean," he teases back as he kisses her forehead.

She opens her eyes and stares up at him. He could see that devilish glint in her eyes and the saucy smirk in her lips and he grins. "We don't have to do this out in the open," she tells him. "There's always the bedroom, my darling."

He chuckles and squeezes her once before dropping a kiss on her temple and letting her go, so they could start that walk. He wraps one arm around her shoulder though, unwilling to let her go that far. "Lead the way my love," he tells her, and merrily so, she does.


They barely make it inside of her apartment. He traps her against the door before she can even open the door, the keys dangling in her hand as she lets him press his lips against every patch of skin he desires. She wounds her arms around his neck and sighs in his mouth, letting him push his tongue inside and taste her. He lets his tongue twine with hers, playing, sparking a fire deep inside her as his hands fall to cup her bottom.

"Regina," he whispers raggedly, voice husky and heavy with lust. She feels his arousal press against her hip and she wiggles a bit, lets it rub against her, enjoying the moan that slips past his throat.

"Robin," she manages to moan out before his mouth is back on hers, kissing, devouring her and making her forget everything. She still needs to open the door, still needs to let them in, still needs, oh, to feel him all over her, loving her and never stopping until the sun is back up in the sky again.

She never wants for this moment to end.

"Let me open the door," she says once she pulls away. She's panting, her chest heaving at every breath. Her lips are swollen and heavy with his kisses, and she likes this, misses this. At the back of her head, she wonders if this is right, if they should do this when things remain so unclear between them, but frankly, she doesn't care anymore. She wants him so much, misses him so, so, so much.

He lets up and lets her turn around in his arms so she can open the door and let them in. She finds that it's a much more difficult task when her hands are trembling as she tries to slide the key in. And it's even harder when she feels Robin's blatant desire poking against her back as he lines kisses down her nape across her shoulders, moving back up to suck on her skin.

"Ro-Robin," she stutters, her head lolling to his shoulders when he sucks on a particular spot that makes her knees weak. His fingers are moving up her thighs now, up and up and up until his fingers skim across the hem of her dress, and the he slips it in and lets his index finger find his wetness. He runs it down her slit, pressing down on her hardened nub. "Oh god."

"Love," he murmurs, his nose burying against the crook of her neck. He keeps fondling her clit, making her wetter and igniting her senses. She feels like she's on fire, feels like she's about to tick off any minute with the want she feels for him.

"Just let me..." she pauses just a second to buck against his hand, her thoughts loss on her now. "Let me...door...Robin...mmhmm."

Behind her, Robin chuckles, and she tries to get the key in through the hole, tries to turn and get it open, without much pleasing result. She growls in frustration, making Robin chuckle harder, his fingers falling away from where it's been nestled between her thighs. She turns to him with a scowl.

"You open the door then, if it's so funny," she orders, slapping the keys to his palm and moving behind him.

He smirks at her, and even if it annoys her at that particular moment, she's still missed that smirk so she only raises an eyebrow at him and waits out. When he turns back, an idea forms in her head and she moves a step forward and wraps her arms around him. She lets her hand coast from his chest down to where he's hard and wanting for her. She grasps it in her hand and strokes down once, up, and down again, until his back arches slightly and his hips are bucking against her hand. She smirks devilishly.

"Robin, the door," she says, blowing hot air against his neck, just because she can't quite reach his ear.

It seems to take all of his concentration, but somehow he manages to get the door open. They move inside, their steps all hurried and their breaths harsh. He pins her against the door once he closes it and takes her mouth in his. She mewls against his mouth and reaches out and runs her nails down his clothed back.

He tastes so good, tastes so perfect, fresh and something so authentically him, and she realizes now how much she's missed it. Of course she's missed it, missed it so much, but now there is a ferocious need that courses through every fibre of her being and she needs more, more as she wraps her legs around his waist and tries to grind down on him to relieve much of the pressure that's built on her clit. Her core is throbbing now and she needs him.

"Robin," she whimpers as he moves a bit further, letting her feet fall to the ground. He, himself, falls to his knees and rucks the skirt of her dress up her waist, peeling her panties without another word. Another beat and his mouth is on her, sucking, lapping, nipping against her sex. She's left with nothing to do but moan and groan, head thrashing against the wooden surface. She lifts her leg and rests it over his shoulder, using it to press his head closer to her cunt. God, he feels so good, and it feels even better when he sticks his tongue inside her slit and slides inside, then out, then in again until her knees are trembling and she's too weak to even stand.

"Robin, oh my god," she moans loudly, followed by a high pitched groan as she moves her hips in tune to the rhythmic lapping of his tongue. "Baby, yes, yes, mhmm."

He sucks on her clit then, and it doesn't take her too long before she all but explodes in his mouth. He lets her ride her orgasm as he licks and licks and licks her clean. When she feels like she's no longer floating in the air and she's grasping at nothing, she moves a bit, meets the eyes of the love of her life and finds him staring at her with pure adoration in his eyes.

"I love you," he murmurs, turning his head to place a kiss against her thigh. "And I want you so, so much. I cannot wait to be inside you, to spill all of me deep inside you."

She shivers at his word, wanton now and needing nothing more than his length inside her. "And I love you too," she says, taking her leg off of his shoulder. She smirks at him and then turns, bracing her palms against the door before turning, her chin resting on her shoulder, to give him a smouldering look. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

He doesn't need to be told twice, he moves up, arms encasing her and pinning her further to the door—not that she has even the slightest inclination to move. He takes one hand and runs it down her back, letting it rest against the cheek of her arse, squeezing it, slapping it softly, making her moan. He leans his whole body over hers, until she's pressed against him with nothing but his hand on her ass between them. He nibbles against her ear.

"I'm going to take you now, Regina," he rasps, his words making her tremble. "I'm going to take you against this door, so anyone who ever passes by outside can hear me take you hard, fast and rough." She swallows. "I'm going to make you see stars."

"Fuck me, Robin," she murmurs, moaning when he slips inside her without warning. She knows it's coming, but still it surprises her, though she's too wet now that it doesn't even make her twinge. He bends her over just a little bit more and continues to fuck her from behind. "Yeah, just like that."

He groans and grunts behind her, and then shifts his hips until his hard length hits that spot inside her that drives her wild, that makes her cum hard. And dear god, she is going to cum hard, so fucking hard for him. Oh holy fuck. If this is how good fucking is when they're apart, they should probably arrange a week long time apart tomorrow at ten.

Her thoughts lose track when his other hand fall to her clit and he fondles it, stroking it and rubbing it until she's a mess of wanton desires and moans and groans and a high need to cum. Jesus, Christ, she can feel him, feel him as he starts to go sloppier and faster and rougher with his thrusts, until he's just point blank thrusting inside her with a ferocity that she's not known before.

She takes his free hand to her neglected breasts and lets him pinch and pull at her hardened nipples. She braces herself against the door to support their weight, because he's careless now, only wanting and needing for her to cum so he could too—not that it's about to take long. His hips slap against the skin of her ass, and she thrusts against him, trying to tell herself that she should be quiet and finds that she really fucking can't, not when he's fucking her cunt this way, lord jesus, it feels so fucking good.

"Regina," he gasps, and she knows instantly what he means, he's cuming, he needs to cum, and she's just about to, she's on the edge, and she begs with him, pleads with him, please, please, Robin just a few more, right there, and then oh!

As promised, she sees stars as he explodes inside her the same time she climaxes hard—she can't remember being fucked as thoroughly before, and it feels so fucking deliciously good. He comes with her name falling from his lips, which drowns the little scream that she lets out.

And then they are both falling, falling onto the ground, weak and spent from such rigorous love making, but he braces her fall, takes her so she lands on his lap rather than on her ass.

She curls up onto him and sighs contentedly, feeling so much sated and satisfied. Her heart is beating so hard against her chest and she closes her eyes while letting her lips ghost up the column of his throats until they find his lips. They share a passionate kiss, that stirs them both up, but mostly, it's an assurance that they are here now, and this is true.

"I love you," she murmurs against his lips.

"And I love you," he answers.

She opens her eyes and stares up at him, eyes wondering, searching. Her mouth opens before her brain could catch up and she's only sorry to ruin the move when the next words leave her mouth: "So what now? What happens now?"

He looks confused for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing and lips dropping into a frown. She's about to tell him not to mind it, they have time to worry tomorrow, tonight should just be about them feeling each other and loving each other until her worries fade away, but he smiles and kisses her forehead.

"It doesn't matter to me, Regina, as long as I have you. We can take it as slow or as fast you can. I can still stay over at the other apartment or live with Killian until you're ready to move in together. Hell, we can recreate out first meeting and I can ask you again for a first date, just as long as I know that I'll manage to steal your heart again."

She smiles, heart finally coming to a decision that she's always know she's going to make. Honestly, there had never been any option or second choices. "

"You can't steal something that's been given to you," she tells him, the same words that she'd given him on the first night they'd met spilling from her lips freely. She leans up and kisses him softly. "There is no need to live with Killian and subject yourself through the torture of watching him canoodle Emma all day. You can move back in," when he looks like he might say something honourable, she cuts him off with a look and an impatient wave of her hand, "You need to move back in. This is your home, Robin, our home. And this is the one place where you belong. Right here, with me."

He smiles at her and leans in to kiss her again, and she can almost swear that she can stay here forever, and ever, and ever, maybe until forever ends. He buries his nose to the crook of her neck and she reaches up to run her fingers through his hair, holding him to her and vowing to never let go.

"I've been so afraid I'd have to say goodbye to you, that when I come back I'd...I didn't know what I would get back to, and I was afraid of more goodbyes. I'm relieved that there is no more need for them," he murmurs against her skin, and she feels hot tears wet her skin. "I'm finally home."

"There is no need for anymore goodbyes," she echoes. She tips his chin and makes him look at her. She kisses him softly before embracing him. "You're finally home."


It is FINALLY finished. FOR REAL. I hope you enjoyed that dirty sticky smut. I enjoyed writing it :P

I just wanted to say that I know that it seems like I have rushed the ending because it might seem like it should be longer, I know that. But the truth is, I did not. I had originally planned for the ending to be just Regina leaving and they go on to their separate ways, or that her plane crashes or Robin's when he goes to get her back. That's the truth, ask Geli. But I've decided that maybe if they could just chill out a bit, they could work it out and they did. so there had been no further plans to the story other than it ends badly or it ends well. i decided to end it well. So yeah just that, my way of explanation as I feel some of you might have been disappointed OR wondering what the heck that ending was. That was the kinder version :P

Let me know if you liked the smut, i mean, the story. Let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and see you again!