Disclaimer: I own nothing except an overactive imagination and way too many plotbunnies.

Judge, Jury, and...

Kurt's made his share of mistakes – some worse than others – and he knows it. He also likes to think that he's learned from those mistakes, that he's no longer as naïve or as blind or careless as he once was.

That's why, after his third coffee date with Adam, Kurt invites the Brit over to the loft.

(That's also why he makes it very clear that the only thing on the menu is baked goods, and ensures that they won't be alone. Rachel and he might have their issues, but she does know how to be a friend – she just needs to be reminded at times – and is more than able to first call 911 and then hit someone over the head with a baseball bat if needed.

Not that Kurt think it will be, but. Lessons. Learned.)

When Adam knocks on the door Salieri, per his usual MO, jumps off of Kurt's lap and takes off. That's fine though. Because this? All of this? It's a test. Adam's already passed the first part, the "oh right, I have a cat, is that a problem for you?" one, but there are so many more parts to it.

Maybe it's not fair, to test Adam this way, but Kurt's been burned, and as much as he wants to trust people doing so doesn't come as easily these days.

So he does his usual host routine; hangs up Adam's jacket, points out the various parts of the loft, "bathroom, kitchen, Santana's stuff – don't touch it if you want to live – my space, Rachel's – she's promised not to be too loud, but" before telling Adam to make himself at home while Kurt gets the coffee.

When he reenters the living room area Adam's not sitting on the couch as expected, and Kurt's heart sinks. Yes, it's possible that Adam went to the bathroom, but in Kurt's experience it's far more likely that he's "looking around". Snooping around, his inner voice whispers. Invading your space, going through your things. Like Blaine.

He rounds the couch, determined to be a good host anyway – until it's acceptable to throw Adam out – only to be met by an unexpected sight.

Adam's on the floor – crouched down and still, with one hand carefully stretched out in front of him – and so's Salieri. Kurt's ridiculously unsocial cat is standing just inches away from this new person, sniffing the air. And then he leaps.

It's not, as Kurt first fears, an attack. Salieri's being as careful as he can when he lands on Adam's shoulder, and even though they both wobble a bit there doesn't seem to be any claws involved. Instead he balances himself with small adjustments, and a swish of his tail, before carefully moving a little and then stretching himself out across Adam's shoulders.

Then he closes his eyes, flicks his tail into position, and gives off a content purr.

Adam seems a bit shocked, but Kurt... Kurt's about to drop the tea mugs. Salieri never acts this way. No one except Kurt gets this treatment – not even Kurt's dad, who's no2 on Salieri's list. Only now apparently Adam does too.

Well then.

Adam spends the next hour with a "Salieri collar", and honestly looks happy for it. They talk, and laugh, and share stories, and by the time Adam gets up to leave Kurt's more than a little sad to see him go.

"Would you... Would you like to go see a movie this weekend? Or some other night, if that fits better. Just, some evening, just the two of us?"

That's as forward as Kurt can bring himself to be, at this point. It's Adam's move now.

Adam, who's smiling but also has an appraising look on his face.

"Why do I get the feeling that I just passed some kind of test?"

"Because you did? Sorry, but, you really can't be too safe these days, can you?"

He gets a half-shrug, half-nod in response, conveying something like "point", but Adam's still smiling so Kurt figures he's not feeling insulted.

"So your cat is your, what, character judge?"

"Judge and jury," Kurt quips.

Adam's eyebrows twitch a little, as if he wants to ask if Salieri also acts as the last part of that trio but holds back, and Kurt's treated to a quick flashback of Christmas and Blaine's bleeding hands. Yes, Salieri is more than capable of being executioner as well. So he just sends Adam an enigmatic smile.

"I'd love to go out with you, by the way. I'll check my calender and call you? Bye Kurt," and Adam raises his voice a little, "bye Salieri! Thanks for the character reference!"


Yes, Kurt thinks later that night, stretched out across his bed with Salieri as a comforting weight across his back, he's made mistakes. Lots, even. Adopting Salieri was never one of them, and, he begins to believe, neither will letting Adam in be.

~The End ~