A/N: I think this will be a two-shot.. but when I started it, I thought it would be a one-shot so you really just can't trust me at all.

P.S. I need to give a shout-out to Knappster because she reads all my stuff before you do, gives me great ideas, and encourages me to write even when I feel like I've lost my mojo. She's the best.

"I'm so excited!" Chloe squealed and clapped her hands together outside of the Bellas bus.

Aubrey dropped the bag she was lugging and shot Chloe a glare. "I don't know why I let you guys talk me into this."

"Aw, come on Aubrey. It'll be fun. Smile, I know you can." Stacie lightly tugged on the corners of Aubrey's mouth to pull it up into a smile. Aubrey moved her head quickly from Stacie's grasp, blushing slightly.

"Let's go, people, or we're going to miss our flight." Beca impatiently motioned for the girls to get on the bus. They were flying to Colorado for 4 days of skiing and other snow fun. "The bus is leaving now with or without you," Beca yelled, clapping her hands together. The girls quickly made their way on the bus - surprised Beca was taking charge instead of Aubrey but saying nothing.

Aubrey sat in her seat, stiff backed and clutching her bag like it was a lifeline. She stared out the window as the bus started to drive off campus.

Stacie watched Aubrey from her spot across the aisle. She knew Aubrey didn't exactly want to go on this trip but the blonde seemed more tense than usual. Stacie slid across the gap into the seat right next to Aubrey and bumped shoulders with her.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Stacie asked quietly.

"Nothing." Aubrey continued to stare out the window, lips in a thin line.

"Hey, come on. Talk to me," Stacie pleaded, nudging her again. She didn't really expect Aubrey to confide in her. They had only started getting close recently - Beca and Chloe started dating and when they went out as a group, Aubrey and Stacie were sort of left to entertain themselves. Stacie was surprised at how much she enjoyed the blonde leader's company.

Stacie continued to look at Aubrey while Aubrey continued to stare determinedly out the window. Her knuckles were white from the fierceness in which she was gripping her bag. Stacie remained silent but stayed in the seat next to Aubrey.

"I don't like flying," Aubrey said after several minutes, so quietly that Stacie almost completely missed it. Stacie's eyebrows raised. She couldn't imagine Aubrey afraid of anything. She reached out and put her hand on one of Aubrey's, grazing her thumb over the knuckles in an attempt to get her to relax her grip.

Stacie was trying to think of something to say, and failing, when the bus jerked her forward as it came to a stop at the airport. Aubrey glared at the upperclassman they had roped into driving their bus to drop them off. He saw her look from the rearview mirror and ducked his head, clearly afraid that Aubrey was going to yell at him.

Stacie kept her eye on Aubrey throughout security and on the walk to their terminal. She watched Aubrey sit down at their gate and grip the seat on either side of her thighs while closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

Aubrey was listing facts to herself in her head about why flying is safe. She told herself that no other form of transportation is as heavily monitored and investigated as commercial air travel. Based on statistics, you're more likely to die in a car or riding a train than you are flying. If you fly every day of your life, probabilities indicate it would take nineteen thousand years before you'd be involved in a fatal flight accident. She said these things to herself over and over again.

She jumped when she felt a hand on her arm. She looked over and saw Stacie. She tried to give her a smile - she definitely didn't need anyone worrying about her, that's why she didn't even tell Chloe about her fear of flying.

"Have you taken anything?" Stacie asked.

Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"To help. Medication?"

"Oh. No, I don't have anything. It's fine, I'm okay."

Stacie didn't looked convinced.

"Look, I don't normally pass out medication but I have some Xanax and I know it will help. I'm sure it's what your doctor would give you if you went in for something," Stacie said quietly so none of the others could hear.

Aubrey shifted her eyes to Stacie, brows furrowing as she thought about it. "What will it do?"

Stacie was honestly surprised Aubrey was even considering it. "Make you less anxious. That's the goal, anyway. It might make you sleepy."

Aubrey took a deep breath and looked around the airport. She'd probably try anything at this point, and her list of air travel statistics wasn't helping. "Okay, I'll try it."

Stacie smiled and reached into her bag. She pulled out an orange medication bottle, opened it and tapped one small white tablet into her hand. She passed it to Aubrey.

"There's a half hour until we get on the plane and about fifty minutes before it's set to take off. If you take it now, it should be working before we board."

Aubrey nodded and looked at the tiny pill in her palm. "It's so small." It amazed Aubrey that something so little could potentially change her brain chemistry enough to lessen her anxiety. Medicine is crazy. She was pulled from her thoughts as Stacie handed her a bottle of water. Aubrey placed the pill on her tongue and took a drink.

Stacie watched Aubrey visibly relax ever so slightly as the minutes passed. By the time they were beginning to board, she no longer had a death grip on anything.

"I think I feel better," Aubrey said, turning towards Stacie and smiling.

Stacie returned her smile. "I'm glad."

They got up and grabbed their carry-ons to board the plane. Aubrey led the way and stopped in the aisle right next to where Chloe was already sitting.

Stacie leaned in past Aubrey and the blonde couldn't help but notice how good she smelled.

"Hey, trade spots with me," Stacie said to Chloe.

"But this is the seat my ticket says." Chloe held out her ticket to show Stacie. Chloe gave Aubrey a pointed look. "You asked me to sit by you."

Stacie rolled her eyes. "Go sit by your girlfriend."

Chloe gathered her stuff and went to find Beca, perfectly happy to go sit there as long as it was fine with Aubrey. The blonde had asked Chloe to sit by her - she thought she'd need someone she was completely comfortable with but she definitely didn't mind sitting next to Stacie.

Aubrey scooted into the window seat. She looked at Stacie and smirked. "You wanted to sit by me."

"Do you want me to go get Chloe back here?" Stacie threatened.

"No!" Aubrey put her hand on Stacie's arm. "Stay."

They got buckled in and settled. Aubrey wrapped her arms around Stacie's arm and squeezed it in a hug, leaning her head on Stacie's shoulder. Stacie inhaled sharply. Aubrey picked up her head and looked at her.

"I feel so much better. Thanks, Stace," Aubrey said. She leaned in and kissed Stacie, her lips hitting the corner of Stacie's mouth. Stacie thought she may have been trying to go for her cheek and missed. Aubrey rested her head against Stacie's shoulder, her arms still wrapped around Stacie's. Stacie looked down at the blonde - her eyes were closed and her breathing was already evening out. She tried to ignore the racing of her pulse.

Stacie spent the first part of the flight trying to think about anything but the body leaned up next to hers. She tried to read, to listen to music, to play a game on her phone - she couldn't focus on anything. Finally she simply rested her head on top of Aubrey's, closing her eyes and breathing in the smell of her shampoo.

Aubrey felt a hand stroking the side of her face. She tried to open her eyes but her eyelids felt heavy and she couldn't manage it.

"Hey sleepy. We're here, we landed," Stacie whispered.

Aubrey groaned and buried her head deeper into Stacie's arm. "How are we there already? We just sat down. Did we teleport?" Aubrey mumbled.

Stacie laughed. "Yes. We teleported. Now get up." Stacie shrugged her shoulder to jostle Aubrey. Aubrey finally lifted her head, glaring at Stacie with her eyes only half opened and still sleepy. Stacie stifled a laugh. Aubrey wasn't nearly as intimidating in this state.

Aubrey grabbed her bag and stood when it was time to deplane. She felt the biting cold of the outdoors when she stepped out of the plane and walked through the tunnel to get into the airport. She was keenly aware of Stacie's hand on the small of her back, like the brunette didn't trust that Aubrey could manage to walk on her own. Normally she would be annoyed at a gesture like that - but she liked the feeling of Stacie's touch too much to care.

The Bellas gathered together at the baggage claim. Aubrey was slowly feeling a little more like herself and a little less like she was walking underwater. Chloe was hopping around from person to person, seemingly high on life.

"I think we should check in and then go skiing right away! Oh wait, we should eat first. Eat and then ski. Well we should probably wait a little while after eating before we ski-"

"Chloe, I'm going to need you to take it down a notch," Amy said, holding up her hand to stop Chloe from continuing. "We need to check in and find somewhere to buy alcohol. Where are your priorities?"

The girls took a shuttle to the ski resort. They checked in and were given directions to their cabin. It was a fairly big log cabin with 5 bedrooms, a real fireplace and even a hot tub on the back deck.

"I'm going to go get us the best room," Stacie said to Aubrey, quickly moving through the house in search of the rooms. Aubrey had forgotten that Stacie was her rooming partner and her stomach did a little flip at the reminder.

Aubrey shook her head and grabbed her luggage, heading in the direction Stacie disappeared. She passed two rooms with double beds but no Stacie. When she finally found the brunette, she was looking out the window of a room with one queen bed.

Stacie turned when she heard Aubrey and gave her grin. "Hope you don't mind sleeping with me," she said with a wink.

"But - I mean, doesn't it make sense to give Chloe and Beca the master bedroom?"

"There's two rooms that only have one bed; they got the other one. Look! We have our own bathroom!" Aubrey could definitely see the appeal of not sharing a bathroom with the other girls. "And come look at the view."

Aubrey advanced into the room and went to stand in the small space by the window. Stacie didn't move and Aubrey became very aware of their closeness. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she found herself wondering where all these sudden feelings were coming from.

She forgot her thoughts as soon as Stacie pulled the curtain aside. She sucked in a breath and looked at the amazing view of snow covered mountains. It had even started lightly snowing since they got inside.

"Wow," Aubrey breathed.

Stacie isn't sure if it was the view or being in another state or just a temporary loss of sanity, but before she could think it through completely, she reached for Aubrey's hand, lacing their fingers together. She watched the blonde stiffen next to her for a brief moment but it was over before Stacie could even register it and that was the only acknowledgment of the gesture that she was given. Aubrey didn't pull her hand away, though.

Neither girl was sure how long they stood at the window. If Aubrey was asked, she'd say it was the view that was keeping her there but it was probably more truthfully due to the hand in hers. Finally, Aubrey stole a glance at Stacie and found the brunette was already looking at her.

A knock on their open door made Aubrey pull her hand quickly away.

"Isn't the view so awesome?" Chloe asked, choosing to ignore the moment she just saw between Aubrey and Stacie but making a mental note of it for later.

"Yeah, it is," Stacie answered Chloe but her eyes didn't leave Aubrey. Aubrey's face tinted and she cleared her throat, turning away from the window and heading back to her luggage.

"So the plan is that we're eating something light and then going skiing. Sound good?" Stacie and Aubrey nodded in agreement.

Aubrey went to use the bathroom and change her clothes to something more ski friendly. When she came out again, she noticed Stacie had already changed. The brunette was wearing a form fitted black coat and tight ski leggings that made her legs seem even longer, if that's possible.

Aubrey was too busy checking out Stacie's body to notice that she was debating between two hats. Stacie picked one and put it on, causing Aubrey's attention to to shift to Stacie's head. The blonde laughed. Stacie was wearing a super fuzzy white and grey hat with pointed ears and two flaps on the side.

"What?" Stacie asked.

"That hat is really funny." Aubrey laughed again. Stacie scrunched her nose. "And you look totally adorable," Aubrey added. Stacie grinned.

The Bellas gathered and headed to a food court at the base of the hills. After they ate, they rented their skis. Aubrey hadn't been skiing in a long while but her family would go quite a bit when she was younger so she was pretty familiar.

Somewhere in the commotion of getting fitted for the right skis, Aubrey lost Stacie. She looked around for the brunette and finally spotted her hat over the crowd a bit of a ways down. She made her way in that direction.

"Do you snowboard?" Aubrey asked when she saw what Stacie was looking at.

"Nope," Stacie answered. "But how hard can it be?"

Aubrey laughed but her eyes widened slightly when she looked at Stacie's face. "You're not serious, right?"

Stacie gave her devious smile. "I'll be a pro by the time we leave today. Or.. I'll at least be able to get down the hill without falling."

Aubrey shook her head slightly. "I don't think it will be as easy as you're thinking."

Stacie pouted. "You don't think I can do it?"

"I think you could probably do anything you put your mind to… Just maybe not in a couple hours."

"Do you want to bet?" Stacie leaned in closer and quirked her eyebrow, her tone taking on a rough edge.

Aubrey swallowed. "Bet what?"

"Hmm…" Stacie bit her lip in contemplation. Aubrey found herself unable to take her eyes away from Stacie's mouth. "How 'bout whoever loses needs to give the other a back rub?"

Aubrey's pulse quickened at the thought of Stacie's hands on her - but she tried to shake it off and play it cool. "Alright, well, don't break your arm or anything because that would really put a damper on my win." Aubrey stuck out her tongue.

They turned to go outside with their equipment when Aubrey caught Chloe staring at them from a few yards away. Chloe smirked before turning away.

Aubrey led them over to the lift for the smallest of what Stacie deemed the "adult hills" after she refused to go on the bunny hill. Stacie got on the lift with relatively little trouble but when she got off, she promptly fell over.

"This is going well so far," Aubrey said, laughing and helping Stacie back up. "Are you sure you don't want to find an instructor and actually learn how to do this properly?"

Stacie huffed out a breath. "I've watched enough of the winter Olympics to get the gist."

"You are so stubborn," Aubrey said. "And I'll remind you of that later when you're giving me a back rub."

"Sounds like a win-win either way," Stacie said, winking. She left Aubrey by pushing off the ground with her unlatched foot. Aubrey watched her leave, mind racing, before she realized she was just standing there and hurried to catch up.

"So, are you just going to wing it from here on out?" Aubrey asked when she caught up. They were standing at the top of the hill.

Stacie looked at Aubrey and grinned, snapping her loose foot into the binding on the board and turning it to face down the hill. She started going and stayed on her feet just long enough to pick up some speed before she fell on her butt hard.

Aubrey made her way to Stacie, doing a quick hockey stop on her skis. She leaned over Stacie. "Are you okay?"

Stacie groaned. "Yeah." She took Aubrey's hand to help her up. "You're good at that," she said, motioning to Aubrey's skis.

Aubrey smiled. "I got instruction and practiced on the bunny hill first," she teased.

Stacie narrowed her eyes. "I will win this bet."

Stacie started going again, trying to be careful. Aubrey tried to keep pace next to her but it was difficult. Stacie started feeling like she was going to fall and she reached out to try to balance herself, grabbing Aubrey's arm. The blonde yelped as Stacie started tumbling backwards, pulling her along.

Stacie's body broke Aubrey's fall. The wind was momentarily knocked out of her and she found herself face to face with the brunette. Aubrey was already having a hard enough time breathing without having to look into Stacie's eyes with their faces close together, so she rolled off onto her back to try to catch her breath.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Stacie asked worriedly, sitting up.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" Aubrey groaned. She was definitely going to be feeling this tomorrow.

"Aw, I'm not. I'll make it up to you." Stacie struggled to her feet and reached out to help Aubrey. "Even when I win, I'll still give you a back rub - after you give me mine, obviously."

"And what about if I win? Then what?"

"You're not going to win so that doesn't matter."

Somehow, they managed to make it to the bottom of the small hill. Stacie insisted they take the lift back up to the top again. This went on for awhile. Stacie fell too many times to count. Aubrey was starting to feel pretty confident that she was going to win the bet.

Eventually all the other Bellas were ready to leave. Stacie and Aubrey went to the top for one final run through.

"This is it. You have to make it to the bottom or I win."

"I was just warming up before. I got this," Stacie said confidently. Aubrey laughed and rolled her eyes. "Go to the bottom and watch."

Aubrey quickly went to the bottom of the hill and turned to watch Stacie come down. The brunette pivoted the board and started going down the hill, quickly picking up speed. Aubrey's mouth fell open as Stacie got over half way down without falling. She was sure Stacie was going to hurt herself at this point when she fell, she was going too fast.

Stacie made it to the bottom of the hill, though, arching in a half circle to slow down and eventually stopping in front of Aubrey. She lifted her arms in the air with a wide, smug grin on her face.

"Did you play me?! Are you some secret snowboard professional?"

Stacie gave her a cocky grin. "No. I just really wanted a back rub."

A/N: Before you ask - yes, this is continuing. Also, reviews make me write faster. That's just science.