Hey everyone! Ever found yourself completely out of motivation and ready to give up? Well that's about how I feel about my other story haha. But, I'll tide you over with this. Please, enjoy~

I guess they weren't lying when they said all good things must come to an end. I finally had it good, but I guess deep down I always knew it wouldn't last. I suppose I just wish it could have lasted longer.

I spent nearly eight years of my life on my own, as my parents were taken from me when I was seven. They didn't deserve to be taken. It wasn't fair! All they did was attempt to help people and make a difference, to change peoples' lives for the better. Then that was how they were repaid.

And in result, I was forced to go on living without them.

I always saw other families. The other children never realized how good they had it. Even the simplest things, like getting a "how was you're day." I had no one to ask me how I was. No one to greet me when I came home. No one to buy me new things or cook me meals. No one to care for me when I was sick or comfort me when I had a nightmare. I wished everyday for just a moment with a family again.

Even now, I must admit those years were painful, filled with stealing and survival, but most of all, loneliness. However, everything changed this year, and my wishes finally came true. I finally found a home. A family. People who cared about me.

This new family happened to be the crew of the Ghost. They found me (well, kind of through my influence), and despite the original trouble I caused them, they found it in their hearts to take me in.

Before that day in all of about 7 years, no one even glanced my way. People would pass me in the streets without any acknowledgement of my existence. It's funny really, when you pass the same person everyday, and never once even stop to ask their name. No one was kind enough to get to know me the way the crew did. Honestly, no one else cared.

But somehow, these people did.

In fact, they cared so much about others that they taught me how to care again. For years I learned to only care about myself, but they made me remember how to help others. I learned how to do what my parents were trying to do. What they would have wanted me to do. I became a better person with my new family. I just hope they were proud of me.

We had some really good times together, even though it wasn't long. I was beginning to think of us as a family. One big, different family, but a family. Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and even Chopper.

I'm so glad I was able to know them. These were the greatest months of my life.

That is, anyway, up until the accident. I can't remember exactly what happened or why it happened. I only remember bits and pieces. A black figure, a bright light, and the most painful of all, the broken cry of my master.

But all I know for sure is that it marked the end of my happiness. The end of my days with a family.

I never directly saw their reactions or faces, but I never wanted to hurt them. I wish I could go back and change everything. Will they be heart broken? Will they even care that I'm gone in the end? I guess I just hope they can be happy again without me. I hope they can continue their lives together and go on being a family. But as for me, I am alone once again.

My name is Ezra Bridger, and I am dead.

I didn't kill anyone right? Sorry if you hate it. Please review.