12 hours earlier

Flashes of a mission. Running. A white room with multiple beds. Delivering crates. A tear in Hera's sleeve. A sharp pain in his hand. More running. An explosion. Darkness.

Ezra opened his eyes and found himself on the floor against the wall. His head pounded and he was confused. He had no idea what had happened or even where he was. Then he looked up just in time for the world to cave in on him.

Right in front of him was his master, struggling to fight off the male Inquisitor as the female stood close behind. Kanan's lightsaber was thrown from his hand and he was pushed to the ground. The Inquisitor stood above him ready to strike.

"Kill him, we only need the boy," ordered the female while she turned, bored. Kanan desperately tried to get his lightsaber with the force but he was too late. Kanan's eyes flashed with defeat and regret, then he closed them as if he were ready to die. "I'm sorry Ezra," was all he managed before he was struck in the chest. The Inquisitor smiled triumphantly and turned to Ezra. Ezra hardly had time to move before he was hit on the head and knocked out.

"No!" Ezra shot up, jolted out of sleep. He was covered in a cold sweat and panting, trying to catch his breath. "A dream?" He breathed out, slightly relieved.

Although it had felt so real, he couldn't help but worry, was that a vision?

The youngest member of the Ghost crew had once again ended up deep in thought sitting on the ramp of the ship. This time, all he could focus on was the terrible feeling he had about his "dream" and now, their new mission. At first, he quickly dismissed the idea of his dream being a vision, but after this morning's briefing, he was worried. The scary thing was, everything he saw could be possible to happen based on the description Hera gave of their task.

At the briefing, Hera had explained that they needed to deliver medication to a hospital on some planet whose name started with a G. Or was it a R...? Well, it didn't really matter, it was nerve wracking that they had to deliver crates to a hospital. An involuntarily shiver forced down his spine. The white room he saw seemed like it could have been used for patients.

Yet, even if he was worried, he did not tell Kanan or Hera earlier about his "dream". The first thing they said was how important it was to get the medication there as fast as possible. If the crates weren't delivered today, many of the patients would surely not make it through the night. The planet had very harsh winters, and unfortunately there was a disease spreading that could be lethal if not treated early. Ezra did not want to be responsible for all those deaths based on a nightmare alone.

Ezra wanted to just go along with the mission, he really did, but the feeling of negativity overwhelmed him. Last night, he watched Kanan die. He knew it was probably nothing, just a bad dream, but it just felt so real. He just hoped that it wasn't a vision.

He wasn't sure if keeping this from Kanan was a good idea anymore. He wished he could ignore the feeling and push on, but he could not seem to let this go. Although, Kanan would probably just tell him what he already knew; the mission is important and you're probably just paranoid.

Ezra shivered again. And to make matters worse, he got the same feeling of coldness that he felt when he connected to the dark side or the Inquisitors were near. When he first went outside, he thought he was just cold from the wind, but it had become more prominent. The feeling always ended them up in some kind of disaster.

Why did this have to be so frustrating?

"Ezra?" Someone interrupted him from his thoughts. Ezra jumped, too distracted to notice someone had snuck up behind him. He immediately realized from the voice that it was, surprise surprise, Kanan.

"I was mediating before the mission but my focus was interrupted by your strong emotions. I already know you're stressed, so no sense hiding it. Spill."

"I-I don't... I'm not..." Ezra stuttered, trying to figure out what to say. "Alright," he sighed, "I guess I'm just worried about the mission."

"Ezra," Kanan warned, "you know this mission is important. If we don't deliver those crates, all those people could die. They're all counting on us."

Ezra looked away a tad annoyed and upset. "I knew you'd say that. Kanan, it's just... I feel like something is going to go wrong. I just have this lingering feeling, and I can't shake it. I can't help feeling that it's a trap. That something terrible is going to happen... Like someone is..." he trailed off.

Kanan's eyebrow raised slightly. "Go on."

He swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Master, it's so cold. It's exactly the as feeling as before, when the dark side is near. What if the Inquisitors show up? What if they ambush us when our guard is down? Or what if we just can't fight them off this time? I just can't lose you or anyone else. Not today. Not like that."

Ezra's eyes meet Kanan's, full of fear and despair. It seemed like there was still something Ezra wasn't saying. "Ezra I know this wasn't all brought on by just a feeling. There's something more, isn't there?" Kanan pushed.

Ezra looked hesitant to say more, but then he cracked. He knew he should tell Kanan everything. It was the best way to prevent anything bad from happening.

"Alright, last night I had a dream, but I'm not sure if it could have been a vision. It was about a mission, and based on what Hera said this morning at the briefing, it could be this one. It just felt so real, and it didn't end well. There was an explosion! The Inquisitors were there! And you... you died! Everything that happened could potentially happen today! Kanan I really don't want that to happen. I can't lose you. Especially not if I know I can prevent it." Ezra finally voiced.

Kanan looked at his padawan in sympathy, thinking carefully about what to say. Ezra rarely ever opened up to him without him prying, and he wanted Ezra to trust him.

"Oh Ezra, nothing's going to happen to anyone. We have an important mission, and it's always possible for things to turn to the worst. Remember, visions are not set. They can be easy influenced by strong emotions. You must be calm and focused, and even then, it can be altered. It could have easily just been a nightmare. Nothing will happen to me, I promise. Thanks for telling me, now we can be more alert. Just tell me if anything else starts bothering you about it. Now come on, we should get ready." Kanan put a reassuring hand on Ezra's shoulder.

Ezra looked down and nodded. Kanan gave him one last pat on the shoulder and went back into the ship.

Kanan sounded like he was sure everything would be okay, but Ezra still wasn't completely satisfied.

The crew, minus Hera who was landing the ship, gathered in the common room before the mission started. They all were in heavy coats because of the harshly cold temperatures on the planet, whose name actually turned out to be Frigore (Okay so Ezra was wrong, it starts with F, but hey at least it had an R and a G in it). It was a good thing they were dressed warmly too because the temperature change was noticeable immediately upon landing.

"Okay brrr..." Ezra muttered as the room grew colder.

Zeb slapped his arm from behind. "It'll be much colder ou' there," he laughed mockingly, gesturing to the door.

Ezra rolled his eyes, "Don't remind me." This mission was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

A few moments later, the door slid open and Hera entered the room. "Everyone ready?" Most of the crew nodded right away, but Ezra took a moment to muster up a convincing nod. He definitely wasn't ready.

As the ramp lowered, the frozen air whipped into the ship. "Well let's not let all our heat get out. Come on, grab a crate and let's go." Hera called as she grabbed a crate and started out the door. Everyone did as told and hurried out.

Ezra rolled out a crate of his own and was surprised at the lifeless planet. Strangely, there was no snow, just a lot of ice. Almost everything looked dead and frosted over. The ground was different shades of gray or the occasional patch of brown. He couldn't spot any green for miles.

While Ezra was observing the area, Hera and Zeb led the way. As they continued on, Zeb misjudged the space between them and the corner of his crate scraped along Hera's sleeve. Hearing it rip, Zeb noticed and quickly moved, but the damage was done. There was a small tear in Hera's sleeve.

"Hera! I'm so sorry, are you a'right?" Zeb exclaimed embarrassed.

Hera looked at her sleeve and chuckled. "Yeah I'm fine, it's just a small tear. Nothing to worry about." Zeb breathed a sigh of relief.

Ezra, who had still been absorbed in the scenery, had overheard Hera. A tear? Upon hearing the word, Ezra perked up and stared at Hera's sleeve.

No, no, no, no, no! He stopped dead in his tracks. This wasn't happening! It was the same tear! His dream... This couldn't be a coincidence anymore! It had to be a vision.

Ezra ran to catch up with Kanan. "Kanan! We have to turn around. We can't do this mission."

"Ezra," Kanan said warningly, "Don't do this now." He kept on walking with his crate to stay with the group. Ezra had to speed up a little to keep up.

"Kanan you have to listen to me! If we go through with this, we can all be in danger! It has to be a trap!"

Kanan sighed. "Okay what brought this on this time? I thought this was an ended discussion."

"Hera tore her sleeve..." Ezra said, realizing how stupid that sounded. "It was in my vision."

Kanan stared at him in disbelief for a moment. "Alright. We are halfway there already so here's what we'll do. As soon as we get to the hospital, we will drop of the supplies and go straight back to the ship. We have already gone this far and it wouldn't make sense to turn around. We won't waste any time that we don't have to. Sound good? Nothing is going to happen."

Ezra still wasn't satisfied but knew he wasn't going to win. "Promise?"

"Yeah kid. I promise."

AN: Well, I decided to end it her for now because I would hate to leave you on a total cliff hanger for a while. I know updates have been very slow but I've been super busy. I'm going to try to update my other story ASAP! I hope you liked it and as always, please review. :D