AN: I started writing this chapter in class today, and I was going to wait to post it but, whatever. Hope you like this chapter. I didn't even know this chapter was gonna be written so soon. It's also a lot longer than the last two chapters.

Chapter 3: Time Stops When I'm With You

The rain drips down slowly, no longer dumping. The wind settled, and all the filled the city were the sounds of cars on the streets. It felt like time stopped. Everything was still at this moment, and all that mattered was that Asami was here. Asami was in front of Korra with her gorgeous green eyes and perfect hair even in this shit of a storm.

Korra took Asami's hand. She was speechless, Asami still had the ability to take her breath away. How was it that even after a year without talking it felt like nothing has changed? It didn't feel any different.

Korra stares at her. She took in everything that made up Asami, momentarily ignoring how uncomfortable her clothes are making her feel. She didn't look any different but, her aura was different. It was more confident, mature and professional. For a moment Korra wondered, how much has changed in the year they spent apart.

"Uh… Korra?" a voice said snapping Korra out of her trance.

Then Korra realized for the past few moments she was still holding Asami's hand.

Quickly she pulled their hands apart, and a pink hue tinted her cheeks.

"I'm sorry!" Korra shouted. Korra looked down and suddenly the wet pavement was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hey, it's alright." Asami laughed out. She reached out to Korra's face and tucked a strand of Korra's hair behind her ear.

If Korra's face wasn't red already, it definitely was now. A red hue crept up on her dark cheeks. What is she going to do?! Asami is right there! What is she going to say?

"Korra? Is everything ok? Your face is really red, are you getting sick?" Asami questioned with a worried expression plastered on her face.

"Um—Uh—I'm fine! Just a little tired—uhh—from the running! Yeah from the running!" Korra stuttered out.

How is it that just talking to this girl so hard? Korra talked to a lot of attractive people, and Asami shouldn't be any different, right? I mean sure she confessed her undying love to her a year ago but, that was a year ago. Those feelings probably faded right?

"You know you shouldn't be running in this weather right? You could have slipped and hurt yourself! And don't you know better to wear a tank top in the rain? You could get sick." Asami chided with her hands on her hips.

Korra let out a heavy sigh. It seems like somethings never change. She would be the one doing stupid things and Asami would be there to pick her up and scold her.

"I guess I probably shouldn't be running in this weather but, I just wanted to get home. Plus, I don't really own anything besides tank tops." Korra laughed out.

Asami closed her eyes and shook her head. "You really need to invest in a raincoat."

"But aside from your lack of wardrobe, how are you?" Asami asked with a smile.

Kora grins a little bit wider, "I'm good. I'm rooming with Opal now and working part time at Tenzin's dojo."

"That's great to hear! Is Opal still dating Bolin?" Asami asked curiously.

Korra rolled her eyes at the thought of the couple, "Oh yeah, sometimes I wish they weren't so affectionate around me because every time they whisper cute gross stuff around me, it makes me want to empty the contents in my stomach."

Asami chuckled at the thought of a third wheeling Korra. "I'm glad they're loving to each other."

Korra's face turned a little green, "You wouldn't say that if you lived with Opal. I mean the things I hear through the walls could make my ears bleed. I mean they could they not wait until I'm out of the house to start!" Korra shouts exasperatedly with her hands in the air.

"It sounds like a fun house." Asami's smiled faltered.

What would it have been like if she didn't agree to go with her father to Ba Sing Se? Would she be living with Korra and Opal? All of the "could have beens" popped into her head. Was this what she let go of when she moved? Was going to the prestigious Ba Sing Se University worth losing her friends? She didn't know anymore.

"Enough about the gross couple. How has Ba Sing Se been treating you?" Korra forced a smile out.

She missed her best friend. She missed going out to see the cliché movers and making fun of the terrible acting with Asami. For the time Asami was away, Korra stopped going to see movers. That was their thing, and it wasn't the same without her. She missed cracking stupid jokes that no one but Asami would understand. She just missed having a best friend. Opal had Bolin and Mako, well Mako was always a lone wolf. He rolled alone and everyone knew that. Asami was Korra's other half, and the past year has been, strange to say the least. But, right now being in front of Asami was felt just right.

"Ba Sing Se is grand Korra! It's beautiful, the architecture is beyond my imagination. Plus, being able to help out designing and engineering new products with my dad has been amazing!" Asami exclaimed. She had this big grin when she spoke about her time away.

Her excitement hurt Korra. Was being away from her friends that great? Did she forget about us already? Did she already create a new friend group? Korra's thoughts kept leading towards a negative direction, had Asami moved on from their friendship that quickly?

But her thoughts were interrupted, "Although Ba Sing Se is great and all, I really did miss yo—Republic City. Nothing can replace this place for me." Asami continued.

Korra smiled, at least she didn't forget this place.

"I've missed the Krew too! Everything is different without you guys there with me. I miss hanging out with you guys after school and going out to see movers with you. I even miss Mako's brooding face!" Asami ranted.

That was good to hear. Asami did miss the Krew.

She didn't forget us, we still mean something to her.

Their conversation got cut short by Korra's ringing cellphone.

"Oh shit, hold on give me a second." Kora said, scrambling to answer her phone.

Finally, Korra pulled out her wet phone from her front pocket.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Korra? Where are you? You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago! Are you ok?" a panicked voice asked through the phone.

"Oh! Tenzin sorry! I got caught up, I'll see you in a few minutes!" Korra said suddenly remembering why she was running in the first place.

"It's fine, I'll see you later then." Tenzin said before he hung up.

Korra clicked off her phone. "Sorry, I really gotta go. I have to go babysit Tenzin's kids because he's going on a date with Pema tonight. We need to catch up together with the Krew soon! How long are you in town for?" Korra asked.

"I'm on spring break right now and I'm keeping an eye on Future Industry from Republic City. So I'm staying for 2 and a half weeks." Asami answered.

Korra clapped her hands together excitedly, "That's perfect! Let's get together sometimes this week for a night out with the Krew. What do you say?"

"That sounds great…umm—how do I contact you?" Asami asked hesitantly.

Korra then realized something, Asami didn't have her number. "Oh right! I got a new phone and you don't have my number!" Korra pulled out her phone again, "just add yourself on my phone!"

Asami took Korra's phone, and entered in her number.

"Here you go, I should let you go now. Tenzin's probably waiting." Asami said handing back Korra's phone.

Korra's eyes went wide, "Oh right! The kids! I forgot! It's nice to see you again Asami! I'll text you tonight or tomorrow night!" Korra said while continuing to run down the street.

Asami tuned to see a waving Korra as she ran down the street with the biggest grin on her face.

"It's good to see you too Korra! I'll talk to you soon!" Asami shouted back with an equally wide grin.

After seeing Korra disappearing behind a corner Asami's smile didn't fade.

I saw her, I really just saw her.

She giggled childishly. Korra really hasn't changed.

"Maybe, things can be like they were back then…" She thought as she began walking again.

The rain had settled, and the sky becoming clearer and the sun came out. Maybe after this trip, she can rekindle her friendship with Korra again. Just maybe.

AN: I don't know why but, for this particular story I've been more eager to write for. Plus, I have a great time writing chapters for this story so, it's likely you'll see updates more frequently. I really like the reviews, it keeps me motivated to write more. So keep reviewing!