This can be a one-shot or story depending on the reviews I get, or maybe on what I think it should be. Suggestions accepted.

Reyna eyes shot open, her breathing heavy and untimed. She had woken up on the cold floor of her Praetor's cabin. It was a typical chilly San Francisco morning, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of lilies. But Reyna's mood did not match the weather. Not quite. These frequent nightmares always managed to get the worst of her.

She looked at her watch. It was still about four, so she decided to pay a little visit to Little Tiber. Usually, this is what she did whenever she had one of her nightmares. And the riverbank had become one of her usual spot these eight months. She put on a simple jogging outfit, but slammed the door a bit too hard when she got out. Swearing quietly under her breath, she looked about to see if anyone had woken up. Then she continued.

Sitting on the side of the river, Reyna felt a strange sense of peace she hadn't felt near this place before. She thought that it was probably as it reminded her of Circe's Island. Little did she know, it was something- or someone - else. A very snoopy someone else.

The nightmare was one of her regular chain of malicious events: The pirates, the torturing, leaving her sister, dealing with the toughness of Camp Jupiter, and finally, Jason's disappearance. Though she wouldn't admit it, the last part hit her a little harder than what she could bear. After all, she had no one since then.

Then Percy Jackson had appeared, bringing both bad memories and good times. She had reunited with her sister Hylla; the legion had won the battle, and had never been so happy after winning a hard war. She just couldn't decide whether the boy with the tousled black hair was an enemy or an ally.

"I didn't know you liked water too."

Reyna started, but didn't turn. She knew that voice too well. "Well, you can add that to the list of things you still don't know about me."

Percy grinned. "Come on! You don't need to be so serious all the time! Even Clarisse could laugh," he added in a somewhat childish manner.

"I behave the way I want to, Percy. And for the record, I have no idea who this Clarisse is."

"Yeah, well, you're better off not knowing about her."

"Now I'm intrigued."

Percy rolled his eyes. "I'm not here to tell you about my camp. We both know the real reason though."

Reyna turned to find his sea-green eyes staring straight into her dark brown ones. "It's just one of my nightmares."

"Your usual nightmares are one of your more dangerous ones. I'm not exactly hopeless at reading expressions."

She groaned. This demigod certainly wasn't as ignorant as he looked. "Fine. They were about...about Jason. I missed him, I guess. But I hope you value your life more than spilling someone else's secrets."

He smiled one of his infectious smiles. "That's what I'm talking about! Girl's gotta have a sense of humour."

She couldn't help smiling too. "If a threat is your idea of humour, seaweed brain."

"That is exactly what Annabeth used to call me. Okay, back to Jason. I know you and him had something valuable." Reyna noted that his voice sounded a bit wistful.

"Missing your girlfriend?"

"Kind of. I'm beginning to doubt that she was my girlfriend. Maybe I had my doubts earlier too, and Hera- I mean Juno- is trying to clear them. About whether I really love her or not," he raised his eyebrows for a second, before adding "So why did you make me Praetor?"

Reyna stirred the water surface with a stick. "I...I thought a Roman camp run by both a Greek and a Roman would progress faster. I thought that we could learn from your style...and your mistakes." Then she sighed. "I hope Jason remembers me too," she stated in a manner which was unusually quiet...for her.

Percy shrugged. Reyna couldn't help feeling he looked a bit jealous. "Oh, he won't be able to forget someone like you. Anyway, I have something that could help you from this serious case of depression."

She frowned. "I wouldn't exactly call it depression, but I'm interested in this, ah, remedy of yours." She smiled at her co-praetor. "So what is it?"

Percy got up, grinning. "Blue cake."

Reyna found herself unable to suppress a smile. "Lead on," she said, and as she followed him, she couldn't help feeling grateful to Juno for sending him in Jason's place. Not that she didn't like Jason; she was just feeling a bit lonely after he disappeared.

But she wasn't alone. Not exactly. She had her co-praetor. She had seaweed brain. She had Percy Jackson.

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