Entire family celebrated Callie's adoption, Lena's parents got the food, Stef's mom got the drinks. Some of their neighbors came…it was a big thing. Everybody was happy, but him. Brandon couldn't pretend to be happy for her. He was watching her from the distance. She was smiling, but no one knew that her heart was torn behind that smile and happiness all of them saw. Brandon went to his room and got a bottle of whisky out of his secret stash. He drank himself to sleep that night. Same pattern continued until he graduated. He drunk himself to sleep every night and avoided to spend time with her at all cost. Callie tried to talk to him. She tried to get him to talk to her when they were alone, but he never did. He would lock himself in the room and either drink or write music. His music and lyrics became very dark but no one had an idea what was happening. After the graduation, moms offered to take them camping, but Brandon made an excuse to stay at home. He said he has some piano things. Stef was happy he was playing again, so she didn't try to get him to change her mind. Callie had a feeling something was happening, but didn't dare to ask. Since the adoption, they haven't spoken at all. He would barely talk to her in the house, even during the meals and family time.

Camping had fun moments. When she was not feeling bad for Brandon, she managed to enjoy. No one had an idea what was happening inside of her. She was questioning if she did right thing every day since the adoption. Mariana found her sitting on the dock alone. She took a seat beside her and Callie didn't notice her.

''Hey, are you ok?''

''I am…''

''Are you sure?''


''What is up with you and Brandon?''

Callie didn't know what to say.

''What do you mean?''

''Before the adoption, you were joined by the hip and now… You barely talk…''


''What happened?''

''Nothing Mariana… Just, drop it…''

''You don't look happy…''

''I am not, but it doesn't matter anymore…''

''It matters to me…''

''Some other time… I just need to clear my head…''

Mariana was about to leave when she turned towards Callie…

''If you want to talk, I am here for you…''

''I know… Thank you…''

After they came home, there was a shock for all of them. Brandon's closet was empty and his keyboard was gone. Stef was out of her mind. She called Mike, called some of Brandon's friends but no one had an idea where he went. She and Mike checked his bank account and found out he emptied it and that there was much more money than they expected. Kids had different reactions to it. Jesus was surprised, Mariana was furious, Jude was confused and Callie was grave silent. She didn't say a word about it, even when Mariana wanted to talk and throw a lot of insults to Brandon. She was hurt, and Callie sort of got it, but she couldn't talk about how she felt. They all found a way to live with the fact Brandon was not at home. Stef wanted to believe he went early to college, because he got accepted to Julliard, but since she had no news of him there in the beginning of September, she sort of gave up. She knew he was not missing, so she couldn't count on police help. So after some time, they all found the way to live with him gone. There were a lot of questions in their mind, but they were not sure when they would have a chance to ask them.

Two years later

Callie was starting college. She stayed in California and she was accepted to UCLA. She was still living at home and moms let her move in into Brandon's room. She didn't change anything in there and she even fought Mariana few times for it. She tried to pack Brandon's things and make the room more girly, but Callie didn't let her. Twins were seniors now and Mariana was over the moon with all the dances and things. She was dating a new boy and they were in love. Jesus, the player of the house, found a girlfriend and they were ok. She was one of the sexy, sassy Latinas he loved, so he was back to his type. Jude had a new boyfriend and Callie was single. She didn't date anyone since the adoption and she was not in the mood to meet anyone. Moms set her up few times, but she friend zoned the boys pretty fast. All of them wanted her to be happy and finally date. They were worried why she shut down. Before the adoption there was Wyatt, guy from the center and now… She was so alone that it was disturbing. She would spend a lot of time in her room with books and only people she was out with were her GU friends. Mariana was in the mall when she saw Wyatt. Their communication was a bit awkward after the sex thing and Callie learning about it, but it was water under the bridge now.


''Hey Mariana… How are things?''

''Crazy, busy… You?''

''I'm working at some car shop and I live here. My mom and I came back.''





''Do you have time for a drink or something?''

''Sure, why not…''

They went to the café and Mariana had bunch of questions for him and so did he.

''And how are things at home now that lovebirds are eighteen?''


''Callie? Is she finally happy?''

''Well, she is moping around the house for two years now…But I finally have my space… She moved in to Brandon's room… So she is moping by herself…''

''And Brandon?''

''He is gone?''

''What happened?''

''After Callie god adopted, he left…''

''She got adopted?''

''Yes, why are you so surprised? It was plan all along…''


''But what?''

''I thought she would…''

''She would what?''

''She didn't pick him… Ha…!''

''Ok… What are you talking about?''

''One thing… After the adoption, she didn't date anyone?''

''No, she never came close to a boy. Moms and I tried to set her up, but she friend zoned them right on spot. She still does… Only people she sees are here friends from GU… I am thinking she is gay…''

Wyatt laughed at Mariana…

''She is not…''

''But why then? All the guys were hot!''

''Because she is in love…''

''With who?''

''You can't guess?''

''No! You?''

''No, she was never in love with me…''

''But you dated…''

''Because she never dared to date the one she loved…she still loves…''


''I always believed she would finally grow a pair and admit…Especially after…''

''What? I am getting inpatient here...''

''Ever since I met Callie, she loved just one person…''




Mariana was staring at him with her eyes wide opened..

''What are you talking about?''

''Callie and him were madly in love…''


''From the moment she walked into your house…''


''He wrote that song you love for her…''

''What? No! It's not for her…''

''Remember the lyrics…''

Mariana was trying to block all the insinuations he was making. No, they were siblings… They couldn't be in love…

''They promised it was over…''


''She even said to the judge she didn't love him…''

Mariana told the story of the adoption and all to Wyatt who looked at her a bit shocked…

''And how did he took it?''

''We made party for her… They were siblings… And your story doesn't add up.''

''And did they have sibling relationship?''

''What are you talking about?!''

''How were they at home?''

Mariana tried to think. She couldn't remember seeing them in the same room if it was not some family time or eating.

''Not talking…''

''How did you take it?''

''Take what?''

''Her being in love with him?''

''Hard… But he loved her too…so I really had nothing to complain about. They were in love so much that I really felt like I was intruding on them, not Brandon on us.''

''Are you sure?''

''Mariana, I am pretty sure. We always broke up because she couldn't forget him. My guess is that she is in love with Brandon…''

''No…. That is stupid! They are siblings…''

''Newsflash…. They never were…''

''I don't want to think about it…''

''And that's ok…''

They talked about some other things because Mariana needed the image of Callie and Brandon in love out of her head. She couldn't think of that. When she got home her moms were in the kitchen cooking, Jude and his boyfriend were in the living room working of science project. Jesus and his girl were upstairs and Callie was in her room. She was sitting on the window and reading a book. Mariana got in and closed the door.

''Hey M…''

''Hey… You would never guess who I saw today?''




''And we had a nice chat…''

''Is he back?''

''Yes, with his mom…''

Mariana wanted to test his theory of Callie loving Brandon… She had to be sneaky about it…

''Callie… I have an idea… Why don't you go out with him?''


''I finally figured it out… Since you broke up with him, you were single… You still love him… So I was thinking , we could call him. I told him you were single all this time… He was happy to know you still think of him… I find it romantic…''

''Mariana, that is…just… NO! I never loved him. It was a mistake… Both times… I used him to… I… NO! Don't invite him to dinner… We were together so I could just try not to think of…''


And Callie froze….