The Messenger

By: Adazula

Story description: Stoick and Valka had another child before Hiccup. They wanted to keep her but they knew they had to send her away where it was safe. Now she has to come back to not only help the family that abandoned her, but also to protect her own. Takes place five years after HTTYD 2

Chapter 1: Extending Circumstances.

Twenty-seven years ago.

" Come on Valka! Push!" The midwife yelled.

" I can't!" Valka cried. It's too painful. She might die. She doesn't want to die. She doesn't want to leave her child motherless.

She has been in labor for over a day. During which she hasn't slept. She couldn't sleep. Not with all the pain and worry over the outcome.

" You can do it. I have faith in you." Her husband tells her as he kisses her forehead. He continues to grip her small hand with his big one. Despite her breaking one of his fingers with the tight grip she has.

" AHHHHH!" She screams as she pushes as hard as she could. She wants nothing more than to get this baby out.

" One more time!" The midwife encouraged. She could already see the head.

Valka screams for the last time as she pushes. Her screams were so loud that even the gods would be disturbed from their rest tonight.

Then everything became silent as the midwife finally has hold of the baby. The baby then proceeds to scream with such power.

" Is it alright?" Valka asked both worried and tired as she heard her baby's scream. She needs to know if her baby's alright. She has to know.

The midwife smiles widely at the parents. " She's alright." She deemed as she puts the swaddled up baby on the mother's chest.

Valka cries as she kisses her daughter's head. Stoick in the meantime bellows in such happiness to finally have a child. A child of his own.

" She's looks as beautiful as her mother. I don't need to see to know. " Stoick said as he kisses his wife.

" Oh… I don't know about that Stoick. She seems more like a daddy's girl." Valka chuckles.

" What?" Stoick said as he looked down to see his baby girl.

Valka is right. She does look more like Stoick but not in a ugly way. She has some Valka's facial features, which is good thing, but everything else screams her father. She has dark curly red hair and her clear eyes could see right through someone's soul. This baby has the makings of a leader.

" She's going to make someone cry one day." Stoick laughed. " That is something that will happen for sure. No one will dare to mess with her."

Valka moves a curl from the baby's face only to find a white blonde curl underneath.

" My. My. This is quite the surprise." Valka says in reaction to see the shock of white in the mass of dark red hair.

" She's got that from my mother." Stoick said in shock to see a bit of his mother in his daughter. " Oh… She was a woman who was feared throughout the land. Her stare can make the toughest of man confess to his crimes. My father was the only man who was brave enough to marry her." He chuckled

" What was her name?" Valka said.

" Her name was Valkyra Monsoon Ferguson." Stoick answered.

" Then I know exactly what to name this one." Valka said looking out the window to see a storm on the rise. " Her name will be: Valkyra Rising Storm Haddock."

Stoick beams at the sound of name. Valkyra Rising Storm Haddock. The name is both an honor to his mother and a name that will make a man shudder in his waking moment.

" We'll call her Kyra for short. There won't be two Vals in this house." Valka laughed as well knowing of what she has gotten herself into. This baby is going to be a handful. Especially if she's like her father.

" Well it's official then. Welcome to world Kyra." Stoick said as Valka gives him his daughter to hold. The baby looks at her father carrying her and gives him a hard stare like he is in trouble with her.

Stoick only laughs. " We'll this future chief is already on her way." Which causes Valka to chuckle even more.

But the family moment was cut short when they heard banging on the door. Loud banging.

" Ugh. It's those councilmen again. They must have learned that the baby has arrived." Stoick groaned.

The councilmen are the people the enforcers of the law but they are nothing more than a bunch of prejudice prudes and everyone knows it. They judge people and sometimes humiliate them taking their power too far. These people have been there since Stoick's father's time and are still alive. He hopes that one day they do die off so Stoick can appoint better ones.

" Go away. I'm trying to have a moment with my family now." Stoick tells them but they let themselves in anyway. They march in and circle the bed Valka is in.

" You heard the chief." The midwife said as she holds down the door. " He doesn't want to…" Before the door slams open and knocks the midwife to the other side.

" What is the meaning of this!?" He said.

" Stoick." The head of the councilmen said. " We heard about the baby's….arrival. We must know what we are dealing with."

" As if it matters, I have been given a daughter. She will make a great Chief to us one day." Stoick said to the head.

" A girl!?" The head sputtered in fury. " A girl will not lead our village!"

" Berk doesn't have a law that states anything regarding the sex of our future chief. It only says the firstborn." Stoick said remembering straight of his lessons he learned from his father.

" But we have a long standing tradition that of strong leaders will upsetted if that bitch takes leadership one day! She will lead this village to ruins." The head deemed. The rest of the councilmen nod in agreement.

The baby starts crying from all of this shouting.

Stoick's paternal instincts kicked in and had an urge to punch the head councilmen in the face to protect his daughter. But he knew he has to handle things the more diplomatic way.

" Well unfortunately for you, that is not your decision to make. You may enforce the laws but you don't create it. That is in the chief's power to decide." Stoick said calmly but very threateningly. " Now get out of my house before I throw you out."

The head snorts and leaves with the rest of the council.

" Stoick are you sure you what you're doing?" Valka said out of worry for her daughter.

" Those men are full of it. They just don't like change. Nothing is going to happen to her. Not while I'm around." Stoick said handing their daughter back to her mother.

The midwife recovers from all of this and stands shakingly on her legs.

" Are you alright?" The chief asked her.

" I'm fine." She said. " I just had the wind knocked out of me."

" I'm sorry you had to go through all of that." He apologized.

" Don't worry about me. Worry about your family right now." She said heading towards the door. " You pay me later. I can see you need some family alone time."

Stoick sees the midwife out of his home and heads back to wife's side to continue their moment of family bonding.

Two weeks later.

A ship pulls into the shore of Berk quietly. It was a small ship with only a handful of people. It was night-time and the village is asleep. Except for the chief and his wife.

" They're here." Stoick said solomnly as he turns to his wife. She is holding their daughter, who is bundled up to prevent her from being cold.

A cloaked man comes off the boat and marches forward toward the couple. Each step he took more closely toward the couple, Valka's heart started beating even faster.

Her husband can sense it and whispers to her, " We can still say no. We can go home right now. We don't have to do this."

" No. No we have to. We have to. For her and the village." Valka said.

The man stops in front of them and say, " My name is Hammond The Iron Clad Storstrand. Chief of Shivering Shores."

" Stoick The Vast Haddock. Chief of Berk." Stoick said in his non-usual tone of voice. He sounded more sad and less vunerable, but he didn't let it show on his face.

" We're here on such unique grounds are we?" He asked. " All you told me was that it was an emergency and we needed to meet here instead of the docks at this time of the night. You know very well how much of a risk this is to me."

" I know Hammond. Which is why I encouraged you to bring your men incase you felt threatened. I need a favor from you and this has to remain between us. No one on my island must know." Stoick said.

" Alright go on." Hammond said immediately sounding concern for his ally. This is not a request that he should ignore.

" My daughter's life is in danger. Many attempts were already made on her life. The last time it was almost successful. She needs to be off of this island at all costs. I know about your wife's circumstances and your wanting for a child. I was wondering if you are willing to raise her as your own." Stoick said.

Hammond couldn't believe what he was being offered. A child. A child of his own. He never thought that this day could actually come.

But he's suspicious as well. This is too good to be true.

" What is it that you want in return?" He asked.

" My graditude and the promise that you will raise her as your own and protect her should she be in danger." Stoick said.

" Please." Valka begged as she cradles her baby. The baby looks at him with curiosity as though she is determining what to make of him.

Hammond looks at the helpless baby and nothing could keep his heart from melting. He wanted nothing more than to be a father and now it has come. He can't say no.

" I will do everything in my power to protect her. But what about her ties to Berk?" He asked.

" She will not have ties to Berk. It has to be this way. When she is old enough, her past will be explained. But now and forevermore she will be a member of Shivering Shores" Stoick said barely keeping himself together. Feeling like his daughter really did die.

Valka steps forward and shakingly hands her firstborn to Hammond. The baby is confused as to what is going on. Valka could barely keep it together knowing she might never see her daughter again.

Hammond holds her in his strong arm and looks at this child. This child that is now his. A promise he now has to keep.

" How are you going to explain to the village about your missing child." He asked.

" We will say that the last attempt was a successful one." Stoick said. " That's all you need to know. When you get home, you tell your village that you found her abandoned in the woods."

" I best be off. Morning light will be in a few hours." Hammond said as he turns to leave with his new child.

" Wait!" Valka said suddenly. Hammond stops and turns back around.

" Kyra. Her name is Kyra. She must know that part." Valka said.

" Very well. My wife and I will take good care of Kyra. I promise you that." He said to assure her.

The couple barely keeps it together as they watch the ship sail away towards the horizon. Knowing that their daughter will be safe, but will no longer be theirs.

Valka starts to cry after the ship gains a safe distance that it was mood point to turn back. Stoick tears up even as he hugs his wife as they lost their first child to unjust circumstances.

A few years later when they had their second child. A son. Valka would rock him in her arms as she sang to him a lullaby that would always put him to sleep.

My sweet little baby. Your time will eventually come.

As the waves carry you away from my strong arms today.

My sweet little baby. You'll one day come back to me.

When you become grown and lead an armada of your own.

My sweet little baby I love you very much.

I hope one day you'll love me back in your way.

My sweet little baby. My heart aches when you are far from me.

But I know you're free and one day you will find me…..

I have been thinking about this story for a long time and I decided to release it to you guys after so much though. There will be more chapters if you guys like it. If you're wondering about the song. I came up with the lullaby. I was in a song mood. This story was actually inspired by the Prince of Egypt or known as the story of Moses. The fact that the mother has to give up her own child is heart-wrentching. Ugh! So many feels. I hope you all like it.

Please Review if you want to see more of it.