Hey readers, I just checked stats for the story, and it hit over a thousand views! I'm EXTREMELY elated about this. Especially after all the shit my life had to take these past few months. C'est la vie.

Please leave a review! It helps me out a lot with my writing!

By Monday morning, things got a little more interesting. It all started with me deciding to apologize profusely to Jack with what happened with my mother during that night. I waited by his locker whilst he packed his things, so I gave him quite the scare when he slammed it shut.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey," He responded. "What are you doing here?"

I gape at him, "Do I need a reason to see you?"

He gave me a look that meant he didn't really believe me. I roll my eyes at him, resting my hip on my hand. "I came to apologize for my mother's behavior."

"That's not necessary," he protested, waving his hand in the air. "It's really no big deal. I kinda expected it."

"Expected what?"

"Look, I'm not trying to offend you or anything, but you really are similar to your mom. I'm really not surprised it went down like that." He says honestly, ruffling his hair, it feathers all over his face. "It's cool."

I feel a small smile on my lips. "Just let me walk you to your next class. It's the least I can do." I say.

"Oh wow, I feel real special now." He mutters sarcastically, "Yeah, you can do that."

"Hurry up, or I'll be late!" I say, "I have a no tardiness record!"

"Okay, stop with the self-sacrificial melodrama shit. I'm going." He laughs as we begin our trek.

Jack and I talk about a million of things. Even going with our game of twenty questions again. By the time we make it to Jack's class, I have learned that Jack had broken a total of three bones his whole life and he's actually living with his dad and step-mother.

"Well, this is my stop." He says, awkwardly swinging his hands.

"Yeah, I can see that." I say, glancing towards the classroom. I backtrack a bit when I notice the plaque embedded on the door.

Oh fuck.

I have my reasons for not stepping a single foot in this part of the building, and that reason is a six foot tall smoldering Casanova of an art teacher.

"Am I interrupting something?" Said person interjected, leaning against the doorframe.

"Nothing, sir." Jack said playfully, smiling cockily at the man. "Nothing at all."

He stuck his tongue out at Jack before landing his eyes at me. Blinking widely like large spinning saucers.

"Rapunzel." He choked out.

"Mr. Fitzherbert," I greet out inelegantly, like grating a piece of rusty metal. "Hey."

"Hey, how's it going?" He says. "Still doing art?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Great. Yep."

He leaned a bit closer, hovering over like a hawk. "You're hair is longer."

Believe me, the tension in the air was as thick as fucking butter. Not even the good kind. Jack looks at me weirdly, waving different hand gestures. I'm sorry, Jack. I don't get it.

"What's a girl like you chatting about with Frosty here?" He asks, jutting his hand towards Jack.

Before I utter even a single syllable, Jack intercepts me, intertwining our hands together. I gawk at our joined hands like a fish out of water. I then whip my head at Jack, glaring laser at his side profile. If there's one thing I hate more than awkward confrontations, then it is flaunting relationships.

Jack still looks laid back and casual, but I still sense ferocity inside him.

"We're together, old man." Jack says. "You got any ladies?"

"Nah, man. I'm enjoying my moments of bachelorhood."

Jack chuckles. "C'mon, Mr. Fitzherbert. You're like, what, thirty-two?"

"He's turning twenty-six next week." I blurt out. I widen my eyes at what I said. "Cause I, uh, you mentioned it in class one time. Um, your birthday." I quickly add.

He sends me small smile, one that doesn't reach his eyes. He points a finger at me, and says. "Very perceptive, Ms. Gothel. Nothing any less for my best student."

Oh my God. I might actually puke.

"Okay, I'm gonna go." I say, slowly walking out. "I'm going to be late."

"It was nice seeing you, Rapunzel." He calls out, waving.

Jack turns, and nods at me before stuffing his hands into his sweatshirt. "See you."

I briskly walk to a random corner. I regret it immensely, so fuck it.

I'm going to the nurse.

"Hey, are you okay now?" The school nurse asks gently, handing me a glass of water. I nod at her.

I blink out the sleep in my eyes, and grab the glass. The white sheet tangled around my legs. I see my reflection on the surface, and I look like a zombie.

"So what's wrong, hun?" She asks, taking a seat from the bed opposite to me. "You don't look so good."

What do you know? You're just another person. I mean c'mon, this lady probably doesn't have much to do. She even hands me cherry lollipop, which doesn't help the inner turmoil that churning in my head. She could be a horrible person for all I know.

And well, I don't really wanna talk about it.

"I'm tired." I give out. I glance at the clock on the wall. Oh wow, I missed an entire day school. What's with this lady? She could've woken me up hours ago. She could've at least bothered to let me leave, Hello? I'm obviously physically and mentally incapable of any schoolwork.

"Can I leave?" I ask somberly. All my energy has gone down the train. I hope to God, that the buses aren't gone otherwise I have to hitch another ride with Merida.

"Yes. You just got to sign your name, and then you can go on your merry way." She says. I glance towards the nametag on her coat. Thiana. Pretty name.

I walk towards the desk, filling out the form and whatnot.

As I finished, I narrowly miss the warning, and I barely managed to catch the apple hat was tossed.

"Sorry!" She apologizes, embarrassed. "It's just you're so cute."


Oh hell no. I am not trapped with some creepy lesbian pedo in school. I know I have said I've done some things with some girls, and believe me. I am secure with my sexuality. I do not swing that way.

I laugh awkwardly, backing away slowly. "Well, uh let me just make a call."

"911, what's your emergency?" My phone says, and never have I ever heard it that loud.

Her eyes bulge out of her sockets, "Wait, no that came out wrong! I've heard from other people, and well you're trending in the rumor mill!"


"Listen, I'm not even the nurse!" She shrieks.

Oh my God.

"Back away!" I spring out my pepper spray. Ready to attack.

"Wait! I'm the dentist, the nurse left hours ago. I'm a friend of Jack's!"

"Yeah, okay! Just let me leave, then we can put this all behind us." I say. And then I can call the cops on you.

"See, look my face is on that picture right there! See! I mean no harm." She gestures wildly at the picture of the medical team.

I calm my heart rate down, "Okay. I believe you."

"Phew!" She wipes a sheen of sweat from her forehead. "Well, Rapunzel. You've honestly given quite the first impression!"

"Uh, likewise."

"Hehe, So, uh, Jack told me all about you!" She says excitedly, "Oh wow, you're teeth are amazing! So white!"

"Thanks..." I say, and then realize something. "Jack talks about me?"

"All the time!" She says, jumping up and down. I half expect fairy wings to sprout from behind.

I feel a dull ache form in my chest, but I ignore it. "That's nice."

"He's a bit dense if you ask me." She says.

No way. He's not dense at all. He's honestly one of the most observant people I know. Even if he's doing some crazy prank or being incredibly stupid, but Jack knows what's up. He always thinks ahead because of these tiny details he notices. I'm not at least a bit surprised of his rising suspicion of me.

"He's not dense at all." I defend him.

"Well, men are fickle and inept little things. They need a someone to think for themselves, until they explode in a temperamental tantrum. They don't notice the tiniest details. Jack is no exception."

"Well, tell me, why isn't he here right now?"

And, well, my mind has gone blank. I'm rendered speechless.

Why isn't he here right now?

I've always been saving him, now that I think about it. But, that's the point of the whole relationship.

Truthfully, I don't even know anymore. Now, I have to wonder if Jack is actually serious about being together.

Am I merely just another person to him like all the other girls?

Hahaha. Why am I pondering about this again? I thought I have already established this fact long before we even had this whole stupid relationship.

It's not like I even care about him. I can't achieve happiness with him. I don't I will ever achieve full-fledged happiness.

When the door opens, my thought bubble pops. I feel the familiar disgusting feeling of hope rising to my chest, but when I turn around I can feel the disappointment seeping into me.

A harried and put-upon woman is by the door. Her hair is a frazzled mess, and the stilettos she wearing are no help to the pile of shopping bags that surround her body.

Thia looks at her strangely, "Um, who are you?"

Without even missing a beat, "My mom's new assistant. You're thirty-six?"

She readjusts the bags that are slowly slipping off her shoulders. "Thirty-eight, actually." She smiles wearily.

The ride home was uneventful, my mother's new assistant, who I don't even bother to name, was chatting endlessly on her phone. I'd give her two weeks.

I stare at the dark tinted windows. The streets were filled with lights. How nice it would be just to have a walk around the city.

"Yes, I got the clothes from Hermes, Yes, yes, even the skirts from Marc Jacobs, The meeting is scheduled to nine to nine-thirty, and Bianca, Please, it's on the, ninth floor, wait! I mean the tenth floor!" Thirty-eight rapidly says, then continues to text on her second phone.

I never really understood the way business world worked. I never held any strong appeal toward it either.

"Gothel? Yes, she's here. I fetched her right away!" She then panicked, before shoving the phone onto my face. She quick mouthed, "Say something!"

"Hello, Mother." I drawl out.

"See, she's all right!" She yaps, "Uhm, your nine o' clock with Patrice is —O-Oh? Okay, I'll cancel it. So, uhm, how do you spell—hello? Gothel?"

I grimace at the sight of her. The dark circles the rested underneath her eyes were prominent against her pale skin. Her eyes fluttered to close, as she sighed serenely against the cushion, before she started up again as her phone rang yet again.

"What? Baby, let's talk about this...!"

The call was ended harshly as she strained to hold tears. She breathed heavily as she hand more derogatory labels to her device.

"You should quit." I say, she whipped her head so fast that I thought she gave herself a whiplash. Even, my brain was sending questions to my actions.

What are you doing, Rapunzel?

Being spontaneous, I shoot back.

"What?" She cried, her eyes red with unshed tears.

"You should quit. This job obviously not for you." Or anyone else for that matter.

She fumbled with her words, hand trembling like catching bits of herself in the air. "I'm actually doing a good job, thank you very much. It's just my personal life is hanging by a string," She says, "But I'm thankful for this job. A lot of girls would kill for it."

"Is it really worth it?" I ask.

"Look, you don't understand. You're just a kid, Gothel's kid for Christ sake! A lot of us has to work hard for our future, while your life is practically handed to you." She snaps.

Oh. Wow. Attitude.

"Well, let me know if your whole life is up in smokes," I say.

"Why?" she asks.

"That means it's time for a promotion," I smile grimly at her. "Bye."

That was the last time I ever saw thirty-eight.