Here, I have successfully uploaded this chapter from my other profile! Isn't that just marvelous?



Merlin watched the clouds outside his house. Heaven was really a pretty place. The clouds danced with the each-other, while the golden strings flew through the air. The string fell inside a beautiful white house. The roof was full of flowery decorations, and the walls where soft and white. It looked like someone got their post. Angels always took great care of heaven, they took great care of earth. He watched as an elderly woman walked through the doors of the dead. He happily smiled, the woman was given access to the Park of The Dead. The gates were big and golden, with many vines around it. Big white walls surrounded the the park, with many plants. The park was where humans with good hearts went after death. But if the human had an evil heart they were sent to hell. Shivers were sent down Merlin's spine. Hell was where fallen angels and demons lived. The home of the Evil.

As he watched humans waiting in the line, he turned around sighting. He was almost done with his angel education, just like all the other young angels. He wondered as what kind of angel was he going to end up?

There was the love angel. Love Angels were archers, they used the arrows of the love essence to make people fall in love. In other words they were Cupids followers. When one was chosen a Love Angel, their eyes would turn bright blue. Like the freedom of love.

Maybe a Nature Angel? They took care of plants and animals on earth. Without them nature would've already rotten because of the humans. That would fit Merlin too. He always looked after many animals and plants. Of course his eyes would then turn bright green.

He could always be a Court Angel. They took care of laws and lives of angels. They passed judgment onto the angels who committed sins. They were also the only ones allowed to talk to god. That would probably be a really boring job for Merlin. He would fall asleep after few papers, on the other side his eyes would be silver. Then it wouldn't be that bad.

Medical Angels. They took care of broken wings and bodies of angels. Of course they needed years of practice if they wanted to take care of other angels. His mother was one, so it was a high possibility. Along with the fact that he gladly took care of others. His eyes would than be white, not that bad.

Merlin kept listing many possibilities he could be chosen for. Many expected him to be a medical angel like his mother. But then there was one he really wanted. One thing he may be the best at.

To be a Guardian Angel. Guardian Angels mostly went to earth to protect their munitus, humans that had protection by angels. But only humans that got protection from angels were ones with great destinies. Because if every human had protection, the earth would be heaven. And nothing could be heaven, except heaven. The color for the Guardian Angel eyes was gold, pure gold.

So Merlin grinned. He knew every angel got chosen for what they are best at. Merlin yawned and went to sleep. And the sun went down, while the moon went up.

Merlin's eyes fluttered open. It was morning and he got to get ready. Today was the ADD, angel destiny day. He could not be late by any circumstances. His mother ran into his room. Her brownish feathers moved in happiness, while her white eyes shined in pride.

"OH my big boy! Today is the ADD! Hurry up! I want see you ready for breakfast!"

She flew out of his room, few of her feathers on the floor. Merlin smiled warmly. He knew his mother would be excited, but not enough so her feathers fall off. He stretched and his pure white wings rose up and down in excitement. Merlin took a brush and started brushing his wings, his unusual white wings. When he was done he went to eat breakfast.

"Hello mother, you seem excited."

He mused. His mother smiled widely at him.

"Of course my boy! Today your destiny will be revealed! I just cannot wait!"

"Alright, alright. What do we have?" he asked kindly.

"Oh we have cloud plants, I know hope is your favorite."

He smirked at her. In heaven they had many cloud plants. Humans would say that the names were weird. But to angels, they were perfectly normal. Some plants were hope, kindness, love, care and beauty. There were of course many others, but hope was Merlin's favorite plant. They also had many cloud animals, but Merlin was a vegetarian. There was no way he would eat those cute and fluffy cloud animals.

Merlin watched as his mother gave him a plate of some sort of white fluff and golden strings. He looked at her gratefully and started to eat. His mother watched him still smiling.

"Merlin, I want you to have this."

She opened her palm to reveal a beautiful necklace with a dragon. The dragon was carved in with golden edges. It was in a circle shape, and there were four diamonds on it. One was red like the hottest of fires. The second one was blue like the fresh waters and seas. The third one was white like the air that would blow in winds. And the last one was amber like the earth and rocks that strongly stood over many lands. It had many unusual markings on it.

Merlin's eyes widened. He knew the necklace, it was a gift from his father to his mother. Well that is what his mother told him.

"This Merlin was a gift your father told me to give his child for the ADD. But when he thought that he had no children, he gave it to me. But Merlin." She looked at him in the eyes. "It rightfully belongs to you."

Merlin smiled and took the necklace. He really couldn't wait for the ADD.

Merlin stood in the big line full of his classmates. For now only two had been chosen as guardian angels. And they were the ones that were great at fighting. Three had been chosen as medical angels, six love angels, four nature angels, ten trading angels, two court angels... And Merlin's list could go on for some time. Merlin was starting to get nervous. Merlin looked around the palace room, it had a tall roof with many pictures of famous angels. He could see Cupid with his curly blond hair and a suit with hearts sitting in a chair. It was a portrait. Next to Cupid was a woman with long brown hair and bright green eyes, under the woman it said 'Mother Nature'. Merlin kept looking at all the founders of the chosen crystal, the one that chose your destiny.

But soon it was his turn.

He walked slowly over to the Head angels, his snow white wings touching the surface of the floor. As he arrived in-front of the chosen crystal, he was awed by it's beauty. Merlin may have saw it many times in books and pictures, but like this it was majestic. It had no color, but it shined with many colors. Merlin had no idea how such beauty was possible. Merlin moved his eyes from the crystal to the Head angels. One older angel with a beard and gray hair and wings gruffly sorted.

"Merlin Emrys, the son of Hunith Ambrosia the medical angel."

The angels voice went through the palace. Every angel smiled warmly. Their hearts were pure goodness. They couldn't hate, or they would turn into fallen angels. Merlin nodded at the angel.

"You may let the chosen crystal see."

Merlin slowly put his hand on the crystal, and it shined golden. And Merlin finally got his angel eyes. The guardian eyes. His eyes were golden. He looked at the older angel.

"You Merlin Emrys son of Hunith Ambrosia have been chosen a guardian to.." He took the paper that appeared on the crystal. Many angels waited intensively as the old angel opened the paper. When the paper was opened the old angel's silver eyes widened, he smiled happily.


Many angels were shocked, but because of their good hearts, they cheered happily with smiles and compliments. Merlin was shocked beyond belief.

He was a guardian angel to none other than prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot.


Great! Anyone new reading hopefully enjoyed it!