Ch 6

After Mike collected himself he seemed to realize that Donna wasn't the only one there. Looking around him, he took in the familiar faces, some shocked, some displeased, some supporting. Sighing, he resigned himself to his fate.

"So…" He started, trailing off.

"How long have you been married?" Rachel asked, her eyes wide.

"Just about three years. Our anniversary is next month." Mike said, biting his lip.

"This is against policy, Harvey really blew it this time." Louis said, glee filtering into his voice.

"As I am the boss, and I accept, there is no problem. Not as long as they keep it under the radar." Jessica stated, giving a small nod to Mike a his watery smile.

"Thank you. We really appreciate it." Mike thanked quietly.

"This is why you wouldn't go out with me." Rachel stated more than asked.

"Well, that, and I'm gay…" Mike added.

"I can't believe Harvey's gay! He always had ladies falling all over him, and he was always bragging about it." Louis said, annoyance in his voice.

"Harvey's bi, so most of those claims are valid." Donna added, a smirk on her face as Louis' face colored with anger.

"I'm not discussing our personal lives without Harvey here." Mike said adamantly, his chin trembling slightly.

"Oh, he's got you whipped, huh?" Louis taunted.

"Harvey is in fucking surgery, can't you not act like an ass for once!" Mike hissed, his eyes shining with new unshed tears. "He was shot! And all you can do is bitch, piss, and moan about your stupid feud!"

Jessica shot a withering glare at Louis, who looked properly sheepish and cowed. Donna wrapped an arm around Mike's shoulders for comfort, the latter wringing his hands in worry.

A little bit later, a throat cleared, shaking the others out of their nervous haze.

"Mr. Specter-Ross." The doctor called.

"Yes?" Mike said, looking up. He walked over when the doctor beckoned him closer.

"Your husband has come out of surgery without any complications. You can go into his room now, he should be waking shortly."

"Thank you." Mike said, relief etched across his face. Following the man to Harvey's room, he quickly but quietly entered the room. Taking a chair next to the bed he grasped the lawyer's hand, his thumb stroking it as he took in Harvey's appearance.

Harvey was pale, and he had a bandage securely wrapped around his chest and shoulder. The tubes hooked into his hand were unnerving and just added to the surrealness of the situation. Bringing the sleeping man's hand up to his mouth, Mike rested his lips against it, taking comfort in the pulse he could feel beating in his husband's wrist. Tears slid down his face as he thought about the whole situation.

"Why are you crying Mikey?" Mike's head snapped up at the weak sound of his husband's voice.

"Harvey!" Leaning over, Mike kissed Harvey firmly, reassuring himself that he was there.

"What happened? I was just headed to get more coffee, and now I'm in the hospital. And might I add, ow." Harvey questioned.

"A shooter got into the building, he was apprehended, but not before he shot some people. And-" Mike started.

"And I was one of them. Perfect." Harvey deadpanned. "Is-"

"Jessica, Donna, Louis, and Rachel are all in the waiting room. They're all fine." Mike finished, his gaze never leaving Harvey. "I was still out when it happened. The hospital called me, a-and…" Mike broke off, his voice shaking. "I was so scared, the doctors didn't want to tell me what was going on at first, and I didn't know what happened to you or anything."

"Mikey. Baby, I'm so sorry." Harvey soothed, lifting his hand to stroke Mike's face, kissing his forehead. "Hey, I'm ok, a little sore, but I'm not going anywhere."

Mike clung to Harvey, sobbing into him, releasing all of the fear he had been feeling. "I love you so much, and I thought I might lose you too."

Harvey held him as much as he could with one arm, reassuring his distraught husband, a few tears falling from his own eyes at his husband's pain.