Well, this is it. The final chapter. *cries hysterically* Okay, I'm good. The past few weeks of posting this story have been amazing. I really enjoyed sharing this story with you all. I'm also relieved that readers took well to Eliza. I know six chapters isn't that long, but just wait. I have a little announcement at the end of this chapter...

The wonderful reviews and feedback that Reunited has gotten just warms my heart! This story is my first multi-chapter, and I'd call it a success. Thank you all so much! You've really made a newbie feel welcome in the LR Archives. I hope you guys enjoy my future projects as much as this, if not more than this story!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the last chapter of Reunited. I do not own Lab Rats.

Previously on Reunited...

"Here you are, Chase," she said. Chase turned to see her holding his drink.

"Thanks," he accepted the cup.

"What were you staring at?"

"I was looking at that woman over there," Chase pointed. "Why can't I let this feeling go that I know her?"

Mandy followed Chase's finger. Upon seeing the brunette, her eyes widened. "Chase, if my eyes don't deceive me… that's Eliza!"


"Is your name Eliza?" She had yet to answer, but his heart already beat quickly against his ribcage.

"Yes…" she drawled. "I'm sorry; do we know each other?"

"It's me," he answered shakily. "Chase."


"Chase…" she repeated. "Chase… It's you. You're Chase. You're my son…I remember you. You're Chase! My Chasey! My baby!"


Chase eventually spoke, "So, when you said you remembered me…"

"It's complicated. I'm still connecting the dots. I'd rather explain when the whole family is together."


Chase sighed in relief, "Everyone," he announced, "I want you to meet-"

"-Eliza," Douglas finished.


"Which brings us to out next topic," Douglas interjected. "What happened to you?"

"Well," she started, "I guess my story begins when I left for Fiji. I worked as a marine biologist. My boss sent me to collaborate with a research center. I had been conducting similar research here, and my boss thought we'd work well together. That is correct, isn't it?"

"That's how I remember it," Douglas said.

Eliza nodded, "Well, I arrived safely. I was only going for a week, and I had a day off in the middle of it. So, I decided to go sightseeing. Now, this is where it gets kind of fuzzy."

"I remember walking around the island and taking in the local culture. I ended up in this quaint town off the beaten path. I think I was heading down to the beach. That's the last thing I remember until…"

"Until what?" Adam asked.

"Until I woke up lying on the ground. Two people - a man and a woman - were standing over me. They looked concerned. My head hurt like crazy, and I couldn't remember a thing."

"What happened? Why were you on the ground?" Leo wondered.

"There was a coconut on the ground a few feet from my head. I came to the conclusion that it must have hit me when I walked under a palm tree. That was what gave me amnesia."

"A coconut can do that?" Bree asked.

"It can do worse. A coconut falling on your head can be fatal. Thank goodness for Eliza's super durability," Douglas explained.

"So, you couldn't remember anything? Even us?" Chase asked, gesturing to himself and his siblings.

"Unfortunately not," Eliza said.

"When did you remember again?" Adam asked.

"About 20 minutes ago when I saw Chase."

The family was clearly shocked.

"What?!" Chase exclaimed. "How?"

"I don't know. It was as if someone let off an air bag in my face - abruptly and stunningly. The more I looked at you, the more things started to click. Suddenly, all of my lost memories swarmed back to me - about everything and everyone. That's how I can explain this all now."

"How did Chase find you?" Donald asked.

Eliza turned to Chase, expecting him to answer.

"Remember that café I told you about? Well, I went back again today. And, there she was," Chase gestured to her.

"Come on! Finish the story!" Adam whined.

"Right. So, I didn't remember anything and these people were standing over me. They turned out to be a married couple. I related to them my predicament, and they offered me a night in their home," continued Eliza.

"That was certainly nice of them," Tasha commented. "Did you accept?"

"Well, being that I didn't remember anything, I practically had to."

"Why wouldn't they have taken you to the hospital or the police?" Bree wondered.

"We were in a fairly remote area. They didn't have a car, and, on top of that, they didn't know anything about who I was."

"What about your I.D.?" Douglas wondered. "Did you have your purse?"

"I think so," Eliza replied. "I was pretty close to the water, though. The tide probably came in and swept my purse off to sea."

"Anyway, they brought me to their house and tidied me up. I spent the majority of the past 16 years living with them. They're like my second parents. I was the daughter they never had. I returned to California a few years ago."

"Wait…" Chase interrupted, "I just realized something. If you had amnesia, how'd you know your name was Eliza?"

"While I was still in Fiji, I would have these incoherent dreams. Most of them were choppy and woozy, but I could make out some things. One night, I dreamed about someone calling me Eliza. From then on, I asked people to call me that. It turns out that was actually my name."

"Huh, kind of sounds like my flashbacks," Chase said, amused.

"Flashbacks?" Eliza repeated.

"We'll tell you all about that later," Douglas said.

"Well, anyway, for the longest time I wanted to find my family. Fiji was a great place, but I knew it wasn't my birth place. I wanted to find out about my family, past life, etc. So, as soon as I could, I flew back to the U.S. That was… maybe three years ago."

"I originally arrived in L.A. and started my life all over again. I found a job, a place to live, and began doing research. But, I still couldn't find my family. A few months ago, my job transferred me here to Mission Creek."

"I heard people raving about Bean Appétit, and I decided to try it."

"And then we met…" Chase finished. Eliza nodded. "Wow, it really is a small world."

"Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say: We're so happy that you're back safely," Douglas said to Eliza.

"Aww, bring it in peoples!" Adam exclaimed, holding his arms out for a hug. The whole family came together for a long overdue embrace. For the first time, the Davenport family truly was complete.

Eliza spent hours talking and reconnecting with her long lost family. She and Douglas related funny and touching stories of their growing romance, as well as their wedding day. Douglas pulled out a hidden photo album, and everyone sat around enjoying old pictures. The four teens got a kick out of Donald's and Douglas' childhood pictures. Eliza especially enjoyed seeing her children's baby pictures.

Evening finally came and the Davenports congregated for dinner.

"So Chase," Eliza began, "Tell me about these 'flashbacks'."

"Well, the first one came two days ago. In the middle of the night, I had this visualization about when you said goodbye to me," Chase explained.

"When was that?"

"Right before you left for Fiji, I think."

"Oh," Eliza mouthed. "Wow, you remember that?"

Chase nodded. "But, how?" Eliza asked.

"His bionics," Douglas interrupted. "His bionic intelligence retrieved memories that should have long been forgotten. It just took some time; his smarts were fighting against natural forgetfulness."

"Impressive. Oh! Speaking of your bionics, you'll have to demonstrate them for me. I'm excited to see how you've mastered them over the years," Eliza said.

Adam grew a mischievous smirk, "Why don't I just demonstrate now?" Adam turned to Chase and gave him a quick punch in the arm.

"Ow!" Chase cried, reaching to nurse his wounded forearm. He scowled at his older brother.

Bree rolled her eyes. Ignoring her brothers' antics, she replied, "Of course, Eliza. We'd be happy to give you a real demonstration after dinner."

"Yea, one that doesn't involve me getting hurt," Chase's voice was strained.

Eliza just giggled, "I'm looking forward to it. In the mean time, tell me what's happened since I was gone."

Everyone suddenly got quiet.

"What?" she asked. "Did I say something wrong?"

The family members exchanged unsure glances, hoping someone would speak up. Finally, Douglas did. "Well, that's an interesting story…"

There you have it! All's well that ends well! Eliza explained what happened, the family is together again, and it looks like Douglas has some explaining to do to Eliza. Although... that ending seemed a bit strange, don't you think? Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have ended it like that. But I felt it was the perfect place for the sequel to pick up ;) (You didn't think I'd end their story here, did you? There's much more to tell. Check the future stories section of my profile for more info.)

That aside, I hope her explanation wasn't too complicated. I tried to write it as simply as possible, but it's a pretty complex situation. Let me know what you thought about Eliza's explanation and the ending!

So, I guess this is it. Reunited has come to an end. Parting is such sweet sorrow... Sorry, I couldn't resist xD

Until I post again, I hope the rest of your weekend treats you well! Thanks again to all the readers and reviewers! You truly made posting this story an awesome experience. See ya next time!