Summary: At the tender age of seven Harry is kidnapped by Azkaban escapee, Sirius Black. How will the fugitive raise a disobedient child when he is on the run from the wizarding world? Corporal punishment. Bonding. Fluff. Slight angst. Sirius/Remus side relationship. Powerful!Sirius. Daddyfigure!Sirius. Daddyfigure!Remus.

-Padfoot's Boy-

-Chapter ONE: The Escape of Black-

It was a stupid notion to think stone walls and Dementors could hold him. Sirius Black almost laughed out loud at the perception that he was some weakened, shell of a man. Perhaps he did laugh; it was hard to tell when the sound of iron scraping against rock was deafening his hearing.

The tall wizard stood straight-backed in the middle of his Azkaban chamber, his wand arm reaching out towards the gate that held in him. He had no wand, and really, he didn't need one. His magical energy hadn't been dampened by six years confined in Azkaban. In fact, it grew stronger, impatient with nonuse. It bubbled under the surface, burning in his veins and making his skin itch with the desire to use it.

It wasn't uncommon for a wizard or witch who had abstained from performing magic to lose control when they finally did so. Sirius chuckled under his breath. They were weak. Only the weak lost control. Six years of not using his magic and he was as controlled as could be.

Energy flowed from his fingertips, directed fully at the iron gate ahead of him. It wouldn't be long until the gate was completely loose and he could get out of the dank, shadowed chamber.

Wandless magic was a difficult thing to master; many influential wizards and witches never got the basics of such magic. Sirius's talent for casting wandless magic had started early in life, and he had grown to become very powerful at wielding the rare form of magic control.

The prisoner gritted his teeth, firmly keeping his jaw clenched as he stared intently at the opening gate. He could have spelled it open with Bombarda Maxima had he been in possession of his wand. Wandless magic was worked differently and didn't always perform in the same manner. It was unpredictable and wild.

The gate crunched and the sound ripped vociferously through the otherwise silent prison. Sirius allowed himself a grimace and hoped the Dementors would not double back on their rounds to investigate the noise. Deciding to move quickly the wizard dropped his arm, panting from the effort of taking down the wards surrounding his chamber. A thrill danced up his spine at finally being able to release his pent-up magic. It felt good.

Sparing a look at the cramped chamber Sirius glared, he wouldn't miss Azkaban in the least. Running from the chamber that had held him for six years of his life Sirius entered the labyrinth of corridors. Prisoners who were somewhat sane called to him, pleading to be let out of their holding cells. Sirius paid no mind. He had been wrongly committed to this place, but many hadn't and he wasn't about to set free anyone who was in line with the man who ordered his best friend dead.

James. It seemed forever since Sirius had allowed his thoughts to dwell on his friend. It was too painful, and he knew better than to allow depressing thoughts to crowd his mind, it'd be a sure fire way to attract the Dementors to him. He knew Peter was still out there, probably in line with the Dark Lord by now. A faithful servant. Sneering and revealing his teeth Sirius resisted growling, he'd deal with the rat once he was free, but first he had some business to take care of.

It was his Animagus side, his dog side that he had relied on while being in Azkaban. It had kept him sane – or as close to as possible. He wasn't the same man who had entered the large, secluded building. His thoughts were far more morbid and he knew he had lost his empathy somewhat.

Shaking off his thoughts he continued quickly down the hallway. His footfalls were echoing and his harsh breathing attracting attention from inmates.

Passing a vocal woman who was beating her bloodied fists against the bars and screaming something about her children Sirius took a steadying breath and morphed cleanly and quickly into the form of a large black dog. It would be easier to sneak passed the Dementors in his Animagus form. Not that Sirius doubted his ability to take down the guards. Morphing was more a tact of dealing with the emotions surrounding James and Lily's death. His dog side also sensed the way out. The salty, pungent smell of ocean water was a sure sign he was close to the outer walls of Azkaban.

He always loved the feeling of freedom that came with being the big dog. His body felt stronger and he could run quicker. Shaking himself Sirius ruffled his shaggy fur before leaping forwards; bounding across the damp, cold floor so rapidly his paws barely touched the ground.

His eye sight was excellent and he could spot the shadowy forms of the Dementors from yards away. This was helpful and he dodged them easily. Avoiding any run-ins that could slow his escape. The shouts and moans of the prisoners were slowly lessening and growing faint to his sensitive ears, and he knew he was leaving the maze of Azkaban behind and drawing nearer to his escape.

It was one call in particular that slowed his running. The call was hoarse and faint, however, he picked up on it easily. Something about the voice was familiar and Sirius stopped in the hallway, turning his head to look back at a lone cell, stationed away from all the others. It was odd to see a cell this close to the exit. A dangerous wizard perhaps? No, every one of the people in Azkaban was dangerous.

The same guttural voice spoke up again and Sirius's ears twitched up at the words, "Padfoot, is – is that you?" crouching low to the ground and dragging his belly against the solid floor Sirius approached the single cell. His nose was sniffing and trying to catch the scent of the man who had spoken.

When he did he froze, standing so still his dark coat blended in with his surroundings. It couldn't be? There was no logical reason for it to be who he thought. None whatsoever. And yet the scent was there, masked by the stench of sweat and urine, but unmistakable.

"Remus?" Sirius said as he morphed back into his human form. The cold air of Azkaban once more assaulted his skin and the cold dread that settled over the place like an ominous rain cloud smothered him. He pushed aside the thoughts and feelings that went along with the Dementors presence and carefully approached the cell.

Behind the rusting bars sat huddled a thin man, skeletal almost, with bones sticking out of his body shockingly. Sirius's eyes drank in the sallow cheeks and the dirty and mattered sandy hair that lay limp around the man's face. The sickly pallor to the prisoner's skin made him look near to death. It was grey and dull. It was obvious he had been in Azkaban for just as long as Sirius.

"Is that you, Padfoot?" the man whispered. His sunken eyes scouted the room, unseeing until they focused directly on Sirius. Swallowing down the thickness in his throat Sirius placed his hands around the bars, leaning against them as he stared at the man before him.

"My god, Remus. What have they done to you?" he whispered back, just as quietly as Remus had. A cold, empty chuckle burst from Remus's dry lips and he slumped forward, his eyes still locked on Sirius.

It was surreal to be face to face with his friend under such circumstances. The last person Sirius had expected to see locked up in Azkaban was Remus Lupin. "You are escaping?" Remus said and it sounded like a question. Sirius nodded.

"I have to find someone." He replied. Remus shifted and it appeared it took the man's entire strength to crawl forward on his hands and knees. Sirius was unsure if Remus was aware of the circumstances of him being sent to Azkaban – did he still believe that Sirius really had betrayed James and Lily? He didn't finish the rest of his sentence and tell Remus he was looking for Harry. Not when he didn't know how the man would react.

"Why are you in here, Remus? What happened?" he settled on asking. Remus coughed wetly and stared up at Sirius. His honey-coloured eyes were darkened and it reminded Sirius that Remus was a werewolf. Had he been forced to turn in his cell? Forced to endure the change alone? Somewhere in the back of Sirius's mind he felt pity for his old friend.

"I fought to have you released, thought if I could get Peter and show the Ministry they would uncover the truth,"

Sirius's heart leapt into his throat, pulsing against his skin. "You believe me?"

"Yes," affirmed Remus. Sirius felt he should be feeling relief or happiness, but years locked up in Azkaban had dampened his emotions. He felt lost as to how to express such feelings. So he just stared at Remus, watching the weak and frail man attempt to stand up. "He's been in hiding. Bastard made an anonymous tip-off to the Ministry, said Remus Lupin was after him, claimed that I was trying to turn him."

"And the Ministry didn't realize they were talking to Peter?" Sirius furrowed his brows.

"No, went under an alias. Didn't think he had it in him. I was arrested and trialed. They couldn't prove I did it, but prejudice against werewolves ensured I was sentenced regardless."

Remus held onto the bars, his hands slipping against the flaking rust. His eyes were locked with Sirius's so intently that the young Black had to drop his gaze.

"How long –"

"Five years." Remus supplied before Sirius had time to finish his sentence. Sirius took in a sharp inhalation through his nose and ran his hand through his long hair.

"Fuck, one year after I went in." he stated to himself, Remus just nodded and coughed once again. The man wasn't in good health, it didn't take a healer to know that much. "I – I thought," Sirius trailed off and chewed the inside of his cheek, unsure how to word his question. At the steady gaze of Remus, he jerked his hair out of his face. Remus was on his side. He could bring up the subject he wanted to.

Placing his hands back on to the bars Sirius licked his chapped lips, "I thought Harry was meant to be under your guardianship." It wasn't a question, more of a comment than anything else but Remus replied quietly.

"He was. I looked after him for six months before Peter's tip-off to the Ministry. He was taken out of my custody. Sent to live with his relatives. Lily's sister."

It was a wonder the Ministry actually allowed Remus to take Harry. The laws against werewolves were strict, but it was specified in Lily and James's will that if Sirius was unable to raise Harry, then Remus would be given the child.

Staring at the grimy floor Sirius sighed, "I failed him." He said shortly.

Harry was his Godson, Lily and James had trusted Sirius to look after him if anything happened to them, and Sirius had landed himself in prison not a week after their death. It hurt Sirius to think about such events, hurt more than he thought it could, considering his emotions were pushed to the side, smothered by his time in Azkaban.

Remus was silent. He didn't refute what Sirius had said; instead he lifted his hand and brushed his fingertips against Sirius's fingers around the bars. The gesture was so sudden it took the Black completely by surprise. It was so long since he had touched or been touched by another person that the small offering of comfort made his skin prickle with warmth.

"You can make it up to him." Remus finally said and Sirius's resolve was hardened instantaneously. His escape mission burst to the forefront of his mind once more. He'd make up his promise to James and Lily and he'd give Harry a home. A proper one.

Straightening up he stepped a few paces back, "Stand aside," he ordered. Remus flashed him a puzzled look but obliged and moved back into the darkness of his cell. "I'm breaking you out with me." It hadn't been something Sirius had planned on – finding Remus was not something he had planned on, however, he wasn't about to leave the werewolf in this place. Not when he had confessed to believing Sirius and attempted to help him.

Closing his eyes, the wizard collected his magic, drawing it from deep within and bringing it to the surface. His body tingled as the magic consumed him, caressing his skin and collecting around him like a soft wind.

Focusing all his attention on the cell in front of him Sirius snapped open his eyes and released his magic at the bars, willing it to smash the iron to pieces. A rush of gold light suddenly surrounded the cell, bright and shimmering in the dark prison. Remus shut his eyes against the light, shielding his face with his arms as the magical energy pulsed and danced. Sirius watched, waiting for the moment his spell broke through the iron.

The sound of creaking metal was the only warning the men got before the cell shuddered and burst open, sending rubble and iron flying into the air. The force of the magic propelled Sirius backwards into the wall, he grunted as his body smashed against the hard stone and fell to the floor.

"You're still doing wandless magic I see." Remus said dryly from the now ruined cell. Sirius groaned and got to his feet, rubbing at the back of his head he smirked. He loved feeling so powerful.

"You'll attract attention," he noted, looking Remus up and down, "but I can ward off any Dementors." Sirius made to morph back into his Animagus when a hand to his shoulder stopped him, he looked at Remus in query.

"Thanks, Sirius."

Sirius shrugged off the gratitude and Remus's hand. "Don't thank me yet. We still have to get out of this place and even then an ocean stands in our way."

It didn't matter that they were so far away from Harry, Sirius vowed to get to the boy regardless of the trouble. Morphing into his Animagus Sirius narrowed his eyes and readied himself for the last effort of his escape.

I'm coming Harry.