Disclaimer: I do not own the Persona franchise. That honor belongs to Atlus. Nor do I own Salem Azal or any of the guest characters.

King of Beasts Productions Present:

Ultimax: Episode Minato: A Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Fanfiction

Chapter 1: The Prelude

"My, it's been a while since I've seen you here, most honored guest."

Minato Arisato did not how, for the life of him, he ended up in the Velvet Room once again. Well, at least he was sure it was the Velvet Room; the familiar blue tint that surrounded everything was still present, but instead of an elevator, it was the inside of a limousine instead.

He hadn't been in that place in three years, not since he was relieved of his duty of keeping Erebus and Nyx at bay as the Great Seal by the mysterious Salem Azal. He wasn't told how the Seal remained intact, but all he was told by his employer was that "It came at a great personal cost." Since that time, he had traveled the multiverse as a member of the Sentinels, a group that seeks to defend it from dire threats.

Setting that aside, he looked to the woman who had addressed him. He could immediately tell from the blue hues of her attire that she was Igor's assistant like Elizabeth. The major difference was that the woman with long, platinum hued hair before him gave off a well grounded, more mature vibe compared to the whimsical elevator attendant. Her attire also differed as her blouse's sleeves covered most of her arm.

Somehow, he knew who she was. He just couldn't remember from where.


"So you remember." The woman curls her dainty lips upward in amusement. "The last I saw of you was that adventure within the Labyrinths. A lot has changed since then. Your current appearance included."

This was referring to the fact that Minato had grown out his hair to shoulder level, often keeping it tied in a ponytail, as well as the fact that he had a more mature look about him in the last three years.

"However, as much as I wish to discuss this pleasant change further, we have more urgent matters at hand." Margaret continued without missing a beat. "My master is not here at the moment, but he wished me to pass this message along to you."

Minato wondered what was so important that Igor would leave the Room, but set that aside as he continued to listen to his current attendant. Part of him also wondered where Elizabeth was.

"You have done well for yourself, honored guest." She began in her sagely voice. "Having reemerged from death itself, you have forged new bonds in your ever-expanding journey. However,"

The blue-haired Wild Card quickly noticed how the tone of the discussion changed. "The bonds you have left behind are in grave danger. A shadow of the past has emerged, threatening to destroy all you have protected and create a world where bonds have been extinguished."

Minato was at a loss of words, trying to process all he had been told. "The bonds I have left behind? That must mean-"

"Unfortunately, as per the agreement signed by each guest of the room, I cannot tell you any more than that." Margaret nodded with a small, knowing smile. "However, I do believe you can make a difference in what is to come. Perhaps establish new bonds along the way. Farewell, Minato Arisato. If you happen to run into my sister, tell her I said hello."

"Wait! What danger am I facing?! What do I need to do?!" He wanted to ask this, but he felt his vision blurring and his voice becoming fuzzy. Soon enough, he knew naught but darkness.

"Again with the cryptic warnings..."

Minato's eyes slowly opened as he surveyed the familiar environment that was his bedroom. Ever since he had been rescued, he had been living within the Moonlight Castle, a magnificent estate owned by one Rachel Alucard, vampiress and acquaintance of his current employer.

As he got off the bed to get ready for the day, he reflected on his life so far; he had battled Shadows, sacrificed himself to save the world, been resuscitated by interdimensional entities, traveled dimensions to save other worlds, and even played a part in what many have come to call "The 4th Holy Grail War."

But that's another story.

Minato had already finished showering and changing when he began to ponder on what Margaret had told him.

"The bonds I have left behind..." He murmured, deep in thought while he took a seat on his bed. "That obviously points to the universe I came from. What kind of danger could she possibly mean? Perhaps I should ask Azal-san for a few days off to look into this..."

He sighed inwardly; his employer had long since wanted to establish a working relationship with the Shadow Operatives, a special ops group led by one of his seniors. He, however, displayed reluctance to reveal himself to his former comrades for reasons he rather not reveal.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a loud tap from the other side of his door. Seeing as he was already clad in his usual garb, complete with his black trench coat, he immediately rose up to answer the door.

On the other side was an elderly gentleman clad in an olive green suit, silver hair tied in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. Having worked alongside him, Minato knew that beneath the dignified facade was one of the most savage fighters he had ever known.

"Good morning, Valkenhayn-san." He greeted with a friendly smile. "What brings you here?"

"A pleasant one to you as well, Master Arisato." The man known as Valkenhayn R. Hellsing nodded politely, though his stiffness and stern expression told Minato that he wasn't here to socialize. "Unfortunately, Milady and Master Azal wish to see you in the Rose Gardens immediately."

"Did anything happen?"

"It is a matter of the utmost importance," Minato would later note the small frown on his face, one that indicated a bit of sadness. "And I'm afraid this one might hit close to home for you, Master Arisato."

"So good you can join us on such short notice."

Minato, being the man of a few words, nodded his acknowledgement to Salem Azal, the dark-skinned man clad in white robes who spoke, and to Rachel Alucard, looking elegant as ever in that black dress, as he took a seat at the table within the center of the lush, crimson garden. Upon arrival, Valkenhayn immediately went forth to prepare tea with almost routine precision, finishing almost as quickly as he begun.

"So," Minato spoke as he raised his tea cup, nodding his thanks to Valkenhayn before taking a sip. "What is it you needed to speak to me about? And please don't leave me with vague riddles. I've had enough of that from the Velvet Room today."

"So the message has been sent, then." Salem mused, his golden left eye twinkling ever so brightly. "This makes explaining the situation easier."

"Indeed it does." Rachel had her usual smirk on her face as she raised her own cup. "Please direct your attention to the television that Valkenhayn is holding. I believe the answer should lie within."

Minato turned to the butler who, sure enough, was holding a small old-fashioned TV within his hands. The moment he gazed into the device, it whirred to life as it showed what seems to be a commercial for some fighting tournament the P-1 Climax.

As he continued to watch, he immediately learned that the fighters were Persona Users, much like himself. Also, there were very familiar faces in the ad; a muscular man with a red cloak, a red-head clad in black jumpsuit covered by a white fur coat, and a blonde cyborg with various armaments mounted on her body.

"Akihiko-senpai? Mitsuru-senpai? Aigis?" He murmured in disbelief as he named each one respectively. "What are they doing in a tournament like that?!"

Soon enough, the TV fizzled out as soon as the commercial ended.

"This was recorded five minutes ago." Salem Azal explained, his head leaning on his hands contemplatively. "And unfortunately, that's not all."

He nodded towards Valkenhayn, who returned the gesture as he turned the knob to reveal another video.

The image was of a town shrouded in fog, the sky a bloody red. Within the center of the town was tower that struck very, very dark memories within Minato. As he watched, he saw those same three figures, joined by a blue-haired female he knew as Fuuka Yamagishi, crucified upon a field of crosses. Again, dark memories stirred within the Wild Card.

Salem and Rachel would later note that Minato's usual calm demeanor cracked. His eyes were narrowed, his teeth were gritted and his hands were clenched into fists so tightly that they drew blood.

Minato Arisato was furious, and that never was a good thing.

"So..." He finally spoke after taking a deep breath before turning towards Salem and Rachel with a fire in his eyes they haven't seen before. "Who's the bastard behind all this?"

"Alright, here's what we know."

The tea set had been put away and a serious discussion had begun.

"We do not know exactly who is behind it, but the center of all this is a town known as Inaba." Salem Azal began to summarize the entire situation. "Someone under the guise of 'General Teddie' hosted a tournament composed of Persona Users known as the P-1 Grand Prix, with the Anti-Shadow Machine Labrys being central to eh plot. This drew the attention of the Shadow Operatives and The Investigation Team, a homegrown team not unlike the SEES."

"Thanks to the efforts of Mitsuru Kirijo's infiltration team, as well as the tenacity of the Investigation Team, the situation was resolved and Labrys was rescued and recruited into the Shadow Operatives." Valkenhayn contuned to explain for them "Unfortunately, the culprit was not apprehended and seems to have played his hand. Through unknown means, the Dark Hour and Tartarus seemed to have returned and shrouded the town in chaos."

"Which is why I find this all odd, considering that SEES made sure that it was no more." Rachel mused with a dainty hand on her chin. "Unfortunately, other than Mr. Arisato, none of our recruits seem to have the potential for the Dark Hour. We only have one other, but I must first assess if she is ready. Entering otherwise would only leave them as coffins. As I recall, only those who possess a Persona can even think of moving around."

"We can scramble a clean-up team and prepare precautions, but that would take time we do not have." Salem then turned to Minato. "Which is why Minato will go as the vanguard. Upon clearing the way, we will mobilize the second team to provide back-up."

"I will be acting alone, then?"

"Not exactly." Salem's lips curled into a wry smile. "The resident Investigation Team will be attempting to solve this case, so they should be useful allies. In addition, Shadow Operatives Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Ken Amada and Labrys should be en route as we speak."

Hearing that he wouldn't go in alone gave Minato some relief, especially since he was going to be working with his old comrades. Hearing Yukari's name mentioned in particular left a small warmth in his chest.

"Then I guess we have nothing else to talk about then." Salem spoke as he turned to Rachel. "How far do you think we can send him in?"

"Normally, sending him into the tower would be no problem." The twin-tailed vampiress spoke as she furrowed her brow. "Unfortunately, the fog seems to be preventing phenomena intervention from happening that far. I'll have to settle for transporting him somewhere else. Like that supermarket that was built recently, for instance."

"That'll work fine." Salem nodded before turning to Minato. "I suppose your mission parameters are clear, then?"

The determination in the Wild Card's eyes as nodded he told the whole story.

"Then there is nothing more to discuss. Good luck out there, Minato."

Junes, Inaba.

A portal materialized outside of the supermarket, and out of it stepped a Persona User determined to save his friends.

"So it really is back." He murmured to himself. "It's still so hard to believe."

Indeed, he had returned to the world he had left. The world that was still unaware of the sacrifice he made to save it. As he surveyed the area, he could not help but feel that reluctance to see his old friends again.

"It's not that I don't want to see them." He thought as he scanned the area for any threat. "It's just that-"

That train of thought was immediately derailed when he heard the sounds of a struggle from inside the store. All his instincts were telling him that something was definitely amiss.

"All the more to check it out." He sighed. With his Sword of Galahad strapped on his back and his Evoker holstered on his side, Minato Arisato ran headlong into the store, officially entering himself as a participant in the P-1 Climax.

End Chapter 1

Alright! It's the King of Beasts here! And this time, I'm coming out with a Persona fanfic!

Saber: Oddly, this one is not a Fate/Stay Night fic this time.

Mordred: It DOES occur in the Fate/Zero Hour universe.

That's right though. If you have read my Fate/Zero Hour fic, you'll know immediately who the guest characters are. As for when this occurs, I'd say this happens between Zero/Hour and it's eventual sequel.

So yeah, Minato Arisato is back and participating in the P-1 Climax! Will his presence derail the villain's schemes? Or will things go as planned? These questions will be answered as this fic goes on! At any rate, please leave a review after reading! Until the next chapter, I'm the King of Beasts and I'll see you all next time!

Next on Ultimax: Episode Minato: Believe it or Don't?