Marry someone you can tell everything to..

He had no idea how it came about. No clue as to who said what that initiated the conversation -well it couldn't really be called a conversation since that required his participation, and staring wide eyed while.. is that drool? yes, drooling. smh. couldn't possible be considered participating- he was now having with his girlfriend while they were having dinner. Her cheeks were almost the color of her hair, but in the way she was talking one could hardly say she came off as slightly embarrased.

Though she talked in a hushed voice so nobody who happened to walk passed would be able to hear anything, the way her hands moved animately as she told him -with little detail- about her experience with one of her clones while he was away on a mission..


It is exactly what you're thinking.

she didn't sound embarrased at all. Quite the opposite actually. After she finished talking she looked at him and shrugged while plastering a megawatt smile on her face.

Kakashi -finally able to close his mouth behind his mask- leaned closer as he narrowed his eyes at her. His curiosity peeked. She thought his face -though half covered- looked absolutely hilarious. If only she had a camera on her.

"Who are you and what have you done to Sakura?"

She couldn't help but chuckle as she took a sip of her drink. Then shrugged and eyed him as she slowly licked her lips.

"I got a little curious"

"Curiosity killed the cat" He retorted.

Smiling slyly she met his gaze as one of her eyebrows rose in defiance.

"But ..satisfaction brought it back."

She reached for her cup with a little smirk when suddenly she saw money being set atop the table and looked up to see Kakashi standing up and walking around the table over to her -His mask now a little damp around the nose area- and to her astonishment he hoisted her out of her chair and threw her over his shoulder.

"Wait.. Kakashi! what are you-!?"

"Going home"

"But i haven't had desert yet!" She whined amused while the other patrons in the restaurant looked at them curiously. Her hands quickly covering the redness of her cheeks as they poofed out of there.

when the familiar walls of his bedroom came into view, she was thrown on the bed and bounced lightly with a giggle before sitting up

"why were you.."

his darkened eyes looked into hers and suddenly her mouth went dry

" such.. a.. hurry"

his gloves came off, followed by his flacjacket and boots

" get ..home?..."

his mask came down and he smirked at her, sakura gulped.

she felt the bed dip as he climbed on, slowly coming up closer inbetween her parted legs and making Sakura lie back. his lips ghosted passed her troat, paused at her lips before continuing to her left ear, his warm breath making her shiver.

"Tell me EVERYTHING you've been keeping secret Sakura"

A/N: Sorry for any mistakes.. just wanted to get this to you guys asap!