No Voice Chapter 1

At the open ring boxing, an 18 year old turtle awaiting to watch his favourite fighter, the Nightwatcher. The turtles name was Michelangelo, he has the greenest of grass skin, the purest, lightest, most beautiful sky blue eyes you would ever seen, and he wore an orange mask around his eyes. He wore a light blue pair of denim jeans, an orange shirt, black hoody, a pair of black trainers, and a pair of orange headphone around his neck. His figure was very slim and feminine which is why he was wearing baggy clothing, and his smile made him glow so much it was like he was the sun.

The Nightwatcher was a turtle too, he had emerald green skin, golden eyes and a red mask around them, black boxing gloves which are the cheap pairs, red shorts, and a red mouth guard. His brother was an olive green turtle with brownish red eyes and a purple mask around them, black trousers, white t-shirt, and back shows. The brother seemed to be the simple type, he was also Raph's personal Doctor because he was a Doctor that owned his own clinic that helped people who couldn't afford health insurance.

Michelangelo was very happy that his family let him go alone as long as he texted when he got there which he did a few seconds ago and, call and stay on the phone until he got home which he will defiantly do. The best part was it was a Friday night, so there was no school tomorrow!

The fights had started and about five fights later the Nightwatcher came on, Mikey paid endless amounts of attention to this fight, it didn't last long and the Nightwatcher was named winner of the fight. Mikey didn't expect to be there much longer anyway so, he went outside to the back were the boxers left after being given the all clear by their Doctors.

Mikey was the only one there which was a bit shocking, but then again he did come out when he had only been in there about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Soon six men bigger then Mikey and stronger looking then Mikey joined the back of the line Mikey had made. Mikey ignored their stupidity hearing that they were drunk.

"Hay kid." One of the six men said, Mikey turned around. "You're here to see that pussy Nightwatcher ant ya? But then again all ya fucking freaks need each other don't ya?" The man who appeared to be the leader of the gang asked, making the other five men laugh.

"Yes I am here to see the Nightwatcher, but I don't see any trouble with that. In fact, I have human friends so I don't see why you're being so offensive." Mikey signed with a polite smile.

"What the fuck is all this for?" The leader asked waving his hands about trying and failing to copy Mikey's hand movements.

"It's called sing language, and could you please stop with the bad language." Mikey signed.

"I want a fucking answer ya bitch!" The leader declares punching Mikey square in the beak.

Meanwhile, the Nightwatcher was being checked over.

"A few cuts and broses, but apart from that…you're fine." The Nightwatcher's brother and personal Doctor said.

"So does dis mean we can go now Donnie, 'cause I'm kinda tiered." The Nightwatcher explained with a slight yawn.

"Not just yet." Came a very familiar voice.

"We told you before Saki, we're not interested." Donnie said as the Nightwatcher got up and they started to walk away.

"Very well, but you're going to regret it." Saki said in a slightly threatened way. "Goodbye." And he walked off in the opposite direction.

"He gave up a bit too easy dis time." The Nightwatcher said with curiosity and concern in his voice.

"I think he's just trying to freak us out, I don't think we have to worry too much Raph." Donnie explained.

"I guess you're righ'." Raph said with a sigh. They opened the back doors to a badly browsed turtle being thrown right in front of their feet.

"Ya had enough ya fucking freak?" The leader shouts.

"Ya, he has. But I wan' in!" Raph's declares jolting forward quickly and the gang ran for their lives, Raph turned around to find Donnie checking the teenage turtle sitting on the floor for any serious injuries.

"Thank you so very much." Mikey signed, Donnie and Raph's eyes widen.

"You can't speak?" Donnie asked in shock. Mikey shakes his head, Mikey lifts his head and if he could gasp he would have.

Mikey couldn't believe it, the Nightwatcher and his brother came to his rescue. Mikey was blushing by now, "Wow, the Nightwatcher and his brother came to my rescue, but for some reason I feel like I know's probably nothing" Mikey thought.

"Hello, my name is Michelangelo but everyone calls me Mikey. It is very nice to meet you both." Mikey signed.

"Uhhh, Don?" Raph asked.

Donnie chuckles. "He said, "Hello, My name is Michelangelo but everyone calls me Mikey. It is very nice to meet you both." Oh, and…hi, my name is Donatello but you can call me Donnie or Don." Donnie, said politely smiling at Mikey, Mikey smiles back and looks at Raph. The moment Raph and Mikey's eye's met, it was like Raph had been put under a spell.

Mikey had a friendly smile on his face that Raph couldn't help but feel was meant for him and him alone. Mikey was quite attractive and looked to be about 16 years old but was obviously older. What entranced Raph the most was Mikey's eyes, they weren't filled with worship like other fans, his showed friendship, kindness, and trust. For some reason, Raph felt like he know Mikey. Something seemed familiar about him but…what?

"My names Raphael, but ya can call me Raph." Raph said with a smile, Donnie was a bit shocked. Raph never smiled, or if he did you'd be lucky to catch a glimpse of it. Donnie had only ever caught glimpses of Raph smiling unless he was in the mood for a beat down, then it wasn't quite as rare, but this was the first time Raph smiled a genuine smile and you didn't need to catch a glimpse of it, because he wasn't trying to hide it.

"I think we should get you inside, I can examine you properly then." Donnie said, Mikey just nods but he couldn't feel anything around his neck so he checked it, and his headphones were no longer there. He started looking around franticly, as Donnie helped him stand.

Raph realised why and smiled. "Ya wouldn' by any chance be lookin' for these, would ya?" Raph asked lifting up the headphones that appeared to be a bit damaged. Mikey smiles quickly embracing Raph with the arm that wasn't around Donnie's shoulder, when he pulled away he signed "Thank you." And put them around his neck, right where they belong or where Mikey liked then to be at lest. Raph blushed, whilst Donnie smiled and with that got Mikey inside.

To Be Continued

Donnie: *smiles* Raph's got a cccrrruuussshhh!

Raph: *Blushes* Shut up Don!

Me: Stop bickering Raph Donnie, besides it's my story I'll write it how I want!

Mikey: *signs* I like it, I think I really capturers how Raph feels about me in real life.

Me: Thank you Mikey.

Mikey: *signs and smiles* Your welcome.

Inspired by a story on Deviantart called More Than Meets the Eye byorangebarmy