A/N: I can't believe this is the last time I'm going to write an A/N for this story. Wow. It's been an amazing ride, and you all made it possible. Thank you for everyone who helped me work out this story. Thank you for all of you who reviewed, every single update, keeping me going with this, making me so so so happy. Thank you for being patient, and tolerating my delayed updates. This is the last and final chapter of this story (for real), and I hope I gave you an appropriate closure. Do leave your reviews, because, as always, they are the best. And stay tuned, I have so much more stories to come (planned, anyway. Time is still a large issue!). Thank you again, you're amazing!

McCord Residence, January 13th, 2017, 07:32

"Blueberries or chocolate?" he asked as she walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

Walking over to him, she wrapped her arms around his body. "You" her lips touched his softly, pulling him to her.

"And what will the kids have?" he giggled, pecking her lips as his arms hesitantly wrapped around her. She watched as he scanned her, looking for any sign of discomfort. But she settled further into his embrace, her body relaxed against his like it hasn't been since. A wide smile spread across her lips, making him smile too, like fools in love.

"Honestly, after 3 weeks of my cooking, I think they'll be happy with an unburnt toast". Laughing, he kissed her again, deeper this time, his tongue and his hands moving together, needing to touch, to feel every part of her.

"Are you sure you have to go to work today?" he asked as he pulled away for air, still circling her in his arms.

"Yes" she sighed, "but I hope to be home early. And we have the entire weekend". He nodded and offered a sad smile. He wanted to spend the day with her. Heck, he wanted to spend every second with her. It was the first time, standing in their kitchen that morning, that he felt like he finally got her back. And he didn't want to let go. "I'll be back as soon as I can" she promised, as if reading the thoughts that crossed his mind, "I will".

Too busy making out, breakfast was forgotten. It was also why they didn't notice their children standing on the stairs, watching them. They usually interrupted, a disgust look on their faces, whining about their parents' show of affection for one another. But on that morning, it was all the reassurance they needed for so long, and there was nothing they wanted more than to wake up to the image of them so in love with each other. It wasn't that they didn't trust their mom when she promised they were not breaking up, but seeing them, like an image from better times, it was more real than any promises. It was Henry who felt their presence, making him break their kiss. Her back was turned to them and a questioning look appeared on her face. "We have company" he whispered, motioning to the stairs. She ducked her head as she felt the crimson covered her cheeks.

"Morning guys" she turned, moving, reluctantly, from his embrace. "Look who's home".

Running down the stairs, they rushed over to him, wrapping their arms around him as he picked them all in a big hug. And as he served them with breakfast, she felt Stevie's hand touch hers, a knowing smile on her face, an unspoken bond they shared.

McCord Residence, January 14th, 2017, 09:08

He flickered his eyes open, focusing his vision. The room was still quite dark, only a glimpse of the sun threatening to enter the bedroom through the curtains. The house was quiet and the only sound was that of her slow, steady breath. He looked down at the sleeping beauty, curled up in his arms, sleeping peacefully. And then it hit him, like a wave of panic washing over him. Did I pull her? Did I force her into my arms? Did I hurt her in my sleep? He wanted so badly to remember when exactly during the night he left the hold of her hand and pulled her to lie in his embrace. But his mind was blank. The only thing he could remember was waking up, just seconds ago, after what might have been the best sleep he had in a very long time. He tried to move, to shift from under her, too afraid to wake her up, to make her realize what he had done. But she just tightened her grip of him, and opening her eyes slowly, she looked at him, a lazy smile on her face that disappeared the minute she caught his look.

"Elizabeth, baby, I'm so sorry".

Sitting, she shifted, distancing herself from him. "You don't… This doesn't feel right to you?"


"Us, waking up like this, is it that wrong?" the tears that pulled in her eyes blurred her vision and she blinked them away, not bothering to reach and wipe those who rolled down her cheeks.

"Baby, there's nothing I want more than to wake up like this, but not like this, not by forcing it, again".

"Henry, you didn't force anything. I didn't even realize we shifted and settled that way. And waking up, it was the most comfortable thing in the world, to be in your arms". She paused, letting her words sink in, her mind processing what had happened. "You think… It's always going to be there, between us, this thing that happened. You're always going to wonder if I'm okay with the normal things we do, with being just us. You're always going to be afraid, cautious".

"Elizabeth, I don't want to hurt you".

"But you are" she whispered, looking at him with teary eyes. The look of pain returned to his face so quick it felt as if it was all a dream. "I need us to go back to normal. I need you to stop treating me like you're going to break me. And I need this to stop being there all the time. I need us back again, Henry".

He took her hand in his and pulled her back to lie in his embrace, wrapping strong arms around her. He rubbed her skin and kissed the top of her head, inhaling the smell of her that he loved so much. "I need something too" he said and she immediately moved to meet his eyes. "I need you to promise me that no matter what, you will tell me if something is too much, if you don't want me to touch you or to kiss you or whatever. I need to know that if you don't want it, you will voice it. I need to know that you will never feel like you have to do something, just because we are us again".

"Deal" she nodded and he smiled at her, his fingers moving in her golden locks, settling on her neck and pulling her to his lips.

"So um…" he trailed as they cuddled under the covers. Nestled in his arms, he pulled her back to rest against his chest as his hands encircled her. His chin was resting on her shoulder, providing him with clear view to the delicate features of her face. Her eyes moved just enough so she looked at him, urging him on, listening attentively to the words he had to say. "I went to a rape center. When I was in Chicago, I went".

"I'm listening".

"You're okay with this? With me going?"

Her expression turned serious as her eyes met his again. "Henry, this happened to you too. And we both have to heal. Together, but also separately. You are the only person who needs to be okay with you going there. If this is what you want, nothing else matters".

"How are you so perfect and still mine, I will never know". She giggled at his words, snuggling closer to him. "Funny thing is, she said exactly what you said before. That healing is also moving forward. That it will always be a part of our lives, just like so many other things that became a part of our lives. And while they might define some parts of who we are, they are not all that we are. It's not all that you are".

"Of course not, I'm the Secretary of State" she smirked and he laughed, moving his hands to tickle her sides, eliciting a loud laugh from her as she turned and tried to move from his touch. "Stop!" she laughed, pushing his hands away.

Moving his hands from her, he rested on his side, cherishing the beautiful sight of her laughter. "You are my wife, and it's all I could ever ask for".

"Oh you're good" she giggled, pressing her lips to his.

McCord Residence, February 14th, 2017, 20:03

"You are right in time" he said as he greeted her with a kiss, pulling her in for a hug.

"In time for what?"

"There are Orchids, candles, red wine and your favorite meal, all waiting for your arrival. So, Elizabeth McCord, will you be my valentine tonight?"

Taking a moment to think, a coy smile slowly crept up her lips. "Well Professor, I believed I vowed a long time ago to forever be your valentine".

Smirking, he pressed his lips to hers, making her moan softly into his mouth. "After you Mrs. McCord" he gestured the way to their dining room. Taking his hand in hers, she walked over to find the room lit with candles, the light dim. A bouquet of pink and white Orchids stood in a clear vase in the middle of the table, next to it a bottle of her favorite red wine and two glasses. And the food – the pot of cheese Fondue was placed on the table between their two seats, and a plate of goods to dip inside. In the corner of her eye she noticed the pot of chocolate Fondue for later, with the strawberries and her favorite cookies. She grinned, joy spreading across her face. "You" she said, placing her arms around him and holding tight, "are perfect".

"You deserve nothing less than the very best" he whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek.

Taking their places at the table, she began eating while he watched her and chuckled at the sounds of appreciation that were coming from her mouth. "Good?" he asked.

"Dig in and find for yourself" she smirked, handing him the fork.

After spending their dinner talking about everything and nothing at all, they moved to settle on the couch in the living room. Sitting next to him, their lips traced soft kisses against each other's, a gentle touch carrying so many feelings. Slowly, she darted her tongue into his mouth, their kiss becoming more heated as she moved closer to sit on his lap. "Babe" he breathed, breaking their kiss as he felt himself getting too lost in her.

"Take me to bed" she muttered, her fingers moving in his hair, desperate to pull him back to her.

"Baby, I…"

"Henry. I want this. And I made you a promise. I will tell you. I will".

He looked at her one last time. Her bright blue eyes calming his worries, letting him know that this was her own wish, her own choice. He stood, picking her up with him as her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands around his neck. She was so light, it surprised him every single time. He carried her up the stairs, their gazes never leaving each other, promising, silently reassuring. In their closed bedroom, he stripped her naked slowly, his eyes roaming her naked form, the sight of the scars being a reminder. He followed the prints with his fingers, learning them, memorizing. Getting to know her body all over again, as if it was their first time together. She watched him, her eyes following his every move as goosebumps covered her skin, awakening to his gentle touch. They moved slowly, carefully. He was hesitant, needing the constant confirmation that she was okay, that she still wanted it. When he pressed inside of her she gasped loudly, her hands pulling at the hair on the back of his neck, her eyes shut tight. He kissed her then, slow and soft, always so gentle with his touch, being the solid proof of his love for her. "I love you" he whispered when her eyes opened.

Pressing their bodies together, she smiled. "Love you too" she mumbled, urging him to move against her. Quiet moans filled the room as sweat covered their bodies. He kissed her lips countless of times, moving to her neck before returning to devour her mouth, her sounds dying on his lips. He felt her tremble under his weight and opened his eyes to see the pleasure washing over her, her face radiant as her cries echoed in his ears. She had come undone under his touch, allowing him to lead her to the place that belonged only to them. He collapsed on top of her, his lips pressing to the soft skin behind her ear as they both struggled for a breath. With her arms still wrapped around his body, she pulled him closer, his weight being her solace, her guard. His presence curing all aches, forming a new vivid memory against her damaged skin.

He shifted, needing to look at her, to see that nothing changed in her eyes, that it was still okay. She turned her head shyly, as if embarrassed suddenly, feeling exposed. "Hey" his fingers moved to her chin, lifting her head to meet his eyes, "talk to me".

"You brought me back to life" she whispered, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "You were here, through every struggle, and you brought me back to life. And you allowed me to feel loved again, and cherished, and honored. You reminded me of us, and god knows how much I needed that".

"So why the tears, sweetheart?"

"Tears of joy" she smiled, "I'm happy. And I love you so much".

Kissing her again before moving to circle her as she fell asleep, he whispered sweet nothings in her ear, making her giggle as his warm breath tickled her skin. "You are my all" he muttered, watching her eyes closing, a smile spread on her lips.

McCord Residence, March 29th, 2017, 05:38

She heaved, sitting up in bed, her eyes wide open. She sucked in air, trying to catch a breath as she rubbed her eyes to the slightly darkened room. He awoke to the sound of her shallow breaths, to her shifting out of his embrace. He took one look at her and realized she had a nightmare, his features wearing the sight of concern. It's been so long since, and it felt like everything was normal again, as if they could finally call this the past. He rested his hand on the small of her back, "baby, just a dream, come here". But she moved from his touch, shaking his hand off of her body.

"Please, no" she pleaded, her arms moving to wrap around herself, protecting, shielding.

"What can I do for you?" he asked, his eyes fixated on her, his every move calculated, trying not to startle her.

"Nothing… I… Wait it out with me?" a broken, unsteady voice left her mouth, shedding tears.

"Always" he whispered, offering her his hand and intertwining their fingers together as she accepted his hold.


"Hold on

We can make it through the fire

And my love

I'm forever by your side

And you know

If you should ever call my name

I'll be right there

You'll never be alone" – Anastacia
