Face firmly shut his eyes some more to block out the noises. His head ached and he so badly wanted the noise to go away. But he couldn't get it to stop.

"I think he's waking up."

Face was pretty sure he heard Hannibal's voice. But that was impossible? He wasn't at the house. He had left with the team.

"Don't know, Hannibal. He's hurt real bad. Sure takes time."

Yeah. That was B.A. alright. Wasn't it?

"Hey Facey Wacey. Wakey wakey … We're all here waiting for you. Me, the Colonel and the ugly mudsucker …"


Even though his eyes were still closed, a small smile appeared on his pale features as he recognized his best friend's voice. He felt a soft hand gently caressing his cheek.

"Hey, Temp. It's okay to open your eyes. You're safe now. You truly are my hero. You saved my live and got injured some more while doing so. You're at the hospital right now receiving treatment, but you'll be alright again. I love you, Temp."

Zowie. She was there with him and she was okay. His eyes fluttered open. He wanted to talk, but no words came out of his mouth.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant," Hannibal said. "We're all glad you've finally woken up."

"Yeah, lill' brothe'. You've been out for two weeks. You had us real worried this time," B.A. explained.

Face frowned. His memory was all a blur. He remembered being in the cabin with Zowie when they were attacked, but he didn't recall anything else.

"Your injuries were pretty severe, sweetheart," Zowie explained. "You were out for most of the time when we flew you to the hospital and the staff decided to keep you sedated for a while so your body could recover. The chest infection is under control, but we still have you on oxygen just to be safe. You'll be out of action for a while with those broken ribs and your concussion."

"Head … hurts," he managed to utter. "Thirsty."

"You'll have serious headaches for a while due to the concussion," Zowie explained. "I'll give you something to deal with the pain."

She poured some water into a cup while Hannibal and Murdock helped him sit up in bed a little.

"Here, take small sips," said Zowie. "That's it!"

Face eagerly drank the cold water. He looked around at all of the relieved face's from his friends.

"We've been here with you every day, kid," Hannibal spoke.

"Couldn't wait for you to open those beautiful blue eyes of yours," Murdock said. "I've missed you so much, buddy. I'm so glad you're up again. I've been listening to the mudsucker whine every day."

"Shut up, fool," B.A. answered him. "I ain't never been whining. We were all just hopin' and prayin' Face would pull through."

"Thanks," Face managed to say. He blushed with all the attention he got and looked down only to notice he was still dressed in nothing but an ugly hospital gown.

"Oh no," he complained. "Not this! I hate this! Couldn't you have brought me one of my silk pajamas and matching robes?"

Zowie merely rolled her eyes at his comment.

"Yes, he sure is gettin' better," Hannibal said smiling as everyone else – except Face who was pouting – was laughing out loud.