Hey everyone, here's the special Halloween story I've told you about. I'm hoping to get this all posted either before or on Halloween. Read and review what you think and Happy Halloween.

They were the best team in Magnolia; one was a demonologist, the other a paranormal investigator. They've handled many cases over the years, most of them turned out to be hoaxes but few were real deals. One of their most dangerous case involved the Strauss siblings. They younger one in particular. Juvia was working as their secretary when she got a call.

"Hello, Paranormal Seekers, how may I help you?"

"Yes, my name is Mirajane Strauss and I really need some help!"

"What seems to be the problem?"

"My siblings and I have moved into a new house and some strange things have been happening! I think it's haunted!"

"Can I have your address please?"

"156 Hallows Circle. On the other side of Jesper Lake."

"Yes, I am familiar with the area. I will do some research and present your case to them. If they accept, they will give you a call."

"Thank you! My number is 654-9812."

"Thank you Mirajane, have a pleasant day."

After she hung up, Juvia began to research the house in question and prepared her presentation of the case.

"Gentlemen, I present to you a farmhouse on 156 Hallows Circle. It was built in 1944, owned by the Kellin family. Greg Kellin, a business owner, and wife named Helen and three children. Julie, the eldest; Michael, the middle child and Anna, the youngest. A terrible fire erupted in the middle of the night and the family did not survive. The house was closed off for years, until someone in 1965 decided to rebuild it exactly the way it was in 1944 but with modern amenities. The project encountered numerous problems; electrocutions, plumbing disasters, accidents on scaffolding and stairs. It was nearly complete when it was abandoned again because everyone refused to work in the house. Now, only a year ago did someone decide to update the house again. It was completed but there were issues just like the last time. Mirajane had bought the house for her and her siblings to live in, her younger brother, Elfman and younger sister, Lisanna. Mirajane didn't give any specific details but she has said that strange things have been happening at the house. She sounded very desperate when she called."

Juvia ended her presentation for her bosses. One had a blue mohawk and green eyes who favored a jeans and t-shirt look while the other had dark hair and dark blue eyes. He wore black dress slacks and white button down shirts and always wore a silver cross necklace.

"Thank you Juvia for your presentation. What do you think Bickslow," asked Gray.

"It might be worth checking out. Haven't had a good haunting since the Dragneel's. Have you heard from them Juvia?"

"Natsu and Lucy are engaged now and Igneel and his wife and step-daughter moved out of the house," she replied. "No word on if the house was sold."

"It's hard to sell a known haunted house," said Bickslow.

"Not for everyone. Did Mira mention when the strange happenings started?"

"No, she did not. Here's her number."

Juvia handed Gray the note with Mira's address and phone number. He decided to make the call.

"Hello, this is Mirajane."

"Hi Mirajane, this is Gray Fullbuster from Paranormal Seekers. We're interested in taking your case."

"Oh thank you so much!"

"When would be a good time for me and my partner to come by the house?"

"You can come now if you like."

"Alright, see you shortly."

Gray and Bickslow made their way to the house. It was a two-story farm house with a big wrap around porch. Mirajane was sitting on the porch waiting for them.

"Mirajane," addressed Gray.


"I'm Gray Fullbuster and this is my partner Bickslow."

"Hello there," Bickslow beamed.

"Hi! Thanks again for coming. Please, come in."

Mirajane lead them inside the house and to the living room. Mira kept most of the furniture but there was a TV to off set the antiques.

"Nice place. The remodelers did a great job fixing the place up," remarked Bickslow.

"Yes. The majority of it was done in 1965. All that was left to do was to update the appliances and re-paint a few walls and replace some floor boards," said Mira.

"Mira, can you tell us more about what have been experiencing?"

"Wow, right to the point, huh?"

"Don't take it personally. He gets anxious whenever there's a possible haunting," smirked Bickslow. Mirajane smiled while Gray pouted.

"Ok, we moved in about six months ago and we were aware that the house was burned before but that's it. At first, we could hear the sound of someone banging the walls and it would happen at about 2:30 in the morning some nights. Eventually, the banging changed to a woman crying at 3:45 in the morning. I stay at home most of the time by myself and out the corner of my eye, I would see a child running down the halls or up the stairs. I've even heard giggling. But these past few weeks have gotten worse."

"Define worse," asked Bickslow.

"My brother Elfman has complained on some nights he has trouble breathing; that there's a weight on his chest. I've noticed I have bruises on my arms when I wake up in the mornings. My sister though, she's had the most odd moments."

"In what way," asked Gray.

"I would catch her whispering or she would act like she was talking to someone. I don't know about what though. Every time I asked her about it she would just look nervous and try to change the subject. Saying that she can't speak openly of such things."

Meanwhile, Bickslow just wandered aimlessly around the living room, still listening to Mirajane but also to what most people can't hear. Gray noticed what his partner was doing.

"Picking up anything?"

"Yeah. Definitely some weird vibes in this place. I think there's more going on than we know; I just can't quite put my finger on it. Something feels...off; not quite right."

Bickslow wandered off leaving Mirajane and Gray in the living room.

"Is he going to be ok?"

"Oh yeah sure. That's how he operates. Bickslow has a unique talent of connecting to the spirit world. He's told me he can sense other people's souls. He's handy when trying to identify spirits."

"And what is it that you do?"

"I'm a demonologist. I specialize in studying demons and other demonic spirits. I'm even licensed to perform exorcisms. It doesn't always happen though; dealing with demons. Spirits are easy to handle and Bickslow has that covered. I mostly provide back up in that sense."

"When was the last time you did an exorcism?"

Gray grew silent; his mind drifted back to that awful night. Sheets were red with blood and her blue hair almost matched. She constantly screamed in pain but she and her demon sounded similar so it was hard to tell who was who. Her clothes barely covered her and her body twisted and contoured. He said every prayer he could remember in both English, Italian and Latin but it mocked him by continuing to torture her in front of him. There were times when the demon allowed her to take control for a moment so she could plead them to end her life and suffering, but he refused to do that to her. His mentor was with him and through both their efforts they managed to exorcise the demon. Gray then realized where he was; in Mirajane's living room.

"Sorry; it's been about two years since my last one. It was, difficult to say the least."

"Why's that?"

"I did it on someone I know."

Meanwhile, Bickslow continued his personal tour of the house. He listened, he watched, he smelled; he swore up and down that some spirits had a scent. He didn't speak; he wanted them to respond to him first before he did. Then, he heard faint whispering. He quietly snuck up onto the source; he opened the door and saw who he assumed to be the younger Strauss. Her hair was as white as her sisters but it was shorter. She was kneeling on the ground and whispering with no one there. But Bickslow knew better; he squinted his eyes and could barely make out an outline of a child. Lisanna turned and screamed causing Bickslow to scream too.

"Sorry! I was just looking around and I heard voices," Bickslow quickly explained.

But Lisanna just smiled at him. "It's ok. Don't worry about it."

That smile made Bickslow's heart stop and a weird feeling got into his stomach. He stared at her a little too long till she cleared her throat.

"I'm Lisanna," she said extending her hand.

"Bickslow," he said taking it. He swore he felt electricity when he grasped her hand.

"Bickslow? The Bickslow?!"

"Uh, yeah?"

"I've read your books! My favorite was the Dragneel Haunting! So suspenseful! Did Nastu and Lucy get together?! What happened with the family?!"

"Whoa, whoa; slow down. Yes they did and the family is safe and out of the house."

"Oh good! Wait, is that why you're here? Is Gray here, too?"

"Yeah, he's with your sister. I'm just walking around trying to get a feel for the place. By the way, I heard you whispering earlier. Were you talking to someone?"

"N-no," she said nervously.

But Bickslow wasn't fooled. He got down real close to her ear.

"Don't lie to me Lis; you should know I can sense them."

"There you are," said Gray from the doorway. "I thought you were looking around."

Mira was behind him.

"Gray, this is my sister Lisanna."

"Hi! Big fan of your work. I've read all your books," she beamed.

"Uh, thanks," said Gray shyly. He always didn't know how to respond to fans.

"I just took a detour Gray. I'm gonna head upstairs," said Bickslow as he left.

"I'll join you," said Lisanna but was stopped by Gray.

"Actually, I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Ok. What do you want to know?"

"I wanna know who it is you've been talking to."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Please don't lie, Lisanna. I've seen you do it and Elfman has, too," pleaded Mira.

"Even if I was 'talking' to anyone I really can't say."

"Can't or won't," said Gray in a warning tone.

"Can't," glared Lisanna. "I've been sworn to secrecy and no, I can't say with whom."

Lisanna turned and ran upstairs to find Bickslow leaving a frustrated Gray and Mirajane.

"I go through this with her daily now," said an exasperated Mira.

"We'll get to the bottom of this. Where's your brother at?"

"He's working today at a construction site. He'll be home this evening."

"Alright, we'll wait until he gets home and we'll go over the plan of action."

Bickslow was roaming the upstairs hallway when he came across the door to the attic.

"I bet you have some lovely secrets," he said to himself.

"Are you going up there?"

Bickslow turned to see Lisanna standing there; she looked pale.

"Maybe; why? Are you scared?"

"No! It's just; I get a strange feeling every time I go near the entrance. I'm not sure why."

Lisanna started to look even more scared than ever. Bickslow made a mental note to check the attic later and lead Lisanna back downstairs. A few hours later, Elfman came home from work and with everyone gathered in the living room, Gray got down to business.

"Ok, I think what we need to do is treat this night like any normal night in your home and let whatever spirits are here do what they do. It's important for us to see them behave normally so Bickslow and I can come up with a plan on how to deal with them."

"What?! You mean I have to put up with this another night," cried Elfman. "I was hoping you'd get rid of them tonight!"

"This ain't like 'Ghostbusters'," said Bickslow. "This is a delicate process that requires us to know exactly what we're dealing with in order for us to properly dispel them. There are rules for this kinda stuff."

"Bicks and I will have monitors and cameras set up to capture any activity. We do ask for your permission to place cameras in your bedrooms though. Just do your best to ignore us."

"I'm fine with it," said Lisanna.

"I suppose," said Mirajane.

"You just can't put cameras in my sisters rooms! What kind of men are you," yelled Elfman.

"We promise we're not here to peep on your sisters. If it makes you feel better you can watch us set up the cameras and help us turn them on," said a calm Gray.

He dealt with this before and it helped having the husbands or fathers watch the process to make them feel better whenever their wives or daughters were involved. After dinner, Bickslow, Gray and Elfman got to work. They put cameras in all the rooms and hallways and set up the monitors in the living room. Bickslow and Gray were going to stay up all night while the rest of the family went to sleep. Mira made sure there was plenty of coffee for them. After the family got settled in, Gray and Bickslow got to work. Bickslow would walk the house while Gray watched the monitors for the first few hours and then switch. As Bickslow walked passed Lisanna's room, he heard the whispering again. He touched his Bluetooth in his ear.

"Gray, Lisanna's whispering to something. Can you try to record it," he said quietly.

"Already on it. These mikes Juvia got are amazing. You keep moving, we'll analyze it later."

Bickslow lingered a bit more, watching Lisanna. She had her back to him and she was kneeling on the floor. He sensed her presence as well as his and someone else but it was faint. Then, he felt a sense of dread come over him. A more ominous presence manifested itself but where was it coming from? Was it...from behind?! Bickslow jerked his head behind him but, it was gone. Whatever it was, disappeared. Bickslow looked one more time at Lisanna and she was getting into her bed. He then moved on to the rest of house until he went back to Gray.

"You took your time," said Gray.

"I think we should keep a close eye on Lisanna. She knows more than she lets on," said Bickslow as he sat down next to Gray.

"I agree. I'm guessing you picked up on a few things for her?"

"Yeah. From what I saw today and a while ago, she's acting like she's talking to a child."

"You think it's one of the Kellin kids?"

"Possibly. Not sure which one though."

Gray pondered for a moment before he took his phone out and made a call.

"Hello," said a sleepy Juvia.

"Hey, sorry for it being so late."

"It's alright. What do you need?"

"When you get a chance, can you look to see if there are any surviving family members of the Kellin's? For both Mr. And Mrs. Kellin?"

"Of course, I'll do it right away."

"No, Juvia. It can wait until morning."

"Gray, this is important and it's for your case. Besides, I'm usually a night owl anyways."

"I know just; don't over exert yourself."

"Gray, I'm not the same person as I was two years ago."

"I know, I know."

"But it is sweet of you to worry about me. Good night Gray, I'll call you when I have something."

"Thanks. Bye," said Gray and then hung up. He turned to see Bickslow smirking at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Just wondering when the wedding is."

"Shut up; we're not ready for that."

"Dude, the girl is crazy about you. It's plain as day; why you haven't gone down on one knee yet is beyond me. If you ain't careful, Lyon will step in and take her away."

"Like that would ever happen," Gray snarled.

"I'm just saying, don't wait too long. Nobody can wait forever."

Gray sipped his coffee when something in the monitor caught his eye.

"Hey look. Do you see that in Elfman's room?"

Bickslow looked and saw a faint shadow in Elfman's bedroom. It hovered over his bed. He then saw something on the monitor for Mira's room.

"Look, same thing is in Mira's room, too."

Another shadow hovered over Mira's bed. Suddenly, they both began thrash; struggling under whatever seemed to have weighed them down.

"Go help Elfman! I got Mira," shouted Gray as they ran to their rooms.

When Bickslow got to Elfman's room, he immediately felt dizzy and nauseous but he powered through it and woke Elfman up. Gray felt an enormous pressure in Mira's room. It was hard to breathe. He quickly said a prayer in Latin and the pressure disappeared. Mira woke up with a start.

"Easy, easy," said Gray.

Elfman and Bickslow appeared behind Gray.

"Mira! You ok," asked a worried Elfman.

"Yes, what are you doing up?"

"Bickslow said you were in trouble," he replied.

"Can you both describe what happened," asked Gray.

"I felt like something or someone was holding me down," said Mira.

"I felt a pressure on my chest. I couldn't breathe," said Elfman.

It was then that Lisanna ran in.

"Elf! Mira! What happened?! Are you ok?!"

"We're fine Lis," said Mira. "I thank you guys both for helping us."

"It's no big deal," said Bickslow.

"Yes it is! You saved my brother and sister! Thank you," cried Lisanna as she hugged Bicklsow.

His cheeks blushed a bit and Gray smirked. The rest of the night went by peacefully but everyone was too wound up from the attack.