"Did you guys miss us?" I yelled into the crowd. I grinned at the uproar I received. I looked back at my band laughing. Iggy raised his hands encouraging them. Gazzy grinned and waved at everyone while Dylan just give his super model smile. I rolled my eyes at Dylan before turning back to the crowd.

"Now for those of you who don't know us, I'm Max. I started this band in middle school with these idiots behind me. The goofball behind the drums is my bud, Iggy." Iggy played a quick beat for the audience.

"This retard right here goes by Gazzy." Gazzy laughed and played some quick notes on his guitar bass letting it slowly fade out.

"This ladies man over here with the guitar is Dylan." Dylan smiled nice and wide. The girls in the front row giggled loudly. I scoffed at Dylan.

Iggy shot up out of his seat and grabbed my mic from me.

"I feel it is my duty to introduce Max. Now, Max is perhaps the most stubborn person you will ever meet in your lifetime. And more. Max is about as good as cooking as she is at being girly. Which means she sucks at both. Epically. Max is also violent, like, REALLY violen-" I slapped Iggy upside the head and snatched the mic from him. He gestured at me as if I proved his point and I pushed him back towards his drums.

I turned back to the crowd.

"Now that that's over…...We are Nevermore" I yelled holding up my hands and making the bird symbol. The crowd screamed back at me. I pointed to Dylan and immediately his fingers flew across his strings. Iggy and Gazzy both jumped in perfectly letting themselves get lost in the music. I closed my eyes to relish the sound and to prepare myself for when I started. I nodded my head to the music slightly swaying.

Then I opened my eyes and all my thoughts faded away.

(That's What You Get by Paramore)

No sir, well, I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore

It's your turn, so take a seat

We're settling the final score

And why do we like to hurt so much?

I can't decide, you have made it harder

Just to go on

And why, all the Possibilities

Well, I was wrong

I hopped to the beat, laughing and clapping.

That's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

That's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

I drowned out all my sense away

With the sound of its beating

And that's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

I walked over to Gazzy and leaned my arm on his shoulder.

I wonder, how am I supposed to feel

When you're not here?

'Cause I burned every bridge I ever built

When you were here

I still try holding onto silly things

I never learn

Oh why, all the possibilities

I'm sure you've heard

That's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

That's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

I drowned out all my sense away

With the sound of its beating

And that's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

I slowly walked to center stage, closing my eyes.

Pain, make your way to me, to me

And I'll always be just so inviting

If I ever start to think straight

This heart, will start a riot in me

Let's start, start, hey!

Why do we like to hurt so much?

Oh, why do we like to hurt so much?

Iggy, Dylan, and Sam yelled out the next line while I all but screamed the one after.

That's what you get when you let your heart win


That's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

That's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

Now I can't trust myself

With anything like this

And that's what you get

When you let your heart win, whoa

(End of song)

The crowd roared and I laughed, high fiving Gazzy. I took a bow still laughing then gestured to my band. Iggy was standing on his seat and pointing at the crowd and nodding his head at them like a doofus. Dylan was still smiling at the girls.

Well, okay then.

"The next song we're gonna do is called 4ever."

(4ever by The Veronicas (AN: Let's just pretend there's only one chick singing.))

Here we are so what you gonna do?

Do I gotta spell it out for you?

I can see that you got other plans for tonight

But I don't really care

Size me up you know I beat the best

Tick tock no time to rest

Let them say what their gonna say

But tonight I just don't really care

I walked to the front and leaned down singing to them before hopping up and spinning.

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever

Let me show you all the things that we could do

You know you wanna be together

And I wanna spend the night with you

Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah

Come with me tonight

We could make the night last 4ever

I've seen it all I've got nothing to prove

Come on baby just make your move

Follow me lets leave it all behind tonight

Like we just don't care

Let me take you on the ride of your life

That's what I said alright

They can say what they wanna say

Cause tonight I just don't even care

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever

Let me show you all the things that we could do

You know you wanna be together

And I wanna spend the night with you

Yeah, yeah with you yeah, yeah

Come with me tonight

We could make the night last 4ever

Lets pretend you're mine

We could just pretend, we could just pretend, yeah yeah

You got what I like

You got what I like, I got what you like

Oh come on

Just one taste and you'll want more

So tell me what you're waiting for

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever

Let me show you all the things that we could do

You know you wanna be together

And I wanna spend the night with you

Yeah, yeah, with you, yeah, yeah

So come with me tonight

We could make the night last 4ever

Come on baby we ain't gonna live 4ever

Let me show you all the things that we could do

You know you wanna be together

And I wanna spend the night with you

Yeah, yeah with you, yeah, yeah

Come with me tonight

We could make the night last 4ever


"Alright, now we've got time for just one more song. Hmmm…...you know what, maybe not. I'm feeling kind of tired actually. What do you think Iggy?" I asked smiling. The crowd booed loudly.

"You do look kinda tired, Max. Maybe you should stop." Iggy offered.

"I feel like we should do one more though…." Gazzy said dejectedly. I could barely hide my smile for any longer.

"So, I guess it's a good thing that Iggy here has a song for you guys. " I said smiling big and wide.

The crowd erupted once more. I grinned and tossed the mic to Iggy before taking my place at the drums.

"Hit it, Max!" Iggy yelled pointing at me. I started the song off with a steady beat, bobbing my head. Iggy turned to point at Gazzy and Gazzy's fingers instantly danced across his bass joining my beat. Iggy pointed at Dylan and blondie jumped into the mix, completing us. Iggy brought the mic to his lips.

(Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis)


The rest of us sang along with him.

Duh duh duh da da da duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh na

Duh duh duh da da da duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh na

Do do do duh duh do duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh new

Do do do duh duh do duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh new

Why you must be a girl with shoes like that

You said you know me well

I see you and little Steven and Joanna

Round the back of my hotel, oh yeah

Someone said you were asking after me

but I knew you best as a blagger

I said tell me your name is it sweet?

She said my boy it's Dagger, oh yeah

He dusted off imaginary dust off his shoulders.

I was good she was hot stealing everything she got

I was bold and she was over the worst of it

Gave me gear thank you dear

Bring your sister over here

Let her dance with me just for the hell of it

Gaz, Dylan, and I yelled it out for him.

Duh duh duh da da da duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh na

Duh duh duh da da da duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh na

Do do do duh duh do duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh new

Do do do duh duh do duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh new

Why you must be a boy with bones like that

She said you got me wrong

I would've sold them to you

If I could have just kept the last of my clothes on, oh yeah

He waggled his eyebrows at the crowd and some of them laughed.

Call me up, take me down

With you when you go

I could be your regular belle

I'll also dance for little Steven and Joanna

Round the back of my hotel oh yeah

I was good she was hot stealing everything she got

I was bold and she was over the worst of it

Gave me gear thank you dear

Bring your sister over here

Let her dance with me just for the hell of it

He nodded his head to the music and clapped out a beat before singing the next lines.

Chelsea, Chelsea I believe

That when you're dancing slowly

sucking your sleeve

The boys get lonely after you leave

Its one for the dagger

and another for the one you believe

Chelsea, I believe

That when you're dancing slowly

Sucking your sleeve

The boys get lonely after you leave

Its one for the dagger

And another for the one you believe

We helped him sing the ending of the song.

Duh duh duh da da da duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh na

Duh duh duh da da da duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh na

Do do do duh duh do duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh new

Do do do duh duh do duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh new

(End of Song)

Iggy was grinning widely by the end of his song and fist pumped. He whooped and leaned down to slap high fives with some people and he bowed. I rolled my eyes at his antics.

"Now, unfortunately our gig is ending now but catch us next week at the Summer Festival! We will be performing and have an entire hour of showtime. Yes, you will get to look at this beautiful face for a FULL hour. These lovely ladies over here are handing out flyers giving you info on when and where if you don't already know. Nudge, Alex, Brigid make yourselves known." They stood up on their seat waving the flyers around. I saw some people get up and head over and I felt my heart leap.

I grabbed the mic from him and looked out into the crowd.

"Now we really would love it if every single one of you could come out and support us. It's about to be senior year for us and it's our last year to get noticed. Tell or email all your friends, post it online, like our page on facebook, visit our youtube channel and make sure to rape that like button. Honestly, anything that would help would be greatly appreciated. "

"Thanks for coming out guys!" Gazzy yelled coming to stand to my left a little ways behind me, Dylan doing the same to Iggy. We ended each of our gigs like this every time. Ig and I stood in front side by side with Dylan on my left and Gazzy on Iggy's right both two steps behind us.

This is the cool part.

We all lift our hands and make the bird symbol. That's the cue. Then the main lights shut off and a spotlight shines in the middle of the curtains behind us. The cool thing about this spotlight is that it's not just like any other spotlight. Instead of just shining a light like it normally would we always tape a shirt over it with the outline of a bird in flight. That's our symbol.

"NEVERMORE" Then the lights go out and it's all over.

Well, at least until next time.

We all hopped off the stage and walked through the crowd greeting people on the way. I slapped high fives with some friends from school before someone grabbed my arm. I stopped and was pulled into a hug by my friend, Brigid. She pulled back laughing and I saw an arm slink around her waist, pulling her into a broad chest. She looked up at me, her blue-green eyes sparkling.

"Max, you guys were so good!" She smiled. I smiled back and looked up at her, ahem, friend. And I hesitate on the "friend" part because I don't grind on Iggy or Gazzy.

I nodded at him. "Sam. How have you been?"

"Better now." He grinned at me.

"I didn't know you guys were...ya know. " I said awkwardly. Brigid smiled up at him but Sam pulled away slightly.

"Oh, we're not. Brigid just wanted to dance. " Sam said quickly. I glanced at Brigid. Her smile was definitely gone now.

Aw, shit.

"Hey, you guys did really good tonight. You looked great up there." Sam flashed me a smile. I shifted uncomfortably at his stare. I looked again at Brigid. She avoided my gaze. Oh, not again. I need to get out of this.

"Thanks. I'll see you guys later." I went to turn but Sam grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, let me know if you need a ride or anything okay? I'm glad to help." God, stop looking at me! I tugged my wrist away from him a little roughly and walked away.

"I think I'll pass." I threw over my shoulder. I walked away estimating the damage. I sighed. Why does she always pick a guy who ended up fancying me? I mentally added him to the list. Sam, I think makes up four. That girl needs help on how to pick a guy.

Brigid and I were pretty close. I mean we weren't best friends. Nudge, JJ, Angel, and Alex would be more my best friends but Brigid and I had this odd connection going for us. Brigid has this (semi-annoying) tendency to overdo things and to be the best at everything she could. That drive and determination was often accompanied by her extreme attitude. That attitude steered people away from her. Including our friends.

That's where I sort of came in.

I guess I was the one she listened to and I was always the one to calm her down and keep her steady. I reasoned with our friends and told when to apologize. She also asked me for a lot of advice with guys to since she was sort of hopeless in that factor. And sometimes I get carried away and she's there to snap me out of it. I mean, I guess anyone could do that for me, but she has that tone like a mom that makes it work better. Eh.

I finally made it to the back corner where we all usually hung out. They all cheered when they saw me coming. We greeted each other with smiles and high fives, all of us laughing.

"You guys were so good!" Nudge exclaimed. She gave me a one armed hug squeezing me tightly. I smiled big at her.

I walked over to Alex and gave her a big bear hug. She gripped me back, knowing what was coming.

"Thank you so much, Alex! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeezed her tighter even lifting her off the ground a little. Alex grinned at me.

"Max, put me down!" She laughed.

Alex had the band's eternal love and thanks. She was walking to the bus stop after visiting this new music store she found on the other side of town. She was walking past a shabby looking store when she felt it: vibrations. But not just any vibrations. Music vibrations. Being the curious person she is, she followed it around the store to set of stairs leading down. Now, this is where most sane people turn around and walk away. But not our Alex. She could hear what song was playing and it was one of her favorites by Evanescence. So she determinedly pulled her beanie down over her head and slowly descended, hands on either side of the walls. It wasn't very long until the tunnel swerved right and an ultraviolet light lit up a curtain with splatters over it surrounding the big letters MD. Alex could hear the music clearly and she pushed the curtain aside and ducked in. And what she found was incredible.

It was an underground club called Music Density. Bands played their all the time. It was a real popular thing but it had evaded our side of the town's attention. It was a decent size and even had a bar. Older people sometimes came for drinks but the place was mostly filled with high schoolers. They had band night every Friday and Saturday. Alex talked to the owner of the shop, Ratchet, told him how awesome our band was and he totally hooked us up.

We performed for the first time the following Friday with Alex as our manager.

And they loved us.

We've performed there almost every Friday since the beginning of our sophomore year. People from both sides of town come to see us play. We've been playing here for over a year and they still can't get enough of us.

Alex is the whole reason we might have an actual chance at making it big.

Therefore, if anyone messes with her we will pulverize them until nothing more exists of them.

At all. Nada.

"You don't have to keep thanking me. I know, I'm awesome." Alex smiled.

'Yeah, whatever short stuff." Isaac teased draping his arm around her shoulders. Alex elbowed him playfully.

"Hey, Max you're coming to my sleepover tomorrow right?" Nudge asked. My face fell. Oops.

"I forgot to tell my mom…." I trailed off. Nudge looked at me, face blank.

"You forgot to tell your mom about this sleepover that I've been talking about for a month? You forgot to tell your mom when I've called, reminded, texted you every other day? I can't believe you Max! Sometimes you forget stuff just as often as I forget to breath between my sentences. I mean, really Max?! REALLY?! You remind me of Lennie in Of Mice and Men. He can never remember anything that George says! ZOMG it was so sad how Lennie died! I know what Lennie did was bad, but come on! ZOMG I thought it was so funny how Curley's wife died! She was all 'Don't muss it up' and she's dying and stuff LMAO. I'm totes going to hell for laughing at that. ZOMG, I hope I'm an angel even though I totes look fat in white mphfnddu iohhiado!" Iggy covered her mouth with his hand, halting her assault of words.

I blinked. I will never in my life get used to that.

"Give me your phone, Max." Nudge ordered. I warily unzipped the pocket to my leather jacket. I slowly handed it over before quickly retreating behind Gazzy. Nudge might not seem like she couldn't do any harm but those nails could do some serious damage.

Nudge typed something out on my phone before pressing it to her ear. She held up her finger signaling me to wait. I grumbled from behind Gazzy.

"Hi, ! This is Nudge. Yeah, I was just calling to tell you about my sleepover tomorrow. Yes, I'm having a sleepover tomorrow. Well, actually it's not short notice. This has been set up for about a month. Yeah, that's why I was calling. Max has the memory of a goldfish, I KNOW. I really wanted her to be there since she bailed on the last one. Yeah? Great! You're the best! Thanks so much! Yeah, ok. You too. Bye!" Nudge handed me my phone back, smiling.

"So….I guess I'm going?" I asked. She nodded. Whoopee.

"Hey, where is everyone?" Gazzy questioned.

"Matt, Tyler, and Jacob are all at Tyler's playing that new video game that just came out. Becca's babysitting you know so she can afford to buy that new book that's coming out next week. The one she's been talking about all year since she read the last one! Oh, Tess is helping JJ with her Algebra homework and Isabelle's out with Angel buying new contacts. Isabelle just found these new silver looking contacts at this cool shop next town over. So yeah. I think that's it." Nudge answered. I looked at her and slowly nodded.

I'm just gonna pretend I got all that or else she repeat it, word for word exactly. Another freaky trait she has.

"Who's helping us pack up our things?" I questioned looking at the guys. "I'll help out. " a voice from behind me volunteered. I turned around grinning.

"Ratchet!" I ran up and bear hugged him. He laughed, lifting me up and setting me back down. He ruffled my hair while I playfully smacked his hand away. The guys all greeted him with their guy ways. You know, the fist bumps or the bro hugs? The ones where you slap each other on the back and stuff?


"Did we do good?" I asked him anxiously. All the guys groaned. Even though Ratchet constantly said we were awesome I always worried one day he would lose interest in Nevermore and we'd lose our only chance.

"Max, you guys did awesome. You guys always do awesome. Stop asking me after every time Nevermore performs." Ratchet said. My cheeks heated in embarrassment.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Ratchet grinned at me.

"Do you guys want to get your stuff now?" Isaac asked. I looked around slowly before looking at the guys. They looked at me sheepishly.

"Nah…let's dance!" They all whooped and we all took off towards the dance floor. Another thing you should know about me is that I love to dance. Probably due to my obsession with music. I twirled to the music before moving my hips to the beat. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I turned in their arms to see who the hell it was.

It was Sam.

I pushed him away from me and glared at him. His eyes filled with hurt. I quickly turned away from him and grabbed the first guy I saw alone.

"You don't have a girlfriend do you?" I yelled over the music. He shook his head no and his dark brown hair swished across his forehead. He grabbed my hand and twirled me before pulling me into his chest.

"My names Chris." He smiled at me.

"The names Max." I responded.

"I know. Your band's really good." I grinned at his compliment.

"Thanks. I'm pretty good at dancing too." I smirked at him. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"You'll have to show me then." He pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands gripped my waist.


"Is that the last of it?" Iggy asked. The back of Iggy's truck was filled with all of our equipment. He kept all of our sound stuff and whatnot with his drums since it was easiest to keep everything we had to pack with his drums. Most of our practices were at his, mine, or Nudge's house.

"Yeah, I think so." Alex answered. I helped Ratchet and Gazzy lift the last speaker into the back of the van and shut the trunk.

"Thanks for helping Ratchet." I hugged him.

"No problem, kiddo." He teased. I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm like three years younger." I pointed out. He chuckled and ran his hands through his hair. "It's actually four but who who's counting?" he teased.

"Do you guys think that a lot of people will show up to your show? It's next Saturday!" Nudge exclaimed. I felt butterflies erupt in my tummy and swallowed the lump in my throat. I sighed loudly to shake off my nerves. "I hope so." I leaned against the side of the van and nudged Iggy.

"What do you guys think?" I looked to him and then to Gazzy and Dylan. He rubbed his neck and looked slightly down. We were all really nervous but we're trying not to be but we epically sucked at trying not to be nervous. Anyone could tell we were going out of our freaking minds with worry.

"You guys will do awesome." Ratchet assured us. I smiled weakly at him.

"Thanks, Ratchet." Iggy grinned. He nudged me. "We better get going. It's almost midnight."

"Alright. See you guys later!" We hopped in the van and Iggy started the engine, rolling down both our windows.

I turned down the radio and lifted my feet onto the dashboard.

"What happened with Brigid?" Iggy questioned. I groaned and banged my head back against the seat. "That bad?" He chuckled. Brigid and I had a history of, I wouldn't say fights, more like disagreements.

"It's almost impossible to not make her mad." I grumbled. He glanced over at me. "Max is she even worth all this trouble? I think you'd be better off just ditching her." Iggy didn't like Brigid very much. He thinks she's clingy and annoying and does his best to avoid her. It's pretty sad considering she is his step sister.

"I just feel like I owe her." I admitted. He looked over at me sharply. "You don't owe that girl anything, Max."

"I know I don't but I just… I feel like I do." I sighed. Brigid just craves acceptance. She's just one of those people that tries so hard all the time while I found all that work absolutely unnecessary. I mean, how can a person fit all that crap into their brain at one time? They need to chill and take a seat.

"So, what are you planning to do? Give her any guy she wants? Let her take anything she wants that you have? Stop being you because you're outshining her? Some other fucked up bullshit like that? If the world worked like that then this would be an extremely shitty place to live. STOP MAKING THIS A SHITTY PLACE TO LIVE IN MAX!" Iggy hit the side of my head. I yelped and glared at him.

"Did that fix your brain?" he deadpanned. I fumed and punched him in the arm hard. He screamed at me and flailed. "Iggy, you are DRIVING! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP IT!" I screamed at him. I lunged across the middle console and gripped the steering wheel, yanking it right. The van lurched across the road as I grabbed Iggy's lower left thigh and shoved it down. His foot slammed into the brake and we slammed to a halt.

The silence was filled with my heavy pants. My chest heaved and my knuckles were white from gripping the door handle so tightly. All of a sudden Iggy started. Bloody. Laughing. My head slowly turned towards him. My eye twitched and my fingers itched to choke the life out of him.

"You tried to kill me." I seethed. He cackled and looked over at me. "Max, there's no one for miles. We were perfectly fine. I let go of it for like one second before you went Superwoman on me. We were fine you crazy lunatic. Did you learn your lesson now?"

"What lesson?" I frowned. He looked at me like I had grown a second head and turned back onto the road. "That life is extremely valuable so you shouldn't waste your life away to please another human being that isn't you. Especially one that doesn't deserve it."

"I didn't get any of that," I commented. "You're delusional."

Iggy pulled up to my house. "I don't even see why Brigid freaks out all the time about you possibly stealing one of her guys. You don't even date." I gaped at him.

"I do too date!"

He scoffed at me. "Max, dancing and making out with the occasional guy does not equal a relationship."

I glared at him. "I didn't say it was. I'm saying I do date. They just don't work out so I decide not to see them again. What's wrong with that?" Iggy turned in his seat to face me. "Nothing would be wrong with that if you didn't always cut off all ties after the first date. You never let it get any further than that. You, my friend, have emotional issues."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I get it, I'm pathetic."

"Yes you are," he nodded. I smacked him upside the head and he yelped. "Did you want me to lie?" Iggy defended.

I looked at him disbelievingly. He looked at me seriously. His serious face cracked and he started cackling at me. A smile fought its way onto my face and I started laughing with him. We kept laughing until we couldn't breath and both our sides were stabbing with pain. I gasped for air and weakly punched him in the shoulder. He slumped over against the window and I laughed harder.

Slowly our laughter ebbed away and in it's place came a comfortable silence.

"Can you believe it's senior year already, Max?" Iggy asked. I smiled slightly and turned towards him.

"I know, Ig. When we graduate…. everything's gonna change." I said. He looked over at me. I could almost feel his question before he said it.

"Do you think we're gonna make it big?" he asked quietly. I gazed out the window and really thought about it.

"I don't know," I sighed. "But I really hope we do."

He turned in his seat to face me. "I keep thinking if we can't do this then we're all gonna part ways and forget about each other." he admitted. I turned towards him.

My voice softened. "Iggy, you're my best friend. I've known you since you came here as a poor little lost freshmen with no friends. I think it'd be impossible for me to not see or hear from you for more than two days. You've got nothing to worry about." I assured him. I saw his shoulders relax slightly.

"I already knew you couldn't survive without my sexiness." Iggy scoffed. He smiled out the window road, shaking his head slightly.

"And if things work out the way I know you secretly want it to, then we'll be seeing each other until you and Ella suddenly divorce or something." I added grinning. His ears turned red and I thought he might have broken his neck when his head snapped lightning fast to look at me.

"How-yo-I-uh-I didn't-who-I-WHAT?!" he spluttered. I laughed at his face before adding, "What, did you think I'm blind? I've seen you making puppy dog eyes at my sister for the past two years ever since you first met her her freshmen year." He stared at me starstruck.

"You're not mad?" he questioned leaning forward to study my face. I looked at him weirdly and pushed him back.

"Nope. I trust you. But if you do end up breaking her heart I will beat you to a bloody pulp. Understood?" My voice lowered into a threatening tone towards the end of my sentence and I had the pleasure of seeing his adam's apple bob. He nodded quickly.

I smiled cheerfully. "Now that we're on the same page I think I'll be going now." I turned to get out but before I could open the door it locked.

"Since we're on the subject of love lifes I thought we could return to talking about yours." Iggy said imploringly. I groaned and unlocked it right as Iggy locked it again. This went on several times before I gave up, throwing my arms up in frustration.

"What, Iggy?" I said through gritted teeth. There was nothing wrong with my love life. It is not my fault that guys are unappealing. That's their fault. They're the ones that need help.

"Why can't you just open up and make yourself available? I'm sure once guys get past your violent tendencies and awful manners they'll find you bearable." I punched him in the arm. Hard.

He yelped and rubbed his arm.

"That was almost nice of you." I quickly unlocked the door and hopped out. Iggy leaned across the passenger seat to grab my wrist.

"You know, I'm just looking out for what's best for your dumbass right?" He grinned. A smile appeared, despite my best efforts to stop it. He let go.

" I know. Later, loser." I smirked. I walked up to my porch, waving bye. I swiftly unlocked it before stumbling inside. I kicked it shut with my foot.

"You're home late." My mom sat in her favorite reading chair, the lamp on. I glanced at the clock. It read 12:10. I was only ten minutes late.

"I know. I'm sorry. I was out front with Iggy." My mom likes Iggy so I was hoping this would soften her up. I looked at her expression and I internally cheered. Mission accomplished.

"I saw you pull up and it was before midnight so I'll let you off the hook this time." I smiled and leaned down to kiss her goodnight.

"Your father called again." I paused before standing. I smiled thinly at her before saying, "Night, Mom." I stomped up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door and leaned against it. I felt suddenly drained from tonight and barely had enough energy to change into my pajamas. I collapsed onto my bed and cuddled my pillow. I sighed contentedly and let sleep claim me.