By midday, my body is tense with stress. Walking from class to class is painful with the crowded halls doing nothing to put my beast at ease. Anyone making an effort to commune with me is either ignored or snapped at. My thoughts tunneling to how confusing and difficult it is to be away from Fenrir after just one night. Even now as I sit uncomfortably in my double Charms class I feel the urge to be by his side. I venomously regret that we have no classes together and find it very suspicious that our paths don't cross even once in the halls throughout the day. It's as if our schedules were designed to keep us from finding out about each other. A curious thought, one that has me straightening in my seat to glare at professor Farhow from my seat in the far back, it bothers me intensely that he can't physically feel my hateful gaze on the back of his head.

I first hear and then see the door to the classroom open in my peripheral vision giving it little attention until the rush of air from the doors inward motion reaches my nose. My body is tense for a completely different reason now as my eyes are automatically drawn to Fenrir's form standing tall in the frame of the doorway. His eyes find and don't leave mine, even when professor Farhow asks what he wants.

"I need Black right now, sir. It's important," His voice is husky and words quick with fake urgency, Farhow doesn't even hesitate to believe him and dismisses me without even asking if I'll be back. I find pride for my alpha's skill in deception leap to my gut. A feeling keen to giddiness fills my soul as I slip my body passed his, making sure our bodies touch in as many places as possible. I'm the only one to hear his quiet moan of pleasure, neither one of us cares that the door slams a bit too loudly behind us because we're already making our way down the hallway.

At first we're jogging side by side but he's quick to take my wrist in his large calloused hand and starts to lead me down to the dungeons. I feel the air grow colder as we go lower underground but I'm no fool to think my goosebumps have anything to do with the chill. He could be leading me to my very death and I think I'd still feel as elated and pleased and excited as I do right now. I'm surprised by how much I trust him right now, how safe I feel too.

'I suppose if there is anyone on this whole earth I can trust so completely and thoroughly with my life it's my own alpha.' I think with conviction, my eyes softening with affection on the back of his head. He slows us down as we seem to have reached our destination, the closed door in front of us is embedded into the slightly damp gray stone walls and Fenrir takes no time to rip it open, his urgency to be alone with me makes my heart thump hard in my chest.

He immediately backs me into the door to close it behind us, it makes a clicking noise as it locks. In his next move he's parting my legs with one of his thick thighs not stopping till his upper leg is able rub my groin as he wishes, effectively trapping me with his body against the door. I don't give a damn as I writhe eagerly against his leg already hot and bothered and feeling as if we aren't close enough at all. I feel more then hear his growl of approval in every single one of my nerve endings, as I bring my hands to his hair gripping it tightly with my small fists to jerk his mouth to mine. He stops this motion just before our lips meet I whimper in need my eyes flash open to see why he stopped.

He bites my lower lip between his teeth hard enough to add my blood to the open mouthed kiss that swiftly follows. We both groan in union at the taste of each other mixed with the sweetness of blood. His hands move from my hips to cup my ass, maneuvering us so that he's holding me off the ground, I instinctively hook my legs around his hips pulling him as close to my wet heat as our clothes allow. Without breaking the kiss, his right hand follows the curve of my ass back to my hip then it slips in between us. In the same motion that his knuckles ghost my still clothed slit, his fingers pull his zipper down very slowly. A hiss in pleasure-pain escapes him in a gasp as he pulls his length out of the his constrictive pants.

My eyes open and are drawn instantly down to his cock as he breaks the kiss, his nose follows the curve of my jaw to my neck where he then grazes his teeth against my pulse before nipping it and bringing the flesh into his mouth to suckle. The thought of having his hickey branding my neck is strangely pleasing even though I know the bruised flesh will probably be healed before anyone will have the chance to see it. He either doesn't realize this or doesn't care as he works the flesh of my neck raw, before he shifts to lean me more against the door gazing at his work with a satisfied gleam in his eyes.

I spot a smudge of my blood on his lower lip and lean in to lick it, his expression darkens with lust and his hands are suddenly bunching my robes up around my hips seeming to be at the end of limit for foreplay. He pauses at the sight of my lacey thong, I see approval flash on his face before he shreds them from my form with his elongated fingernails. He palms his dick to line it up with me then pauses again his eyes turn to my face a curious look taking form, he drops his dick and fingers my wetness. I gasp, clenching in pleasure when he slips a finger inside me, he's watching my face a surprisingly intense expression on his own, I'm tempted to question him about it when his finger finds my hymen and I gasp in sudden pain. I don't think he could look more pleased then he is right now, and I forget to be offended that he was clearly expecting me to not be a virgin.

He grabs his dick in hand again directing it to my hot core, and without anymore delay he slams into me, breaking my maidenhood and filling me completely in one fluid motion that leaves me screaming around the hand he slaps to my mouth at the last second. The slap barely registers as the shearing agony brings me instantly to tears, my hands move to shove him away in reflex but he gathers them into one hand above my head. He doesn't even look have the decency to look remorseful for not preparing me properly for the first penetration, but I notice with appreciation that he's waiting for me to adjust to the sudden invasion before moving, a light sheen of sweat appears on his forehead at the effort to hold still inside me.

"Fuuuuck!" He moans, teeth clenched and bared, voice strained, "...relax woman, quit your damn clenching already." He thrusts once to show me I have his dick in a vice, and I realize it's my own damn fault that this isn't pleasurable yet. I breath in a deep breathe and slowly exhale, rolling my shoulders and letting the tension fall from muscles in my back and then roll my hips experimentally and unintentionally rub my clit against his skin. He responds practically automatically as he withdraws and then plunges back into my slightly bloody sheath. The pain doesn't come as it did a moment ago, instead of a stabbing sensation it's now a dull throb that bursts with pleasure. My head rolls back against the door my eyes fluttering in pleasure as he continues to thrust and I continue to rub my clit against his pubed lower stomach when our hips meet.

As his thrusting increases a pressure starts to mount in my lower abdomen, a low wind up of ecstasy. He suddenly unclasps the hook of my robe and doesn't watch as it falls to the floor in a black heap. Fenrir doesn't release my hands as I attempt to help him undo my bra instead his tongue licks at the newly exposed cleavage and I arch my back at the sensation of his warm licks turning cold from the dungeon air. Soon he finds the bra more of a hindrance than a turn on and before I can stop him, it too is ripped from my body and discarded much like my thong was. I only have time for a brief glare at his face before he lowers his mouth to take in my pebbled nipple and moves to palm the other breast.

My hands thread into his dark hair cradling his face as he scraps his teeth against the underside of my one breast before flicking the nipple with his tongue and switching to do the same to the other. His thrusting has slowed only slightly at the distraction my breasts caused and I'm nearing my limit as his attentions become too much. I'm thrown into my first orgasm as one of his hands moves to thumb my clit, just the one touch and I come undone against him. At the feeling of my vagina convulsing around him, he too loses it and raises his head to howl at the ceiling releasing inside me with a final hard thrust.

I'm admire how strong my alpha is as he wraps his arms around my back and under my ass in order to carry me over to an old desk, he must have realized I can't stand on my own just yet as we both try to catch our breath. Just as I think he's about to pull out of me he leans me over the desk and nuzzles his nose into my neck taking in my scent, I don't think I'll ever know just how deeply satisfied he is that I smell just like sex and more importantly him but I can read that's how he feels by his prideful and content expression, by the flexing of his biceps as they hold me close to him and finally by the fact that he's already growing hard inside me again.

I moan against his chest and slip my hand beneath his shirt and lightly run my fingernails against the hard muscles I find there, his cock twitches inside me and he chuckles, pushing himself off me, I immediately miss his warmth and almost reach out to pull him back but I don't. Instead I watch him zip himself up and sigh in contentment.

"You're too good at that, I think." He looks up at me with a smoldering half smirk on his face, and I can't help but internally swoon at the wild look that appears in his eyes at my praise.

"It will only get better from here, next time you won't feel so much pain," I feel a thrill rise in me at his words, and I could swear I just heard his breath hitch as I sit up, my still uncovered breast drawing his lustful gaze.

"Next time?" His eyes narrow and move to my face at my question, misunderstanding the uncertainty in my voice for not wanting him again.

"Yes. Next time and every time. We might not be mated but I don't share what's mine. And that is just what you are, mine. You became mine the moment I cornered you in the library yesterday and you'll be mine till you draw your last breath even if you fight me the whole way, I will kill any male you think you can spread your legs for-" My smile at his angry words draws him up short.

"Yours." I start, "but not just because you claim me as yours." His eyebrow furrow in confusion. "I'm yours and only yours because you are also mine. You are my alpha; my leader, my lover and my friend. I'll follow you anywhere from now until my last breath because I choose to willingly and wholeheartedly. I will never be sated of you because for me there is only you. So know that any male that comes into my life in the future fails instantly in comparison to you, because you as are mine as I am yours. But understand, even as you kill every guy trying to get in my pants, I will be hunting down every single unworthy girl that thinks she can claim what's already mine."

He stares hard at me for long minutes after I finish my speech and I stare right back at him not backing down because I need him to know I mean what I said. He doesn't break our eye contact as he takes two long strides up to me and captures my mouth with his in a kiss that leaves me panting and mewling with need for him. He backs me into the desk I was on a few minutes ago eagerly bunching up my robe again and unzipping his pants. That's when I know that my words were exactly what he wanted to hear even though I know he wasn't expecting to hear them.

"Mine," He growls huskily in my ear as he thrusts inside me.

"Always," I moan in agreement. And then we lose ourselves in each others bodies forgetting completely about the world outside this room.