Pairing: LilyJames

Prompt: 724. Burning the world

Word count: 218

WARNING: implied death/murder

Burning the World

It was the only option to rid the world of the evil that had worked its way in. It plagued people in the street, imprisoned those born innocent. It could no longer coincide with good. It needed to be destroyed.

They were a team. They called themselves 'the destroyers'. James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Albus Dumbledore. It was their sole responsibility to destroy the evil that had captivated so many.

They lit torches and left one-by-one. Nothing else could be done. It was the only option.

It was James who spread the Firewhisky. It was Sirius who locked the doors. Remus cast the sleeping charm. Albus had the idea.

Lily lit the flames.

They stood in the room as the flames engulfed the walls. Screams filled the above level as those put to sleep were woken by their senses.

Lily looked at James, reaching for his hand.

"I love you," he said over the roar of fire.

She smiled, gripping his hand tightly.

They needed to perish too, for evil lurked in all of them. If the whole world burned, it could start anew.

If they were destroyed with the centre of the evil, they could guard it for eternity, ensuring that it never slipped onto Earth again.

They destroyed, but they also saved.

This chapter was requested by Karbear10. It was all I could think of for this prompt!

That also marks the end of my second instalment. That is 200/1000 prompts written for. Stay tuned for the third instalment, I've decided to title 'Thrice Dared', which will be up in approximately 24 hours. Of course, I am accepting requests via PM for that, so if you'd like, please PM me!