AN: 'Allo! New story time. One shot unless people like it. Remember folks to Relax, Read and Review. Seriously, review. It is my lifeblood!

Everything was hurting. Everything was screaming. Everything was dying. Everything… was burning.

The trees, the ground, even the air itself seemed to be set ablaze with the unholy and terrible energy that spilled forth from the massive rift in the sky. Simply looking at the unnatural anomaly was enough to hurt the eyes and weaken the barriers in the mind that separated sanity and insanity. But if one were to look into it… gaze into its multicolored, cosmic depths long enough… then you would see them. The multitudes of formless, nightmarish creatures barreling down the tunnel-like rift. Slowly but surely, crossing light-years of distance in a matter of minutes.

Down… down… down unto the mortal world. To burn it all to ash.

Dipper Pines could only look on in pure unadulterated horror as he gazed at the rift, stopping only occasionally to look around at the fleeing and panicking citizens of Gravity Falls.

They were scared… no… that word was insufficient, near insulting, to describe the state of these people. Even 'terrified' failed to capture the unlimited fear that radiated from the poor fools that inhabited the town that was soon to be the first feast of the Great Demons of the Nightmare Realm.

His great uncles, or Grunkles as Dipper and his sister liked to call them, were already trying to coordinate and evacuate the town… but Dipper knew it would be useless. The horrors that would soon wash over the world could not be stopped. Could not be delayed. Could not be bargained nor pleaded with.

And it was all his fault.

If only he managed to hide the rift better… protect it better… or find some way to destroy it… if only… if only he hadn't betrayed his sister when she truly needed him. If only he had promised to stay with her. But it was too late now. It was the End of the World… and Dipper did not feel fine.

The young teen fell to his knees, hands tearing at the flaming grass and tears spilling out of his eyes as the true weight of just what was happening hit him.

His family… they were all going to die.

"Mabel… everyone… I'm so sorry."

At that moment a loud pop of air and a sinister chuckle interrupted Dipper's anguished musings.

"Ah, come off it Pine Tree! It's just a little Armageddon! I'm sure they'll forgive you." A loud, snide voice mocked from above.

Dipper's head shot up so fast that if anyone else were there, they would have sworn they heard his neck crack.

There, floating a few feet away and a few inches above him was the one who had started it all… the dream demon that had not only tried to destroy his Grunkle's mind, but had stolen his body, put his sister in danger and had planned all of this…

The triangular trickster… Bill Cipher.

"Howdy kid! You look a bit down." The one-eyed energy being greeted him good naturedly, happily twirling his cane.

"YOU!" Dipper shouted, quickly picking himself up off the ground and wildly swinging his arms at the lying cyclops.

Bill merely laughed as Dipper passed harmlessly through him, his wild attacks causing him to lose balance as he met nothing but air and soon enough, the ground.

"Whoa there, kiddo! I'm sensing some hostility here. What's got your briefs in a bunch? Ha ha!" Bill laughed as his eye and bow tie sank into his body and reappeared on the other side, watching Dipper once more without even turning around.

"You… you did all this! This is all your fault!" The young mystery enthusiast cried out in rage as he picked himself up and faced the demon with an unmeasured amount of hate and fear.

"Heh, guilty as charged, Pine Tree. But I couldn't have done it without you and your sister! Kudos! Gracias! Thanks a bunch, puppet-boy! Really, I mean, staying in Gravity Falls? Leaving your sister? Your twin? Your parents? All for your own desire for what you wanted for an uncertain future? Really, it made playing your sister even easier than it was for you with the whole computer jumbo!" the demon cried gleefully.

Dipper wanted to scream, shout and cry. He wanted to deny the master of the mind's allegations. He wanted to put all the blame on Bill… but he couldn't. Because a small, self-hating part of Dipper knew the demon was right.

The young teen let out a strangled sob as his arms hung loosely at his side, his fists unclenching and his stance once more unsteady… it just… hurt too much. It was better to just let go.

"What do you want, Bill? To gloat? To rub it in? Well go ahead… you've won… whatever that even means." The young paranormal investigator spat out bitterly.

"Oh, well, glad you asked kid! It means: The bridge between worlds is now open, my brethren are now coming down the tunnel like a big old water slide, and this world is now our personal paradise. Oh, and the probable extinction of your entire species and the destruction of everything and everyone you ever loved. You know, no biggie." Bill explained, laying leisurely in the air.

Once more Dipper wanted to get angry. He wanted to be furious, actually. To deny Bill his victory and state his family would find a way to stop him. That the human race would prevail… but he had seen Bill's power. He could see what the dream demon could do. And now he was free to use all of his power in their world with no restrictions…

What hope did humanity have against hundreds, maybe even THOUSANDS of demons just as powerful as Bill? Free to do whatever they wished with no restrictions…

Dipper knew the answer… none.

"Yeah, my kin will be here soon enough. Sorry it's taking a bit, but you know, I'd saying crossing dimensional barriers that span thousands of light-years in the span of about ten minutes is pretty good. And boy, are they a hoot! Nowhere near as refined or funny as me. They're more into mindless destruction and cruel torture games. Eh, but to each his own." The yellow demon chuckled.

Each word felt like a spike driven into Dipper's heart.

"Yeah… it sure would be great if someone could stop this. You know, someone other than me of course." Bill added casually, almost as an aside.

Dipper's eyes widened and he looked at Bill for a long moment before speaking.

"You… can stop this?" Dipper asked tentatively.

"Of course!" Bill responded jovially. "I put all this in motion. I planned all of this. You think I wouldn't have a way to stop this if I wanted?"

"How?" Dipper asked desperately, running closer to the floating demon.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa… Hold up there Pine Tree, I said 'If I wanted'." Bill chuckled, pulling a small tape recorder out of nowhere and replaying the specific part of the conversation just to prove his point.

"The question is…" the triangular puppet master continued, tossing the recorder over his shoulder and not even blinking as it exploded into a ball of confetti. "Do I want to?"

Dipper looked at Bill for a long moment before glancing at the rift, then back to Bill.

"Do you?" The now teenager asked, his voice cracking with near hysterics.

"Eh, not particularly. Once my kin explode into this dimension and turn it into our own personal playground, I'll be treated like a hero! I mean, like 'every-party-insta-invite' kinda popularity here. But… I MIGHT be willing to close the rift… for a price." Bill said the last part quietly, his singular eye glowing blue for a brief moment.

"What? What do you want? What could you possibly want at this point?! Whatever it is, I'll give it to you!" Dipper said frantically.

"Oh ho ho, really? Are you sure? This is quite I hefty price I'm after." Bill responded coyly.

"I don't care. Please! I'll do whatever it takes, what do you want?" Dipper begged.

"Ah, desperation. An acquired taste. Like bitter wine. Well… what I want, Pine Tree… is you." Bill said ominously, his eye narrowing.

That shook Dipper's resolve just a bit. He remembered the last time Bill took over his body… he wasn't eager for that to happen again... but if it meant saving the world, his family, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

"Me? …you… you want to possess me again?" Dipper asked, confused.

"Oh no, we're not talking about a mere possession here anymore, Pine Tree. No, no… I want more than that. I want… a Fusion." Bill nearly cackled.

"A-a what?" Dipper asked, growing more confused by the second.

"A Fusion. A merger. Hybridization. The two of us. Right here, right now… fuse to become one, singular, beautifully powerful being." Bill continued before apparently losing interest and floating off to idly examine a burning flower patch.

"I… I don't understand. You want to… fuse with me? What exactly is that? What happens to me if we do…'merge'? And why would you even want to do this? I thought you liked being 'a being of pure energy with no weaknesses'?" Dipper called, managing to do finger quotes even as he followed after him as the demon continued to float away, watching and examining random things.

"Have you ever SEEN the Nightmare Realm, kid? You ever BEEN there? No? Well it's not exactly the nicest place, even for us who live there! Why do you think we call it 'The Nightmare Realm'? Why do you think we want to cross over? We want OUT!" Bill said, crying out in barely contained anger, twirling around to face the male twin.

"And you're willing to fuse with a mortal to do it? Why? Seems like you're doing a good job on your own." Dipper asked, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at the portal in the sky.

"The Nightmare Realm is… HELL, kid… almost literally. And those of us native to it can never escape it. We try to leave, it fights us. We spend too much time away without a proper portal, it calls us back. Even if I were to be destroyed, I'd just reform there after a bit of time in blissful nothingness. That portal, no matter how powerful, can't stay open forever. Sooner or later the barriers between worlds will scab over. And there might come a day, a slim chance in the future, that I'll be defeated. And back I'll go. Heck, my so called 'brethren' might one day forget the debt they owe me. I don't EVER wanna end up back where I spent the last BILLION years trying to permanently escape." The dream master rambled, his top hat and bowtie having been replaced with a scholar's cap and professor's collar.

"And… if you do this, fusion thing, you'll be free?" Dipper asked, feeling he might be catching on.

"Exactly! If I were to do THIS… be reborn on this plane of existence with a mortal aspect to myself… I'd be free FOREVER. Free from the Nightmare Realm, free from my cursed, idiotic brethren… free. Sure I'd lose a bit of myself… but after countless millennia in that place with those cretins, it's a small price to pay." Bill stated calmly.

"But why me? You've been around… for ages! Why not do this sooner? With someone else? And you haven't told me WHAT will happen to me… to us!" the young paranormal explorer demanded once more.

"A bit single-minded aren't ya? But I owe you a few answers I guess. You and I will, for lack of a better phrase, 'fade into the background'. Our minds, our bodies, our personalities will fuse into one being, one entity, one demon. My power, your body. A mind born from both. The two of us will…'sleep' in our collective mind, while the new being drives us about. One of us might 'wake up' every once in a while, exerting more control of our personality than the other for a brief time, but for the most part all of our memories and personality traits will combine to create something… new. Something of both of us. It's a lot more complicated of course and this is all mostly metaphor, but it works, eh?" For the first time in the entire conversation, Bill sounded… serious. Calm, collected… and oh so serious.

That itself was enough to scare Dipper even more than he already was.

"As to why YOU, of all people… a demon can't fuse with just anybody. It has to be a very special human. Born at a very special time. With very special traits. I've been waiting a LONG time for you kid… Your sister also might work, but to be honest, kinda got a soft spot for ya, Dip-stick. Ah ha ha!" Bill chuckled, his voice at once returning to his usual flighty tone.

A thought hit Dipper like a freight train. A horrible… terrible thought.

"This… this is what you've wanted all this time. Isn't it? This was your goal all along, all these years… all these plans… to get me or someone like me… but, but… why? The end of the world… all these people. Why go through all this just to get to me?!" Dipper asked frantically.

"Ha ha! You pick things up fast kid! I told you that you were special. As for this whole debacle; the fusion has to be willing. An agreement with no doubt on either side. Would you really agree to something like this if it didn't hinge on the world? Your friends and family on the line?" Bill asked sarcastically as he lent on his cane in a leisurely fashion.

Dipper let all this information sink in, watching as the demon before him idly did flips and twirls in the air.

This was too much… too much to take in. A demon had planned and initiated the end of the world… the destruction of earth and the extinction of the human race… just to get to him. To get him into a vulnerable position so he could make a deal. It all sounded like something from one of Mabel's fantasy stories. But it was real. It was happening.

And Dipper was scared.

He immediately wanted to say no. To spit in the demon's face and stand defiantly in the face of evil. But… the screams… oh, dear Lord the screams… he could still hear them in the distance… all those people… all of Gravity Falls… all the people he had come to care about. Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford, Soos, Pacifica, Wendy, Waddles… Mabel… If he didn't do this… then Gravity Falls, no… the world would fall.

Billions of people… either dead or the demented playthings to creatures like Bill… forever… the world would BURN… forever

"Tick-tock, kid… my brethren are getting closer. If anything I'd say they'll be here in… eh, maybe two minutes. Three tops. The choice is yours, Dipper." Bill warned casually.

Bill Cipher of all creatures using his actual name was enough to snap Dipper out of his thoughts… and into cold reality. The young teen looked skywards at the rift and indeed, the horrible black shapes were getting closer… clearer… all the more horrifying.

Dipper chuckled, although it lacked any kind of warmth or humor. It was the laugh of someone who was beaten… and knew it.

"You win Bill… but, promise me… PLEASE… that my family will be ok… that you'll… we'll… IT, won't hurt them… and will stop those things."

"Heh, don't worry kid. I told you, we'll be a cosmic fusion of all our strongest traits. If anything, I'm sure your misguided love for your family and my unbridled contempt for my kin will get tossed in their somewhere." Bill replied casually with a shrug of his 'shoulders'.

"Then… let's do this. Do we have to do a chant… or a little dance, or what?" Dipper asked, casting his eyes on the triangular trickster once more.

"Heh, you watch too much anime kiddo. Hope THAT doesn't get into the new us. Nah, same old shtick as always, kid. Just take my hand." Bill happily explained, outstretching his thin appendage, his singular eye glowing not blue, not red… but gold.

Dipper looked at the thin, black, stick-like fingers… this was it… he was about to… disappear. Be lost in some abomination's mind. Nothing more than a voice in the back of a demon's head. And that was if Bill was even telling the truth… he could be lying. For all Dipper knew, he was selling his soul, or giving his body up for good… or this could be nothing more than a game, a lie to keep Bill amused while he waited for his fellow demons.

But even so… he couldn't help but smile.

It was for his friends. His family. So even if it was all a lie… the chance was totally worth it. Without a second more of hesitation Dipper took a firm grip of Bill's hand, nodding but once. And it all began.

Gold fire spread from their entwined palms slowly, methodically. Tracing intricate lines and patterns along their skin until it engulfed their entire bodies. The second they were surrounded, they both let out unearthly, heart-wrenching screams. The fire surrounded them, engulfed them and invaded them internally and externally. It became their very being. The blaze that surrounded them became a huge ball of unearthly flame, and themselves nothing more than mere silhouettes in the light. But soon, as the light grew brighter and the fire grew hotter, they weren't even that, disappearing from sight altogether.

Like some kind of unholy kiln or furnace, the fire forced them together. Melting them down to their most primal elements, and mixing them together. Their bodies, their minds, their souls became one. Indistinguishable from each other, bonded together. Forever.

Their screams continued, an added voice in the chorus of frightened shrieks emanating from the town. The pain… the pain was indescribable. Neither Dipper, young and wise beyond his years, nor Bill, ancient beyond belief and knower of impossible knowledge could describe the horrible, unbearable agony that they both felt.

And just as suddenly as it began, it stopped. The golden sphere of unholy fire burst forth, the heat and flames dissipating into the air like sparks of fireworks, leaving a small, scorched body in its wake.

The body of Dipper Pines knelt on the ground, the remnants of his clothes tattered and burnt. Quite suddenly, he let out a small chuckle and let out a single word.


The voice was soft and sweet… but its inflection was cruel and sarcastic. The voice was Dipper's… but the intent behind it was Bill's.

The eyes of the newly created being snapped open, large golden orbs with elongated pupils.

Slowly, shakily the creature got to his feet and with a quick look around, began to chuckle. Began to laugh. Began to cackle madly.

"Heh heh… ha ha... hahahahaha! Incredible! Wowzers! Fantastic! Other loud, joyous exclamations! So this is what it's like… what it's like to be us… me… I like it!" The person who looked like Dipper, but no longer was, cried happily.

He flexed his hands experimentally, occasionally poking himself in the face or chest enjoying the sensation of touch as if it were completely new to him.

"All the power of a denizen of the Nightmare Realm… but with the physical body of a mortal to act on the material world! Ha! I win! I WIN! Power, life, immortality, tangibility, intelligence, freedom, good looks… I got it all! In your face universe!" The new being bragged joyously as he floated into the air, energy crackling around him in violent arcs.

"I'm FREE!" he crowed joyously.

A loud boom, similar to that of thunder, and multitudes of screeching and roaring brought the newborn demon's attention away from himself and towards the sky.

The shadowy, amorphous shapes of the Great Demons were nearing the edge of the portal, multitudes of fangs, claws and tentacles coming clearer into focus.

"Oh yeah! You guys! I almost forgot about you all. What with me, you know, winning and all. Ha, the old me was right. I DO hate you guys. Not really in the mood to share this world with you nitwits either. Sorry!" the being cackled as he raised his hand.

In a flash of golden light, the metal base of the dome that once held the rift appeared in his hand, small splotches of black anti-matter still clinging to the specially treated alloy.

Tossing the metal base into the air a few times, as if testing its weight, the new demon brought his other hand up and with a single glowing finger he began to casually etch a symbol into the bottom of the sturdy metal. The strange sigil resembled a blood-shot eye trapped in several ovals and triangles. The more he drew, the more it seemed to glow and pulsate.

"What began this, shall end it. And I choose to end it now. Just a bit more… there we go… and here… YOU GO!" the young creature shouted as he tossed the now finished talisman into the air.

The alloyed base raced through the air, soon becoming engulfed in gold flames before reaching the edge of the rift. The second it hit the unholy puncture in the dimensional wall, it exploded in a cloud of black sparks and thin, near invisible lines began to encircle the star-shaped portal.

The more the lines wrapped and encircled the rift, the more the wound in the world began to shrink at a very quick rate.

Monstrous shrieks and whispers of outrage filled the air as the demons saw their one way out of their personal hell began to dissipate. They tried futilely to hold the passage open by force, but all this earned them were broken limbs and severed tentacles. Multitudes of eyes and slits where eyes should have been glared hatefully at everything they could in the mortal world, before they all focused at once on the being that was once Bill Cipher and Dipper Pines. Unspoken promises and threats were passed without a single word in the span of a second as eyes and what could barely pass for eyes glared hatefully at the traitor.

The yellow-eyed demon child responded by grinning widely and giving them the finger.

With a final shriek of hate, the portal shut itself in a large, loud implosion that shook the town of Gravity Falls worse than any earthquake and the sky, slowly but surely, returned to its normal serene blue.

Silence reigned for a few moments before the fused being dusted his hands in a theatrical manner and laughed to himself as he slowly descended and landed back onto the ground.

"Well, that takes care of that. Now… time to get to know me!" the creature that sounded like Bill, but no longer was decided.

With a few angled twists and twirls of his waist and unnatural turns of the neck, the newborn demon began to inspect himself.

"Hmmm… half Bill Cipher… half Dipper Pines… all awesome! Hmmm… but what does that make me? Oh! Wait… what was it Mabel called the old me when he possessed the other old me?" The demon wondered aloud, tapping his foot in thought, sparks of energy spitting in every direction each time his foot hit the ground.

"Oh! Bipper! That's it! Bipper… Biiiiippppperrr… Bipper! Bipper Bipper Bipper! I like it! Hello, my name's Bipper! Nice to meet'cha! Hiya, I'm Bipper! Call me Bip for short! Howdy ho! Folks call me Bipper!" the newly named Bipper laughed insanely as he enjoyed the sensation of having a title.

Having settled that, he idly looked himself over. Somehow the torn and ragged clothes of the former Dipper Pines just didn't seem 'him' anymore.

"Hmph, well if I'm gonna take the name…. why not the look to?" With a snap of his fingers the old vestiges of Dipper Pines vanished and were replaced with newly pressed and impossibly clean attire.

With another snap of his fingers a full length mirror appeared and the newly created demon took a long look at himself.

He now sported the reverend costume that Mabel had made for her sock puppet play, but without the clerical collar around his neck. For some strange reason, now that he was a demon, organized religion just no longer sat well with him… go figure.

"Well, hello there hot stuff!" Bipper said teasingly, making a combination of silly and suggestive poses at himself in the mirror.

Having his fill of himself for now, he straitened his ribbon bow-tie and snapped his fingers once more, making the mirror disappear.


Bipper blinked at the call of one of his old names as he turned and saw his family approach… or was it his former family? Pseudo-family? Mortal family? …fusion was confusing.

"Dipper! The big star thingy closed! What happened? What did you do? Did you do something cool? I bet it was cool! What cool thing happened?!" Mabel babbled excitedly.

"Kid, I don't know what you did, but-" Grunkle Stan began but was stopped by Ford grabbing both his arm and Mabel's shoulder.

Grunkle Ford stared at Bipper for a long second before his eyes narrowed and his mouth creased into a frown.

"Stan, Mabel… stop. That isn't Dipper." The genius of the family nearly growled.

"What the heck are you on about Ford?" Stan questioned as he shook free of his brother's grasp.

"Yeah Grunkle Ford, it looks like Dipper… although why he's dressed all fancy I don't know." Mabel added.

"Mabel, you've dealt with… him before. Look at his eyes." For spoke calmly, but there was an obvious edge of anger.

Mabel did as instructed and gaped as she noticed the golden eyes.

"Bill! Dipper! Bipper." She stated coldly.

"Ha ha! Got it in one sis!" Bipper cried out jovially.

"I'm not your sister! Now get outta my brother you isosceles monster!" Mabel ordered.

"What the heck are you two on about? Mabel, you been drinking Ford's coffee again?" Stan demanded, confused and a tad bit worried.

"Heh, sorry Mabel and old guys! No can do! See, I've become… exceptionally 'attached' to this body. Considering, you know… it's mine! Heh heh heh." Bipper giggled.

"What are you on about Bill? Your plan has failed. Whatever Dipper did, the rift is gone, the portal closed. You and your demonic hordes can never again enter our world." Ford stated confidently.

"Oh ho, Sixer. Bill's plan went off without a hitch. Just too bad for his former roommates, they were never really part of it. And as to what *I* did, why yes. All the bad monsters are indeed all gone. Oh sure, they could try this all again… it would just take them another BILLION years… maybe two, heh."

"What you did? …wait… you're not… you're not Bill, are you? But… you're definitely not Dipper." Mabel mumbled worriedly, a sense of dread forming in the pit of her stomach.

"Hoo boy, sis! You always were smarter than people gave ya credit for. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the offshoot of Bill and Dipper. Your new brother and nephew. Call me Bipper! Ha ha! I love that name!" Bipper smiled widely.

"…no…" Ford nearly whispered. "Dipper… you didn't."

"Oh but I did! Or, rather… he did. And it feels GREAT Grunkle Ford! I've never felt better!"

"Stan, Mabel, get him! We've got to get him to the lab immediately!" Ford ordered and ran towards the small demon.

Bipper merely smiled and snapped his fingers.

A blue light suddenly surrounded Stanford, freezing him mid-run.

Stan and Mabel could only stare in shock at not only Ford trying to attack Dipper, but also at the power this… Dipper look-a-like displayed. The two shared a look before Stan slowly made his way towards his… nephew?

"Kid… listen, I haven't a peanut sized clue whatever's going on, but maybe we better listen to Ford, eh? Let him go and we'll go down to the lab. See what's going on. We're your family, remember?" Stan tried to reason with his demonic relative.

"Oh, but Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford can't do anything at this point anyway. Besides! Didn't you hear me? I feel great! I-" Bipper stopped as he noticed one particular person missing from this scene.

"Oh ho, that's adorable." Bipper smiled as he snapped his fingers once more, a similar field of blue energy appearing around Stan.

Bipper turned his head around, eyes meeting those of his former twin, also encased in blue energy, stopped right in the middle of trying to tackle him from behind.

"Well… I can see you guys need some time to process this. Maybe a year or two. I'll be back then. In the meantime! I think I'll go for a bit of a walk about. See a few places, meet a few people. Destroy some stuff, make some lives a living nightmare… I don't know. Kinda getting used to being me. Oh! But before I do!" Bipper said, mostly to himself.

With another snap of his fingers the three Journals appeared before the young demon. With a large grin he snatched them up and tucked all three under his arm.

"Sorry Grunkle Ford, but I'm gonna borrow these! There's still some interesting stuff in here. Don't worry, I'll give them back once I've had my fun… in a few years or so. See ya guys later! Ha ha!"

"Dipper! Please, I know you can hear me! Stop!" Ford called out, using all of his willpower to get his mouth working past the freezing effects of the energy field.

Bipper merely cackled to himself as he skipped away into the woods, out into the wider world as his family could only watch in frozen horror as their beloved Dipper vanished.

Before he did however, they heard him sing eerily to himself, haunting words that they would always remember.

"No puppet strings, could hold me down,

So patiently, I watched this town.

Abnormal is now the norm,

Watch out world, here comes the storm!"

AN: Just a little brainstorm I had one day and had to get out. Would be nice to see if Bill's entire plan to bring about the end of the world is just a misdirection for his real goal. I might continue this if people like it.

If I do continue it though, I'm thinking of making it a crossover… having Bipper travel to different towns and cities and meet people from other shows, causing fun and mayhem with the other Pines hot on his trail to try and get Dipper back.

Tell me guys if I should continue this, if I should make it a crossover, and if I do, which show would you like to see first? Remember to Relax, Read and Review! Tata!