I'm still writing the final chapter for Most Eligible Female and am still co-writing Our Darkest Hour together with the talented IrishLuck55. In the meantime I had the following idea…

Less than stellar student Emma Swan needs this internship badly. Her new boss, Regina Mills has something entirely different in mind than using the girl as her personal assistant though. One thing she is certain of: the stubborn blonde will bend to her wishes. It's just that she hadn't expected to ever be so mesmerized by someone.

Chapters will be very random in size. Updates should be regular. This story is still in the process of being written so feel free to share your suggestions or of course… give me feedback. I love reviews and those who leave them ;)

May I present to you...

the exposition chapter




Not even two full months. That's how long it took her to get me there... In that position... barely clothed... blushing under that woman's pointed gaze.

I tried to remember how I'd gotten there.

The first couple of weeks had been interesting already. She'd look at me as if I was some little kid that knew absolutely nothing of anything I said.
She'd just snort or roll her eyes at anything I'd say.

It made me want to do the exact same thing whenever she said something...
But of course I was her employee... And her face was sculpted to look at people like me in disgust. Faces like mine were made to gawk at beauties like her...
It's just that I obviously couldn't do that. As much as I wanted to.
And I wanted to, badly.

After a while she just started to ignore me all together.
She'd interrupt me in the middle of a sentence without even acknowledging my presence... It was offensive really.

One day, that day, she sent me a text that said she needed black coffee on her desk in 5 minutes.

I knew I had to conquer the horrible weather in order to get it but there was no time to waste... So I put on my coat and made a quick run for Starbucks.

I got entirely drenched but got her her damned coffee.

When I went into her office I noticed how she looked like she'd been crying.

I was confused and a part of me was even worried.
But that made no sense because I had no reason to be worried about her at all. She'd been ignoring me for weeks.
It hurt me and she shouldn't have had the effect on me that she did.

So I pushed the emotions back.

"One black coffee."

"Thank you, dear." She sighed.

She sounded tired and it somehow… made me linger.

"Is everything okay?" I dared to ask her.

"No..." She shook her head and gave me a wry smile. I could see the water in her eyes.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked her next because what else could I have said?

She seemed to hesitate then when she looked at me... It was intense... It was as if she was staring into my soul and considering something huge.

She took a couple of steps towards me. Her eyes traveled down the length of my body. My clothes were drenched still... that horrible weather…
I was ruining her expensive carpet.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry... I should" I stammered nervously when I noticed.

"Language dear." She chuckled and came to stand in front of me.

"You should take these off." She nodded while holding my gaze and stealing my breath.

I honestly couldn't believe what was happening... This was my boss.
My gorgeous and extremely scary boss that had been ignoring me for weeks. And frustrating me immensely.

"What do you mean?" I only managed to whisper.

Her breath fell onto my face and rendered me entirely speechless while she pushed the first layer of fabric off of my shoulders and left it laying on the ground.

She kept going... Undressing me while I just stood there. Completely still.
Until I was wearing nothing but my underwear. And one hell of a blush.

"Miss" I whispered and then bit my lip.

I was mildly embarrassed at how shaky that sounded and blushed.

The small smirk that played onto those gorgeous lips I'd desired to kiss so many times before nearly killed me.

"Emma" she seductively whispered my name onto my cheek.

I couldn't help but smile like a teenager... Completely smitten with my big crush. Which in all fairness... Is exactly how I felt too.

I was so very aware of the state of my nipples pushing hard against the cups of my bra... How they ached to be... tasted.
My mind absolutely reeled at the thought of her being the one doing that to me. For me.

"Is this real?" I must have breathed out. I honestly didn't plan on saying that out loud but I wasn't really in control of myself at all at the time.

She laughed. Beautifully so.

And I followed. The nerves rushing through me.

"It appears so." She told me huskily.

"Tell me, Miss Swan... How long have you been thinking of this?"

One of those eye brows that both threaten and arouse me arched high.

I shook me head, convinced that I was entirely red since that is how I felt. Flustered endlessly.

"As long as you have, I reckon" but I too could smirk.

"That long hu?" She smiled... this time soft and sweet and hinting that we were both feeling so much of the same.

It had started the moment she let me into her office. Day one. Or zero, really. Because that was before I even started working there.

I didn't even want the job. But it was necessary that I at least showed up for the interview.
I needed an internship to give my grades that extra boost they needed to... pass, really.
I know I'd been slacking but the last couple of months it had been so hard to find the right motivation
to keep working hard for a diploma I didn't even know for sure I wanted.
Because... Who'd ever hire me anyway?

Apparently Regina Mills would...

Not that the interview had gone so well. Anything but. It had gone horrible.
I was less than half a minute late and got a scolding that had me irritated before she even asked me for my name.

Then she laughed at my name and asked a bunch of questions she knew, I could see it on her face, I wouldn't even understand let alone know the answer to.

I'd rather skin my own skull than work for that bitch I remember thinking
and actually thought I was safe because of how painfully horrible the interview was going.

Until she told me I had the job and that by the time she'd be done with me, I'd be the obedient girl I should be.

That kind of gave me pause but my options were slim.
If I'd refuse to work for her... my studies would be over...
And as much as I'd been slacking... I really had put too much money and effort into those first two years of college already to stop now.

That left me with only one option... Work for the bitch. My body had been tense ever since that moment. Ever since she'd smirked and uttered those words.

"My every wish, is your command, Miss Swan."

I'd swallowed, furrowed my brows a little nervously, hoping she wouldn't notice -which she did anyway... I could tell by the widening of her smirk- and nodded.

"Yes Miss."

I felt like a little puppy because as much as I wanted to hate her... I couldn't help but admire her beauty and the way she made me shiver.

"Now leave and be here by 7 am on Monday. Not a second late or there will be consequences."

I'd nodded. Scared shitless of whatever consequences she could come up with... determined to never find out.

Sooooo, worth a shot?